In the Allen Mine, the entire barren hills were surrounded by a cordon. Police cars were parked outside the cordon. From time to time, heavily armed special police officers looked around, wary of the approach of unrelated persons!

Yin Fu slowly walked forward and showed his ID. Under the leadership of a man named Fobol, he walked into the dark cave.

At this moment, a huge pit has been dug out of the entire cave, with five white tents surrounding it.

"Hi, Yin Fu."

Jim, wearing a heavy coat, greeted Yin Fu with a solemn look on his face.

"How about it?"

"The pothole has been sealed, and something special has been found inside!" Jim's eyes flickered and his voice was a little urgent.

Yin Fu patted him on the shoulder, and soon he and Nora, wearing white protective suits, entered the mine under the leadership of a staff member.

As the mine went deeper, under the illumination of searchlights, some unknown slime began to appear around the mine.

Yin Fu looked at the mucus gathered in a puddle somewhere, and he vaguely seemed to see something.

"Nora, bring the ultraviolet light!" Yin Fu thought thoughtfully.

Soon, purple light shone on the entire mine rock wall. Looking around, Yin Fu and Nora both had shock in their eyes.

On the rock walls everywhere, there were unknown traces of gleaming light emitted by ultraviolet lamps. There was much more to this special liquid than what they saw!

Under the illumination of the ultraviolet lamp, a tiny worm emitted flame-burning mist, and was instantly scorched in Yin Fu's surprised eyes.

After a series of sterilization and disinfection measures, Yin Fu came to the research tent nearby with a hint of eagerness.

At this time, Jim was watching a staff member operating something. Yin Fu walked up to him. The man was holding tweezers and slowly placing the slide containing the liquid collected in the pit under the microscope.

"Inside here..."

The staff member frowned, and Yin Fu took the microscope from his hand and looked at it intently.

There seemed to be several tiny insects inside the unknown liquid, slowly squirming.

"Initiate first-level prevention and control measures!"

Yin Fu's face was more solemn than ever before. Thinking of the people who died in the hospital ward, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Commissioner Yin Fu! There is an old man outside who wants to see you!" A Fobo suddenly walked in from outside the tent.


Outside the cordon, Yin Fu looked impatiently at the old man with white hair and a cane in front of him.

"Are you the person in charge here?"

Abraham looked at Yin Fu solemnly.

"Yes! What can I do for you?"

Yin Fu tried his best to suppress the anxiety in his heart and said in a deep voice. Now he is a little anxious because of the unknown epidemic and has no time to comfort an old man who has lost his family.

However, things did not develop as he expected!

"Those people are all infected. Everyone who comes out of the pit must die. Their heads must be chopped off to stop the Blood Lord's conspiracy!"

Abraham looked at Yin Fu with anger in his expression.


Frowning, Yin Fu looked at the old man in front of him who seemed to be talking nonsense. He was somewhat doubtful about the mental state of the old man in front of him!

"Old sir, please leave first. Things here are under the control of our CDC!"

Rejecting Abraham's proposal directly, Yin Fu turned around and left. Nora on the side looked at Abraham apologetically.

"You must chop off their heads, they will be resurrected again, and then they will be bloodthirsty monsters!" Abraham roared angrily, and soon, he was pulled away by Jim.

After poking the crutch in his hand bitterly, Abraham sped away in the old car.

Nora, who was walking behind Yin Fu, watched the old man leave with thoughtful eyes.


"Yin Fu, maybe you should listen to that old man's opinion seriously!" Nora looked at her long-time friend and colleague.

"Cut off the head? How old is this? I really doubt that he... has some problems!" Yin Fu nodded his head with one hand, looking a little helpless.

Jingle Bell!

The ringtone of the mobile phone was particularly harsh in the mine. Yin Fu looked at the caller ID and hurriedly answered the call.

"What? Come to life?"

With a trace of surprise on his face, Yin Fu hurriedly hung up the phone and rushed out of the mine like flying!

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New York Central Hospital, Yinfu strode forward, followed by Nora and Jim.

There was a lot of excitement outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at this moment.

"They are the family members of the victims in the mine, and there are also some reporters!" Nora stood next to Yin Fu and said quickly.


Yin Fu ignored these people and walked straight into the hospital. His eyes immediately saw the people surrounded by many isolation sheds at the moment.

His eyes passed over the familiar faces, and he came to a pale man.

"Doctor, I'm fine now, please let me go home!"

The pale man stared straight at Yin Fu. At this time, a mysterious voice kept ringing in his heart, urging him to go home and see his family.

Looking at the face of the man in isolation, Yin Fu frowned. The man in front of him didn't look good, and his skin was even abnormally gray!

This is most likely a sign of an underlying disease!

"Sorry, sir, maybe you may have to stay here for a while!" Yin Fu's tone was unquestionable, but soon, the phone rang in the office of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Jim rushed forward with anxiety on his face.

"Yin Fu, orders have been issued from above to release all survivors home!"

"What? What are the people above thinking? There must be something wrong with these people!"

Yin Fu stared at Jim with eyes full of disbelief. Then he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number. As the call was connected, Yin Fu's expression kept changing in just three minutes.

Soon, with the help of medical staff, all those who survived were sent to their families by the CDC, and each one was taken home.

His face was extremely gloomy, Yin Fu was a little confused as to what the people above were thinking, and Nora patted his shoulder with a worried look.

"By the way, where are those who died?"

"It should still be in the morgue!"

Rushing towards the morgue quickly, he realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the messy morgue. Their eyes passed over the blood on the ground. Yin Fu's heart sank, and Nora couldn't help but scream.


I saw a fat body lying quietly on the ground, his neck covered in blood.

Yin Fu rushed forward in a hurry, and Jim's expression changed drastically.

Just when Yin Fu was about to run in front of David, David, who was covered in blood, suddenly twitched and sat up from the floor.

The sudden change caused Yin Fu to stop instantly, and at the same time, he subconsciously pulled Nora beside him.

Under the nervous gazes of the three people, the pale David stood up unsteadily, and then slowly walked towards Yin Fu.


Nora's face was filled with concern, and she noticed David's dull eyes.

"There's something wrong with him!"

Yin Fu's eyes were fixed on David's pale face. When this former friend was a few steps away from him, his pupils shrank instantly and he stared straight at him.

The next moment, under the horrified gazes of the three people, David's cheek slowly split open, and a flesh thorn shot out from his mouth like lightning, aiming directly at Yin Fu!

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