The azure blue energy cannons hit Astra one after another, and the explosions instantly blasted Astra out.

"I don't want to play with you anymore." Su Sheng heard the sound of the helicopter. It should be the agent of the Super Investigation Department, right? After saying a word, Su Sheng banged directly into the sky and flew away.

"Don't go!"

Supergirl hurriedly shouted that she wanted to catch up, but it was too late, and Su Sheng had long since disappeared. She turned her head to look at Aunt Astra, but found that Aunt Astra was gone. After a while, she saw the plane slowly hovering in the sky, and Supergirl flew over helplessly. Knowing that Alex has returned to the headquarters of the Super Investigation Department, Super Girl sighed in relief and flew to the Super Investigation Department.

Super Investigation Department.

Alex, Hank Henshaw and others are studying the steel suits sent by Su Sheng, and the production technology related to nano-shrinking technology, etc. are relatively easy to crack, but the core-driven energy program is definitely not something that existing technology can do. Yes, especially Gideon's encryption is enough to ensure that the Super Investigation Department can't study and copy.

Seeing Supergirl, Alex hesitated and wanted to remind her that Su Sheng had a bad heart, but she didn't dare to say it when she thought of Doomsday. Alex decided to observe Su Sheng, and if he really had a problem, it would not be too late to tell Supergirl.

Either the Super Investigation Department or Astra.

They stayed up all night because of Su Sheng.

However, Su Sheng returned to the apartment while chatting with Jesse, while watching the information from the Super Investigation Department passed back through Alex's suit. It has to be said that the information about aliens held by the Super Investigation Department is quite detailed and rich, and the research on Kryptonians is particularly in-depth.

They can research kryptonite emitters, and can adjust different intensities to affect the physique and strength of Kryptonians. A concentrating solar wave has been developed to simulate the earth's yellow sun to help Kryptonians recover. As for some low-level kryptonite equipment, there is an endless stream of them.

At the same time, Gideon has also analyzed the frequency of the world so that Su Sheng can communicate with Laura, who has a steel suit on Earth One. After contacting, Su Sheng simply asked about Earth One's situation. Nothing major happened in Canterlot, the Flash still ran around every day, Superman disappeared after the Metropolis incident, and Batman returned to Gotham.

This shows how hard it is to be a hero? Even if he saved the world, he would be threatened, but Su Sheng, the instigator, had nothing to do. He just adjusted the file to the highest level, not even a wanted one, and even the previous wanted in Central City was removed. So it's more nourishing to be a villain than a hero these days.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The sun shone on the earth, and Su Sheng crossed Jesse to find the phone and connected.

The call was from Supergirl Kara Danvers, who wanted to invite him to dinner at home and get to know her family by the way. Alex was the only one who could know him, and Su Sheng accepted it indifferently. Get up, eat, find a place to continue making the new steel battle suit. After the successful production, after testing and adjusting the details, and reinforcing it with lead, the new battle suit was successfully produced before nightfall.

"Find a way to combine these two suits. I can't go out and switch back and forth wearing two suits." After sending Jesse back, Su Sheng found a new topic for her, and followed Karadan's instructions. The address Firth gave went to her house.

It was Alex who opened the door.

After seeing Su Sheng, her expression changed slightly, and then she pretended to meet Su Sheng for the first time and chatted with Su Sheng. Su Sheng's acting skills were also good. In short, this meeting like 'meeting the parents' seemed to be very smooth, until Super Girl received it. After receiving some information, he lied that there was an important problem in the company that needed to be retrieved, and then left in a hurry.


As soon as the door closed, only Su Sheng and Alex were left in the room.

The smile on Alex's face disappeared instantly.

"As for it? Are you so dissatisfied with my brother-in-law?" Su Sheng came to Alex and sat down, reaching out and hooking her shoulders and asked.

"This is not something my brother-in-law would do!" Alex snorted and avoided.

"How about the battle suit?" Su Sheng asked in disapproval.

Alexton paused. "The kryptonite pattern on the suit, is it for Kara or for Kara's aunt?"

"It's up to you, anyway, the battle clothes are given to you." Su Sheng chuckled. "Did you tell Hank Henshaw my identity?"

Alex shook his head.

"That's right." Su Sheng reached out and hooked Alex's shoulder again. "He's not as simple as you know. Seeing how good you are, I'll reward you with a secret!"

"What?" Alex didn't dodge after hearing this, but wanted to take the opportunity to know more news.

Su Sheng slowly approached Alex with a smirk. The close distance made Alex quite uncomfortable, and instinctively wanted to avoid her, but Su Sheng suddenly held her shoulders strongly, He whispered in his ear, "Your father's death is related to Hank Henshaw!"

"What?" Alex excitedly turned his head to look at Su Sheng. He turned his head too far, and as soon as he turned around, he was with Su Sheng.

Looking at each other, Alex instantly widened his eyes and tried to avoid it.

But Su Sheng smirked secretly and pried open her teeth, and pressed her hands on the sofa.


Alex groaned and struggled to resist, the feeling made her feel like she wanted to be sick. But Su Sheng wouldn't let her go, and he let her go after a taste of it.

An angry Alex slapped his hand and called over.

"Don't you like Kara? How can you..."

"Speaking of Kara, maybe you should go and help her. Her opponent should be... Several times she fought with Superman in public, and even once almost killed Superman's nuclear man!" Su Sheng pursed his lips and said with a chuckle.

Chapter 180: The Hooked Alex


Alex put on his battle suit and flew away from the balcony.

On the sofa, the corner of Su Sheng's mouth raised.

I have to say that the Kryptonians in this world are indeed too weak. This nuclear man is just an ordinary person wearing armor that can release nuclear energy and flight. He can fight Superman for several rounds and almost kill Superman? The strength of the Kryptonians in this world has really been weakened a lot. The funny thing is that the nuclear man hated Superman because he couldn't save his wife when he was saving a nuclear explosion, and then he hated Superman and wanted to make Superman lose a loved one too. Supergirl is the best candidate.

This kind of logic is just mentally retarded!

If there is no Superman, his wife will die as well, and even millions of people will die because of the nuclear explosion. But Superman appeared and saved more people, but he felt that Superman couldn't save his wife and hated Superman, which once again proved that heroes are not good.

Do you want to help Superman to free him from being a hero?

Superman VS Supergirl?

Should be interesting, right?

If Superman contacts the criminals in Rodsburg, and there is a super investigation department behind Supergirl, and a Martian hunter to help, tsk tsk, then the excitement will be big, maybe more aliens can be blown up, and Indigo should also appear Bar? Then wait, if the super investigation department can't find Indigo again, maybe this method can be tried.

While Su Sheng was thinking about it, Supergirl and Alex had returned. When Alex went, Supergirl was being abused by the nuclear man. With the addition of Alex, the two quickly solved the nuclear man, and most of the credit was Alex. He is an experienced agent himself, and although the steel suit Su Sheng gave her does not have tachyons, it is equally powerful. In the end, she knocked the nuclear man unconscious and sent it back to the Super Investigation Department for detention.

Alex is so happy!

She can finally help Kara, and finally don't have to envy her ability.

But Kara's mood was very low, and she was suddenly a little confused.

In the eyes of others, the label on her body is Superman's cousin, not an independent hero. This time, she was rescued by Alex and defeated the nuclear man together. This feeling made her very depressed, and she was very depressed. After Lix returned home, she quickly packed up and faced Su Sheng.

Of course, when Alex came out, he had already made an excuse, saying that he was driving to pick up Kara!

The situation is interesting.

Cara felt that she and Alex deceived Su Sheng, and Su Sheng and Alex also deceived Cara, and then acted together with each other.

"It's getting late, I think it's time for me to go back." After chatting for a while, Su Sheng got up and said.

"I'll take it to you." Kara said.

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