American Comics: The Succubus Starts, And Captain Marvel Is Hyped

083. Nebula Has Fallen, Can Robots Also Fall In Love?

Su Ye went to the garden by herself, and then asked Thanos to carry the bag.

This is definitely a bold idea, but if executed, the success rate is very high.

After all, Thanos's reputation has spread throughout the universe.

Just arrived at a random place.

Just pull people out and line up to be shot.

Regardless of age or gender, half of them will be killed completely randomly.

This kind of behavior of insulting the people has long made everyone full of hatred and fear towards him.

In contrast, if you only rob but don't kill.

Everyone’s acceptance is actually higher.

And now that Collector thinks so, there is no need for Su Ye to explain anything more.

"If you are a smart person, just do as I say."

"Otherwise, it won't be just the two of us next time."

Just like Su Ye thought before.

If you only rob but don't kill, it will be easier even for the Collector.

Anyway, he has lived for many, many years.

This is just one of his strongholds, not where all his collections and properties are located.

The so-called cunning rabbit has three holes.

Collector can still live well without this place.

And in the long years to come, he will still have a lot of time and opportunities to collect more things.

This place will be left to Su Ye for safekeeping for the time being.

To put it simply, it’s just one sentence.

Just stay alive.

When a person dies, there is really nothing left.

Soon after, the Collector issued an order that caused the entire void to explode.

"After 24 hours, the Land of Nothingness will be temporarily announced to be open.

"All personnel staying here must complete their evacuation within 24 hours."

"If you fail to evacuate within the time limit, it will be regarded as an invasion and you will be attacked by local guards."

"Don't say you didn't predict what you said."

The order was issued simply and crudely.

Don’t give reasons, just requirements.

If you can complete it as required, then everything is easy to say.

If you don't evacuate by then, there will be only a dead end.

Don't say it's unforeseen, just say all the lines.

It can be seen how determined this order is.

And after the order is issued.

The looters who stayed throughout the land of nothingness rioted without any surprise.

As a current affairs lawless place.

The land of nothingness has provided a safe haven for predators for a long time.

Here, they can do whatever they want.

Have a wanton squandering spree without fear of being hunted down.

Although the items sold here are more expensive, the prices are much lower.

Therefore, many predators regard this place as home.

Now, the Collector suddenly told them that within 24 hours, their home would be gone.

No one can accept it.

The Marauders were originally a group of lawless hooligans, thugs, and robbers.

After finding out that my home was going to be lost.

Even if this order was issued by the Collector, the landowner, they would never accept it easily.

A group of hot-tempered predators directly gathered together to form a huge coalition.

Prepare for an uprising in the void.

Overthrow the Collector's rule here.

And when the strange momentum started.

Almost all the looters staying in the Void Land joined this huge activity.

Facing an army of marauders amounting to tens of thousands of people.

As well as hundreds of spacecrafts of different sizes and sizes.

Even though Collector had just seen the big scene, his face became a little unsightly.

"All the looters in the entire void have joined the riot."

"Their strength combined is enough to cover the entire distance between the sky."

"If you are not careful, you will end up with ruin and death.

"But now this trouble is yours."

"Good luck to you, son of Thanos."

After saying that, Collector took out a prop from nowhere.

Just swipe in front of you.

A circular space door appeared in front of him.

The shape of this space door is very familiar to Su Ye.

The magician Ancient One on Earth and her disciples, including the later Doctor Strange, all look like this when they use the Sling Ring to open the space door.

Space gates are not actually exclusive to earth magicians.

In the universe, there are many races with special abilities that can also open space portals.

In Guardians of Galaxy III, Gamora from another universe joins the team of destroyers Starhawk played by Stallone.

And among their ranks.

There is an alien that looks a bit like a sea creature.

Such a space portal can be created with bare hands.

The Collector has lived for so many years and has seen so many races and their abilities.

It’s not surprising that there are props that open space doors.

Seeing that Collector was leaving, Su Ye did not stop him.

He just quietly put a spiritual mark on him.

Collector is a very good leek, a sheep with golden fleece growing on its body.

Letting him go is also to cut leeks and gather wool better next time.

After the Collector left, Nebula came to Su Ye nervously.

"Xiaoye, there are too many people outside."

"Do we need to get out of here first and avoid the limelight for a while?"

"I can go find Thanos to move some reinforcements."

"There are many people in Thanos' hands, and they are very powerful."

"As long as the reinforcements come, they will all be dejected and get out of here."

Su Ye shook her head.

"Forget it, let's not bother Thanos yet.

Su Ye reaps the benefits for herself here, and then lets Thanos take the blame.

On the Earth side, Loki also brought a group of alien troops borrowed from Thanos.

Where is the crazy attack on the earth?

According to the agreement Su Ye made with Loki before leaving.

The battle to defend the earth will become a protracted war.

The Chitauri soldiers and Leviathan beasts on the other side of the space gate should not be enough to support this battle. It is expected that a protracted offensive and defensive battle will take at least a year.

So Loki still needs to continue to ask Thanos for support.

In this way, Su Ye caught Thanos, the purple sweet potato spirit, and kept picking up the wool.

Su Ye felt a little embarrassed herself.

And, these predators out there are such rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs.

Su Ye really didn't take it to heart.

“I can handle things here.

"You don't have to be nervous, just take a good look at it."

With that said, Su Ye closed her eyes directly.

Then his mental power instantly enveloped the entire land of nothingness.

As a Telepathy master who holds Mind Gem.

No matter how large the number of minions is, they will not cause any big trouble to Su Ye.

As Su Ye's mental power spread, Telepathy began to control the consciousness of the predators.

Soon, the wind direction in the entire land of nothingness changed.

The predators who were originally a group of die-hard opponents of relocation suddenly became absolute supporters of the relocation policy.

And there was a direct quarrel with the looters who insisted on opposing the move.

The predators are also a group of ruthless characters who can take action without making any noise.

So the quarrel between them inevitably turned into an armed and violent fight.

Looking at the marauders fighting in a group, he shrugged at Nebula.

"Look, actually handling the matter is not as complicated as you think (Li Nuozhao)."

Xingyun glanced at Su Ye with a complicated expression.

"Will you use your Ability on me?"

As she spoke, her eyes flickered.

The expression is also very subtle.

Su Ye even saw a trace of worry about gains and losses unique to women in love on his face.

Su Ye couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Before I even started to launch an offensive, this sister actually fell.

And aren’t you a robot?

How did you fall so easily?

Or let’s talk about the life of being abandoned by his father since childhood, fighting with Gamora, and being destroyed by Thanos.

While she developed a cruel character, her heart also lacked love even more.

I also want to be loved even more.

Therefore, when Su Ye, a member of the opposite sex, has been traveling with her for such a long time, Yang...

The two of them started to have some good memories.

Before she knew it, she had fallen into the trap of his ministers.

Thinking of this, Su Ye could only sigh.

It's all because I'm too charming.

Even robots can't handle it.

How do you sing that lyric?

Why am I so beautiful?

What should I do if it looks so good?

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