During the day, the moment when the sun sets.

Loki left the library at this time every day, and after a simple dinner, he returned to his room to continue his research on Tesseract.

And the depraved Mage who planned to kidnap Loki has obviously already passed the investigation and mastered the law of Loki's activities.

Only recently, after Loki has mastered the flying Thor, he will use the flying Thor to teleport back to the room after dinner.

So the only place he can do it is in the very short distance between Loki leaving the library and entering the cafeteria.

Although the distance of this journey is short, with years of experience in Kamar-Taj, he still found an excellent ambush location.

Great timing, great ambush locations, plus he's just gotten more power from Dormammu.

With the right time, place and people, and the fact that he was doing mental calculations but not intentionally, he was full of confidence in his actions this time.

The ambush has been set, and all that remains is to wait for Loki to fall into his trap step by step.


At the moment, the afterglow of the sun has not completely disappeared.

But against the only light, the environment in Kamar-Taj looks even darker.

The fallen Mage hid in the shadows, and at the same time used black magic to completely cover up his aura.

Soon, he heard a clear sound of footsteps coming from not far away.

After the footsteps gradually approached, Corrupted Mage's eyes lit up.

The person who came was his long-awaited target, Loki Odinsen.

Loki was as usual, on the way back, his brain was still constantly simulating the next research ideas on Tesseract.

He didn't notice at all that on the road he must pass every day, someone had already set up an ambush and was staring at him.

After all, Loki has neither knowledgeable arrogance nor little Spider-Man's Spider Telepathy, a skill that can predict danger.

When Loki realized that someone was attacking him, he was once again trapped in the mirror space.

However, compared to the nervousness of being imprisoned by the Supreme Mage for the first time, this time Loki, who has already flew Thor beside him, is obviously much more relaxed.

Definitely, Loki won't relax his guard just because his mind is relaxed.

The first time he felt something was wrong, he had already used the Ability of Mirror Flower and Water Moon to protect his own safety.

Just as Loki was observing his surroundings vigilantly, a gloomy voice came from behind him.

"Jie Jie Jie, Loki Odinsen, you finally showed up! I have been waiting here for a long time."

Loki turned away, expecting to see who it was that was ambushing him.

What can be seen is only a figure with black aura all over his body.

But at this time, Loki has been able to roughly guess the situation he is currently facing.

Because he is no stranger to the black figure that suddenly appeared behind him in front of him. Having read a lot of magic books in Kamar-Taj, he recognized it at the first sight. The black magic in the book.

This shadow is nothing more than an entity duplication formed using dark power.

"It seems that there is another lost lamb, who was bewitched by Dormammu. It's fine if I don't find out. Since you have already come to the door, then I will waste a little time today and help the teacher to clean up the door."

Midgard is protected by an enchantment constructed by the three holy places left by Agamotto. Even a dimension Mephista like Dormammu has very limited power that can be transmitted.

If before creating space magic to fly Thor, Loki might still be a little apprehensive.

But now, the mirror space not only cannot completely imprison him, but also allows Loki to unleash his full power without restraint.

From Loki's point of view, his own victory was already assured when the other party had evil intentions.

"As expected of being Odin's son, what a shame! That's right, in the eyes of you high gods, we mortals are just ants who might be trampled to death if we are not careful?"

Responding to Loki was another shadowy duplication emerging from the shadows.

That is, after the second shadow duplication appeared, more and more shadow duplications began to appear in the mirror space one after another, completely surrounding Loki in less than a minute.

After the siege was formed, these hundreds of shadow duplications said in unison: "However, there is a saying in my hometown called 'ants kill elephants'. If your 'elephant' doesn't want to be killed by our group of 'ants' today 'If you are going to die, I advise you to obediently give up resistance and catch him without a fight."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what the other party said, Loki directly covered his face and laughed wildly.

"What are you laughing at?!" Hundreds of angry questions came from all directions of Loki, it seemed that in the next second these shadow duplications would swarm up and tear him to pieces.

Loki stopped laughing slowly, but still had a mocking smile on his face, and his eyes were full of undisguised contempt.

"I said——did you make a mistake? Or did you really dare to ambush me with only this means?"

"If this is the case, then I can only regret to tell you that quantitative changes are meaningless if they do not lead to qualitative changes. Moreover, I am not an 'elephant'. If I have to use a metaphor, it must be a 'Dragon' flying in the sky. "

"No matter how many small ants there are, it is impossible to hook the Dragon flying in the sky, let alone cause any damage to the Dragon."

Loki's words were like a ignited fuse, and the emotions of the hundreds of shadow duplications around him were instantly detonated, and two spatial blades immediately appeared in their hands, and they rushed towards him with crazy roars.

Until this moment, Loki was still calm. I saw him utter a few words in an almost inaudible volume amidst the chaotic rushing sound of shadow duplication: "Ice-Age."


The moment Loki's voice fell, with his feet as the center, a powerful freezing air began to spread rapidly.

Where the freezing air passes, everything it touches turns into ice cubes at the extremely low temperature.

The first to bear the brunt were the duplications of the shadows closest to Loki. They all maintained the movement of rushing towards Loki just now, like lifelike ice sculptures, densely arranged around Loki.

In just a few breaths, the mirror space that was still very noisy just now, At the moment has become audible.

Hundreds of shadow duplications holding space blades all turned into ice sculptures under Loki's Ice Age move.


Loki casually sent out a magical impact to make up the knife, blasting all the ice sculptures made of these shadow duplications into pieces.

After finishing all this, Loki didn't move any more, just stood there quietly, constantly observing the surrounding situation.

After waiting for a few minutes, the man behind the scenes who used the shadow duplication still did not appear, nor did he continue to launch a second wave of attacks.

After confirming that the other party had fled here, Loki began to sense the magic mark left in the room, and launched Thor to leave the mirror space.


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