As the video on the screen played to this stage, countless viewers outside also discussed

——"It seems that this belt is the key for Lin Luo to gain power and become a superhero!"

——"Wow, this is just like the plot of a Hollywood movie where someone is chosen as the protagonist by a super ancient power!! It is so enviable, I wish I could be part of it!!!"

——"Hey, man, if you really want to, you can actually go to the Adirondack Mountains. What if you are lucky enough to dig out this belt from the ruins?"

——"Forget it, I live near the Adirondack Mountains, and the area is now blocked by police, and I saw the police arguing with a group of guys in suits there, and it looked like they could start a fight at any moment."

——"Compared to these bad things in reality, I am more concerned about the content of the plot. By the way, did you notice that when Red handed over his business card, Officer Johnny looked like he wanted to complain but had to hold it back, as if he had suffered something? Hahaha, it's really funny"

——"Hahaha, yes, Officer Johnny's expression is so funny. And Red, his personality is similar to the protagonists of many animations. Maybe......This is probably why he was chosen by the belt."

——"Speaking of belts, I'm reminded of the monsters that were also buried under the Adirondack Mountains. Why haven't we found any fossils or other clues about these monsters before? Could it be that the entire race was buried there?"

——"I'm also confused. Could it be that there was an ultimate war in the ancient times, which caused the complete extinction of these monsters and the civilization that sealed them, leaving only the Adirondack Mountains with some traces of civilization? ?"

——"You'll have to wait for the archaeologists to answer this question. I just don't know if they dare to enter the ruins now."

——"Don't worry, someone will come in!"...

【The scene changed.

A group of policemen had already arrived at the scene of the accident in a police car.

"This is next to the Third Street Building in Brooklyn. There are mysterious unknown creatures that have spread huge spider webs between the tall buildings!"

As the police officer reported the information, the picture shifted to the top of many police cars, where there was a super-huge spider web with a diameter of more than 100 meters stuck between the floors.

And in the middle, there was a weirdo who looked like a spider, but could walk on two legs like a human. This was Zi Gumumu Ba, one of the many monsters resurrected by the mysterious figure!

Not only did he have a sturdy body of nearly two meters in length, but he was also covered in gray-brown armor.

In addition, the hideous bloody mouth could spit out extremely tough spider silk, and the wrists could extend and retract fangs and claws that were enough to break fine steel.】

Although, through the previous video playback.

It has long been known that buried under the Adirondack Mountains The monster has been resurrected.

But when the monster really appeared on the light screen, the audience who were watching the light screen broadcast could not stop their panic, because the monster looked too scary.

And all of this was actually intentional by Red himself.

After all, the video played by the light screen is not like the special effects drama in the previous life. It is necessary to consider issues such as the audience and the review system.

Therefore, when creating this video.

In order to make the audience better immersed in their own fictional future videos.

Red used the system's capabilities to make the monsters that appeared in it more realistic, and thoroughly displayed the extremely terrifying true posture of the Gurongi clan to the world.

And his approach soon brought rewards.

"Yeah ah ah——"

Seeing this scene, Jessica screamed subconsciously, and then fell into Gwen's arms with a panicked look, not daring to look at the screen again.

As for Gwen herself, although she was still watching the future video, a closer look would reveal that her lips were trembling at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she was obviously frightened.......

"Hey, Ned, you are a brave man, how can you be scared by the fake monsters in the video?......"

Midtown High School, Queens, New York. Ned

Leeds looked at the Spider-Man on the screen with horror, but he still forced himself to watch the future video.......

His big hands had been tightly holding his good brother Peter Parker's arms since some time ago.

Peter Parker was in so much pain that he kept shouting,"Ned, you're holding too hard, and don't you think your posture is problematic?""

"If other classmates see this, they will misunderstand our relationship!"

"Oh oh, yeah......Sorry, I was just a little too nervous"

"next time......"Oh no, get out of the way!"

Hearing this, Ned quickly let go of Peter Parker's arm.

But at this moment, the next scene played on the screen scared him so much that he grabbed Peter's arm again and let out a shrill cry.

This immediately attracted the attention of other students in the class.

When they noticed that Ned was holding Peter Parker's arm in such an ambiguous posture, the eyes of these students suddenly became warm.

In this regard, Peter Parker was somewhat in tears.

【Writing a book is not easy~~~New book needs support~~~I hope everyone can support me by voting and giving flowers.~~~Or review the author's book~~~Thank you very much~~~】

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