【"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

On the helicopter, Johnny Stone looked at the approaching Spider-Man without any fear. He raised his gun and pulled the trigger, aiming at Gumum's chest and emptying the magazine on the spot.

However, the damage caused by these golden bullets was minimal.

Gumum just patted his chest, and the bullet marks were restored to their original state. Then he moved his ferocious mouthparts and said slowly:

"How can a mere bow and arrow hurt my well-forged body? So you better give up, Lindo warrior."

As he said this, Gummu raised the fang-like claws on his wrists and stabbed out in the dim helicopter.】


Although her brother was right beside her,

Susan couldn't help but make a worried sound when she saw the picture on the screen, and her eyes were instantly filled with mist.

"It's okay, Susan, I'm still here!"

Johnny patted Susan on the back and said comforting words.

But when he looked at the light screen, his eyes became solemn, obviously affected by the future clip played by the light screen....

【In the picture, Officer Johnny was about to die in the hands of the Spider-Man.

The helicopter suddenly shook.

Then, Red's arms covered with pure white armor and black reinforced muscles stretched out from behind, tightly locking Gummum's arms and neck, successfully blocking the fang-like claws that were about to stab out.

""Fit, don't even think about stopping me!!"

Gumum didn't want to let Lindo, who dared to offend him, go so easily, so he started to struggle frantically on the spot.

Suddenly, the helicopter gunship, which was already shaking violently, began to shake even more violently, causing Red and the Spider-Man to lose their balance and fall outside.

Then, on the landing gear outside the helicopter gunship, they continued to fight desperately until Red caught the flaw that Gumum accidentally revealed, and then he successfully kicked the monster down.


Amid the shrill screams, Gumum fell straight down from a height of dozens of meters, smashing through the hard ground of the rooftop, and disappeared in the clouds of smoke and dust.

Only the gasps of Red and Johnny Stone echoed inside the helicopter.

"you......You saved me?"

After a while, Johnny Stone stood up with the help of the smooth body, and then looked at the mysterious creature in front of him that looked like a stag beetle, and slowly spoke with a hesitant tone.

Facing the question, Red didn't say anything, but just nodded calmly, then stretched out his right hand and raised a thumbs up.

At this time, it was dusk when the sun was setting.

Under the shining of the setting sun, even through Kuuga's red compound eyes, Johnny Stone could still feel the smile under the mask, which made him stunned for a moment.

While he was stunned, the super ancient warrior Kuuga, transformed by Red, jumped directly from the armed helicopter and disappeared on the street at dusk. The last picture was Johnny Stone sitting alone in the armed helicopter, silently watching the direction where the white figure disappeared.

After a long time, he seemed to remember something, raised his right hand, and slowly gestured a thumbs-up gesture.

"No way, is it him?......"】

As these words fell, the image on the screen gradually dimmed.

This meant that the first stage of the future video had ended, and the second stage was currently loading slowly.

During this waiting process, the audience in reality also began to discuss

——"Ahhh! Why is it over now? Light screen, please load the second stage video for me immediately!! I want to see Red's handsome battle!!!"

——"Hey, man, don't be so impatient. According to the rules of light screen playback, it will probably take another half an hour to load."

——"Oh, it's going to take another half an hour? But I want to see the future scenes now. According to the last scene on the screen, it seems that Officer Johnny has discovered that Kuuga's true identity is Red. I don't know how it will be handled later."

——"In fact, half an hour will pass quickly. Also, have you noticed that although the spider monster looks scary, he doesn't seem to be the mysterious black shadow in the ruins. He feels much weaker to me."

——"Much weaker? Come on, that Spider-Man is completely immune to bullets, and with a single jump, he can jump to a building 30 or 40 meters high. If you compare this strength to the existing superheroes, I'm afraid only the Hulk can surpass him."

——"The above person, I didn't mean weak like this, I just compared Spider-Man with the mysterious shadow, I feel that he is much weaker"

——"After hearing what you said, I have the same feeling. According to the information we have obtained so far, perhaps......That mysterious black shadow might be the final DOSS."

——"Yes, I feel that way too!!"

【Writing a book is not easy~~~New book needs support~~~I hope everyone can support me by voting and giving flowers.~~~Or review the author's book~~~Thank you very much~~~】

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