【"This should be it."

Coming out of the police car, Johnny Stone looked at the classical Catholic church in front of him, took a deep breath, and then took out a pre-prepared Remington 870 shotgun from the car, and stepped into the church alone.


Because this action is a private act.

So only Johnny Stone came here, and he also planned to use his own strength to get rid of the bat monster-Zi·Jiang Mo·Gu!】

The audience saw this scene and couldn't help but admire Johnny Stone's courage. He dared to go and fight such a terrifying bat monster with only one person and a Remington 870 shotgun!

This is simply fearless!!

Of course, Johnny Stone himself in reality was also given Susan's cold eyes and blame, and had to make a bitter face and repeatedly assure himself that he would never be so reckless in reality....


With a slight sound of the door opening,

Johnny Stone slowly stepped forward and walked into the main hall of the church.

Then he raised the Remington 870 shotgun in his hand, ready to pull the trigger at any time, and carefully looked around, looking for possible bat monsters.

However, his observation obviously had loopholes. He was only busy checking the corners where people might be hiding and the middle aisle with neatly arranged seats. He was completely unaware that"Zi Qiangmo Gu" in a priest's uniform was hanging upside down on the classical relief on the ceiling, staring at him silently with his head down.

After a while, a hideous evil smile appeared on the monster's face, and then his whole body was shrouded by a mysterious force, changing from a human form to a huge bat monster hanging on the classical relief, and then waving the thin wings connected to his arms and body, and pounced directly at Johnny Stone below.


Hearing the strange noise coming from behind, Johnny Stone's expression froze and he quickly turned his head to look behind him.

When he saw the monster emitting blood, flapping its thin wings and flying towards him with fangs, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!——"

There was a bang.

Countless specially made conical projectiles were ejected from the sparks of the muzzle, hitting the unconfirmed life form No. 3 that was flying down at an angle.

The effect of the shotgun was far beyond that of ordinary firearms. It not only interrupted the fierce attack of the bat monster, but also directly knocked it down to the neatly arranged seats.

But even if it was effective, Johnny Stone still did not dare to slack off.

He immediately aimed at the place where the unconfirmed life form No. 3 fell and fired another shot.

In an instant, countless conical projectiles shot head-on, directly hitting the rows of seats into debris and scattering them around.

However, among these wooden blocks of different sizes, the figure of the bat monster was the only one missing.

Noticing this, Johnny Stone's expression became solemn, and he immediately clenched the Remington 870 shotgun in his hand and walked over there.

But when he got closer, he found that there was no trace of the bat monster there, and the whole church also returned to silence at this moment, as if darkness was covering the earth. He keenly sensed the change in the atmosphere.

Johnny Stone silently raised his vigilance and looked around again.

This time, not only the ceiling, but also the neatly arranged seats, but still no trace of the monster was found.

"......this......"Did he leave?"

Johnny Stone couldn't help but mutter in this situation.

At this moment, the stained glass window behind him suddenly made a loud noise.

The ferocious bat monster broke through the window and pounced on Johnny Stone in a nearly sneak attack.

In this regard, although Johnny Stone pointed his gun at his back at a very fast speed, he was still half a beat slow to react.


The sound of claws tearing rang out.

The Remington 870 shotgun instantly turned into scrap metal and scattered around.

As for Johnny Stone, he was also thrown out by this claw, and directly knocked down the decorations with a row of wax lamps hanging next to him.

The next second, the wax that fell to the ground spread everywhere, not only igniting the white curtains that were more than ten meters high next to the stained glass windows, but also spreading to every corner around.

The cross in the church, the neatly arranged seats, and the carpet embroidered with the Catholic emblem were all ignited.

The raging fire that was enough to burn everything instantly spread throughout the church, rendering it a layer of red.

In this situation, the Batman ignored the flames around him and turned to look at Johnny Stone who had just been thrown out by him.

"Lindo warrior, this is the second time we meet."

"This time, I will suck all your blood dry in this burning church!"

After saying that, the powerful demon spread his wings, dispelling the flames surrounding him, and then walked towards Johnny Stone step by step. As the bat monster's sturdy figure was about to reach Johnny Stone, an unexpected sound suddenly exploded.



Amid the roar of the motorcycle engine, the tightly closed door of the church was slammed open, and a white motorcycle with its headlights on sped down the aisle of the church, heading towards the location of the bat monster.

"Damn it! Another blinding light!!"

The headlights of the white motorcycle shone into his eyes, and the strong demon subconsciously uttered a low curse, then raised his hands to block his face from the light.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Red rolled down the white motorcycle sideways, and the white motorcycle was pushed by inertia to crash into the bat monster, but he dodged it with a nimble flip jump, and directly crashed into the blazing fire, causing a violent explosion.】

【Writing a book is not easy~~~New book needs support~~~I hope everyone can support me by voting and giving flowers.~~~Or review the author's book~~~Thank you very much~~~】

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