【""Damn it! You damn Lindo!!"

Batman covered his injured face, turned his head suddenly, and looked in the direction of the gunshot.

When he saw Johnny Stone struggling to stand in the corridor on the second floor of the factory with a pistol pointed at him, he could no longer hold back and let out a low and angry roar. The sharp claws that were originally pointed at Red also turned instantly at this moment, pointing directly at the Lindo warrior who dared to hurt his eyes.

"Uh ah ah——"

However, before he launched an attack, a ray of morning sunlight poured in through the gap in the curtains shattered by a bullet, and fell on the body of the bat monster.

In an instant, a shrill scream echoed in the entire abandoned factory for a long time.

As a bat-type monster, Qiang Mo inherited the ability of bats to fly, but also inherited the weakness of bats, which is extreme fear of light.

Therefore, after being exposed to the sun, he quickly lost his fighting ability, and finally had to flap his thin wings in panic to escape from the scene.

"Ahem, the rest is up to you, Red......."

Seeing this situation, Johnny Stone, who had rushed to the scene with a seriously injured body, could no longer support himself and fell directly on the corridor on the second floor of the factory, completely falling into a coma.

On the battlefield where the battle was intense.

With the departure of the Bat Monster, Red's half of his body that was originally bound was freed, and then he exerted force and quickly broke free from the spider monster's spider silk.

Then he collided with Gumum and fought all the way to the rooftop of the abandoned factory.

And in the collision and confrontation along the way, he regained the upper hand and gradually suppressed this monster named Unconfirmed Life Form No. 1 by the police.

"Damn it! This won't work!!"

Seeing this, Gummu knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would only be defeated by the enemy in front of him.

Therefore, he no longer held back and directly ejected all the spider silk in his body.

The ancient warrior Kuuga, who was transformed by Red, was tied up tightly by these extremely tough spider silks due to a moment of negligence, and for a while he lost the ability to fight back.

After a few rounds, he was soon stepped on by the spider monster Gummu.

"The fit one, you are now qualified to be called the empty self!"

"But this still cannot be changed. You will definitely be defeated by me. Get ready to face your own death!!"

Looking at the enemy struggling at his feet, Gummu excitedly moved his ferocious mouthparts. After announcing his death again, he clenched his fists and revealed the fang-like claws hidden inside his wrists.


However, Red suddenly roared at this moment.

The body covered with black reinforced muscles and red flesh armor suddenly swelled a bit, and actually broke free from the steel-like spider silk restraints.

At the same time.

The battle symphony unique to Kuga also sounded at this moment.

Red, who had transformed into a super ancient warrior, first blocked the spider monster's claw attack with his hands, and then turned over and jumped up, kicking Gumum's abdomen hard.

Then, he used his left leg that kicked the enemy's abdomen as a fulcrum, jumped into the air, and used his right leg to add another simple two-stage kick.

Suddenly, an invisible air wave burst out from the bottom of his foot that hit the spider monster's chest.

The damage caused by this two-stage kick far exceeded any previous attack. Gumum was kicked out with a shrill scream and fell heavily on the hard ground.

"No, I won't accept this......."

Then, a mysterious golden rune suddenly appeared on Gummu's body covered in gray-brown armor, and then quickly spread and exploded amid the desperate and unwilling shouts of the Spider-Man.

"Boom! Boom!——"

In an instant, countless flames soared into the sky, instantly filling the sky with a radius of thousands of meters, completely burning Gumumu's solid body into ashes, and scattering between heaven and earth.

Seeing the fireworks that continued to rise into the sky on the light screen, the audience in reality were stunned.

What the hell is this?

There is obviously no special effect, how come the spider monster's body exploded automatically after a kick! ?

Also, the explosion range of this flame is too exaggerated! ? ?

In just a few seconds, it covered the sky with a radius of nearly a thousand meters!!

Are you sure ?...

Isn't this a hidden ultimate move in the basic attack?!

With such doubts, the discussion on the Internet instantly boiled over.

——"It was totally beyond imagination. I didn't expect that the ferocious spider monster would be kicked to pieces by Red's seemingly ordinary kick!!"

——"Yes, this is too exaggerated!! I feel that Red's fist can only blow up a truck at most, how can it cause such a terrifying explosion effect! ?"

——"This is definitely not an effect that can be created by physical strength! It seems that in addition to giving the fit person physical strength enhancement, this belt must also give the fit person a magical power enhancement!"

——"That's not right! Since humans in the ancient times had such advanced technological creation capabilities, these Gurongi monsters should not have posed much of a threat to them, so how did they eventually become extinct?"

——"This is not clear, let the archaeologists explore it slowly."

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