
Accompanied by a thunderous sound, the dark light rail station was filled with a roar.

Kikina, who was still pretending to be shy, was punched away by the extremely angry Reid.

Then, the figure in the white patterned skirt crashed into the huge advertising wall like a cannonball, and was buried under the rolling bricks and rubble with a deafening collapse sound.

"Sir, please cheer up, I'll take you to the hospital now!!"

After doing all this, Red didn't even look at the Gurongi monster that he blasted away like a cannonball. He jumped off the motorcycle and picked up the middle-aged white-collar man lying on the ground, shouting in an anxious tone.

But no matter how hard he shouted, the white-collar man never responded. The extremely pale face, lifeless, was reflected in Red's pupils, making his heart feel like it was tightly grasped by an invisible big hand, and he felt a heart-wrenching pain. After all, he was still a step too late, and the innocent man died tragically at the hands of the monster.


With grief surging like the tide, Reid slowly stretched out his trembling hand and gently covered the white-collar man's pale face. Then he pulled it down slightly and closed his eyes that were full of fear and unwillingness.

"Hey~ You're finally here!!"

Just as Red was immersed in deep sorrow, Kikina had transformed into her creepy monster form, successfully struggled out of the collapsed ruins, and then stared at Kuuga who was half-kneeling on the ground in front of her, and said loudly in the unique language of the Gurongi clan that was full of evil and arrogance

"Kuuga of the new era, I have been eagerly waiting for you for a long time!!"

"Phew, it's the same as always. I have no idea what you monsters are chattering about, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Red carefully put the body of the white-collar man back on the ground, then slowly stood up again, staring at the mushroom-like Gurongi monster in front of him with a sharp gaze, and roared with an uncontrollable anger that seemed to be about to burst through his chest.

"The only thing I want to do now is to beat you to death with one punch after another!"

"Oh? Do you want to beat me to death? ?"

Unlike Red, who knew nothing about the Gurongi language, the mushroom monster Kikina had already mastered English in the past few months of living in modern society.

Therefore, after hearing what Red said, she immediately responded, stretching out her hands and slapping heavily on the silver-white hideous belt, while smiling in a somewhat shy tone:

"Kuuga of this era, you have more backbone than I thought!"

"In this case, let me use this power from the [God] to give you the most fierce response!!"As soon as the voice fell, the silver-white ferocious belt instantly burst into a scorching light, and dark red heat waves were like a surging torrent, carrying a terrifying temperature of tens of thousands of degrees and spreading unscrupulously in all directions.

"this......This is the power that the squid monster used before."

Facing the explosion of the mushroom monster, Red crossed his hands, like an indestructible copper wall, and withstood the surging heat wave and scorching heat with a tenacious defensive posture, while staring at the mysterious figure in front of him that continued to flash dark red flames through the narrow gap between his arms, and whispered in an extremely solemn tone.

Although the forms presented were different, at the moment of contact, he immediately distinguished that this dark flame and the dark thunder used by the unconfirmed life form No. 21 at that time were derived from the same source of energy.

This instantly brought his thoughts back to the battle that still scares him.

In that thrilling battle, even though he successfully awakened the Titan form with the strongest defense, he could still deeply feel a huge threat that was almost fatal when facing the dark thunder fireball condensed by the squid monster Kiiga.

If it were n't for the fact that the Agur Spirit Stone swallowed some of the dark thunder in advance, thus awakening its Titan form to the magical ability to absorb the enemy's energy, the final outcome of that battle, who would win and who would lose, would probably still be an unknown number that is difficult to guess.

"Boom! Boom!——"

Just as he was thinking this, the dark red flames in front of him spread wildly again, and an even hotter and more scorching dark red flames broke out, radiating out in all directions with overwhelming force, instantly melting all the steel in the light rail station into boiling molten iron, which splashed onto the ground.

"It's already like this, can the temperature rise again! ?"

Feeling the temperature soaring again.

Reid was secretly shocked, and at the same time, he immediately transformed himself into the Titan form with the strongest defense.

Then, he suddenly separated his crossed hands, and then pressed forward heavily with overwhelming force.

The next moment, the Yaguru Spirit Stone on his waist once again burst out violent dark thunder, and instantly formed a rock-solid thunder shield, which blatantly blocked the surging and unstoppable dark red flames, and lasted for several minutes until the dark flames that continued to spread outwards finally stopped, and the thunder shield slowly dissipated in the air.

At this time, a mushroom monster with an appearance that was even larger than the unconfirmed life form No. 21, about four or five meters tall, suddenly appeared in front of Reid, and then said in a deep voice:

"Kuuga of this era, before you die, please remember my name. I am the killer who hunts Lindo with a kiss of poison - Mei Jinajia Die!!"】

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