SHIELD, Triskelion Building.

Nick Fury looked at the monsters covered in darkness crawling out of the cracks on the screen, frowned, and gave an order in a serious tone:

"Coulson, regardless of whether the video played on the screen is a future clip of our universe, we must take precautions. Next, I'll trouble you to go to the Adirondack Mountains."

It's no wonder Nick Fury spoke in such a serious tone.

After all, the power displayed by this mysterious figure is too terrifying.

Not only does he have a terrifying murderous intent that seems to be able to kill everything, but he can also summon pale thunder out of thin air and cover the sky over the entire New York in just a few seconds.

You know, the area of New York State is as large as 128,401 square kilometers.

It can cover it all in such a short time.

Needless to say, how powerful this mysterious figure is, not to mention that he has the ability to resurrect other monsters.

Thinking of this, the fear in Nick Fury's eyes became more and more obvious.

At this moment, he can still maintain a relatively calm tone to give orders, which is enough to restrain his inner emotions.

"Well, I'll go now."

Knowing Nick Fury's concerns, Coulson didn't bother to continue watching the future video played on the screen. He just nodded and replied, then turned around and left the director's office.

In the end, only Nick Fury was left in the office, watching the video played on the screen....

【New York State.

Excavation site of the ruins in the Adirondack Mountains.

After last night's violent storms and raging thunder, the mountains welcomed the first golden sunlight of the morning.

However, the excavation site at this time was completely different from the hustle and bustle of yesterday. The silence revealed unspeakable changes.

The tents that were originally neatly arranged around the ruins are now in a mess, with only broken canvas and broken brackets left, scattered on the scorched land, like a battlefield that has experienced war. The scene has turned into a barren land, the earth is cracked, and the deep cracks are like scars, silently telling the horror of the natural disaster last night.

In addition, there is a group of police officers who are busy searching for clues, looking for clues that the criminals may have left.

But unfortunately, they found none of them.

Not only that, as the search deepened, the signs of damage to the excavation site made the police fall into deep confusion.

"As for a lightning strike, the scope and power of this destruction are too great."

"Not only did it destroy all the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of thousands of meters, but even the ground and huge cracks around the ruins were blasted with countless cracks. Is this really what lightning can do! ? ?"

A man wearing a yellow-gray windbreaker and black sunglasses looked at everything around him, frowned, and then asked the prosecutor next to him

"You said, is it possible that something else exploded and caused the excavation site to become like this?"

"Impossible, I have just confirmed with the person in charge of the Meteorological Bureau that there are no recent records of earthquakes caused by explosions in this area."The prosecutor shook his head and responded truthfully.

While they were talking, Red had already arrived at the excavation site and squatted under a charred tree, curiously watching the movements at the ruins.

His sight was like a searchlight, taking in the broken stone pillars in the ruins that once supported the super-ancient civilization, the cracks in the earth that were constantly smoking and exuding an uneasy atmosphere, and the police officers who were busy searching for clues.

But at this moment, when Red's eyes inadvertently moved to the entrance of the ruins hidden in the huge crack, an indescribable feeling suddenly surged into his heart like a tide.

He unconsciously took several steps back, and in his panic, he almost slipped down the slope. He quickly stabilized his body and held the ground tightly with both hands, barely maintaining his balance.

"this......What is this......"

After regaining his footing, Red once again looked towards the entrance of the ruins, with a curious expression on his face.

He could clearly feel that there seemed to be a mysterious force in the ruins calling him, urging him to enter quickly.

Although he didn't know what this mysterious force was, driven by his inner curiosity and calling, Red finally walked down the slope steadily, then crossed the cordon and approached the entrance of the ruins step by step.

"......But the more we investigate, the more mysteries we uncover!"

On the other side, at the entrance to the ruins, the prosecutor continued chatting with the man in sunglasses and a yellow-gray windbreaker:"I've been engaged in mountain rescue for so long, and this is the first time I've encountered such a situation."

Hearing this, the man in sunglasses frowned and was about to open his mouth to ask something.

But at this moment, he keenly sensed the strange movement behind him, turned his head and saw a young man in his twenties sneaking past him

"Sorry for being late. I'll get back to work."

Red realized that he was discovered and quickly pretended to be a staff member. He said something perfunctory and quickened his pace, trying to take the opportunity to enter the ruins.

However, his attempt failed. The man in sunglasses reacted quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Red's sleeve, then pulled him in front of him.

"Tell the truth, what do you do and why are you at the crime scene?"

While asking the question, the light curtain also very considerately posted the identity of the police officer.

Johnny Stone, the chief of the New York State Police Department】

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