American Fortune Life

Chapter 138: Go forward

In fact, Andy can completely solve the current funding problem without selling Apple stock. He knew this early on. After all, in the dynasty, he was taught that the people of the United States live on loans.

As long as Apple stock is pledged to any large bank, he can borrow 60% of the total value of the stock, which is enough to meet the funding requirements of the game company Blair and investment company Bardstone.

Well, Andy admits that after all, his soul is a celestial man who has been educated for thirty years in the dynasty, and he is not very adaptable to what he borrows. However, it is impossible for a company, especially a large enterprise, to develop without debts. I haven't heard of any of the Fortune 500 companies that developed entirely with personal funds, so he must reverse this concept.

"Bard, how about I use Apple stock to pledge loans to the bank?" Andy began to express his thoughts.

"... Boss, if it was a while ago, I would definitely raise my hands to agree, but now, I still recommend the boss to throw away the Apple stock in your hand. The data shows that every year after Jobs returns, Apple stocks will be in a shock consolidation period. There will be a decline period of 2-3 months. The group of sharks on Apple's board will choose this period to suppress Apple stocks and profit from it. I think you can clear out your positions first, turn around in the crude oil futures, and then Buy back Apple stock at a reduced price. In such a circle, not only will you not lose any money, but you will make a lot of money. The timing is really hard to come by. "

Bard's analysis can't help reminding Andy of a post he has seen in previous lives. The general meaning is that if Apple really bought Apple's stock at the lowest price at that time, no one could finally stick to it, because the trend of Apple's stock is very Strange twists and turns, such as the release of new products must fall, every fall will fall, once it falls, the speed and magnitude of its decline will make shareholders trembling, and finally can only choose to throw away.

If it weren't for the traversal, no one would be able to bear the pressure and loss. At the end of the post, it said that after 36 years of listing, the stock price had increased by more than 18 thousand times. However, even Steve Jobs had thrown away the stock in his hands, not to mention that Others, so, only God can keep holding Apple stock in the future.

Of course, Andy can do it now. Bud's words made Andy very enthusiastic. You can try it according to Bud's suggestion, and then use the stock pledge loan to operate what he has always wanted to do.

"What's Apple's stock price now?" Andy asked Bard without going to the computer to check it.

"$ 89.2. The total market value of the stocks you now own has reached more than $ 140 million, and the profit is close to 70 million ..." Bardstone was surprised when he saw this number, so he only Take the time to review all of Apple's listing information, consult a large amount of past information, and conduct in-depth and thorough research.

After all, it was the elite of Wall Street, and soon found out that the cats were savage, and the reputable Apple Shark helped the brutal and brutal suppression techniques. So after analyzing the results, he wanted to contact Andy, hoping to convince Andy to change the conservative investment philosophy a little.

"Crude oil futures ... What is the result of your analysis?" Andy felt that this time when he returned to New York, he should study financial knowledge, at least to understand the financial market. It seems that since he passed through, in addition to copying books and buying Apple stocks are sleeping women, okay, and copy game ideas. . .

It is indeed a little too lazy. Although it is enough for him to live a chic life by eating the old text in his memory, he still needs to enrich his knowledge reserve, at least not to be blinded by his subordinates.

"The price rose from $ 64 at the beginning of the year to a high price of $ 80 in July. With the arrival of the mid-term elections, the price of oil fell in a timely manner, and many favorable factors in the early stage of the speculation were suffocated and replaced by" high inventory "and" economic slowdown " And "warm winter" and other topics. Within a short period of one month from the end of August, the market has given up the increase since the beginning of the year. Although the current oil price has fallen to the beginning of the year, I analyze that no dust has settled in the election. Before, oil prices would continue to fall. When the election results come out, the decline may change, but this may be very small. In the end, only OPEC can reduce oil production to stabilize oil prices. "

Bardstone swiftly glanced at what he had sorted out and analyzed, while clearly narrating to Andy. He probably guessed that Andy had the idea of ​​changing his investment strategy. To be honest, he gave his boss an egg. The investment behavior in a basket is really difficult to understand. Although the profits are huge, the risks at the same time are also huge.

"In summary, I can responsibly say that if we invest a lot of money into the crude oil futures market in the next two months, even if the price of crude oil has been beaten back to the prototype, we will be able to make at least 25-30 %. "

Andy said it was deceptive. He was just a technical mansion in his previous life. Although everything in this life is easy and easy to get through the welfare, but he did n’t want to ditch it. After all, this is a genuine knife. Billion dollars.

He wasn't the one who saw the protagonists in the novel in the past, who used the money as inappropriate money, and tens of billions of dollars. He never saw so much money anyway.

Even if you are tangled again, you have to make a decision. People are dead and betting. Anyway, you have a copyright company and a game company. Even if you slow down the development rate and rely on the benefits of the passersby, success is only a matter of time.

"Okay! Bud, you can start selling Apple stocks, and I will rush back to New York as soon as possible. At that time, I need you to tell me a detailed analysis of the crude oil futures data!" Andy almost agreed with his teeth, but he I also know that I must learn to change the conservative investment philosophy, and I am as small as before, and my vision and structure will never be improved.

With so many money-losing behaviors of the local tyrants and gods in the previous life, you really should learn about it. Anyone who looks after, needs, and likes it, whether it is useful or not, buy it first. Shenhao can't do it, so be a tyrant first!

Hanging up the phone, Andy sat on the boss chair and smiled bitterly. Concealing one's own life in lieu of others has become very tangled and painful. Now I have forcibly distorted my own three views. The inner struggle is something others cannot appreciate.

If other people know about Andy's situation, they will laugh at him, such good things will fall on his head, and he will still be a ghost!

For five months, you will forget your identity and start a new life with the appearance and memory of a stranger. Without a strong heart, you will really go crazy. Now Andy is just tangled, it is not easy Already.

After calming down the emotions, things have been decided, and there is nothing to keep tangled. Andy picked up a stack of papers on the table and walked out of the office. When he was just in a daze, the secretary had used the answering machine to remind him of the meeting time. Arrived.

The meeting went very smoothly. Everyone's face had a relaxed and happy smile. From the trough to success, a company on the verge of bankruptcy and acquisition immediately began to make profits. Not only that, it will also expand in the future. The company's future Development and growth are already certain, and as one of them, you will naturally feel proud and proud.

There are new employees in the conference room. Of course, they will not understand the psychological changes of some old employees. How did they understand that when Andy appeared to buy a company, their psychological thoughts were just that they saw Andy's handsome face in his youth. It's half cold, it's too young, it can't give people a reliable feeling, but it's even more worrying.

It wasn't until Andy came up with game ideas and injected funds at the conference that they were a little at ease, but at that time they were still a little bit confused, they couldn't see the future direction, and the front was covered by mist.

Now there is no need to say anything anymore, just looking at the eyes of these old employees watching the young boss sitting on the main seat can clearly understand how much they admire and admire.

(All the above financial contents are obtained by consulting the information, which is true and reliable)

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