American Legendary Life

Chapter 1065: Signing appointments and accounting after autumn

"How are you talking today?" Li Zitao asked the conversation between the two when they sent Riley away after dinner and waited until the children went back to bed.

   "Smart beautiful girl." Mary sat in front of the dressing table and took care of her skin.

   "Isn't it?" Li Zitao couldn't believe it before she heard her speak again, could she be so acquiescent?

   "Try it out, as you's too early." Mary said that, she already had a plan in mind.

  He wants to talk to Avril Lavigne and other ladies of the distinguished family. She planned to hold several royal ballroom dances at home several years ago, real name; blind date.

  Gathering all the famous ladies of the family together, she didn't believe that no one could compare to Lily. The only thing that worried her was that Aiden would inherit his father's romance.

   "If this is the case, the husband who is really in the situation, Mary sighs helplessly.

   "baby, are we tonight..." When Mary was found in bed, Li Zitao licked her face and approached her with a laugh.

   "I'm going to sleep." Mary was not in a good mood, because she was upset that the child might inherit the'advantages' of her father.

  Inexplicably, Li Zitao, who was cast off with a cold face, can only helplessly think: always big fish and meat, and occasionally being vegetarian is good for body and mind.

   Find the door to all kinds of troubles, and Thanksgiving comes as scheduled.

   Ribbons, lanterns, various decorations and gifts, as well as brightly lit and hearty meals are the theme of the festival.

   everyone's mood has become happy, as well as the servants, because they have received gifts.

   Food and gifts, and a small red envelope.

   This is almost the Li family's practice, and every time the festival will always distribute some food, turkey, seafood or candy to the servants.

  Gifts are mostly practical, such as shopping cards, food stamps, discount cards, clothes, shoes, etc.

   The amount of red envelopes is fixed at USD 100 per person.

  In Li Zitao's words, share the festive atmosphere and be happy with a colorful picture.

   On the day of the festival, most of the servants in the family will get a vacation and go back to reunite with their family, except those who are far away from home.

   They will continue to work and accumulate the holidays until the next rotation, which will give them more free time.

  Everyone loves free time. They are servants in Li's apartment, but when they are transformed outside, they are middle class with rich assets.

   has sufficient spending power, high-end restaurant reservations, and can afford tipping, which is one of the reasons why they will work seriously and never disclose any information to the outside world.

   "Happy holidays, dear..." Mary tonight is very gentle, without the indifference and combativeness of the night, and her emotions have always been changeable and complicated recently.

  Li Zitao speculates that this is related to Aiden’s new love affair. He is only implicated, so as long as he is free in the past few days, he will find his son to communicate cordially.

   After a few confrontation games, Li Zitao, who took out all the strengths, let Aiden understand what it means to be "daddy's love for his son".

   The kid's shoulders were hit blue, but for his physique, it was just a little bruise, and he could recover quickly.

   In addition, his daily time is work, personal communication with Alpha Company, Li Zitao has benefited a lot.

   is just a company with real skills. Their research in cars, aircraft engines, trucks and heavy-duty engines are all unique.

  Li Zitao has reached a preliminary cooperation intention with the other party. After the New Year, he will personally lead the team to Italy to negotiate the acquisition.

   and Daimler's final agreement also required him to go to Berlin in person.

  All these need to be pushed to the new year, because Mary's big family is coming. Under her suggestion, Li Zitao decided to invite Li Xiaobin's family on the same day.

   They are now regular guests of Li's apartment, Li Xiaobin, Block Lee, and their child, Richard Lee.

   The name was changed later. The name they gave to the child was Richardson, but after he was teased as a girl, the two finally decided to change his name.

   The situation is much better now, although the plural is easy to misunderstand.

  The second week after Thanksgiving, Li Zitao saw a delegation from Deutsche Bank in Morgan Scotia, and the two sides met briefly for the handover ceremony.

   They will have the final handover tomorrow. All the documents have been signed, and they will just walk in front of the media tomorrow morning.

   After this, the German delegation only needs to participate in the celebration feast, drinking, carnival, and enjoyment. The next question is the rich country Morgan.

   The fact is exactly the same, and the work of the rich country Morgan has just begun.

   Digest German branches, streamline departments and personnel, just business handover takes several months to digest.

  Li Zitao is planning to equip the rich country Morgan with a computer as its computing data center to reduce staff waste.

   This matter was mentioned in the recent shareholders meeting, shareholders said that they need to see IBM's computer effect in order to make a decision on it.

   To this end, Li Zitao arranged a special plane, his Gulfstream One sent shareholders to IBM, and invited them to visit the company's computer center.

   For those who have never seen the operation of a computer, what appears next is like a science fiction world.

The equipment inside    is simple and orderly, but the effect of the combination is amazing, and the pace of the times is unpredictable.

   "If you agree, we will build a closed computing data center for you according to the requirements of the Ministry of Defense. It can handle complex calculations and text reserves, ensure data security, and increase work efficiency by a hundred times..."

  IBM experts answered a series of their Although most of the questions are naive in their opinion, they still give the answer.

   Including its service life, maintenance costs, operability and the list of possible expenses that may follow.

  IBM has nothing to hide, just a little modification and exaggeration of the text, anyone will do so.

   Seeking truth from facts will not appear in commercial activities, just like the logo will always be on the goods; please refer to the actual product.

   Early in the morning when signing the official documents, New York gathered influential newspaper reporters from all over the world, and the spotlights shook the signing scene.

   As Li Zitao's only public event in recent years, no media will miss this opportunity.

  At the end of the signing ceremony, at the next media meeting, he asked more questions about his personal issues than caring about commercial acquisitions.

   It's just that some problems are not very friendly. For example, some people started to mention that the enterprises under Li Zitao's name achieved brilliant development during the war.

  Whether he embezzled state property in the war, why did his military cooperation with the Allies have several times more than other enterprises, and a series of harsh accusations.

   These problems were what Li Zitao was most worried about. Afterwards, he calculated the accounts, and the constant troubles would be wrapped around him like a fishing net.

  However, now he only has to give the problem to Adams and the beloved president. He will go to the airport with his wife to greet his family.

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