American Legendary Life

Chapter 1351: Lively gathering

Would you like Aiden to go to the ‘London Lady Ball,’ it seems that there is not much choice.

His responsibilities and titles do not allow him to be absent from such an important ball, which is the best bridge to maintain or build friendship with many European families.

On Thanksgiving Day, Li's apartment is much more lively than in previous years.

There will be more people coming this year than in previous years, such as Little Mary, Norma, Eric, Fia and her fiance, as well as the old butler Hogg who is far away in Los Angeles. Everyone can feel that his limit is coming, and there is no more time for him.

In order to thank him for his dedication to the Li family, he made rules and honors from scratch, Li Zitao and Mary specially invited him to spend Thanksgiving together.

"Thank God for bringing us together to avoid the torture of disasters, diseases and difficulties, and hope that we can meet again in the future, as we are today..." All of the people present were present, and Li Zitao’s speech was also casual. Wherever it is said, it is a very ordinary blessing.

Strategies are intertwined, and everyone discusses this year's gains. Eric's whispering and little Mary are talking, and laughter comes from time to time.

Fia and Fiance Duchi are also whispering and talking happily.

Aiden took care of Hog and remembered the past with him, he and Mason were still happy when they were young.

This made Norma a bit embarrassed at the scene. She who often didn't appear here seemed to suddenly become an outsider and was excluded. But this is not caused by anyone deliberately, but by the actual situation. She is a big star in Hollywood, and she is a shining and **** **** the screen, appearing in magazines, newspapers, brochures, or in various interviews and screens every day.

But the work she is engaged in has no communication with everyone present.

Even Li Zitao doesn't know what to talk to her. He hasn't watched a movie for a long time. His focus on Hollywood's development is only numbers and growth.

It doesn’t matter to him what film he made, what role he used. The important thing is income and development.

How many theaters do they have, how many films are they going to prepare, what is the investment return rate, what is the rate and influence of the film, and which region or country has the influence of the Xiaojin people expanded.

The overseas export of the film, the recent development in overseas, etc...

But ask him if there are any new movies in Hollywood lately, who are the hottest male and female stars, and to what extent are they flaming... completely misty.

Maybe a few years in the morning, he will be more aware of this information when he is still playing around with those female stars.

"Norma, are you still doing a parade to comfort the army?" In the end, it was Mary who found a suitable topic so that she would not be embarrassed.

"If possible, I want to use your influence to do my part in charity... Would you like to?"

Mary did not randomly find a topic, but came prepared.

The influence of the star effect can be greater and greater, especially among ordinary people, Mary wants to combine it with charity.

If more people can listen to it and realize that protecting the environment, air, sanitation and others, all humans depend on for survival, then it will become more meaningful, and it will also endow the star with another layer as a public figure. Valuable meaning.

"Me, of course I will agree...When will we start to hold a fundraiser or something else?" Norma said enthusiastically.

"Similarly, these will be arranged by someone. What we need to do is to tell people the facts so that they can clearly understand the real situation and make a more correct choice." Mary signaled that she didn't need to worry.

"Okay, but you must tell me ahead of time." Norma was afraid of conflicts with her other activities.

"Of course... come and try this." Mary put a piece of grilled sturgeon on her plate, talking and laughing.

In this family gathering, everyone refrained from drinking a few drinks, but they also consumed 4 bottles of wine.

Sounds like a lot, but it’s not worth mentioning if it’s in Europe.

Like a normal dinner, equal to the number of people on the scene, the amount of alcohol consumed will be 2 to 3 times, and the number of people who encounter alcohol will increase.

After the dinner, everyone gathered in the living room, nestled in the sofa, holding coffee or tea in their hands, watching the only program on TV together.

No one spoke, everyone just enjoyed the warm, down-to-earth feeling of relying on each other and living together in the same room.

Norma rested her head on Mary's shoulder. As in childhood, her intimate behavior made her eyes heavy, and her brain was so sleepy that she couldn't lift her spirits.

Until she completely leaned on Mary's shoulder, she entered a sweet dream.

It can be seen from the smile on the corner of her mouth that she must have seen what she dreamed of and dreamed of in her dream.

"She's asleep." Mary gently stroked her said softly and tenderly.

"Dan, invite someone to take Miss Norma back to the room." Li Zitao snapped his fingers to Dan outside the door and looked at Norma, who was asleep.

She now looks like a child who has not grown up, cute, innocent, pure and flawless.

"I'm coming!" Aiden said as he stood up and led her to the bedroom in the princess hug.

Suddenly something unnatural in Mary's heart, Li Zitao didn't feel anything.

The relationship between them has always been very simple, not as complicated or mixed with some special feelings as imagined.

So, after meeting Mary's gaze, he just shook his head lightly, beckoning her not to be at this time, no matter what she wanted to say.

Seeing her turn around to talk to Fia and ask about the specific time and arrangement of the two's wedding, Li Zitao was relieved.

Fortunately, she did not ruin the atmosphere of today. This is Thanksgiving, the only day in the year where everyone can get together.

"The time is set in January. We have decided on the resort on Maui."

"Why not put it on Kauai."

"Duch and I still think it would be better on Maui." Fiia had his own reasons for doing so.

After a serious conversation with their fiancé, they still thought it was best to put it on Maui.

Because Kauai has a distinctive Li logo, and because of this logo, both Fia and Ducci think they should choose another place.

Therefore, they still chose the location on Maui, where Lawrence and Jonathan held a wedding, which is perfect for them. "Are you talking about weddings?" Aiden, who had gone to see Norma, came back and immediately joined the conversation.

There is only one theme for him, that is, he is going to be a best man at the wedding.

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