American Legendary Life

Chapter 156: Persuade Nikolai

"Mr. Tesla, see you again." Li Zitao smiled at the surprised Nikolai in the New York Traveller Hotel.

"You did surprise me, come in!" Nikolay gave way.

The room is not large. There are only two houses in total. The outside is the living room and the inside is the bedroom. However, in order to facilitate experiments and work, Nikolay moved the bed outside.

"Sit casually, there's only tea here." Pulling off the chair, Nikola pulled out the teapot and cup in the cabinet next to it and brewed it with boiling water.

"Thank you." Li Zitao looked casually at this humble room. There was a faint smell in the room, reminding him of A.O Smith's dormitory.

"I came this time to continue the last topic." Li Zitao took a sip of tea and seemed to be very relaxed and leaned back in his chair.

"Charlie, I said, don't trouble yourself, if you have the heart, you can come here occasionally to sit down, maybe I can help you solve some small problems."

Knowing that Li Zitao really wanted to help him, Nikolay became embarrassed.

"Can I call you Nikolay?" Li Zitao asked politely.

"Of course, I have been calling you Charlie." Nikolay smiled.

"Then my friend, believe me, I am sure to let you leave here, just need to make some compromises."

"For example?" Nikolay's expression became solemn.

"The patents you invented can no longer be published, all patents will be shared by everyone, of course, your interests will be there,

We will form a new combination of interests, you are the most important part, in addition..."

Looking at Nikolay's normal appearance, Li Zitao continued: "As for Tesla coils, super dead light and magnetic levitation technology, after handing it to Washington, you must completely forget them."

"I will not use my own technology to make war machines for them." Nikolai said coldly.

"Of course, but this is a necessary compromise, and without your help, can they easily understand that knowledge?" Li Zitao asked back.

"Just those pig brains?" Sure enough, every scientist must be proud.

"So there is nothing to worry about. If you think it is necessary, you can add some difficulty to them in the drawings. I don't think they will find something."

Anyway, I can’t figure it out, adding a little technical barrier, I believe it is not a problem for Nikolai.

"Oh?" Nikolay said with a bright pupil, "This is a good proposal."

"Yes, I think so too." The best way to change it is completely different. Let them practice ‘Ouyang Feng’, one by one.

"Think about it, you just need to give them some useless drawings. In the future, when these technologies are realized one day, everyone will praise your greatness,

And you can get the most important freedom, Nikolay, do you really want to make all the meaningful technologies in your brain buried in the mud with you? "

Li Zitao began to make big cakes again, and the Shao Lang is now more and more adept.

Flick, then Flick, and then you can wait for the fruit to hit your head.

"With the development and progress of the times, maybe one day you can create them yourself, after all, the situation is not static."

Hearing that Li Zitao pointed out, Nikolay began to seriously consider this matter.

It was not that he was unwilling to compromise, but that the people who once talked to him always showed a high profile.

Their treatment of Nikolay is like looking at a stray dog ​​with a tail-wagging begging, "Give you some leftovers, you should be grateful for the tail-wagging tail."

"I don't want Nicholas to save face?"

Now Li Zitao gives him enough respect, gives him the right to choose independently, and shows friendly intimacy, which makes Nikola shaken.

"What do you mean by everyone?" Nikolay wanted to understand more clearly what he said about the combination of interests.

"Rockefeller, McCormick and Wood, Roosevelt, Rothschild, and you and me."

Li Zitao ranked himself at the end, showing a particularly humble attitude. Such a fight for face makes the big brothers happy first. He only needs to secretly take advantage of it.

With the sentiment that he helped Nikola get out of trouble today, I believe this **** of technology will not forget his friendship.

Besides, where the future **** of science and technology is located, it is his research center.

Don’t you know that it’s the first month near the water tower?

"Don't have DuPont, Morgan and Washington representatives?" Nikolay was surprised.

"I think you should know that my relationship with DuPont is not very good, and the Washington side is resolved by Roosevelt. As for the military, my relationship with them is not bad."

Li Zitao dared to say this because the selection of the chief of staff of the Army Department was confirmed.

MacArthur, accept the temporary four-star general rank, as the new army chief of staff.

Although the rank is temporary, and he was also a four-star general during his tenure, Eisenhower and his opponent have good personal relations, which is good news for him.

"What about the specific distribution of benefits?" If it was still greedily captured, Nikolay didn't think he needed to make a change.

If it's just cheap tycoons and financial predators, it might as well make some contributions to At least let him stay in the history.

"You will get 50%, I promise." Li Zitao had considered this issue before coming.

There is no more realistic and more important issue than it. The 50% profit distribution is the most sincere promise Li Zitao can give.

"Charlie, I think you should act." Niko stretched out and said.

"Happy cooperation, Nikolai." Li Zitao was a little excited. Moving forward to this step, this matter is going to be completed in all directions.

Back at the hotel, Li Zitao personally dialed the phones of the big brothers, and it was also the first time to communicate personally with Lawrence's father, Little John.

"Uncle Rockefeller, I have received Nikola's promise, but I need to make sure he can get 60% of the patent benefits."

"Charlie, don't you think this request is too high?" Little John's voice was very gentle, a little tenor feeling, slightly magnetic hoarse.

"But without him, the remaining 40% does not exist."

"But we can continue to maintain the current situation, and those published patents are enough for us to use."

"But we can never get truly valuable." To say that Nikolai has published many patents.

But how much is really valuable, don't treat anyone as a fool, especially a genius who has been targeted and controlled for a long time.

If there is no complaint, it is not a genius, and can be promoted to a saint directly.

"55 percent, unless you are willing to give up your interests." Little John gave his final answer.

"I think I will persuade Nikolai." Li Zitao responded sincerely, not knowing that he was already laughing by the phone.

With Bai's profit of 5 percent, the white wolf with empty gloves can hardly make too much money.

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