American Legendary Life

Chapter 412: To the script

In love, quarrels are always inevitable, and two independent individuals want to merge into a larger group.

This is equivalent to a collision between two worlds, one is strong, the other is weak, or the magnetic field coincides, and the fusion process is relatively gentle.

What is tragic is that they are equally matched, and the magnetic field repels. No one wants to compromise or give up first, and in the end, it can only hurt both sides.

Lawrence and Avril are now in such trouble. No one wants to compromise first into the other's world.

This makes the collision between them more and more intense, and disputes and conflicts have increased a lot.

In fact, Lawrence was hiding from her recently. Who ever thought that both of them would come to this charity party, knowing that he would definitely refuse Li Zitao's invitation.

"The charity donation is about to start. Are you going to see it together?" Li Zitao pretended to take the opportunity to find that the atmosphere between the two was a little tense.

"Okay." Lawrence said and walked forward. Li Zitao stopped and waited for Avril to come up, and then walked with her.

"Your relationship with Lawrence is a bit tense?" Li Zitao asked casually with a drink.

"Maybe we are inappropriate." Avril whispered.

Hearing her saying this, Li Zitao was a little surprised, but did not expect the situation between the two to have already reached this point.

"Try to give him more time." Li Zitao hoped the two would be together, after all, this would strengthen the strength around him.

With his relationship with Lawrence and the investment of the Mellon family in Las Vegas, if the two can become a couple, the friendship between the two parties will be closer.

"He's 20 years old." Avril asked a few questions in her tone. At this time, 20-year-olds are a common place for several children.

As the third generation of the Rockefeller family, Lawrence should take heart, become stable and responsible, and find a wife who is the right one.

In the 1930s, it was not popular to play coffee. People's concept of responsibility and family became more and more important.

A person who doesn't even have a wife or family will be questioned most of the time. He has no hair on his mouth and does not do well.

Even the family's responsibilities cannot be assumed. What can you expect him to do?

When she was with him, Avril was for the purpose of getting married, but she found Lawrence didn't think so at all.

Most of his time is given to work, and the rest of the time he loves to hang out with his friends, open parties, travel, horse gambling, and clubbing.

Thinking of here, Avril looked at him with strange eyes, guessing whether there was any adultery between the two men.

Li Zitao didn't notice at all. Avril stared at him with the look of ‘Gila’, and there was still vinegar in his heart.

The process of charitable donation was rather bland. As the host, Mrs. Constable Vanderbilt took the stage to make a few remarks, and everyone put the check into the donation box after the event.

The cheques used by people here are special versions during the Great Depression and can only be redeemed at their own banks.

For example, the cheques used by Li Zitao can only be exchanged at banks owned by Li's Holding Company, and the Mellon family can only be exchanged at Mellon National Bank.

Although the external business is completely stopped, it does not mean that the bank will not do any business.

On the contrary, the flow of funds within the major banks is in the millions of dollars a day, but it is an internal matter of their own and has nothing to do with the outside world.

After the end of the donation, the banquet will come to an end, and then you can move freely.

"Do you have any plans next?" Li Zitao walked side by side with his wife.

"Lawrence intends to go to sea, we plan to play at sea for two days." Li Zitao pretended to be casual.

"Avril invited me and Doris to Las Vegas to visit the upcoming casino." Mary took his arm and smiled. "It looks like we are going to separate again."

"I will meet you in Las Vegas tomorrow and have fun." Li Zitao kissed her on the cheek.

"You too." Let go of his arm and Mary quickly walked to the side of the road, Doris and Avril were already waiting for her.

"Hey, Charlie, let's go to sea quickly!" Lawrence ran over with a laugh.

"Is there any activity I don't know about?" Jonathan also came over alone, and it seemed that there was a growing understanding between them.

"Okay, the girls are ready to wait for the wine." Let Shen Dong drive over, and the three went straight to the Port of Miami.



In front of the Port of Miami at the moment, Yingyingyanyan gathered on two luxury yachts docked.

Among them is Carol Lombard, who just got the contract. She is sitting on the deck at the moment, staring at the calm sea in a daze.

"Hello, my name is Li." A petite woman came over and said with a friendly hand.

"Hello, Carol." Carol looked up and recognized the woman in front of her.

Vivien Li, a newcomer who has just joined Hollywood, recently replaced Catherine and became the new ‘Baiwei Girl’ of Sabie. ’

Also lucky to her are Eva Gardner and Betty Davis, who became McDonald's Maidens, and their seas were all over the streets all night.

These two women have appeared in some movies in but they didn't make a difference, at most they are even a third-tier star.

As for how they became Mai Mai, this is very clear inside and out.

Some people say that DreamWorks is Charlie Lee’s back garden, and the women in it are his prey. Every night, he will choose the people who sleep with him tonight like a king in DreamWorks.

This exaggerated public opinion has attracted attention, but no one can prove it, and the people can only YY.

After all, this kind of thing sounds too ridiculous, but after joining DreamWorks, Carol is a little uncertain about this kind of speculation.

"What are you thinking?" Li took two cocktails from the waitress in a bikini and handed her a light smile.

"How many people are here?" Carol asked boldly.

She wanted to verify whether her inner guess was really like what the outside world guessed.

"That, that, and that, of course, including me, as for you..." Fei Wenli said indifferently, pointing at the few women talking and laughing on the deck.

The number is not much, but the identity is enough to surprise her.

The first Oscar actress winner, Anne Shirley, the third Oscar actress winner, Jenny Gaynor.

There is the modern girl Pauline Gaudai. Isn't she dating Chaplin?

Coupled with the well-known Greta Garbo is the winner of the second Oscar actress, after three sessions of filming, he was swept away.

It seems that the outside world's speculation is not exaggerated. Carol smiled bitterly at the corner of her mouth.

In fact, before she came, she was already mentally prepared. A rich man invited a beautiful woman to go to sea by boat. Is there anything to ask?

The reasons announced to the outside world are of course sounding. They are just for work and feel more about the script at sea.

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