American Legendary Life

Chapter 708: 1 shot not fired

A young body always brings joy, and the collision of two young bodies will make this joy reach its peak.

The fact that the reddish bed sheet made Li Zitao a little surprised. I didn't expect to see Virgin at the university.

At least in his last life, Virgin was'extinct' in middle school.

Fan Biang, who was sore all lying on the bed, seemed to have been ravaged by the beast.

Now even if she asked her to lift a finger, she would feel that her bones were creaking, and she would completely break up.

However, she must admit that she had spent a wonderful night.

The unscrupulous Shopping never needs to consider the price, thinking of the joy of reaching out in a boutique and saying "all inclusive", Fan Biang experienced the rich man's ``deep pain'' life for the first time.

Romantic candlelight dinner, soft and sweet music reverberating, dancing in a restaurant with only two people...

There are also hot snorts and strong muscles nearby, not the kind of lumps that make people feel nausea, but the soft and strong lines.

The only things that dissatisfied her were the trembling legs and the oscillating bones.

Watching the man come out of the bathroom, with his back wide and powerful against her spine, and a line full of security, there was no trace of fat on him.

Judging by the critical eye of a woman, his figure was so good that Fan Biang was jealous.

Wearing clothes, Li Zitao smiled and turned: "Baby, you can live here until next month, I hope there is still a chance to meet!"

"That's it?" Fan Biang's tone was unbelievable.

"Uh... maybe there is a chance to see you again." Li Zitao waved his hand in surprise, leaving only a back that seemed extremely cold to Fan Biang.

It's just a novel hunting game, and Li Zitao will soon forget.

Compared to this, his Angel number is coming. Should I contact some friends now for a grand party?

"Jonathan, are you interested in going out to sea? What are you doing, of course, fishing and diving, yes... yes..."

"Lawrence, my new yacht is here... remember to bring a good bottle of wine, jerk."

"Hi Martin, are you interested in diving?"

"Arthur, do you have time to fish?"

Holding the phone book, Li Zitao flipped from time to time, stopped, dialed one of the numbers, and flipped again.

All the invitations received this time were from the younger generation, and Lawrence and Jonathan naturally need not be said.

Martin Firestone, the second son of the rubber king, and heir to Firestone, has begun to take business from his father.

Arthur Lamont, Lamont’s only son, although the last business was not completed, the two had a good personal relationship.

Marshall, the lieutenant colonel of the National Guard, is also on his invitation list.

Dick, the next successor to Mellon's family, hesitated again and again, and he still listed the three justices who had joined the Mahathir firm.

But after receiving his invitation, all three declined euphemistically on the grounds of body.

It also relieved him that if the three justices were really present, he had to consider equipping a medical team on board to avoid anyone being stimulated to have a heart attack.

The invitation list has been determined. The next step is to find some girls and hold the phone. The number in my mind is very clear, but Li Zitao is a little unsure how to call.

"Aimo, how are you doing recently?" Li Zitao still dialed the DreamWorks number.

"Are you here again?" Aymo said strangely.

"Hey...this is for business, not what you think." Li Zitao said with a smile, he felt the explanation was pale and weak.

"Speak, who do you want?" Aymo didn't seem to listen to his excuse at all.

"Uh... is it all possible?" Li Zitao asked tentatively.

"Crunch, creak..." The sound of grinding teeth came from the opposite side, Li Zitao just took the microphone away, and from the other side, Amor's roar came: "What are you dream factory, you **** bastard, you should go open A few houses, FK..."

Ten minutes later, Li Zitao, who hung up the phone, was helpless. Although he was scolded, he still got the female partner he wanted.

As for the hot girls who set off the atmosphere, Li Zitao made people find Hollywood famous intermediaries. Hollywood will never lack newcomers who want to be famous.


Just as Li Zitao released himself and was busy with his ‘fishing’ and ‘deep’ party, the German dwarf was also carrying out his plan.

To test the bottom line of other countries, 1,000 cavalry were sent to the Rhine Demilitarized Zone.

The order they received was: "If the French army launches an attack, resistance is not allowed to retreat immediately."

At the moment, opposite the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, the French army stationed 23 divisions.

At dawn, 1,000 cavalry came slowly from afar. They controlled the horses under their feet, and they were solemn and serious like a ceremonial team participating in the celebration.

But in fact, every cavalry grabbed the horse bridle and his hands were filled with sweat beads, cold sweat wet the back, and the forehead with hat was also covered with fine sweat.

In the face of a heavily armed French army, with 23 divisions, all kinds of heavy weapons, and mechanics waiting for themselves, how could they not be nervous?

1,000 What is enough?

If after crossing the line, the opposite side really launched an attack, their only hope is that the seated horse runs faster.

Some cavalrymen bent down when they were still about 10 meters away from the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, always ready to let the sitting horses gallop.

At this time, as long as there is a gunshot, these cavalrymen will immediately turn their horse head away, even if it is shot into the sky or land, they are never afraid to take another step forward.

When the cavalry in the front row saw sitting on the horseshoe and crossed the ‘line’, the entire Rhine Demilitarized Zone seemed to be dead, without breathing.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...

Nothing happened. The French army on the other side stood provocatively and provocatively on the tank, even a bullet was not fired.

1,000 cavalrymen pulled the reins, and the horses sat down speeded up, and then they took a leisurely stroll around the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, which was regarded as a life exclusion zone.

"Oh~~" When the cavalry left the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, the camp made a deafening cheer.

They really stepped into the ‘Forbidden Area’ just now, and those Frenchmen dared not take out their guns, just a group of bichi without eggs.

When the news came back to Berlin, everyone was boiling, whether it was a little dwarf, a senior general, an ordinary soldier, or those people.

Cowards, French guys are just a group of cowards, they will only get into the quilt of the woman next door in the middle of the night, and sell chicken-thin sausages.

"It's time, my generals, they have only a fragile shell, now, let's set it a little bit off, like lettuce."

The little dwarf was frustrated, his eyes waved enthusiastically, and the senior generals present waved collectively, shouting ‘Hi, FXS. ’

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