American Manga God

Chapter 197: Vanessa's Legacy

"Impossible..." Until the last moment, Sowanda's eyes were still filled with disbelief.

The [Song of the Blue Sky], which passed through the chest and nailed it to the ground, burst out with splendid arcane light, in sharp contrast to this body that had lost its life. As if this magic sword was a flower blooming on the sludge.

"Oh! It's over?" Mei Mumu twitched the corner of his mouth lightly.

I thought that there would be another battle between dragons and tigers, but it ended like this, but when Huo Ran looked back, it was just that he had become a bunker unknowingly.

"The host changed the fate of Sowanda, one of the five fingers of the hand, and let him die early, and gained 5 fate offset points."

In 2008, Mei Jiecao won a total of third offset points, one for Ethan, one for Erica, this is the third time.

Why only three times?

Ha ha!

Anyway, three times are not too many, adding up to 20 points, basically all of them hit Erica. In a sense, Mei Juncao didn't even open the "profit model" at the time of [Iron Man One]. After all, what you get is the offset point, not the reversal point.

Mei Mumu wasn't annoyed either, anyway, the ability to go back in time gave him a lot of time and leeway.

With a pouting, Mei Jiexiao's figure disappeared outside the woods.

Inside, the fierce battle between Erica and Murakami is at its most critical.

"Ding ding ding!" It was the continuous bump between the short fork and the samurai sword. The fast-moving slashing is more like a chaotic battle.

In terms of experience, a hundred Erika can't equal a single Murakami. For more than 400 years, almost all of them have been spent in combat. This kind of combat experience gained through many years can make up for the physique between Murakami and her to the greatest extent. gap.

As an exile of [Kunlun], Murakami also has the big killer [Qi]. Driven by [Qi], he can often make unexpected moves such as sudden acceleration, sharp increase in offensive and defensive capabilities, and split palms.

With a physique that is three times as simple as that of a mortal, it is impossible for him to be Murakami's opponent.

Erica has other resources, and that is the [Legendary Thief Card] given to her by Mei. Of the three thieves templates drawn, one blood elf thief Valeera was given to Natasha, the other Hassan series was given to Yelena, and the last one was given to Erica.

When Mei Mumu first showed this heritage to Erica.

Erica never imagined that this sturdy woman with short black hair wearing a red face scarf would give her a feeling that her destiny was incomparably matched.

This woman in the spirit sea is named Vanessa VanCleef!

She is the final boss of the fission five-player hero mode copy of "World of Warcraft" "Death Mine", and is also the daughter of Edwin Van Cleef, a famous person in the primary copy of "World of Warcraft" that tortured countless novice players to cry.

Originally Edwin was one of the leaders of the Mason Brotherhood. He has a life of his own. He helped the human king Varian Wrynn rebuild Stormwind City, which was destroyed by the orcs. A group of masons worked hard for several years, hoping to get their wages, but they were transformed into a human form by the evil black dragon princess Onyxia. Bewitched some foremen to ask for sky-high prices.

After Princess Heilong repeatedly provoked the relationship between the nobles and the masons, the nobles announced that they would refuse to pay for the masons' construction work.

During the demonstration, a worker controlled by a black dragon stoned King Varian's queen to death, causing the mason brothers to be banished from Stormwind as a traitor.

This sparked a painful and desperate uprising.

In the end Edwin VanCleef fell to the weapons of the crusaders, leaving only the young Vanessa VanCleef to inherit the mantle of her father's rebellion.

"Is hope that's how I should feel when I watch your noble lackeys cut off my father's head? Hope to me is just a vicious joke in this cruel world. Hope doesn't exist. , only Vanessa exists." These are Vanessa's most famous words.

The reason why it fits with Erica is because in the original history, Erica fell into evil ways after her father died...

Inheriting Vanessa's boss template, Erica burst out with strength far beyond her own, coupled with the incredible thief skill group, she caught Murakami by surprise many times and was almost killed by Erica.

However, that's it.

Erica is an 18-year-old girl who has never killed anyone. The key is that her father is not dead. At this moment, she is not caught in that kind of desperate pain and madness.

In combat, she is an uncompromising newcomer.

There were many times when she had the opportunity to kill her, but Erica hesitated. She paid the price for this, and Murakami's fierce counterattack made her win.

Several wounds were just a few centimeters away, and they became fatal wounds.

If it weren't for Vanessa's inheritance, Erica would now be a corpse.

Inheritance is inheritance after all, Erica has no scale In just a few days, she can learn a bunch of thieves skills and use them through soul inheritance, which is already very good.

To make her every move just right is demanding.

And there are only a few tricks she can use now. When Murakami gets used to it, the situation becomes unfavorable for Erica.

Originally, Bullseye wanted to help Erica, but he quickly gave up. These two guys fought fast, and he couldn't catch up with their movements at all.

That kind of ups and downs, floating in a battle, is the most difficult for a shooter like Bullseye.

"Damn, if I'm also strengthened..." Bullseye gritted his teeth.

At this critical moment, a magical force covered the entire basement.

In the three people's field of vision, there are many pictures surrounded by water waves, like projection screens, each of which is a picture of a murder in the village.

Drug-trafficking, forcing drug-addicted women into prostitution.

Rush in the streets, forcing poor children to join the Hand and become murderers after occupying one block after another.

Burning, killing, looting, doing all kinds of evil.

In the past few hundred years, Murakami's evil deeds are enough to write a crime encyclopedia.

Murakami was shocked, he realized who these pictures came from, of course his 'good partner' Sowanda. He didn't respond to one and a half pictures, and there were too many pictures, so he naturally realized that this was Sowanda's perspective.

"Sowanda, you traitor!" Murakami yelled in his poor Japanese.

"Oh! I'm sorry, you really wronged your good buddy." A cold and frivolous voice came, and then a half body was thrown into the arena.

It was the body of Sowanda!

And Mei, with her hands in her trouser pockets, looked at Murakami with a sneer.

Murakami's heart fell straight into the ice cave.

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