American Manga God

Chapter 234: start a mess

Robert Bruce Banner, he would have been the perfect example in the eyes of others.

He graduated from the California Institute of Technology and is a doctorate in nuclear physics.

Being able to become a doctor in itself is enough to prove that this man is a super scholar.

What's more, the nuclear physics department of Caltech, which ranks around ten years in the famous Ivy League schools in the United States, has to be admitted to and graduate. This has proved that he is not only a top student among the top students, but also has mines at home, oh, no, it should be said Rich or expensive.

The average annual tuition fee of the college is 50,000 US dollars, and this major is more than 100,000 US dollars. Unlike medicine, there is basically no student loan in this subject. If there is no mine at home, you can only give up therapy or go to the rooftop if you are admitted.

But he is such a proud man, and now he is a wanted criminal!

What about killing a colleague or killing a state trooper? Anyway, what Lao Mei did can really scare people.

South America is Old Beauty's back garden, and the wanted order of Old Hairdresser has the same effect here.

As a result, such a scholar and noble person had to leave his hometown and come to Brazil to work as a black worker in order to avoid the wanted order and to avoid harming the people around him because of the radiation accident in the laboratory.

Here in Hexinia, in Porto Porto, Brazil, low-rise brick and wooden houses are built along the hills. Following the relatively gently rising terrain, there are at least 100 stories from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Poverty breeds evil. At least one-third of the people here are engaged in illegal work, and almost every household has a gun.

Drug trafficking, prostitution, and illegal gun sales are commonplace here, and even the police are reluctant to enter these slums. If three or five police officers come in, they will be swallowed up to the bone in minutes.

Even the local snakes here don't know how many people live in each slum and who they are.

Almost every day, new corpses can be found in the gutters or burrows in the slums.

In this kind of place, even the government itself has abandoned the treatment. In someone's own world, when the World Cup is being held, their government is directly building unnecessary 'sound walls' on the highways passing through these areas, directly blocking the view of all tourists from these ghetto.

Even in such a bad place, there is still a white foreigner who maintains his true heart, working as a temporary black worker in a humble soda factory, receiving wages that are only enough for ordinary people to eat and eat, and almost even raising dogs every day. inactive food.

If it's an ordinary person, it is estimated that if he can't bear this bird's anger for a few days, he will turn against his mother!

Whoever catches me will die!

But this middle-aged man, who prefers to call him Bruce Banner, has a kind heart that is still there in the world. He's not timid, he just doesn't want to hurt anyone.

If possible, he doesn't want to use violence to solve any problems.

Unfortunately, at this moment, he doesn't know that his fate has been completely integrated with violence.

Through encrypted signals, he is contacting someone online. This gentleman with extremely high intelligence and professional knowledge is the only person who can give him advice in the field of science after his experiment became the Hulk. To exaggerate, Mr. Lan is already his last hope, the savior in his heart.

Bruce worked as a black worker, cut down on food and clothing, and used most of the saved wages to buy the materials that Mr. Lan suggested him to buy.

"I'm glad you contacted me again. Did you buy the plant I suggested you buy?" Mr. Lan typed on the channel.

"I got it." Bruce replied on the encrypted computer.

"Be sure to use high doses, only then will you have a chance to change your cellular mutation. Good luck."

Bruce pierced his finger, dropped a drop of mutated blood, and then added the solution prepared by the new plan.

Under the microscope, it appeared to work at first, with the new formula killing all the green growths on the cell surface. It was as if the cells had changed back to their original healthy red cells. In the blink of an eye, the cells proliferated with a momentum at least 10,000 times stronger than cancer cells, turning all cells back to green...

"Go!" Bruce was extremely annoyed.

Unbeknownst to Bruce Banner, he was about to be discovered by his adversary because of a mistake he made today at work, dropping a drop of blood into a soda bottle.

I don't even know who he is, he has been monitored.

A pair of beautiful eyes were fixed on Dr. Samuel Stern, Department of Cell Biology, Gebang College.

At the same time, in front of Thaddeus *e* Ross, a three-star general (that is, Lieutenant General) of the Air Force who is currently serving in the US military, there appeared a person he hated very much.

That guy is a politician in his eyes!

He is very disgusted by these arms sellers who control the military world.

Unfortunately, there is no way. He knows very well how these guys, whom he regards as parasites, have become the core part of the country.

The United States has been a country of rich people since its independence. The famous bigwigs who signed the Declaration of Independence at the time were all slave owners. Poor people who have no money are not qualified to play politics. They are only worthy of fighting with the British on the front line, lining up and shooting each other with single-shot musket performances.

All the chaebols who bought a lot of national debt in World War II, or supported the United States with practical actions, are regarded as true patriots. UU reading

This 'patriot' identity is the gold medal for the chaebols to avoid death.

Unless they commit treasonous acts, they will never be regarded as enemies by the state.

The Stark family and the Strange family are among the best. The former supports the country with technology, successively improving bombers, supporting the super soldier program, and the Manhattan Project for the manufacture of atomic bombs. The latter purchased World War II bonds with a huge amount of money.

The Strange family is even more famous for depositing a large amount of gold to help the United States stabilize the dollar exchange rate.

After World War II, the Strange family almost disappeared from American politics. It has always been very low-key (in fact, someone rolled back), but the recent change in Stark Industries has brought the Strange family into the sight of all high-level officials again.

In the past month, on behalf of the Strange family, he has frequently visited major families, and the one who visited the military was this Mr. Hugo Naches.

Hugo, who resigned as an ambassador to Greece because he was suspected of having joined the gang, now seems to be doing better. After someone chopped off the outstretched hands of the chaebols, and after Obadi died 'accidentally' and sold his shares in Stark Industries, Mr. Hugo was transformed and became an outsider of Stark Industries. window.

For those who could have been ambassadors, their diplomatic value was at least excellent. In order to support his daughter, Mr. Hugo tried his best. In just one month, Stark and Strange were two of them. The name has been revived in the military and political circles of the United States.

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