American Manga God

Chapter 243: any price!

Bruce is both happy and hateful about May's integrity!

The good news is that Mei's integrity saved him and let him get rid of a considerable part of his inhuman life.

What he hates is that May Day has trampled on the beautiful love for Betty Ross in his heart. He didn't know how Betty was now, whether she had a boyfriend, and whether she was doing well. Even though the two had not seen each other for several years, his heart was still on Betty.

The way it is now makes Bruce feel like he has betrayed Betty.

However, he couldn't blame Mei Jiecao for playing Lalang's match, because he asked carefully, but Mei Jiecao never forced Martina at all.

Originally, Martina liked him, but after he was a hero to save the beauty, she was even more fond of him. What's more, when you find that the lover of your dreams has been appreciated by a super rich boss and can immigrate her whole family to the United States, a fool will find a way to seize happiness.

She is completely voluntary.

This makes Bruce bad.

After he was granted and received the shelter of May Day, Bruce was in such a good mood that he forgot to take precautions. In the past, he slept very lightly. By accident, Martina succeeded.

With a good-natured man like Bruce Banner, how could he do such a mess.

Bruce shouted unwillingly: "What if! If I suddenly lose control and transform, it will harm Martina!"

Mei Mumu's eyes slammed, and there was a supreme majesty in the eyes that swept over Bruce. At this moment, Bruce suddenly felt the strength of the other party.

That is the gaze that pierced through fate!

That is a vision that transcends time!

That kind of divine light that sees through everything actually made Bruce feel an irresistible trance.

"I have absolute confidence in my magic! As long as you are not angry and murderous towards your woman, you will never transform at that time. On the contrary, even if it is an ordinary husband, he wants to Killing your own wife is a piece of cake."

Banner was stunned. He couldn't help but recall the shadows of his childhood.

That's right, it was his father who accidentally killed his mother, which made Banner have a natural fear of this matter.

He was completely absent-minded for a long time, and then he sat down on the chair opposite Mei Jiezuo: "Strange..."

"I prefer you to call me Mr. Mei!"

Bruce tucked his curly hair together to make himself appear more energetic, and then turned his eyes into Mei Jiedao with great spirit: "Okay! Mr. Mei! I feel like you are deliberately distracting me. Since you are right I know so well, that's what happened to Betty, right? Don't be silly, you know I'm talking about Betty Ross!"

May shrugged: "Betty has nothing to do with her and lives a peaceful life. Except she recently found a psychiatrist as her boyfriend."

Mei Jiexiao turned the laptop and tapped a few times, showing an intimate photo of a beautiful white woman and an elegant man. Looking at the date of the photo, it was a few weeks ago.

At this moment, Bruce's whole body wilted, like a withered flower.

Erica only felt that the skinny man in front of her suddenly froze, as if he had been hit by petrification magic, and then a gust of wind blew, and the whole person turned to ashes and was blown away in the whole world...

Suddenly, Bruce felt that Mr. May was not so nasty anymore. Although the other party was convinced that he wanted to borrow the power of Hulk, he still thought of him anyway.

His eyes were sore, and Bruce knew that it was tears that were about to burst into his eyes: "Uh, that... Actually, you don't have to do this. Betty... I... I know that my situation is not worthy of her, and I will bless her. Promise. Me, don't harass her, okay?"

"No, no, it's you who misunderstood. Actually, I hope you take Miss Rose too."

This time, Bruce was really dumbfounded.

ha? what do you say?

Mei Jiezuo snapped her fingers, and the door next to her suddenly opened, and a typical Russian beauty, taller than Erika, walked in. In terms of bodybuilding, she is not as good as Erica, and in terms of overall appearance and figure, she is on par with Erica.

Mei Jiexao put his arms around the two women who had come to him automatically, and said shamelessly, "Bruce, you are so energetic, a Martina can't handle you. I want to say, you should learn from me to open a harem. ."

Bruce blushed, turned around and left, leaving behind a string of evil laughter.

Bruce was depressed.

Over there, Erica couldn't help but ask, "Mei! Is it worth your effort to help him?"

"It's worth it? Of course it's worth it! The Hulk Hulk is the strongest in the universe! It's impossible to win over Hulk, but to win over Banner... I want to give it a try."

That's right, someone had the Hulk's idea.

In the Marvel Universe, no matter which parallel world, Hulk is the top fighting force among them. It seems that the Hulk, who is in a state of rage all day, feels uncontrollable.

In fact, this possibility is not zero.

Since Mei Jiecao has let go of his hands and feet to make trouble, how can he let go of such a top-level combat power?

To be a hero, the rich use technology, and the poor rely on mutation!

A rich family like Tony Stark, or a real local tyrant-the Black Panther who is the king of Wakanda, these are destined to be impossible to win.

For example, a guy with firm beliefs such as Captain America Steve can only use it and cannot recruit.

The only way Mei's integrity can move her mind can only start with a hard-pressed force like Bruce Banner.

Pure kindness is the one who cannot bind Bruce and Hulk. Therefore, the road to gain favorability and reputation is still extremely long!

At this time, Yelena reminded: "Speaking of which, it seems that Miss Martina can't handle it! I'm afraid something will happen."

Mei Jie said with a sly smile: "When the heavens will send true love to someone who is destined, they must first work their muscles and bones and hurt their body and skin. Even if he smells of perfume from her hooves, it's all her nose. Since If Miss Martina is going to be the moth to the fire, then she has to be mentally prepared. Haha!"

That night, Mei Jiexao made an excuse to draw blood on Martina, and then he laughed.

In Martina's blood, there are Hulk cells, but it's a little surprising, it seems that all the cells are hibernating, not proliferating or spreading.

"Yo, dear Bruce, you took someone's blood. Then you have to be responsible to the end!" Mei smiled smugly.

On the other hand, Emil Bronski went to General Ross: "That thing! I don't care what the **** it is. If it appeared in front of the world like this, even the bravest soldier would be scared to pee his pants. So, I hope Continue to participate in your operations, General, and be willing to pay any price for it."

"Any price?" There was something strange in General Ross's smile.

"Any! Any! Price! Price!" Emile said firmly.

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