American Manga God

Chapter 519: Then show the power

A day later, in an abandoned factory building in Miami, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were busy preparing for the upcoming live broadcast.

Beside her, Sharon asked her aunt, "Aunt, those idiots won't anger Mei and screw everything up?"

In S.H.I.E.L.D., it was a bit taboo to call it that.

Peggy officially retired recently and continued to be her fiancée and full-time liaison for Team America, with a little less scruples.

She shook her head: "From what I know about May, he is not such a fanatical guy, otherwise even if he doesn't do it, just stand by and watch the battle of New York, and the world is over."

"Twice, once in New York and once in London."

"Well." Peggy rubbed her brows.

The separation of powers has this disadvantage. Now that the president chooses to support the Avengers, both the Senate and the House of Representatives are trying their best to advocate the inclusion of all superpowers.

What they mean is that since Thor joined the Avengers, and the Avengers is under the nominal jurisdiction of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is best that even Thor obediently come to S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent.

Don't even look in the mirror, Thor is about to become the king of gods, but he came to help when he was guarding the Nine Realms.

"Don't provoke Mei!" Peggy trembled a little.

Meeting at twelve o'clock.

A life-size three-dimensional projection surrounds the plum tree in the middle, and appears around the plum tree in a semi-circle. These projections are not one layer, but five layers. It looks like plum tree in a large auditorium. It's like speaking to a full audience.

No, it wasn't even a speech, and Mei Mumu sat grandly on a sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, his left hand on the armrest, his right hand resting on his chin, his face mocking, because he noticed that the Security Council's United States The representative was Speaker Stern.

This is really hehe.

Beside Mei Jiecao, the two Valkyries, Yarvette and Brunhilt, with cold faces, stood with their hands behind their backs.

"You are welcome to this summons, Mr. May Strange." An old woman spoke first: "I am the chief convenor of the Security Council..."

Mei Jiecao interrupted her suddenly: "I have no interest in who you are. I'm just here to explain my position, and I'll say goodbye. You can accept it or not. That's it anyway."

His words choked the crowd to death.

Speaker Stern became furious on the spot: "Mr. Strange, what do you mean? Do you know that you are dealing with representatives of people from all over the world?"

"It's ridiculous, what qualifications do you have to represent all mankind?"

The deputies suddenly made a noise, showing unpleasant expressions on their faces, and angering them directly.


"Watch your tone, young man."

"I am entrusted by the President of our country..."

Noisily, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. next to them were terrified.

Who knows, Meijie will choke all the delegates to death with a single word.

"When Lao Tzu saved the earth, your grandfather's grandfather didn't even have an egg!"



All quiet!

Peggy knew something was wrong, and immediately asked Nick Fury to send all the delegates photos of May's participation in the Super Soldier program during World War II.

That's right, there are some representatives who really think of themselves as one thing, thinking that in the name of 'the world' they can convince Mei Jiedao. I didn't even read the information on Mei Jiexiao.

Finally, some of the representatives looked a little wrong.

Mei Jiecao stretched out his arm, pointed his finger at these representatives, and swept the audience with a swipe of his arm, starting the great trick: "I have lived for more than 600 years, and I have witnessed the demise of the Eastern Roman Empire with my own eyes. You little brats have Qualified to call me 'younger'?"

"Impossible!" A representative murmured.

"No one can live that long."

Facing the questioning, Mei Jiedao sneered: "Who said I was a pure human?"

As the voice fell, Mei Jiedao raised his left hand, and under the focus of more than 30 high-definition cameras, Mei Jiedao's left hand began to turn into flames - in fact, this is the characteristic [elementalization] of the demigod of the element system.

"As an ancient mage, I have already crossed the line of life and death. I use the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind to build my body. So I'm sorry, as long as there are any elements of earth, water, fire and wind in this world, I will be immortal and immortal. ." Mei Jiexiao turned on the nonsense mode while turning his right hand into a frost element, which seemed to be completely transparent ice crystals.

But it was enough to scare the pretentious bigwigs into a fool.

Mei Jiexao stood up, full of momentum, black hair without wind and automatic, eyes flashing with mysterious arcane brilliance that no one else could know: "Or, you think the bullets that are inferior to toys, or just toy-level nuclear bombs. Can you kill me?"

Some of the representatives were cowardly, which made Speaker Stern extremely angry.

"No no We didn't mean that."

"We just hope that a strong man like you can listen to the opinions of the people of the world."

"Hum!" Mei Jiecao snorted coldly: "Listen? Back then, the American colonists used muskets to listen to the opinions of the Indians. The Spanish conquistadors used the smallpox to listen to the opinions of the Mayans. At this moment, two billion intelligent creatures on a planet were captured Kill it completely. A super strong man raised his hand to launch a natural disaster and destroy a satellite. I have as many things to do as the stars in the sky. Why should I come to listen to your poor opinions?"

Finally Stern couldn't help it: "Don't you call yourself the guardians of mankind? You..."

"Shut up!" Mei Jiexiao shouted like a thunderstorm, making every representative feel as if his heart suddenly stopped beating.

That majestic aura, it was as if Mei Jiexao could follow the radio waves and network cables to run over and kill them.

For a time, the audience was silent.

Mei Jiezao sneered proudly.

"Hehe, give you some face, do you really think it's one thing? We Kama Taj are only guarding the human race, and don't let human beings be exterminated like the dark elves of the dark pen a few days ago. From a human being When there were only a few thousand people in the city, it began to protect human beings, and now a large city can have 10 million people.”

"Guarding 100 people is guarding. Guarding 6 billion people is also guarding. As long as you don't die, it's none of our business to start wars with each other and knock out dogs' brains. Don't use human righteousness to oppress us."

"It seems that without showing you your muscles, I really don't know what self-weight is."

"Well, I'll give you the coordinates and send someone to take a look in an hour."

After all, without waiting for the representatives to respond, Mei Jiezao looked at Nick Fury in the corner of the old factory building: "Turn it off."

Nick rolled his eyes and did so.

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