American Manga God

Chapter 528: You're welcome

Black Widow is on top of a building a hundred meters away from the outer wall of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Peggy thought about it for a while, then hovered the plane and took her with her.

"You guess there's something wrong with Alexander?" Peggy asked right away.

The widow sister smiled mysteriously: "It's not just a cat or a dog that can assassinate President Kennedy."

Assassination of the president or something is just a joke most of the time.

Is the president so good to kill?

Which country's boss didn't die at his own hands?

Whether it is Kennedy or Mahatma Gandhi, it is actually his own hands.

This time, being able to attack Nick Fury, the head of the secret service, can be imagined how powerful the infiltration of the other party is.

"Then you trust us again?"

"I am a traitor to the Soviet Union, if I didn't have the eyesight, I wouldn't be alive now."

What the widow sister said made sense, but the couple was speechless.

Captain America took out a USB flash drive: "This was given to us by Nick before he died. It should contain Alexander's secret. What are you going to do?"

Sister Widow glanced at Peggy: "I listen to you, boss!"

"I will try to contact the president. If not, I will go to Miami to find Strange. At least with him, I am absolutely safe." At this time, Page was fully aware of the seriousness of the problem: "This plane has a strong anti-radar The detection system has also blocked the signal, so I should be safe along the way."

Captain America sighed, he knew that this was not the time to be hypocritical: "Then Natasha and I will go check this thing."

Time passed by, just as Peggy expected, the secretary answered the direct phone call to President Ivanka. The other party hesitated to deal with her, obviously delaying the time, hoping to locate the three of them through the communication signal.

Peggy no longer hesitated, and the troops acted in two separate ways.

Here, seeing that Peggy ran to her manor in Miami, Mei was a little dumbfounded: "Is this woman too refined?"

Miss Jian next to her broke her belly with a smile: "Let you be neutral! Whatever you pretend to be, it is clear that you are a chess player. Now the chess pieces are running out of the chessboard and come to you, a chess player, to make an argument. Let's see what you do."

Mei Jiexiao was helpless, and opened the communication.

"Hugo, Madam Peggy Carter will come later. You keep her safe."

"Understood, my lord." Mr. Hugo bowed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Peggy to drive the Quinn transport plane, first communicated, and then landed grandly on the tarmac of Mei's Miami manor.

"There's a traitor inside S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick Fury is killed. I need to meet Mr. Strange urgently." Peggy said bluntly.

"My lord has already informed Washington that he went to an alien planet."

"Then can I stay?" Peggy asked the crux of the matter.

"Strange Manor is neutral." Hugo took a stern look.

"Then I'm visiting as an old friend, and the master is away, can I stay for a while?" Peggy asked slyly.

Hugo showed an understanding expression on his face: "Then, please park the irrelevant flying tools outside the manor."

Don't be too public, old man, I will not see it.

Peggy vaguely guessed something, but this kind of thing can't be broken.

When she parked the plane and came in again, Hugo introduced her to a tall, blond woman.

"She's Grey, Ms. Carter, while you're resting in this manor, Grey will take care of your daily meals."

"Hello, Ms. Carter." This is a "maid" with an impressive appearance. She is beautiful and generous, with a fit body, and she is fully qualified to choose Miss World or Miss Bodybuilding just by looking at her appearance.

The most important thing is that Peggy instinctively felt a powerful breath.

It wasn't that the other party really had the breath to frighten Peggy. It's purely an ace agent experience.

Peggy wondered: Where did I experience this feeling?

With a flash of inspiration, Peggy knew: "Hello, Grey. You give me a very familiar feeling, why do you think you look like the goddess Sif of Asgard?"

Gray's face did not change color, a typical European court maid: "Too flattering me. Madam. I'm just an ignorant little girl from the Swedish countryside."

"Hehe, wait for the next Avengers expansion, please give me a dozen of 'country girls' like you."

See through and say through, so what?

Not the enemy anyway.

Peggy is worthy of being a sturdy woman who does big things. Once she starts work, she really shouldn't be the home of Mei Juncao.

The equipment requirements for two pages of A4 paper were handed to Hugo grandly, and Hugo asked someone to buy it here for her.

The above are all high-precision electronic instruments and computer equipment, and the total price is less than a million dollars.

The point is, they don't even give money!

Hugo was stunned.

"Actually, your master owed me something back then. When you come back, just ask his conscience."

The subtext is clear: your Mr. Strange must have cheated on me back then.

What can Hugo do?

Do it!

The Stranges weren't that bad either.

Instead, Mei, who was hiding in the dark, was ridiculed.

"Yo, I didn't expect Mei that you have the habit of sleeping with other people's wives?" Miss Jane teased Mei's integrity carelessly.

Sif next to her blushed. After being the Crown Princess for two thousand years, she turned back to follow a human man. Knowing that Miss Jane wasn't targeting her on purpose, Sif still blushed.

Mei Jie held her forehead: "Don't talk nonsense! Isn't Nima's 'doing some tricks on Peggy's [Super Soldier Potion] back then so that she could prolong her life and not get old, but it didn't give her an extraordinary physique'. After 70 years, you still hold on to my braids?"

This girl Peggy is so powerful, no wonder Captain America didn't have the chance to go out and have sex.

The girls here couldn't stop laughing.

In the manor, Peggy Carter really thought this was her home.

The guest room for her has been completely converted into a All kinds of communication equipment are activated, and she is activating her own dark lines that are ambushed all over the United States.

On the other side, Captain America and Sister Widow began to check what was on the USB flash drive Nick gave.

This is the information that Nick asked Widow Sister to download when he dealt with the pirates of the satellite launch ship before. Check this kind of U disk with SHIELD encryption and anti-cracking programs from an acquaintance... If you do this, it can only prove that the widow sister has a grudge against that person.

You can't go to any Internet cafe, you need proof of identity.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will know immediately and kill it.

The widow sister chose a computer store in a shopping mall unscrupulously, and used the laptop used for demonstrations to do things.

Naturally, when she found out that the USB drive came from an abandoned military base in New Jersey, a search team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came.

If it was in history, in order to avoid being discovered, Sister Widow and Captain America would pretend to be lovers and have a deep kiss when taking the escalator. No matter who knows, this is a security (plot) need.

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