American Manga God

Chapter 535: and many more! Who was killed?

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the three flying helicarriers continued to climb to the sky while firing violently.

The sound of the cannons is so dense that it feels like setting off firecrackers when you get close.

On the airship, Director Alexander was in high spirits. He kidnapped more than a dozen members of the World Security Council.

Facing these dignitaries with yellow faces and cold sweats, Alexander raised his goblet high, shook the champagne inside, and let the wine smell out: "Gentlemen and ladies, toast to the safety of the world. 20 million dare to resist the thorns of Hydra, the world will enter a new era, I prefer to call it - order!"

"Fart! It's clearly the cruel rule of Hydra." A director yelled.

"Bang!" A shot rang out, and the director went cold.

"Actually, he's right." Alexander smiled, snapped his fingers, and the stereo projector behind him suddenly projected a huge projection of the Red Skull, Baron Strucker, and Baron Zemo.

The rest of the directors were trembling with anger.

The shelling continued, and countless shells fell from the sky, spanning distances of several kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers.

They roared, more frightening than the death knell of death.

In a military camp, a dignified officer was instructing new recruits.

"During World War II, the speed of the cannonballs was too slow, so when the sound of the cannonballs rang in my ears, the cannonballs actually had a long way to go before they landed. And the latest type of cannonballs, when I heard them a lot, the cannonballs were about to land at the same time."

As his voice fell, he and the recruits in front of him heard a strange sound at the same time.


Without giving these peacetime soldiers time to react, the explosion just happened.

The officer who was still preaching the truth just now was bombed into parts, and his stump even flew out of the barracks wall and fell heavily on the street outside.

The soldiers fell to their knees instinctively, and when they figured out what was going on, they shouted: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! We were shelled. Chief Alaba was killed!"

Similar things happen all over the United States.

Someone was bombarded into the sky. Originally, when he went to the sky, he only broke two legs, but the height in the air was a bit high, and it turned into a large meat pie.

Some guys had even worse luck. One was thrown dozens of meters and landed heavily on the ground, turning into a rag doll.

Another was driving a cruise ship, and suddenly his head was cut in half by a piece of shrapnel, and the people next to him screamed at his body.

Alexander watched the data feed back with satisfaction, as well as on the TV.

"Urgently insert the latest news, the White House is under shelling, and it is reported that the new President Ivanka Johnson was attacked by the air carrier captured by Hydra. At this moment, her life and death are uncertain, but we can see that His Excellency the President's round The shaped office has been completely blown up."

"According to inaccurate information, the President was shelled by no less than ten shells on his way to the air defense shelter in the White House after receiving an evacuation warning."

Watching the news, Alexander was very happy.

Escorted by dozens of Quinfighter jets, the three aircraft carriers flamboyantly poured their deaths across North America in the past hour, before heading towards Europe at maximum speed.

This is definitely an apocalyptic turmoil. The military of the old and the United States attempted to organize an attack of more than 200 fighter jets, but was destroyed by Hydra members lurking in various bases.

Their number is not particularly large, but they have successfully destroyed a large number of fighters.

Alexander was a little puzzled: "The U.S. military is still resisting? Are we not cleaning up enough?"

In the video communication, the Red Skull dispelled his doubts: "My loyal Pierce. The shells of the precision-guided guns are limited. What we have destroyed is their leader, the real backbone. The rest are just miscellaneous soldiers. Hurry up and go to Europe! Our revolutionary forces in the United States have been launched. After you have cleaned up Europe too, it will be time for our Hydra all-out attack."

Alexander was so excited that he raised his fists high: "Hi! Hydra!"

Red Skull also saluted: "Hi! Hydra!"

Death and terror spread rapidly all over the world.

Now, seventy percent of the world knows that it is the guys in the World Security Council who have been used to make such a **** mess.

Since all the bigwigs in the United States who control the nuclear bomb launch code are all in a state of loss, there is no nuclear bomb swarm at all to hit the three aircraft carriers.

In fact, the U.S. military launched a massive missile attack.

Unfortunately, the [Insight Plan] was designed with large-scale anti-missiles in mind. Kun-style fighters linked with computers, plus terrifying intensive firepower, and various world's most advanced electronic jamming equipment.

This wave of attacks with more than 400 missiles also ended in failure.

The U.S. team moved to an underground U.S. military base and they went crazy.

Just as they were preparing to take Iron Man, War Machine and Falcon as the forerunners and cooperate with the US fighter jets to forcibly assault the other's air carrier, an unexpected news came.

"What? Most of the people killed by the shelling were members of Hydra?" After Steve heard the news, his first reaction was that you are kidding me?

"It's not fake news. When dealing with the aftermath, the Hydra emblems were found in the relics of the deceased. They were all hidden in very secret places." Maria confirmed the news.

"What an international joke, the Hydra group of guys killed so many people, stealing air carriers, firing guns all over the world, and in the end killing their own people?" Tony also thought it was incredible.

"It's not surprising, I received a relatively credible news that the power struggle within Hydra has reached a white-hot stage. Red Skull, Baron Strucker and Baron Zemo all want to kill each other, and sit on their own. The throne of the king of the world." Peggy said nonsense in a serious manner in the video communication.

Nick was worried: "Then should we wait and let them kill each other? Or kill them now."

After some discussion, everyone decided to do it by After all, such a big killer as the air carrier, there will never be any good fruit in the hands of Hydra.

According to the inference, once a certain Hydra faction has won an overwhelming victory, it is time for unanimity to the outside world. In fact, news of the riots of Hydra members also came from all over the United States, but they were all suppressed by the military.

Judging from the current situation, the riots are not a climate.

I just don't know why these miscellaneous soldiers came out to deliver food under such circumstances.

Is it bad to live?

At this time, news came suddenly that someone sent a big killer.

A group of heroes ran out of the basement, only to see a dark elf dagger-shaped fighter slowly descending.

Steve: "Wow! Isn't this thing completely destroyed?"

Tony: "This news is as unreliable as the 'Captain America is dead' in the museum."

Captain America: "..."

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