American Manga God

Chapter 694: I'm just grumpy

"Did it! We really did it!?" Not only Grey, but even Brunhilde, who personally assassinated Hela, felt an unreal trance.

"Yes! We did it!" Yallweite approached, carefully scrutinizing the bizarre rune sword with the texture of translucent ice crystals in Brynhild's hand.

As long as you have enough sense of soul, you will find that this rune sword is swallowing Hela's soul.

"What an evil rune sword, like... a magic sword!" said the Valkyrie Guna.

At this time, Mei Mumu floated up, and all the Valkyries stood in the air, bowing to him.

Someone Mei finally felt their change. In the past, even if they were ordered to die, they would execute it without hesitation.

Loyalty is enough, but lack of vitality, like a powerful fighting puppet, without his own heart.

Now, the vibrancy is...a bit over the top.

It was a pair of piercing eyes, with incomparably fervent fervor and extreme worship, not only wishing to die for him immediately, but also wishing to 'eat' him.

"Uh!" Mei Jiedao coughed falsely, and the Valkyries suddenly turned serious: "This divine sword is indeed a magic sword, and it has the effect of imprisoning the soul and enslaving it."

"Will that..." Sister Bu hesitated.

Nonsence! The artifact produced by the balance of destiny still cost a lot of money, is it so easy to be taken away?

When Mei Jiecao was forced to exchange for [Frostmourne], he was absolutely certain that unless he was completely dissipated, he would be bound to his soul and would be tied to him.

Even if he sacrificed the tortured Arthas children's shoes in [Frostmourne], he couldn't abandon this sword. Moreover, someone has reserved an extra tenant for this [True Excalibur].

"Haha! Stop teasing! This divine sword that absorbs souls is not that simple!" Mei Jiecao smiled.

"Then now, we... have triumphed?" Yallweite couldn't wait to hold a grand celebration.

Banquet, but another special event of Valkyrie.

They will not only accompany the real warriors to kill the enemy, but also accompany the warriors to celebrate all night at the banquet.

"No, wait a little longer." Mei Jiecao smiled mysteriously.

and many more! ?

Not to mention the Valkyrie, even Brother Hammer who came over was stunned.

Who are you waiting for?

Others don't know that a century-level super war is going on in the dark space.

Dark King Dormammu vs Fire Giant Surtur

This fatherly battle can be described as shocking.

In the dark space, I don't know how many planets have been turned into residues that no longer make sense, and I don't know how many dark people have been innocently affected and died.

How many millions of lives were lost in this war?

Always use 'mega' as the unit.

That is the most primitive roar!

That is the most complete anger!

Their battle, traversing hundreds of millions of miles, almost ignited half of the dark space.

On Asgard's territory, the power of the Divine Core suppressed Surtur's destructive power, but in the wider dark world, Dormammu did not set up special countermeasures. In other words, the dark space that can devour all other energy is his best home field advantage.

In fact, Dormammu makes good use of this.

The Fire Element's offensive came violently and lacked stamina.

It is true that the destructive power is shocking, as long as the opening three axes are overcome, most of the people who can survive will be the winner.

At first, Dormammu wanted to persuade Surtur. He didn't want to fight for nothing with the fellow who is also a heavenly father without any benefit.

What's terrible is that Surter's IQ of 5 points is too high, and he doesn't listen to people at all, he just wants to fight!

Even if Dormammu opened the exit of the dark world, Lao Su insisted on not leaving, just to get Dormammu.

Dormammu, who was forced to fight, could only bear it to the end. After all, the dark world was his old lair. Could it be that this fire lunatic would still be demolished.

Unsurprisingly, Dormammu, who played at home, had an overwhelming advantage.

Fighting, he found that Surtur's strength had not returned to its peak. Dormammu could never know that before Surtur reunited with his coveted "Eternal Fire", there were already two pits who used the "Eternal Fire".

Hela used it to revive her army of the dead and Fenrir.

Mei Jiexao took it for himself, and strengthened his staff and his own girl.

The two guys didn't take Lao Su's stuff seriously, they used enough for themselves. It is only a ghost that Lao Su can restore the strength of the heyday.

Winning, however, doesn't mean it's over.

This time, if Dormammu can still kill Surtur like Thor did last time, maybe Dormammu will use his dark magic to use Lao Su's skull as a club to beat drums, no, It is used as a source of energy for some evil ritual.

It's a pity that Dormammu didn't count a thing.

Fire-type creatures are notoriously hot-tempered.

Blow yourself up without a word!

Outsiders call it [Burning Body Blast], [Burning Body Burning Body], [Humanoid Bomb], etc. Anyway, real fire-type intelligent creatures have this characteristic. I can't beat you, but it doesn't prevent me from pulling you to death.

In the old lair, Lao Su confronted Thor, not because he didn't want to explode, but because Lao Su, who was deprived of [Eternal Fire], had no power if he wanted to explode.

A lighter exploded, and a fully loaded oil tanker exploded, could it be the same thing?

This time, Lao Su was refreshed.

Lost, self-exploding man.

Anyway, after the explosion, the soul of his flame will not necessarily be extinguished.

Then blow it up!

Facing the [Wang Bian] thrown out by Lao Su, Domamu's nose was almost crooked.

"I'm doing $!%!#@$#@!" This is some old slang term that can't be translated at all.

Dormammu was also furious.

The fire giant has grown bigger and bigger, and now he is already a huge giant 100,000 kilometers high.

He was already bigger than the earth.

With the expansion of his body, the flame runes imprinted on him became brighter and brighter. When all his runes became extremely a fire swept over half of the dark world.

So surging!

It's so unreasonable!

The violent flame power seems to have penetrated the barriers of the world and vented to the outside of the dark world.

Dormammu's huge face seemed to be lit by flames, and even his eyes were full of reflections of the burning golden flames.

Watching countless electric tongues shoot out from Surtur's body, forming bright flame patterns, Dormammu could only summon more dark power to wrap himself.

The golden-red lines of law quickly sputtered from Surtur, and the lines of law of countless fire elements became dazzling and bright, interlacing to form a dazzling, fiery red flame world.

Open the dark world from the inside!

Wherever this flame world passed, all the things of the dark world disappeared.


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