But these are not what Steve needs, he is still perceiving, constantly going in, until that moment.

"it's here!"

Opening his eyes and turning his wrists, a dragon flame erupted from the body of the Dragon Saber's blade again, but the difference from the previous one was that the dragon flame of the Dragon Saber only broke out for a while.

Under Steve's amazing control, all of them were gathered on the blade, and with Steve's swing, he slashed at the bat monster that was attacking at a high speed.

"You can even catch up with my speed!"

Obviously, this scene is beyond the imagination of the bat monster, but it has come to this point, and it is too late to change again.


Thinking of this, a sharp look flashed in the eyes of the bat monster, even disregarding the dragon saber that slashed at him.

Instead, he waved his claws and grabbed towards Steve's chest, apparently ready to trade injuries for injuries.

Faced with such a critical moment, Steve had no choice but to fight to the end, turning the dragon saber and slashing at the right shoulder of the bat monster.

"Come on"! ! ! "

With the splash of fire, Steve and the bat monster fell behind him at the same time.

However, the bat monster only took a few steps back and stabilized its figure.

But Steve was knocked into the air dozens of meters away, and after rolling in the air for several laps, he fell to the ground.

Looking at the knife mark on his right shoulder, the bat monster couldn't help but praise.

"Dragon Rider, you are really beyond my imagination. Even at such a disadvantage, you can still hurt me."

"If I didn't risk swallowing the golden power, I would definitely not be your opponent."

"But unfortunately, it's only you who will lose today."

With that said, the bat monster stretched out its claws and walked towards Steve again.

On the other side, Tony, who had just recovered from the attack of the bat monster, was unable to support him at all.

I could only watch helplessly as the bat monster walked towards Steve.

But at this moment of crisis, an astonishing murderous aura suddenly appeared, sweeping towards Tony, Steve and the bat monster

Chapter [*] The Coming Ultimate Darkness (please subscribe!)

Under this murderous intent, Tony, who had already half stood up, fell to the ground again, and kept groaning on the ground.

"This is how the same thing?"

Unlike Tony, who was groaning in pain, the bat monster was extremely excited at this time.

He actually gave up his plan to attack Steve, and kept looking around, roaring excitedly.

"Da Cuban, is that you?"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

With a roar, the bat monster left Tony and Steve directly, and leaped towards another burning forest.

"Whirring whirring......"

Not long after the bat monster left, an inexplicable cold wind suddenly blew into New York's Central Park.

Blowing out the fire that was burning at "Four One Zero" little by little, and in the process, the murderous aura that had oppressed both Tony and Steve gradually subsided.

After feeling the murderous aura that oppressed him disappeared, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly got up and ran to Steve's side to say.

"Captain, are you alright?"

"What do you say..."

Steve opened his eyes with difficulty, and after complaining to Tony, he withdrew from the transformation and returned to the form of the human body.

It seems that the previous series of battles have exhausted all of Steve's physical energy, and now he can't even maintain the most basic form of transformation.

But seeing that Steve still had the strength to complain, Tony put down his worries, and then helped Steve up.

"Let's retreat now. The monster just said that Gurangi's Wang Daquan may also come to Central Park."

"It would be miserable if we were in the same state now."

"Well, let's retreat first."

For Tony's words, Steve also agrees.

In this way, Steve evacuated towards the outside of the park with the help of Tony...


the other side.

After the bat monster rushed into a dark forest, it kept roaring wildly.

"Get out of here, Daguba, I'm going to kill you."

With the non-stop roaring, streaks of golden lightning spread to his body along the white stripes on the bat monster.

Obviously, even the bat monster in such a state of excitement still feels nervous when facing Da Cuba.

Under this tension, he will unconsciously raise his strength to the extreme to counter his fear of Da Cuba.

But even so, this force cannot threaten to reach Cuba. The gap between the two is too great, and it is simply not enough to make up for this golden power.

Just as the bat monster kept roaring, a white hand had already pressed on his chest.


In an instant, a pillar of thunder shot up into the sky, covering the bat monster. Without even saying a word, the bat monster had already died in Daguba's hands.

The thunder pillar that soared into the sky did not disappear, on the contrary, he continued to expand outwards.

In just a moment, the entire sky of New York's Central Park was filled with thunder, and it gradually disappeared until it spread to the office buildings outside the park...

At this time, Tony and Steve, who were evacuating outside the park, looked at each other, obviously also shocked by the sudden appearance of the thunder pillar.

That power is really terrifying, and when he thinks of fighting monsters of this level in the future, an inexplicable pressure appears in Tony's heart.

"Don't worry, there will be a way to deal with it later."

Just when Tony was about to fall into anxiety again, Steve, who was beside him, patted him on the shoulder and continued.

"With us here, we won't lose."


Hearing Steve's words, Tony also showed a smile on his face, and then helped Steve to continue walking out.

Not long after Tony and Steve walked out of Central Park, Natasha, who was driving fast, also arrived at the scene at this moment.

Seeing the two people walking out with each other's arms, Natasha couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. After all, as long as people can walk out alive, it means it's fine.

After all, Natasha also saw the thunder pillar that shot into the sky just now. It is a blessing to be able to survive such an attack...  

Thinking of this, Natasha got out of the car and walked towards Tony and Steve.

"Tony, Captain, are you all right?"


"Natasha, you're late this time, I'll take this account down..."


mirror world.

late at night.

in a dilapidated workshop.

The mysterious man who was previously in charge of helping Daguba repair the golden waistband was sitting on a stool at this time, constantly wiping the broken golden waistband in his hands.

At this moment, Rose Maiden suddenly appeared in front of him and put a piece of golden metal in her hand on the table.

When the mysterious man saw this piece of metal, he said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, it seems that the bat guy has been killed by Dagoba."

"For you, I wasted a lot of my time."

Having said that, the mysterious man put down the golden waist in his hand, picked up this golden metal and put it in his hand and kept looking at it.

Apparently happy for the last piece of metal to return.

It's just that the rose girl on the side didn't pay attention to what the mysterious man said, but asked.

"When will the waist clip be repaired."

3.2 "The metal is only coming back now, it will take a while."

The mysterious man kept playing with the golden metal in his hand while answering Rose Maiden's words, obviously thinking about the next repair plan.

"But I'm sure it won't be long."

Regarding the unambiguous statement of the mysterious person, Rose Maiden directly confirmed a time and said.

"Get it for me before the sharks end the game."

The words of the rose girl directly made the mysterious man put down the golden metal in his hand and raised his head to say.

"Oh, is it finally coming?"

"Well, the day that brings about the ultimate darkness is coming."

As soon as the words were finished, Rose Maiden ignored the mysterious man, turned around and left the dilapidated workshop.

Only the mysterious man is constantly wiping the golden metal in his hands......

Chapter [*]: King Snake Asakura Wei (please subscribe!)

real world.

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