Having said that, there was a dignified look in Wudai's eyes.

"Contracting multiple contracted beasts at the same time sounds reasonable, but in fact this is just a joke with your own life."

"Because each contracted beast has different abilities, once two contracted beasts with different abilities and the contractor contract with each other, these two different energies will be injected into the contractor's body at the same time, just like water and fire cannot mix. .........”

"These two different energies will fight against each other in the contractor's body. Once it reaches a certain critical point, it will be the day the contractor dies."

Saying that, Wudai couldn't help but sighed before continuing.

"Actually, the theory of contracting multiple contracted beasts like this has been prevalent decades ago."

"And also launched a series of experiments based on this theory, but none of the Kamen Riders who participated in this experiment survived, and all died under the energy imbalance of the contracted beasts."

"It is because of this matter that this technique is called a forbidden technique..."

After speaking, Wudai fell into silence, only the flash of worry in his eyes can show that his current mood is not stable.

On the side of Matt, everyone was shocked by Wudai's words, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long silence, Wudai seemed to have reacted and continued.

"But judging from today's situation 3.2, today's Asakura Wei has perfectly mastered the energy balance of the contracted beast."

"All the contracted beasts are fused together into a brand new contracted beast, so that the problem of energy imbalance will naturally cease to exist."

"And today's Asakura Wei is the most perfect work by the abyss that has perfected this forbidden technique."

After listening to the words of Yusuke Wudai, Matt and his group fell into deep thought.

Because they know that the stronger the enemy introduced by the fifth generation, the stronger the enemy they will face next...

"Abyss Knight...".

Chapter [*]: Action in the Abyss (please subscribe!)

the other side.

Late at night - Midtown Financial Corporation.

The five fingers of the hand (the five chiefs) all gathered together to watch the farce that took place in the financial company today through the videotape.

"It seems that these superheroes have become our confidants."

After watching the video, a skinny old man on the side stood up and said in his hoarse voice.

"And the armor they showed at the end, I don't think this group of ninjas can handle it."

"I was negligent."

Seeing Matt who is skilled in the transformation of Kamen Rider in the video, Mrs. Gao can't help but recall the scene of her first encounter with Daredevil in the factory.

I think Daredevil acquired the ability to transform after that night.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Gao clenched her fist tightly, and a sharp look flashed in her eyes.

"If I had known that this group of guys would become so troublesome in the future, I should have killed him immediately."

Hearing Mrs. Gao's words, the skinny old man smiled and reminded.

"Hehe, it's too late to say anything now. Our time is running out. I can feel that the energy maintained in the body is about to run out. We need to get new dragon fossils."

"We need the power of an iron fist, but if you look at this video, with our current strength, I am afraid it will not be so easy to get the power of an iron fist."

"Don't worry, I have already acquired a batch of heavy weapons from the underworld. No matter how hard their armor is, they will not be able to withstand these heavy firepower attacks. We will still be able to survive until then."

It seems that in these hundreds of years, the five fingers of the hand (the five leaders) not only did not let go of their obsession with life and death, but on the contrary, they became more concerned about their own lives.

As Mrs. Gao said, in order to live forever, they are willing to pay any price, and the Hand Society was founded by them to continue to live forever.

"I hope so."

The skinny old man nodded and sat down again, while Alexandra, the supreme leader of the Hand, asked at this time.

"Are you sure you can knock them down with this heavy firepower alone?"

"From the video, as long as there is a mirror, they can get into the mirror at any time. I don't think these heavy firepower can also enter the mirror."

Apparently, after watching the video, Alexandra is still skeptical about Mrs. Gao's plan.

After all, the pictures of the video and the words compared with their lips show that there is another unknown world in the world they live in.

For this unknown world, Alexandra has a fearful attitude. After all, she is an elderly person, and it is not so easy to accept a new thing.

"Don't worry, I still have backhands left."

Regarding Alexandra's words, Mrs. Gao shook her head, stood up, and said confidently while walking slowly with crutches.

"We also have a very good helper, maybe our heavy firepower is difficult to catch these superheroes."

"But what if we all confine them to one place and fire at the last minute?"

"What does it mean?"

Obviously, Alexandra did not understand what Mrs. Gao said, and couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Hehe, let's take a look at this."

While speaking, Mrs. Gao had come to the screen and opened another video.

"This is!"

Seeing the content in the video, the other leaders of the Hand Association exclaimed.

It turned out that the video that Mrs. Gao just opened was the battle between Kim and Matt on the way to escape a few months ago.

After watching the video several times, Alexandra asked.

"Who is the armored warrior fighting Daredevil in the video?"

"It's Jinbian."

"Golden Bian!"

To the surprise of her companions, Mrs. Gao nodded and continued.

"That's right, didn't Jin run away when he was arrested that night?"

"It's just unfortunate that he was caught by Daredevil on his way to escape, and the battle finally started."

"At that time, one of my subordinates happened to be at 460 nearby, and the whole scene was recorded."

Mrs. Gao's remarks made the faces of the other leaders present with joy, but they soon said troubledly.

"The question is we've fallen out with Kim, will he still help us?"

"Hmph, it's up to him to choose."

Having said that, Mrs. Gao raised her crutches and fell heavily, snorting coldly.

"Although Jin Bingwei is ruthless and unsympathetic, he is still a mortal after all, and as long as he is a mortal, there will definitely be weaknesses."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Gao took out a photo from her pocket and handed it to Alexandra.

"And his wife Vanessa is Jin Bing's biggest weakness. As long as Vanessa is caught, Jin Bing will be the most obedient dog in our hands."

Glancing at the beautiful woman in the photo, the rest of the hand group had sinister smiles on their faces.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

But before they could speak, there was a burst of applause in this empty room.

Chapter [*] The power to change the world (please subscribe!)

"who is it!"

The sudden applause made the expressions of the five fingers of the hand and the five fingers present become serious.

But no matter how they looked, they couldn't find where the person who had just clapped was.

But at this moment, Mrs. Gao seemed to remember something, turned her head sharply to look at a window in this empty room, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

"Could it be!"

The other leaders of the hand union on the side were shocked when they saw Mrs. Gao's action, and obviously remembered something, and quickly cast their eyes on the window.

Sure enough, when their eyes were on the window, a person walked out from the mirror of the window, and this person was Wei Asakura who had fought a battle with Matt and the others earlier.

It's just that Wei Asakura seemed to be in a bad state at this time. Not only did the clothes on his body look tattered, but his mental outlook became very poor.

It seems that in the battle just now, Asakura Wei's consumption was not small.

Although Asakura Wei's state was very poor, the people in the hand meeting still did not dare to do anything, but chose to move their steps and step back, and there was a hint of fear on their faces.

But this is not the solution after all, so Mrs. Gao asked at this time.

"I don't know why you came to our Hand Association."

For Mrs. Gao's question, Asakura Wei did not answer immediately, but walked to the table, picked up the food on the table and started to gulp.

Seeing this situation, the five fingers of the hand (the five leaders) looked at each other.

Then, under the comfort of the leader Alexandra, everyone sat back on the sofa again, waiting for the end of Asakura's meal.

Why didn't you try to escape?Because they know that it is useless to run away in front of such a character, on the contrary, it just angers the other party and makes them lose their lives.

In hundreds of years, the five fingers of the hand (the five chiefs) have seen such a thing happen not many times.

Moreover, Asakura Wei didn't kill himself and others immediately after he came out again, which means that there is still something to talk about in the follow-up.

That being the case, why not just sit down and wait until Wei Asakura finishes eating before negotiating slowly.

Time goes by slowly...

After a long wait, Wei Asakura stopped eating at this time, took a sip of the wine on the side, and cast his eyes on the people in the hand meeting.

"I have to say that you are really brave, and you didn't choose to run away immediately in the face of me."

Hearing this, Mrs. Gao stood up and said.

"Because we all know that facing Your Excellency, there is no chance of escape at all."

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