"A good shield, it can absorb so much of my power."

"You are lucky this time, and you have recovered a small life, Dragon Rider."

After speaking, the general turned his head and walked towards the position of the police officer who had just escaped, ready to continue his dark game

Chapter [*] Golden Thunder (please subscribe!)

"Director, the big thing is bad, just through the remote video, it shows that the captain has been defeated!!"

"What did you say!"

Hearing the agent's report, Nick Fury, who was sitting in the office of the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What's the situation now, Captain?"

"Not optimistic, our team's agents have rescued the captain and are now carrying out emergency rescue."

"As for the Gulangi monster, both Chief Romanov and Mr. Stark have already arrived at the scene and are fighting this monster."

"It's just that the battle situation seems to be the disadvantage of Captain Romanov and Mr. Stark."

"[*]" "Well, what about Patton? Didn't the nerve rupture bullet work?"

"The battle is so intense that Agent Patton can't enter the battlefield at all and is still looking for opportunities."

"Well, just like this, remember to always report to me the next battle situation."


Hanging up the phone, Nick Fury stood up solemnly.

"The enemy this time is extraordinary. The captain has lost his combat power. Natasha and Tony may not be able to deal with it."

Thinking of this, Nick Fury made another call.

"Hello, is that Matt..."


the other side.

in a dilapidated factory.

Natasha and Tony had arrived at the scene in time to stop the general from leaving.

As for the captain, he was rescued by Agent Patton and was taking him to escape this purgatory-like battlefield.

"What, after the dragon cavalry, did Hua Meng and Tie Bing play again?"

Looking at Kamen Rider Flower Dream and Kamen Rider Iron Soldier who stood in his way, the general said grimly.

"Unfortunately, even the Dragon Rider was defeated by me. Do you think you two can handle me?"

Saying that, the general withdrew from the ultimate electric shock form and changed into the shooter form.

Then he raised the bow and crossbow in his hand and fired invisible arrows at Natasha and Tony.

Although they couldn't fully see the invisible arrows that Qing Chao himself shot, Tony and Natasha reacted immediately and used their own moves to avoid them.

I saw Natasha turning the swan cloak behind her into swan wings and flying towards the sky.

And Tony is even more direct, shouting directly: "Jarvis!"

In an instant, countless steel battle suits turned into walls, blocking Tony's body and taking all the damage for him.

And at the moment of blocking the attack, Natasha and Tony seemed to have a good heart, and launched their own offensive against the general at the same time.

After Natasha flew into the sky, she directly took out a card from the card sleeve on her waist and inserted it into the Snow White Summoning Sword.

"Sound waves are coming."

With the sound of an electronic synthesis sound, Natasha's contracted beast, the white-winged swan, came to reality through the mirror.

And the first time he launched his own sonic attack on the general.


Tony, who was on the ground, also issued a major order to Jarvis for the first time.

"Jarvis, except for the giant steel armor, all the other steel armors have activated self-destruction mode."

Obviously, after seeing the general knocking down Steve so easily, even Tony didn't dare to be neglected, and chose to use his strongest move immediately.

"Okay, sir."

Following Tony's order, the steel suits that were originally in front of Tony began to send out red self-destruct messages, and then flew towards the general......

It's just that the general didn't care about this combo of Natasha and Tony.

"In the face of the absolute strength gap, all your little tricks are useless."

The general said a cruel fact in a plain tone, and then a golden thunder force erupted from his body again.

With the help of golden power, the general transformed from the ultimate shooting body form to the ultimate rigid body form again, and even the bow and crossbow in his hand turned into a pitch-black great sword.

Immediately afterward, the general swung the pitch-black great sword in his hand, slashed out a sword wind blade, and flew out the white-winged swan that was screaming above his head.

Immediately afterwards, the general turned his wrist instantly, waving his dark sword and flying towards the steel battle suit.

Finally, it collided with the Iron Legion.

"Boom!! Boom—"

In an instant, a shocking explosion sounded, and the explosion was so powerful that even people hundreds of miles away felt the vibration more or less.

And this factory, which was already dilapidated in 3.2, turned into dust in this big explosion, and disappeared from this world since then.

As for Natasha and Tony, who were near the general, they were not much better. Although they were not at the center of the explosion, the powerful shock wave attached to the explosion sent the shock of the two people flying out for the first time, and they rolled a few hundred meters away. just stopped.

"Natasha, Tony!!"

Barton, who was placing the captain in the distance, naturally felt this extremely powerful explosion, and quickly handed the captain over to other agents.

Patton immediately raised the special gathering gun in his hand and rushed towards the place where the big explosion had just occurred.

Chapter [*] Advanced use of the power of sublimation (please subscribe!)

"In this dark game, Lin Duo is fully prepared."

"Looks like Gatorade is going to suffer."

Looking at the flames constantly leaping from the explosion, away from the masked monster outside the battlefield, at this moment, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"not enough......"


Hearing Rose Girl's words, the masked weirdo turned to look at her suspiciously.

However, Rose Girl didn't care about his gaze at all, and continued to express her opinion.

"With this level of attack, it is far from enough to defeat Gatorade, it will only make them lose even more."


Rose Maiden's words made the masked eccentric fall into contemplation.

And Rose Girl turned around and left after she finished speaking her opinion.

Because at this point, she already knew who the final winner of this battle was.

In the end, only the masked monster remained in the same place, waiting for the end of the battle.

What the masked geek didn't even know was that there was a Linduo at this moment, holding a special sniper rifle and rushing towards him...


The center of the explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion sounded incessantly, completely covering the general in a sea of ​​fire.

Feeling the continuous explosion of firepower around him, the general couldn't help showing excitement at this moment.

Because this was the strongest blow he had ever felt from the moment he started the battle, and even his ultimate rigid body felt pain.

"Interesting, then let's play with you."''

The voice fell, and the power of golden thunder erupted again on the general's body. With the help of this ultimate sublimation power, the general once again transformed into the ultimate electric shock body.


The power of sublimation has been operating to the extreme, and the general then let out a roar.

In an instant, the golden thunder power wrapped around the general spread outwards, repelling all the explosive flames that originally covered him.


Tony and Natasha, who were shaken by the shock wave of the explosion in the distance, couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this scene.

Because this scene is too terrifying, although it has repeatedly emphasized how powerful the opponent is this time.

But they really could not have imagined that they would be so powerful.Even such a high-density, high-explosive ultimate explosion could not harm this monster in the slightest.

But things have come to an end, even if they don't believe it, the facts will not change.

"Feel it well, the despair that Dragon Rider felt before."

The general shook his hand, then clenched his fist, and the power of the sublimated thunder condensed onto his right fist.

Then a punch volleyed out, and the power of the sublimated thunder flew away from the general's fist like a wild horse, and attacked Tony.

"Jarvis!!" Tony hurriedly shouted with wide eyes.

In the next second, a giant steel armor stood in front of Tony, taking the fatal blow for him.


But at the cost, the giant steel armor was directly destroyed by more than one third of the body under the sublimation iron fist of the general.

Tony, who barely escaped the catastrophe, did not let his guard down, but quickly controlled the steel battle suit loaded on him to fly into the sky, trying to widen the distance between himself and the general.

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