"Next, you are responsible for harassing Shiroto Shinji, creating a chance for me to use the final arrival, and strive for a sure hit."

With that said, Tony raised his summoning machine gun, and under the cover of the rubble of the broken street, he sneaked in the direction of Shiroto Shinji despite the scorching heat.

Seeing this, Natasha and Frank turned to look at each other, nodded, and rushed out of the hiding place at the same time.

With a high-profile attitude, he rushed to Shinji Shiroto from two different directions, one left and one right, to fight for Tony.


Noticing the movement in the distance, Shiroto Shinji turned to look.

When he saw that it was Natasha and Frank rushing towards him, a contemptuous smile appeared on his face, and he chuckled.

"I didn't expect that someone could break through the defense line of Asakura Wei and Leo and come here."

"The current situation cannot tolerate your destruction."

"Just leave me obediently!!"

While speaking, Shiroto Shinji snapped his fingers with his other hand without a gun.

With the sound of "Crack!", I saw a golden thunderbolt pouring into the ground along Shiroto Shinji's thigh.

Then, under the control of this thunder force, the ground turned into spikes dozens of meters long and attacked Natasha and Frank at the same time.

"This is!?"

After watching the golden thunder rush into the ground, it only took a moment to turn into thorns attacking her, and Natasha's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because this scene had an inexplicable familiarity to her.

Whether it was dealing with Babel or the generals of the three giants of Gurangi before, they all had the same ability.

It can transform the surrounding things by passing the golden thunder on the body, which is a power that is hailed as the ultimate body by the Gulangi family.

I didn't feel anything when I watched Wudai Yusuke fighting from a distance, but now, when I looked up close, Natasha was stunned to discover that Wudai Yusuke had abilities similar to those of the Gurangi family.

But now, this power has been copied by Shiroto Shinji, and it has become a weapon against himself and others.

"Sure enough, this is a kind of reorganization molecular ability similar to the Gulangi family. No wonder I had a familiar feeling when I just watched Wudai Yusuke summon two giant swords out of thin air."

Thinking of this, Natasha couldn't help biting her lower lip. Originally, Shinji Shiroto's dark dragon flame was difficult enough to deal with.

Now that he has the ability to reorganize molecules similar to the Gulangi family, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him and others to rescue the five generations of Yusuke who are trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire.

It's just that Natasha's current situation cannot be described as retreating. Once she chooses to retreat, the space rift time cannot be effectively resolved.

Then the whole of New York City is at stake.

Thinking of this, Natasha's eyes flashed with determination, and then she controlled the swan's wings to fly fluently in the sky.

Dodge the thorns that are stabbing at you one by one in front of you.

Frank, who chose to attack from the ground, saw the thorns hitting him for the first time.

He took out a card from the card sleeve on his waist and inserted it into the blade summoner.

"Assault is coming (Blade Claw)."

With the sound of an electronic synthesis sound, a weapon in the shape of a crab claw appeared on Frank's right hand.

And this is the exclusive armament of Kamen Rider Sharpblade - Sharpblade Giant Claw.

Once armed, Frank quickly waved the giant claw in his hand, slammed into the front, and destroyed the thorns of the boulder in front of him one by one.


Just as Natasha and Frank destroyed the boulder spikes, Tony had already found a suitable position for sneak attack.

"This position is good. If you can seize the opportunity, it should be able to affect this monster a little."

Looking up at Natasha and Frank who were caught in the spikes of the boulder in the distance, Tony frowned tightly.

He knew that facing a monster of Shiroto Shinji's level, Natasha and Frank alone wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and he would only have one chance to make a move. If he could not rescue the fifth generation this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Tony didn't hesitate to directly pull out a card from the card sleeve on his waist and insert it into the summoning machine gun.

"Finally come."

With the sound of an electronic synthesis sound, Tony's contract beast, the giant bull, broke out directly from the ground and stood in front of Tony.

Then Tony inserted the summoning machine gun into the back of the giant bull, waiting quietly for the most suitable opportunity to come.

"There is only one chance, you must seize it."


"Not bad, even this can't stop you."

Seeing Natasha and Frank each using different methods to get rid of these spikes, Shiroto Shinji couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Although he intentionally kept one hand and did not use his full strength, it did not mean that there was no difficulty at all.

According to their own assumptions, although these spikes cannot stop them, they should not be counted so easily.

But I don't think the actual situation is that Natasha and Frank have successfully broken through their defense line in just a while. It seems that I still underestimate their progress.

"But that's fine. After all, if you guys are too weak, I don't know how much water to put in."

"And if I'm not mistaken, Natasha and Frank are just bait. Tony Stark has not come out of hiding until now. He should be looking for an opportunity and want to give me a hard shot."

Thinking of this, Shiroto Shinji revealed a mysterious smile on his face hidden under the dragon tooth armor.

Then Shinji Shiroto raised his left arm again, condensing the incomparably hot jet-black dragon flame onto the five fingers of his left hand.

Just like bullets shot out one by one, Natasha in the air and Frank on the ground shot at the same time with the thorns.

And at the moment when the jet-black dragon flame bullet was fired, Natasha and Frank also reacted at the same time.

I saw the golden winged slashing sword shone with incomparably bright light under Natasha's swing, facing the jet-black dragon flame bullet that shot at him.


Chapter [*] The absolute strength gap

The golden blade and the jet-black bullet collided with each other, spattering countless flames.

But this is just the beginning.

Just when Natasha successfully blocked a jet-black dragon flame bullet, countless jet-black dragon flame bullets followed.

In the face of countless attacks, the only thing Natasha could do was grit her teeth and swung out one sword after another.

The golden blade turned into a golden light wheel under the rapid dance, carrying the dark fireworks down one by one.

For a time, the black flames and the golden light collided continuously in the sky.

The same is true for Frank on the ground. Facing Shinji Shiroto's jet-black dragon flame bullet, he immediately took out a card from the card sleeve on his waist.

Insert into the Blade Summoner in the left hand.

"Defense comes (Carapace Defense)."

With the sound of an electronic synthesis sound, an orange shield appeared on Frank's left hand, and this was the exclusive armament of Kamen Rider Blade - Carapace Defense.

With the left-handed carapace defense and the right-handed sharp blade giant claws, with the cooperation of left defense and right attack, countless dragon flame bullets and Kamen Rider's exclusive armament collided with each other.

"Boom!! Boom!!!"

With a loud explosion, countless dark dragon flames splashed out and fell on Frank's body.

It made the armor of Kamen Rider's blade, which had been eroded by the power of darkness, appear even darker.

However, in that corroded body, it is a righteous heart.

Power does not distinguish between good and evil, even if it is the dark power of evil, in front of Frank's firm will, it will only turn into his power.

The next moment, the incomparably thick and sharp blade giant claws swept the burning jet-black dragon flame, turned into a jet-black blade and attacked Shiroto Shinji.

"Shinji Shiroto, you have to pay for what you have done々¨."

"Oh!? Frank, don't forget who gave you this power, you treat your benefactor like this?"

Shiroto Shinji raised his eyebrows involuntarily and said with an evil smile on his face.

"Have you forgotten your wife and children?"

"You just want their souls to suffer forever in purgatory?"

Hearing Shiroto Shinji mentioned his wife and children, a pained look flashed in Frank's eyes, but he finally said.

"Dealing with the devil itself is an evil way. This time I will definitely not listen to what you say."

"And if Maria knew what I was doing, she would definitely support my approach."

While speaking, Frank had already rushed in front of Shiroto Shinji, hitting him with his strongest blow.

"No, Frank is too impulsive. It is enough to attract Shinji Shiroto's attention. He will be swallowed by dragon flames if he approaches so closely!!"

And this scene was also seen by Natasha in midair.

Seeing Frank, who was originally calm, attack Shiroto Shinji as if he lost his mind, Natasha's face turned pale, and she knew that Frank would definitely die if this continued.

In desperation, Natasha had to change her battle plan, and controlled the swan wings and flew towards Shiroto Shinji.

In the center of the battlefield, Frank attacked with both arms at the same time, his left hand cooperated with the carapace defense, and his right hand cooperated with the sharp blade giant claws, and attacked Shiroto Shinji's neck and genitals at the same time in a cross between the left and right.

"Hmph, in the face of the absolute strength gap, everything you do is in vain."

In the face of Frank's ferocious blow, Shinji Shiroto snorted coldly, and quickly slid his left hand into an iron wall to block all of Frank's attacks one by one.

And these are just the beginning. After blocking Frank's attack, Shiroto Shinji's left hand drew a half circle on his chest, leaving a circle of flames.

The next second, I saw an inexplicable strong suction on the flame circle, which actually attracted Frank out of thin air.

"This is!?"

Seeing his body being sucked up, Frank's face was startled, knowing that this was Shinji Shiroto's counterattack against him.

Therefore, Frank quickly raised the carapace defense on his left hand, and his entire body was shrunk under the carapace defense, trying to resist the attack of Shimojoto Shinji.

Seeing Frank's appearance, Shiroto Shinji raised a sneer on the corner of his mouth and said.

"It's useless, Frank, with your current strength, even with the help of carapace defense, you can never stop my attack."

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