Seeing Tong Mo's action, Natasha's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and then she immediately pulled out her wings and chopped the sword, urging the swan wings to fly towards Tong Mo.

The snow-white summoning sword in his left hand, and the sword in his right wing slashing, slashed towards Tong Mo at the same time in a criss-cross pattern.

"I'm hit, Kamen Rider."

What Natasha could not have imagined was that Tong Mo, who had been covering his ears in agony one second, put down his hands in the next second, and said a cruel word with a gentle smile.

"If you get hit, you have to pay a price."

When the words fell, Tong Mo waved the pair of fans in his hand and used the Blood Ghost Technique Frozen Cloud.

In an instant, a large number of ice crystals drifted out like a cloud, covering Natasha and herself in the white ice mist.


Seeing that her line of sight was blocked, and neither the snow-white summoning sword nor the winged slashing sword hit the enemy, Natasha's face changed, and she quickly controlled the swan wings behind her to fly away immediately.

It's just that this idea is good, but Tong Mo can't let Natasha escape so easily.

"When you enter my frozen cloud, don't think it's too easy to drag on, try my next move."

"Blood Ghost Art: Scattered Lotus Flowers!!"

It was still the gentle voice, but in Natasha's ears, it seemed like the cry of the devil.

With the sound of Tong Mo falling, a large number of finely broken ice petals hit Natasha's back like a sharp sickle.


With a loud noise, countless sparks splashed from behind Natasha, and Natasha's figure was instantly split out and fell into the lotus pond.

Looking at the tumbling water in the lotus pond, Tong Mo dispersed the frozen clouds, holding a transparent wing in his left hand, and said with a gentle smile.

"Your wings have been pulled out by me. It is impossible for you to defeat me without the ability to fly. Then let me lead you to redemption and eternal life."

After finishing speaking, Tong Mo threw down the transparent wings in his hands, waved the flower fan with both hands, and walked towards the lotus pond with brisk steps.

In the lotus pond, Natasha covered her back with a painful face, as if she had lost her ability to resist, waiting helplessly for Tong Mo's arrival.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-One Flames and Swordsmanship!The idea is different! !

"It seems that my opponent is you."

In Infinite City, in a kendo hall is sitting a six-eyed swordsman with long black hair and a high ponytail, wearing a purple snake pattern kimono and a black horse on a hakama. His left forehead and right chin reach to his neck. There are also red stripes left.

Looking at the man kneeling on the ground with his eyes closed, Steve said with a slightly serious expression on his face.

The reason why Steve has a serious expression is very simple, that is, the strength of the man in front of him is beyond imagination.

It was a rare strong aura. Among all the enemies that Steve had encountered so far, Daguba, the king of Gurangi, could completely crush the strong aura of the young man in front of him.

And the general of the three giants of Gulangi is only a little stronger than the young man in front of him in terms of aura. How can this not make Steve feel dignified.

"Below is the first of the twelve ghost months -- the ghost of the sword, Black Death Mou."

Hei Death Mou, who was kneeling in the kendo hall, slowly picked up the love knife on the ground and said, "Cry out, go to hell".

"I didn't expect my opponent to be the famous Captain America Steve Rogers. It's an honor."

While saying this, Hei Dead Mou slowly opened his six eyes, stood up from the ground, and then pulled out his beloved knife "crying for God", said.

"Speaking of which, I am also a person who lived in the same era as Your Excellency. It's a pity that due to the limitation of the age, I haven't dealt with it yet. Let me experience your strength today."

"The strength of the strong is innate, and this strength cannot be used by cowards who despise its value."

With a serious expression, Steve took out a card from the card sleeve on his waist, slowly inserted it into the dragon summoner on his left hand, and then pressed it down heavily.

"The sword is coming (Dragon Sabre) 々¨."

With the sound of an electronic synthesis sound, a long sword with hot dragon flames flew out of the mirror and fell into Steve's hands, and this was the exclusive weapon of Kamen Rider Ryuki - Dragon Saber.

As soon as the Dragon Sabre arrived, Steve raised the long knife in his hand and pointed at Hei Death Mou seriously and said, "Since you still admit that you are a human being, then you don't need to embark on this path of inhumanity."

"Hehe, for a scientific product like you, of course, you can say this as a matter of course..."

Hearing Steve's scolding, a cold light flashed in Hei Death Mou's six eyes, as if he had remembered something, which brought a hint of sternness to his calm tone.

"But for swordsmen like us, the products of the old era, who can only shiver under the fire of modern guns, after failing to become a Kamen Rider, the only way to become stronger is this."

"I don't want to lose a second time, and I won't lose a second time, so... as long as I can become stronger, I will try and strive for whatever path it takes!!"

With a chilly reply, Hei Dead Mou immediately put the beloved knife in his hand back into the scabbard, and pointed at Steve in a gesture of swiping the knife.

"Breath of the Moon - One Type, Dark Moon, Night Palace"

In the next second, Iai Slash, which was so fast that the blade body could not be clearly seen, slashed horizontally towards Steve under Hei Death Mou's slash, and left many full moon blades on the slashing trajectory, and at the same time slashed towards Shi. Every broken point on Tiff's body attacked.

"There are many ways to become stronger, but you chose the dirtiest one."

In the face of Black Death Mou's slash, Steve responded immediately, and the burning dragon flames all condensed onto the Dragon Sabre at this moment.

Then, under Steve's wielding, he slashed each other with Black Death Mou's beloved knife, "Xu Wai Shen Go".

"Boom! Boom!!"

It was a loud noise, accompanied by endless dragon flames and sharp sword lights spreading out around, destroying the originally intact kendo hall.

And just as the dragon flame and the sword glow splashed out, Steve and Heisha Mou who were in the Kendo Hall did not flinch.

On the contrary, they all withstood the impact and continued to wave the Dragon Sabre and the God of Weeping in their hands to continue the next round of attacks.

In this matchup, neither Steve nor Black Death Mou wanted to back down. For them, this battle not only represented victory or defeat, but also represented the difference in philosophies of the two sides.

In the face of different ideas, they are unwilling to lose to the person in front of them. With the belief that they will never admit defeat, the two sides put away their weapons one after another after beheading each other hundreds of times, and once again gathered their strength to prepare A stronger blow was thrown.

"The breath of the moon - the shape of the four, the fierce change, the sky full of slender moon."

Hei Death Mou wielded a false cry, and released countless huge crescent-shaped blades out of thin air to sway everything in front of the plane, accompanied by countless giant full-moon blades.

"bring it on!!"

In the face of Hei Death Mou's ultimate move, Steve did not show weakness, he used the strongest move under his hand with the Dragon Saber, and slashed towards Hei Death Mou fiercely.

I saw that the dragon saber came out with Steve's swing, and the endless dragon flames were all concentrated on the tip of the blade, neither burning nor releasing explosive flames, but just wiped away everything it touched.


The huge sword light and the crimson dragon flame collided with each other, causing countless fireworks.

But it was just a momentary encounter, whether it was Black Death Mou or Shi's inner skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①49 Tiff, his face changed suddenly at this moment.

That is a power beyond their imagination, no matter which is the light of the sword, or the unbearable flames, all passed from their weapons to themselves.

Under this powerful force, both Steve and Black Death retreated back uncontrollably.

And at this moment, an unprecedented shock wave erupted on the ground where the Dragon Saber and the God of Frustration had collided with each other, sending both of them who were unwilling to back down by this shock wave and blasted out to attack.

And this shock wave didn't stop after blasting Steve and Black Death Mou, but continued to sadistically destroy all the surrounding environment.

The scorching dragon flame and the sharp blade glow merged together, turning into a tornado of blade fire with a width of hundreds of meters that went straight to the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!".

Chapter [*] The collapsed line of defense!traitor! !

"Director, request for support, request for support..."

Outside of Hell's Kitchen, Nick Fury raised a high-frequency laser gun when he heard the call for support from the walkie-talkie, and shot an approaching lower-level ghost away.

The other subordinates next to him immediately approached the lower-level ghost and fired lasers at him in different directions. They didn't stop until the ghost's body was completely shattered, and then continued to guard here.

And Nick Fury picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "How is the battle ahead, please reply when you receive it, and how is the battle ahead, please reply when you receive it."

"Director, the recovery ability of this group of ghosts is too strong, even if there is solar energy to simulate light, this group of ghosts can maintain a certain recovery ability, and after reaching the shadow, their recovery ability will become stronger. "

Just as Nick Fury waited anxiously, a voice came from the walkie-talkie again, but this time the voice was not the previous one, but Agent Coulson.

"The current situation is very bad. Our manpower can only fight in the solar simulation light, which can't stop the advance of this group of ghosts. The 553 defense line is almost on the verge of collapse. We need reinforcements!!!"

Hearing that even Coulson, who has always been calm, speaks in a hasty tone now, Nick Fury knew that the battle situation ahead must have rotted to a certain extent.

Therefore, Nick Fury quickly replied: "Colson, hold on, support will arrive soon, you must hold on, don't let these ghosts break through the defense."

"Yes, Chief."

After hurriedly answering a sentence, Coulson hurriedly hung up the walkie-talkie, apparently caught in a hard fight.

And Nick Fury also set up the high-frequency laser gun again at the moment when the walkie-talkie hung up and shouted: "Everyone will accompany me to support the front line immediately."

After that, Nick Fury stepped forward and walked forward.

Only at this moment, Agent Hill blocked Nick Fury's way and said, "Director, you should stay behind. Once you have an accident, the follow-up will be numb..."

"The front line is more important!!"

It's just that before Agent Hill's words were finished, Nick Fury interrupted immediately.

"Once we let these ghosts rush out of the unstable space and re-enter the mirror world, then we will never seize their chance again. At that time, the entire New York City will become a ghost's lair, and we will bear the consequences. Sorry!!"

After that, Nick Fury ignored Agent Hill and headed straight for the front line, while a group of agents who were protecting Nick Fury behind him also followed at this moment.

Agent Hill looked at Nick Fury's disappearing figure, and after hesitating for a moment, he followed.


"Is this the Infinity City?"

The central ring area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, outside the Infinity Gate.

Perceiving the magnificent city walls of Infinite City through his super senses, Matt couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

"Well, this is Infinity City."

Unlike Matt's emotion, Zhu Shi's expression on the side was lower.

Obviously, at the moment of seeing Infinite City, Zhu Shi couldn't help but be affected and recalled some things in the past.

And this was also felt by Matt.

Sensing that Zhu Shi's mood was dark, Matt's face hidden under Kamen Rider's armor showed a hesitant color.

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