"But if the card sleeve is destroyed, it can be re-summoned through the mirror."

"But it will consume the energy of the contracted beast extremely, causing its level to plummet. If the level is not enough, the contracted beast will need to go through a long hibernation to recover."

Looking at the smug expression on the face of the little milk dog in front of him, it was as if he was saying, "Come and praise me, come and praise me,".

Li Ang smiled subconsciously and said: "So it is, I didn't expect to have completed so much in secret, it's really amazing, I was thinking of slowly upgrading these knights in the subsequent planning process. Oh, I didn't expect it to be done in one step now."

Then, the little milk dog flew to Li Ang's head again, sat down and said, "Everything is ready now, so what are you waiting for, let's go and find Tony Stark.

"Well, let's go"

As soon as Li Ang closed his hands, a phantom passed by, and the golden knight standing in the Stark Industrial Building disappeared.

The gust of wind roared, and if there were humans here at this time, I am afraid that they would scream in fear in an instant.

It turned out that in the New York metropolis at this time, the streets and alleys were full of dense monsters, although the monsters at this time closed their eyes one by one and stood silently in place.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that occasionally there are several monsters, and the fingers start to shake slowly.



In some dark cave in the Middle East.

Tony Stark, with a scruffy beard and ragged clothes, was sitting with Dr. Ethan chatting while playing the dice on the table.

Looking at the tattered cave in front of him and the Ark Reactor on his chest, he couldn't help but look in a trance. Maybe even Tony himself would not have thought that he would have such a desolate day, right?

About half a month ago, when Tony and the military reached a $10 billion arms deal, when he returned to the base in a military jeep, he was attacked by terrorists and unfortunately captured alive.

What made him even more painful was that not only was he seriously injured, but the weapons and weapons he had created over the years were not used for the right purpose, but instead became sharp weapons in the hands of terrorists.

Thinking of the countless blood on the weapon he made, an indescribable feeling of suffocation flooded Tony Stark's body.

It can be said that at that moment, the only thing Tony Stark could think of was to apologize to death, which was why Tony had been silent when he was first arrested, because at that time he had already wanted to die.

If it weren't for the guidance of Dr. Eason behind him, Tony Stark would not be able to get back on his feet in such a short time.

Just as Tony Stark continued to be silent, Dr. Ethan on the side might have also felt that Tony was immersed in sadness again, and hurriedly started talking to Tony.

"Well, it's good, it's good, then it's up to me."

After that, Dr. Eason stretched out his hand and grabbed the two dice on the table and slowly shook them.

Tony Stark, who was sitting on the other side, seemed to have reacted at this time. He took a sip of the water on the table, shook his head, put his previous troubles aside, and regained his energy to face Dr. Eason. asked.

"You haven't told me where you are from.".

Chapter [*] The Chosen Hero

After waiting for a while without seeing Dr. Ethan answer, Tony Stark raised his head and looked at Dr. Ethan.

I saw Dr. Ethan, who was shaking the dice in front of him, suddenly stopped moving, as if he was possessed by some strange creature, and sat motionless in his original position.

Looking at Dr. Ethan who suddenly turned into this, Tony Stark said nervously.

"Hey Ethan, what's the matter with you, don't make such a joke."

After all, Tony Stark also stretched out his left hand and shook it in front of Dr. Ethan, but unfortunately, Dr. Ethan was still sitting on the spot without any reaction.

At this time, Tony Stark realized that things might be really bad, he hurriedly put his hand under Dr. Ethan's nose, and stretched out another hand on Dr. Ethan's chest.

"How is it possible, breathing and heartbeat have stopped, how is this possible..., what happened."

Tony Stark, who was frightened by the scene in front of him, left his seat in an instant, ran under the surveillance camera, and kept waving his hands and shouting, apparently trying to attract the surveillance's attention in this way to save Iraq. Dr. Sen.

"Tony Stark..."

Just as Tony Stark was waving his hands, a voice suddenly came from behind, which made Tony Stark, who had been frightened, even more frightened, and hurriedly turned his head to look in front of him.

I saw a strange man in golden armor appeared in front of Tony Stark, and Tony Stark continued with a tone of fear that he had just been frightened.

"Hey dude, you made that scene just now? I'd advise you to put everything back as it was, and where did you come from, what's going on?"

After listening to Tony Stark's words, the golden knight in front of him slowly opened his hands that were folded in front of his chest, and continued to speak to Tony Stark.

"The chosen brave Tony Stark, do you choose to accept your sacred mission?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tony Stark continued as if he saw a joke.

"Hey, is it a superhero movie now? Where's the camera, don't make this joke, I'm not a hero at all, if you want money, as long as you save my friend, I'll take as much as you want I can give it to you, you should know who I am."

When Li Ang looked at Tony Stark in front of him, he knew that he wanted to rely on these little tricks to convince people like Tony who believed in science that such heroic tricks were not so simple, so he was no longer polite and launched Kamen Rider directly. Odin's ability to come.

I saw the golden knight in front of him slowly closing his open hands again, and the golden armor on his body also emitted golden rays of light at this time.

Seeing the golden light in front of him getting brighter and brighter, Tony Stark had an ominous premonition in his heart, but unfortunately, before Tony Stark could react, the golden light enveloped him. on the body.

After a while, the light gradually disappeared, and the Golden Knight and Tony Stark, who were originally in the cave, disappeared, leaving only Dr. Ethan sitting quietly in his place, slowly turning his vision from the cave. spread out.

The terrorists who were originally in charge of monitoring Tony Stark and the terrorists who were drinking and playing were also like Dr. Ethan, standing still, and the water in the wine bottle for drinking was also scattered in the air as if it had solidified. ......


In an instant, Tony Stark, who was still in the cave, appeared on a high-rise building.

And the dizziness caused by the teleportation made Tony Stark, who was in poor health, even more uncomfortable. He lay on the ground and retched.

"Ugh... vomit..."

After retching for a while, Tony Stark, whose body slowly recovered, finally raised his head and said slowly, "This is...?"

However, Tony Stark was shocked by the sight in front of him before he could finish his words. He stood up regardless of the discomfort of his body and looked around constantly.

"This is the Stark Industrial Building, how did you change me back, that was a space transfer just now?"

However, the golden knight in front of him did not answer his words, he just stood quietly at the wall and looked into the distance.

At this time, Tony Stark, who was on the side, felt a little uneasy, and slowly approached the Golden Knight, but the scene in front of him gave Tony Stark goosebumps all over his body.

"How is it possible, where did these monsters come from? Has New York been captured? Or is it April Fool's Day and I'm dreaming?"

Obviously, everything that happened in front of him was beyond the comprehension of Tony Stark.

It turned out that around the Stark Industrial Building at this time, the streets and alleys were densely covered with monsters of different shapes and sizes.

Although the monsters have not moved at this time, just observing them with the naked eye can make people believe that they are all alive.

And each one has a strong strength, and this is just the difference in strength that is felt by human instinct.

Chapter [*] The Origin of the Mirror World

At this time, the golden knight in front of him slowly turned his head to look at Tony Stark and said, "This is the mirror world, a world full of despair and death."

"Mirror World? What the hell is going on? What does this have to do with the brave."

Obviously, this series of changes has made Tony Stark slowly begin to believe what the golden knight just said, and he couldn't help but keep asking.

Looking at Tony Stark, who was eager to know the truth, Li Ang knew that the fish had been hooked, so he turned his head and continued to look down at New York City.

"It's all caused by a wrong war."

"Everything in the world has two sides, including the world."

"The space we are in now is the other side of the world, which supports and interdependence with the main world in which we live normally. I call it the mirror world."

"But do you know how different this world is from the main world we live in every day, Tony Stark?"

Having said that, the golden knight in front of him lowered his head and said to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark, who felt the gaze of the Golden Knight, replied with a hint of hesitation.

"what's the difference?"

Obviously, in the current situation, Tony Stark himself couldn't think calmly, so Tony quickly answered.

"It is life. The biggest difference between the mirror world and the main world we live in is that there is no life."

"Compared with the vibrant main world, the mirror world is like a place of silent death; and the consequence of lack of life is immutability, and immutability means that the world can never be improved."

"Therefore, in order to improve, the mirror world itself reacted instinctively, and it began to devour the energy of the main world without limit, and wanted to create life that belongs to its own world."

"But it's easier said than done to devour the energy of a world. Each world itself has its own unique defense system."

"This includes our own main world. This is why the mirror world has not collected enough energy to create life for so many years."

"But all of this changed decades ago, and someone touched the taboo of the universe."

Having said this, the golden knight opened his arms again and said with a heavy tone.

"The taboo of the universe? What is this?"

Tony Stark, who heard the words of the golden knight in front of him, couldn't help but ask.

The Golden Knight just glanced at Tony Stark lightly and then returned: "Infinity Stones".

"Infinity Stones? What did that come from?"

Hearing Tony Stark's hurried tone, Li Ang knew that Tony Stark had already taken the bait, so he didn't delay any longer and continued to answer.

"The Infinity Stones are the embodiment of the laws of the universe. At the beginning of the birth of the universe in ancient times, an earth-shattering explosion occurred."

"In this big bang, six gems were born in the universe, and they are the wireless gems."

"They have the six abilities of space, time, reality, power, mind, and soul, respectively."

"These six gems possess the supreme divine power of the universe and can easily control the changes in the laws of the universe. One of such cosmic treasures was hidden on the earth back then."


Obviously, such news shocked Tony Stark, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself here.

"A war decades ago, does it mean the second world..."

This time, before Tony Stark finished speaking, the Golden Knight continued.

"That's right, someone mistakenly used the power of the Infinity Stone in that war, and that Infinity Stone is the Space Stone, which has the ability to dominate the changes in the entire universe."

"But how could Yu mortal's ability be able to control such a fetish, and in the misuse decades ago, it disrupted the defense system of the universe itself, which also gave the mirror world the opportunity to open a channel The passage to the main world, and that passage is the mirror."

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