The sudden change made Obadiah Stan scream in fear, but he hadn't waited for Obadiah Stan to say a few more words.

Chapter [*] The New Crisis

The vine that had just been inserted into his chest disappeared, which made Obadiah Stan hurriedly put aside his clothes and look at his chest.

At this moment, a rose pattern appeared on Obadiah Stan's chest.

"What's going on here, what exactly is the pattern on my chest?"

Looking at the rose pattern on the chest, Obadiah Stan knew that there must be something wrong, and hurriedly looked at the angry way of the Rose Girl.

Unfortunately, when Obadiah Stan looked at the Rosary again, there was no one in front of him.

It turned out that when Obadiah Stan checked his chest, the Rosary had already disappeared, and only one sentence was left slowly from the depths of the tent.

"I will give you the ability of my clan to pass the test."

"Humph!" Seeing Rose's departure, Obadiah Stan could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and his clothes were not being sorted, so he turned around and left the tent.


With the sound of gunshots, the terrorist's lair turned into nothingness.



Inside Tony Stark's experimental base.

With the sound of footsteps, the door of the laboratory was opened, Pepper Pepper walked in, and looked at Tony Stark, who was repairing the steel armor at this time.

"Are you busy, can you help me with something?"

Seeing the arrival of Pepper, Tony Stark stopped his work, walked to another workbench, took out a chip from the platform, and handed it to Pepper.

"I need you to go to my office, hack into the mainframe, and get a list of all recent shipments. This is the lock chip that allows you to hack in."

Pepper took the chip that Tony handed over, looked at Tony who was still busy, and said in a calm tone, "If I get back the shipping list, what are you going to do?"

"It's still the same, they are operating in the dark, I want to stop them." After giving the chip to Pepper, Tony turned his head and continued to work on his own.

"Tony." Saying this, Little Pepper laughed, frowned and said to Tony in a slightly aggravated tone.

"You know I'm willing to help you with anything, but if you're going to be like this again, I can't help you any more."

"Apart from this, there is nothing else, no art gallery opening, no charity gala, no signing, just this and nothing else."

Hearing this, Tony stopped his work again, turned his head to look at Little Pepper again, and also answered Little Pepper in a serious tone.

"Really...then I'll resign." At this time, Xiao Chili's eyes were full of tears, and he returned with a trembling but firm tone.

After speaking, Pepper threw the chip back on the workbench and turned to leave the laboratory.

Looking at Little Pepper who was about to leave, Tony was unmoved and continued to speak to Little Pepper in a firm tone.

"For so many years, you have been by my side watching me reap the benefits of destruction. Now I want to protect these people who are in danger because of me, but are you leaving?"

Hearing this, Little Pepper couldn't help but turn back: "You will kill yourself like this, Tony, I don't want to kill you."

"I shouldn't have survived." At this time, Tony walked to the sofa and sat down, and said in a dull and sad tone.

"Unless it makes any sense, I'm not crazy about Pepper, I just finally know what I have to do, and I know in my heart that it's right and I have a mission."

Hearing Tony's sad statement, Pepper also had a firm expression at this time, walked back to the workbench, and picked up the chip that was thrown away earlier.

"You are my everything."

Hearing Xiao Chili's affectionate words, Tony opened his eyes wide, with a gentle smile on his face, and kept looking at Xiao Chili affectionately.


Stark Industries.

As the elevator opened slowly, Pepper came out of the elevator.

While walking towards the president's office of Stark Industries, Pepper looked around, noticing if anyone noticed his arrival.

Slowly, Chili finally came to the door of the president's office. At this time, Chili no longer hesitated, pushed open the president's office and walked in.

Looking at the host computer in the middle of the president's office, Pepper did not hesitate and walked directly to the computer.

He took out the chip Tony gave earlier from his office bag and inserted it into the host computer.


With the sound of the computer, the files hidden in the computer were opened one by one by Pepper Potts.

"District 16, what are you doing? Obadiah." Looking at the mysterious information in front of him, Little Pepper said to himself, and then clicked on the information.

Then a video appeared on the computer. Looking at the video in front of him, not only did Little Pepper startle, "Oh my God!"

It turns out that this video is the video of Tony Stark being kidnapped by terrorists.

Seeing this, Little Pepper no longer hesitated, and directly clicked on the transmission, wanting to collect the data as soon as possible.

The nineteenth chapter is about to appear the iron king (seeking flowers evaluation)

"So, what are we going to do..."

Suddenly, at this time, the door of the office was opened again, and this time the person who came in was not someone else.

It was Obadiah Stan, and the conversation just now came from the conversation between Obadiah Stan and his subordinates.

The little pepper sitting in the office chair was frightened by the conversation between Obadiah Stan and his subordinates and broke out into a cold sweat.

At this time, Obadiah Stan, who pushed the door in, also noticed that Pepper was in the office.

He stopped talking with his subordinates, walked into the office with his feet, walked to the table next to him, poured wine, and talked to Pepper.

"Well, Pepper, I understand where you're at right now; Tony, that's his character, he'll calm down over time, and the company will get better again."

Obviously, Obadiah Stan thought that the place where Little Pepper was in the office was because of Tony's sadness and troubles, and he did not suspect that Little Pepper was here to steal information.

Watching Obadiah Stan laughing and talking to himself while pouring wine.

Chili Pepper also calmed down a little, showed a smile, and nodded to Obadiah Stan, but in his hand, he hurriedly operated the computer to save files faster.

Fortunately, when Obadiah Stan finished pouring the wine and walked to the computer, the file was saved, and the computer was put on standby again, so that Obadiah Stan did not discover all this.

Little Pepper watched Obadiah Stan walk in front of him and sat down, knowing that he might find him if he dragged it on, so he smiled and said to Obadiah Stan: "Thank you, thank you for your comfort. , I should go back."

After that, Pepper secretly picked up the chip on the desk and walked out of the office slowly.

Looking at Little Pepper who was walking farther and farther, Obadiah Stan also had a little doubt in his heart, feeling that there was a problem in which link, and hurriedly turned on the computer.

"Damn it." Obadiah Stan whispered in exasperation. It turned out that there was a large frame on the computer at this time, with the words "Download Completed" written on it.

Obviously at this moment, Obadiah Stan also knew that these things he had done had been exposed.

He hurriedly walked out of the office, trying to catch up with Little Pepper who had just left earlier, to recover the evidence.


the other side.

Little Pepper, who just got the information, hurriedly left Stark Industries.

Just as Little Pepper walked to the stairs on the first floor and was about to leave, Agent Coulson had been waiting on the lounge chair on the first floor of Stark Industries for a long time.

"Miss Pepper, we made an appointment, have you forgotten our appointment?" Agent Coulson raised his head and said with a smile when Little Pepper finally appeared.

"No, just now, come with me."

It's a pity that Xiao Chili was so anxious at this time that he didn't have time to explain more, so he simply said a word, and then accelerated his pace and continued to walk out.

"Now?" Obviously, Coulson, an agent, also heard something different and stood up hurriedly.

"Yes, let's talk now, come with me."

At this time, Pepper turned his head to look at the upper floor of Stark Industries, and found that Obadiah Stan was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Therefore, he hurriedly said to Agent Coulson: "I want to have a good talk with you, and I promise you will never forget it for the rest of your life. Now go to your office."

"Okay." Agent Coulson responded and left with Pepper.

And Obadiah Stan, who was upstairs, saw this scene and knew that it was impossible to get back the data, so he hurried to the laboratory in Stark Industries.


Stark Industrial Laboratory.

I saw a group of scientists wearing white research uniforms researching around a giant robot and having a heated exchange.

The door of the laboratory was suddenly pushed open, and Obadiah Stan hurried into the laboratory.

The lead scientist William saw Obadiah Stan's arrival, stopped the phone in his hand, approached Obadiah Stan and said: "Mr. Obadiah, we tried your request, but it seems that we have encountered A small obstacle."

"Obstruction?" Obadiah Stan asked angrily after hearing the words of scientist William.

Hearing Obadiah Stan's angry tone, scientist William also tried to explain the current problem: "Yes, sir, to power this battle suit, this kind of technology does not exist, so... .."

However, this time, before William could finish speaking, Obadiah Stan interrupted him: "Wait, technology? William, this is just a robot, I just asked you to power it up, this is It's not difficult."

Hearing this, scientist William said with a wry smile: "Okay, sir, we are also trying hard, but to be honest, it's impossible..."

This time Obadiah Stan couldn't hold back his anger any longer, and roared at scientist William with his finger: "Tony Stark made this in a cave, using a pile of junk."

Hearing Obadiah Stan's scolding, scientist William could only raise his hands and waved: "I'm sorry, I'm not Tony Stark, I don't have this ability.".

Chapter [*] Decisive Battle of Iron Overlord One (seeking flowers, evaluation tickets)

Looking at William with a crying face, Obadiah Stan could only put down his hand while stroking the rose pattern on his chest, while feeling secretly in his heart.

"You need to tie the bell to untie the bell, Tony, you found it all by yourself, as long as you obediently die."

After thinking about it clearly, Obadiah Stan turned his head again to look at the giant robot in front of him.

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