American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 104 Oil Painting Beauty: I hate detectives! (Please subscribe!)


Detective Amy Santiago was stunned: "Can the title be different?"

"When your bureau technicians crack the killer's phone, they should have the answer."

Chuck said: "If I guess correctly, the killer first focused on the mathematical treasure hunt game, and then noticed the victim, and then discovered the victim's scratch-off lottery money-making plan, killed the victim and took the scratch-off lottery money-making plan for himself. have."

"What's the reason?"

Detective Amy Santiago frowned: "Why would the killer target the mathematical treasure hunt?"

After saying this, she glanced at the professional sniper equipment and looked at Chuck seriously.

"Because someone is targeting us mathematicians."

Chuck said calmly: "Use the various levels of the mathematical scavenger hunt game to screen out mathematicians with sufficient abilities, and then use text messages to lead mathematicians with sufficient abilities but insufficient reputation to another clue, and wait until the code deciphering type that they need to solve is solved. After he needs the work of a mathematician, he kills people and silences them. After I crack the password on the notebook, I will know who sent him, whether it was an anonymous organizer or a third party who got the information and took advantage of it."

"Code breaking."

Detective Amy Santiago looked solemn: "This sounds like a precursor to a serious crime."

"It's not fun to say."

Chuck looked at her: "The CIA, FBI, NSA and other American law enforcement agencies are the biggest suspects. They often do this."


Detective Amy Santiago was immediately speechless. After a while, he said without confidence: "You can't say that, can you? If it were these professional organizations, they could recruit and hire you directly. Why use such despicable means? ?”

"You think they haven't tried?"

Chuck shook his head: "They have all tried it, but we rejected it. When the NSA invited me, they apparently invited me to study the most cutting-edge technology, chaos mathematics, and advanced algorithms that are unavailable elsewhere. In fact, To put it bluntly, it is code decryption, which is the job of spies. Now it seems that it is too obvious to covertly."

"This can be considered a serious job...don't you also cooperate with the FBI and our NYPD?"

Detective Amy Santiago, also a member of the law enforcement agency, makes a last ditch effort.

"My answer to their invitation was that if I did it, they would give me a code that was so hard to crack that no one else could crack it, but maybe I could."

Chuck said: "But that code may be the location of military targets in North Africa and other places around the world. They got the coordinates and carried out indiscriminate carpet bombing without distinction between civilians. Hundreds of civilians were killed.

Then the politicians sent troops to occupy the area. They didn't care, because it wasn't their children who were shot and killed on the front lines of the battlefield. Their children basically joined the reserve forces.

The people who were shot there would only be ordinary soldiers. When they returned home injured and injured, they found that the factory where they used to work had been transferred to the country where they were fighting, and the enemies who shot and wounded them took away their jobs.

Because that originally wealthy country has been destroyed, and the people who survived there don't need to pay more than one dollar a day to survive. Then they will find that they went to the war just for the country's oil, and so that domestic oil companies can take advantage of the war panic. Make a fortune by raising domestic oil prices.

The oil companies would take their time to ship the seized oil back home, perhaps hire an alcoholic captain and then hit an iceberg, spilling oil and killing all the marine life in the North Atlantic.

Now these ordinary soldiers are unemployed, cannot afford to drive, and walk to interviews. The wounds from bullets and shells make them painful and hungry. The only food they can afford is the special price of oil-flavored sturgeon in the North Atlantic. .

Dissatisfied and unable to change, they drink alcohol, do domestic violence, pervert, commit crimes, and bring more and more violent crimes to society, and all of this may be because I casually cracked a code.

Cracking codes is for the benefit of those very few privileged people, but cooperating with you to arrest criminals is for the common people. Everywhere, the lowest people just want to live a stable life.

Not cracking the password will also alleviate this vicious cycle in disguise, making your work less difficult, so that you can have time to bicker and chat when solving the case, instead of living in fear every day that you will encounter some super perverted criminal today. Do you still think I Should I agree to this real job? "

Detective Amy Santiago has given up trying to clear her name.

Not all of her seven police brothers became police officers directly. Some also became soldiers first and then returned to the police after being discharged.

She has seen more than one comrade-in-arms who encountered such encounters with her brothers. At the same time, she also has a deeper understanding of low-level logic about the increasing number of alcoholism, domestic violence, serial perversion, and violent organized crime in society.

But as expected, what Chuck said before was right. These contents that are completely different from the media propaganda are really not worth talking about.

Fortunately, after receiving the news that she had called the police, other police officers and members of the identification team came over, taking photos and collecting evidence, which did not make the atmosphere more serious.

She drove Chuck back to the police station.

On the road.

She suddenly thought of a question: "No, even if this is the case, there is no need to bring a sniper rifle?"

“Personal preference and robustness.”

Chuck said calmly: "Who is willing to risk getting close to someone who can snipe from a long distance? And it is convenient for quick evacuation.

Or someone may have offended someone else, and when hiring a murderer, he specifically asked for an extremely violent act such as a headshot so that his face would never be seen again.

I'll contact the naked professor later and ask him to make a list of math scavenger hunt participants to see who else besides Sheldon Cooper is so hated. "

"I think I already know the answer."

Amy Santiago glanced at Chuck and suppressed a smile.

The Inch Killer knows Chuck and laughs when he sees him. Chuck in the mathematical treasure hunt game is also among them. Although I don’t know what kind of person this mathematician named Sheldon Cooper is, Chuck’s overly upright character is very... It's easy to be hated.

Moreover, the Inch Killer is so cruel that it cannot be recruited by ordinary organizations. The most suspected targets, the NSA, CIA, and FBI, have invited Chuck again, but Chuck rejected him with his previous logical and self-consistent words to reveal the truth.

The Inch Killer was sent by those organizations to monitor the mathematical scavenger hunt as they wished, and to find an opportunity to kill Chuck. Is there any more reasonable explanation than this?

"you are wrong."

Chuck saw what she meant and shook his head.


Detective Amy Santiago was unconvinced.

"My reasons for rejecting them will not arouse their murderous intentions, because these are open secrets that everyone knows."

Chuck said straightforwardly: “Furthermore, my existence value and reputation in the industry make it impossible for them to take action.

And I'm not Sheldon Cooper, and I'm not hateful. "


Detective Amy Santiago's mouth twitched.

After thinking about it, she thought the first two reasons made sense, but she was very doubtful about the last reason.

Because they had only been working on the case together for a few hours, she had already gone from a good impression of her appearance and temperament to a jaw-dropping and heart-wrenching feeling. She even felt like spring flowers blooming facing the sea at one time, but then it took a turn for the worse. Now she even It feels like my partner, who has always been bored, looks more delicate and cute when compared with the upright Chuck.

If you think about it carefully, this is simply terrifying!

At this point, Chuck still has the nerve to say that he is not hated...

Chuck saw what she meant again, but this time he didn't say anything. He was not like Sheldon Cooper, who knew that the other party hated him so much that he felt good about himself and said that he was so cute. How could the other party hate him? If you like yourself, isn't that objective enough?


A grand banquet was being held, and there were all men and women in suits and elegant dresses. Not to mention the interior, the exterior luxury style could really be called an upper-class man and woman.

The most eye-catching thing here is a blond beauty, who seems to have stepped out of an oil painting. She is wearing a classic palace dress. Her blond hair is tied up, revealing her slender white neck. She has a beautiful face and unparalleled temperament.

Different from other beauties who look like pendants of men, the beauty in the oil painting half-raised the champagne and talked and laughed with a group of bald old men with a smile on her face, vaguely looking down on them.

At first glance, all of them were bald old men with status and wealth. They looked into the eyes of the oil painting beauty and listened carefully to her words. Their eyes did not look at the frivolity and dissipation of other women at all.

At this time, a young woman dressed equally well came over and glanced at the beauty in the oil painting.

"Feel sorry."

The beauty in the oil painting understood, smiled at the group of bald old men, and followed the young woman to the side with gentle steps.

After listening to the young woman's report, the oil painting beauty frowned: "It's him again... I hate detectives!"

"Yes, I understand."

The young woman nodded immediately, turned and left.

The beauty in the oil painting looked at the young woman's leaving back, took a sip of the champagne in her hand, and narrowed her eyes slightly, making it difficult to tell her mood.

New York.

NYPD 99th Precinct.

"came back?"

An old police detective stood up with a smile: "How's it going?"

"The suspect's residence was found and evidence was also found..."

Detective Amy Santiago introduced the situation to the old detective.

"Awesome, Dr. Wolfe."

The old detective nodded to her perfunctorily and looked at Chuck with a smile on his face: "You have easily detected this. You are right. The annoying detective found nothing in the interrogation room. The suspect did not say a word. , just laugh, the person who laughs is heartbroken."

"I gonna go see!"

Detective Amy Santiago doesn't feel sleepy anymore when she talks about this.

What she likes most is watching her partner get into trouble.

"The company that issued the scratch-off lottery tickets has received the news and has terminated the sale of this scratch-off lottery ticket and is conducting an emergency recall."

Chuck knew what the old detective meant, so he told him what he knew.


The old police detective stopped laughing immediately.

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