American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 111 Don’t go to England in the future!

"You want to recruit me?"

Compared to Detective Amy Santiago's shock, Chuck asked calmly.


The tall, bald African-American man took a careful look at Chuck and said with a smile, "I'm not wrong. You definitely have an antisocial personality. Trust me, I'm very experienced."

Detective Amy Santiago couldn't help but look at Chuck strangely.

If the bald professor wasn't lying, then the man in front of him was indeed very talented and experienced at identifying hidden sociopaths.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone straight to the bald professor who was a serious architect after only meeting him once, and told him face to face that the bald professor was actually a serial killer.

The plot was bizarre enough and unreliable, but the facts proved him right.

Now he said this again with certainty, this...

"Everyone knows this."

Chuck said calmly.

Amy Santiago was stunned for a moment, and then she felt much more relaxed.


She almost forgot that Chuck never seemed to hide this. Looking at his daily actions, it told everyone that he was abnormal, not to mention that he would always design experiments for her and annoy the police detectives. The confirmation move is completely abnormal!

Although it was clear that Chuck was a sociopath, she no longer worried.

After all, always confessing yourself and hiding yourself are completely different concepts.

And confessing that he is still alive today and has become a guest of law enforcement agencies such as the NYPD and FBI is enough to explain everything.

She believes in the eyes of the public.

"Dr. Wolfe, you are indeed very different."

The tall, bald African-American man was a little surprised.

"It's the same sentence, everyone knows it."

Chuck said: "Who are you going to recruit me for?"

"For myself, of course."

The tall, bald African-American man smiled slightly.

"No, you're not."

Chuck shook his head.


The tall, bald African-American man looked at Chuck with interest.

"Because you don't deserve it."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "It's so easy to find you. There's no mystery at all. You're just a mortal."


The tall bald African-American man smiled. He had been among special people all over the world for decades. He thought he had already developed a mentality of not being affected by external things, but it was obvious that he had not yet mastered it.

"you're right."

Quickly suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, he regained his calm smile and nodded: "Dr. Wolfe, you are indeed different. You are different from everyone I recruited. Your strength is beyond my expectation. Because It may be inappropriate for a mortal like me to recruit you. There is indeed someone above me, an extraordinary person, and I will never be able to do the things he did."

After saying this, he stopped and his smile became much colder: "Originally, I would have told you more information and let you make up your own words. After all, for his kind of existence, the more you know about him, the closer you get, you will only have two endings. Either lean closer and closer to him, or go crazy and die.”

"I am looking forward."

Chuck was as calm as ever.

What he said was so mysterious, if he wasn't sure that there was no mysterious power in this world, he would have guessed whether there was Cthulhu on top of the other party.

But even if the world suddenly becomes magical, his mentality will remain unchanged and there will be no change.

Cthulhu really showed up, and he didn't mind saying that classic line again while little Sheldon was crying and infinitely happy.

It's just a cape thing.

"But I'm not going to go on."

The tall bald African-American man controlled his emotions: "Because you are not qualified to understand him now, and you are only qualified to recruit me, a person you think is unworthy. Now I give you two options, either kill the San Diego police detective in front of you. Accept my recruitment, or I can only continue the unfinished work of erasing you, this annoying detective."

"Raise your hands so I can see!"

Detective Amy Santiago immediately raised her gun nervously and pointed it at the tall bald African man.

The tall bald African man ignored her and just looked at Chuck.

"You are very confident."

Chuck looked at him too.

"Want to take a gamble?"

The tall bald African man smiled.


Chuck nodded: "But don't you need to contact the people above you again?"

"No, I can make the decision."

The tall bald African-American man smiled and said: "In fact, I gave you two options to recruit you. It was an idea that suddenly came to my mind after seeing you. This is because I cherish my talent. Otherwise, you have no choice at all."

"That's what you think."

Chuck said calmly: "You still think you can kill me by arranging an accident, but now I'm standing in front of you, so I don't want you to think, I want me to feel, and I don't think you can kill me."

"The ignorant are fearless."

The tall, bald African-American man looked into Chuck's eyes and laughed dumbly: "Now that you have made your choice, go to hell."


As the word "death" was spoken, a large piece of the room's glass shattered, followed by a mosaic.

Chuck immediately pulled the frightened Detective Amy Santiago into a blind spot, quickly took out his cell phone and sent a text message, and then looked at the location of the mosaic.

But he saw that the tall, bald African-American man who had been so confident that he had an advantage just now had turned into a tall African-American man.

"There are snipers!"

After being dragged into a blind corner by Chuck, Detective Amy Santiago screamed, took out her cell phone and immediately looked for fire support.

"There is a police officer..."

When she subconsciously yelled the classic "police officer fell", she was shocked to find that something was wrong. It was not the police officer and one of her own who fell, but the other party.

"what's the situation?"

Detective Amy Santiago looked at Chuck in shock.

"have no idea."

Chuck shook his head.

He was not surprised that there was a sniper. The other party was so confident when he was called to the door, and there were no other hidden gunmen in the room. So either the other party ambushed the sniper, or the other party was confident that he would be released soon without any impact if he was arrested.

Either way, Chuck didn't care.

But the sniper didn't aim to shoot at him, but instead shot one of his own people in the head, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

"Either a professional comedy killer routinely shoots the wrong person, or the person above John Douglas made a different choice."

"What kind of professional comedy killer?"

Detective Amy Santiago complained speechlessly.

She had already believed the second theory. Compared to killing the police and the famous mathematician, killing one of her own people whose identity had been exposed and completely cutting off the thread was indeed a more cost-effective option.

"It's just the funny killer."

Chuck said: "The world is so big and full of wonders."

"Too violent."

Although Detective Amy Santiago believed in the second option, no one could guarantee that the sniper would not kill them as well, so he continued to huddle in the blind spot and looked at the mosaic not far away. , covered his mouth, turned his head away, not daring to look again, and complained from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems like he's a bit hated."

Chuck was also hiding in the blind spot. He was not worried about the sniper. He could just walk over and check. After all, if the other party could shoot, he could hide. But at this time, it was completely unnecessary to expose his bug ability.

Just imagine if the tall, bald African-American man knew that he had the experience of dodging sniper rifles, would he still be so confident in a showdown with him before and almost tell him everything about this 'dying man'?


Detective Amy Santiago choked.

She felt like Chuck was loving her again.


Last time, a sniper rifle was found in the room of the short-haired killer. She once had a set of logical inferences that she thought were very self-consistent. She felt that it was Chuck who was so upright and so hated that the CIA and other organizations were ready to shoot him in the head.

But that’s not a reasonable guess!

As for remembering it so clearly, does she still not forget her connotation at this time?

Sure enough, no matter how cold he looks, as long as he has a cold and humorous temperament, he is always petty.

The NYPD came quickly this time.


After all, he was one of his own, and he had already heard Detective Amy Santiago report that there were no active shooters or trapped targets inside, only himself and a dead person, and the room was not locked.

So after more than two hours of tossing, it was confirmed that the sniper had left the building where Chuck had given the sniper's location, and finally came in, and began to enter. The classic scene of professional division of labor began in an endless stream.

"Holy shit!"

Detective Shenfan looked very unhappy. Looking at the very violent and mosaic scene, he frowned: "I haven't eaten ketchup recently."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Detective Amy Santiago complained.

It was okay not to say it, but once she said it, she also had an association and didn't want to eat ketchup anymore.

"Okay, you survived a sniper rifle."

Detective Shenfan looked at his partner and couldn't help teasing him: "That's awesome."

"You just knew?"

Although Amy Santiago was very scared, when faced with the teasing of her partner, she, who has always been strong, raised her chin and said proudly.

"This time you are awesome!"

Detective Shenfan gave a thumbs up: "But if it hadn't been for the chiefs who kept holding me down and not letting me move, even if I couldn't catch the sniper, I could still see your heroic posture facing the sniper."


Detective Amy Santiago was stunned for a moment and looked at Detective Shenfan with complicated eyes.

Although my partner doesn't follow the rules, he is a regular NYPD homicide detective and should know the procedures and follow them.

At that time, he rushed in without hesitation, so that he was forced to the ground and injured his arm. Now he keeps rubbing it. This...

She actually didn't dare to look directly into the annoyed detective's still joking eyes, and subconsciously turned her eyes away to look at Chuck. She couldn't help but think of how Chuck described them at that time.

Do you like your enemies...

Chuck held the phone and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Detective Shenfan asked.

Chuck put away his phone and without explaining, looked at him and said: "Don't go to England in the future."


The detective was puzzled.

Chuck didn't speak, just looked at Detective Shenfan's rubbing arm.

Detective Amy Santiago had become somewhat accustomed to Chuck's cold humor and laughed knowingly.

He can't even get rid of his own strong-willed men. He is really not suitable for England, which is full of troublemakers.

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