American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 150 Little Sheldon: Praise the Fool, I’ve realized it!

"Is that why you brutally murdered my brother?"

Noah's brother finally understood what happened and shouted angrily: "Noah was fine on his own, but you insisted on pursuing him. Now you are just engaged. Even if you get married in the future, you feel that you can't stand Noah. No." If you love him, let him go, why kill him?!"

Daphne was silent.

What else could it be because of?

It was indeed her who first fell in love with Noah, and it was she who took the initiative to pursue Noah despite everyone's strange looks. She even took on the responsibility of supporting the family. For this, she was often laughed at by her girlfriends. She had already invested too much. , the sunk cost is too high.

"Noah built a machine and he hid it. I thought he hid it in the safe, but when I opened it with my fingerprint, it wasn't there."

Daphne looked at Chuck: "So is there really no such machine worth 2 million? I obviously saw him making it."

"Even if Noah had a flash of inspiration and solved the century-old problem of P=NP, do you know what else is needed from theory to application?"

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "At least one top software engineer needs to spend a lot of time writing software programs that are suitable for it, so that it can be used. Is Noah a top software engineer? Is he even an engineer? Just buy some If electronic instruments are piled together, they can become a universal decoder? If only you could focus more on Noah, learn more about his world, and learn more about basic scientific common sense, instead of wasting your time watching Amazing Amy When you are an adult, you will never be so ignorant and then brutally murder your fiancé by pretending to be the clown he fears most for such a ridiculous reason."


Daphne suddenly laughed wildly: "It's true, it's false, it's true, hahaha."

Detective Amy Santiago took out the handcuffs and put them on her.

Chuck's cell phone rang, and after it was connected, Little Sheldon's dissatisfied voice came from the other side: "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"you say."

Chuck said calmly.

"Am I wrong?"

Young Sheldon seamlessly connected with the previous topic: "I am smarter than Noah, and there is no woman to drag me down. I haven't solved it yet, how could he solve it?"

"you're right."

Chuck nodded.

"What's wrong with me? I'm...what did you say?"

Little Sheldon was accustomed to refute Chuck's denial of him, but he never expected to hear such affirmative words from Chuck's mouth, and he suddenly couldn't accept it: "You think I am right?"

"of course not!"

Chuck shook his head.

"……I knew it!"

Little Sheldon really felt that he was hallucinating just now. This is Chuck's normal attitude. How could he be sure of himself?

"When I say you are right, I am not referring to you now, but one day in the future, you may be right."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "After all, a wise man will always make mistakes, and a fool will always gain something. Get along well with Leonard, and you will learn a lot."

"I won't make any mistakes."

Little Sheldon was finally sure that he was not hallucinating at first. Although Chuck gave a supplementary explanation, those who praise him are those who praise him. This is an unchangeable reality. With great pride in his heart, he raised his head and said: "And call me Learn from Leonard? You must be kidding me."

"The wise man I mean is Leonard, and the fool is you."

Chuck told the truth.

The reason why he 'praises' Little Sheldon so much is because the case of Daphne's murder of Noah reminded him of the plot in The Big Bang Theory.

Daphne is to Noah what Penny is to the grown-up Leonard in The Big Bang Theory.

The love story of a genius scientist and a blonde waitress.

In The Big Bang Theory, Penny, a dream showbiz waitress, suddenly appears in the lives of Sheldon and Leonard and their nerdy foursome, and then completely blends in.

Years later, Sheldon and Leonard came up with an idea that could be commercialized. Leonard and the others were about to discuss the details of the operation in front of Penny, but Sheldon kept interrupting them.

Because Sheldon asked an interesting question.

That is the high school cheerleader, the nightmare and goddess of otakus. Penny, who only falls in love with handsome muscular men, why does she hang out with these four scientific otakus all year round?

Besides Cengchi Cenghehe Cengwang, can anyone else come up with a reasonable reason?

Then the other three otakus, including Leonard, all looked at Penny who was eating with strange eyes, because they didn't know if they didn't tell her, and they were shocked when they told her, why?

Putting aside eating, drinking, and surfing the Internet, they really couldn't imagine why Penny would hang out with them. This in itself was a miracle in the otaku circle.

Sheldon then put forward what he thought was the most reasonable explanation, that is, the reason why Penny was like this was to lurk around them, wait until they came up with a very good business idea that could make a lot of money, and then steal directly.

In The Big Bang Theory, that's a purely hilarious inference, since they eliminated a correct answer first.

But as a man who is familiar with the plot of The Big Bang Theory and has now experienced the Noah Daphne case, Chuck has a completely different perception of this funny inference.

Sheldon's and his company's business idea was too niche and had no financial potential, so it was abandoned later. But if they really came up with a very profitable idea, it might be a different story. .

The tricky question raised by Sheldon, who is a fool in life, may not be completely funny, but it is an example of how a fool in life will always be rewarded.

From this perspective, it is not surprising that Chuck praises the fool.

"Did you hear that? I am a wise man!"

Little Leonard was always there. When he heard these words, the corner of his mouth went straight to the back of his ears, his eyes shining brightly.

"Oh, Leonard, Leonard, Leonard~"

Little Sheldon couldn't deal with Chuck, so he couldn't deal with little Leonard. Looking at the proud little Leonard, he shook his head and sighed three times in a sneer.

"Oh, what's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Little Leonard was so irritated by such a contemptuous tone that he lost all smiles. He imitated Little Sheldon and retorted angrily.

"He said you are a wise man and I am a fool. Do you dare to believe this?"

Little Sheldon said venomously: "No wonder Beverly said that sometimes you are extremely blind in order to gain recognition, but Beverly is right, this is the weakness of the fool, so it is not surprising."

"Don't get involved with my mother!"

cried little Leonard.

"That's indeed what Beverly said."

Little Sheldon said bluntly: "If you don't believe me, just ask her. I can also call her right now for you."


Little Leonard suddenly choked with a dark face.

"Did you hear that?"

When Little Sheldon saw that Little Leonard was silent, he proudly raised his chin to Chuck on the other end of the phone: "Who is the wise man and who is the fool now?"

"Great wisdom is like foolishness."

Chuck said calmly.

Little Sheldon paused and complained: "Where are these common sayings? Why are you saying all the truth and irony?"


Chuck slowly said one word.

"I love America!"

Little Sheldon blurted out that the PTSD he was forced to suffer from in Texas because he praised the color red immediately broke out. His mind was filled with his father's scolding, his mother's worry, his brother's anger, his sister's eyes, and his grandmother waving the flag at the door. Singing the national anthem over and over again, everyone was hostile towards them.

As soon as he finished speaking, he no longer had the intention to argue about who was the wise man and who was the fool, because at this moment he suddenly understood deeply what Chuck meant when he said that great wisdom is like foolishness.

As smart and wise as he is, in the adversity that everyone was shouting about, he could only survive until now by pretending to be a fool (Uncle Sam) and talking about "I love America" ​​in front of everyone on TV.

Great wisdom but foolishness, isn’t this what he is talking about!

"I see……"

Little Sheldon was silent for a moment and expressed his understanding: "Although I don't want to say this, thank you for letting me know the most accurate self-description that can describe me when I am in a certain predicament."

"That's not what Chuck meant at all."

Little Leonard couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "The wise man in life he mentioned is me, the one who is wise and foolish is also me, not you!"

"What do you know about wise men and great wisdom like fools?"

Little Sheldon sneered: "Dr. Wolfe, is my understanding correct?"


Chuck shook his head: "Leonard understands what I mean."

"Did you hear that?"

Little Leonard smiled.

"You, you..."

Little Sheldon looked at Leonard, who was completely different from usual, and thought that Chuck was indeed as hateful as ever, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyelids twitched.

Chuck did not continue to tease Sheldon and hung up the phone.

Only when there is tension and relaxation can the gathering be sustainable.

Otherwise, he was sure that little Sheldon wouldn't be able to bear it.

So this time he didn't tell anything about Uncle Sheldon and Noah.

Brooklyn, New York, NYPD 99 Precinct.

"So fast?"

When Chuck and Detective Amy Santiago escorted Daphne in, Detective Shenfan looked at Detective Amy Santiago's proud smile and immediately complained.

"Are all crimes so simple to solve?"

Chandler was also shocked by the speed of solving the case, and couldn't help but joke: "Is where I'm standing now really Brooklyn, New York?"

The reason why the crime rate in Brooklyn has remained high and has become a source of jokes among everyone is because of the low crime detection rate and the vicious cycle of more and more criminals.

If the NYPD investigates and solves crimes like this, the vicious crime rate will definitely drop a lot, and maybe its ranking in crime will drop from being the best in the world to being far ahead.


Detective Shenfan said.


Chandler exclaimed grandly.

"It's true!"

Detective Shenfan also echoed with an exaggerated expression.


Watching the two of them having fun, Detective Amy Santiago rolled her eyes speechlessly.

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