American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 171 Wharton: If you have money, you can really do whatever you want! Chuck: What did you say

"Huh? You really want me to go?"

Chandler was surprised when he heard that the other party actually agreed.

The other party clearly wanted Chuck, so how could he, an assistant who was not involved in the case, calculate this?

"You said it yourself."

After Chuck hung up the phone, he said straightforwardly: "Compared with you, anyone can have a smile on their lips and have a good sleep."

"I go with you."

Ross said subconsciously.

Everyone looked over immediately.

"...I mean, if Chandler feels uncomfortable alone, as his best friend, of course I will accompany him."

Ross said harshly.

Of course he couldn't admit that he wanted to see Amazing Amy.


Chuck directly denied: "You are not my assistant, Chandler can go alone."

"Wouldn't I be uncomfortable being alone?"

Chandler teased, paraphrasing Ross.


Chuck affirmed: "The Frosts are both socially awkward. They will dominate all conversations. If you are uncomfortable, it doesn't make any difference to them."

"...This is me!"

The corner of Chandler's mouth twitched, he looked at everyone, pointed at his nose and laughed at himself: "Professional and responsible for making jokes."

Chuck looked at him.

"You're not going to say go now, are you?"

Chandler was stared at for a moment before he reacted.

"Of course now."

Chuck said calmly: "If it is later, it will be useless if you go."


Chandler stood up, twisted his body, made an exaggerated and funny gesture, laughed at himself, turned around and walked away: "While I'm still useful~"

The Frost family.

Guns and cannons were set up outside, aiming at the villa, ready to capture first-hand hot news at any time.

"Thank you for your hard work, drink some water."

Mr. Frost pushed out a batch of drinks and distributed them one by one to the media reporters stationed outside, with gratitude on his lips.

"Mr. Frost, you are too kind."

The reporters all recognized the Frost couple for being such good people, and all of them happily accepted the call.

"Amy was rescued this time largely because of your support."

Mr. Frost said with emotion: "Without your continued attention, the police and FBI would not have solved the case so quickly."

The reporters were very happy to hear this.

Although they only learned the news from Mr. and Mrs. Frost in the early hours of the morning, and the case was solved by Chuck in the evening, and they came to witness the ending after it was over, they felt that Mr. Frost said it well, and they were not fourth. Public power is supervising and urging, how can law enforcement agencies solve the case so quickly?

When Chandler came over in a taxi, he saw this scene. When he was hesitating about how to get there, Mr. Frost had already seen him. Mr. Frost and a group of reporters apologized and stepped forward to greet him. : "You must be Dr. Wolfe's assistant, right?"

Click! Click! Click!

The reporters' cameras immediately focused on Chandler, shooting wildly.

"it's me."

Chandler couldn't stand the flashing lights. When he opened his eyes again, he had already entered the villa under the leadership of Frost.

"How do you tolerate this?"

Chandler rubbed his eyes and complained.

"Used to it."

Mr. Frost smiled and stretched out his hand: "What do you call it?"


Chandler shook hands, and with a thought in his heart, he subconsciously added: "Chandler Bing."

"Are you Nora's son?"

Mr. Frost looked at him in surprise.

"...I knew you could tell."

Chandler's mouth twitched: "I just hope you are like everyone else."


Mr. Frost smiled noncommittally at the hint in Chandler's words that he didn't want him to have a special relationship with Nora. He called Chandler upstairs and introduced to the mother and daughter who were talking: "This is Dr. Wolfe's assistant and Nora's son, Chandler Bing."

"Are you Nora's son?"

Mrs. Frost couldn't help but look at Chandler carefully.

"I already wish I wasn't."

Chandler laughed to himself.

"Mrs. Byng has always been my idol."

The pale-faced Miraculous Amy smiled at Chandler. Although she was feeling very uncomfortable, she still wanted to comfort Chandler, which immediately impressed Chandler.

"We are all acquaintances, so we will call you Chandler."

Mrs. Frost said, "Chandler, how come you became Dr. Wolfe's assistant?"

"It's a part-time assistant."

Chandler laughed at himself: "He said I have a talent for comedy, so he wanted to train me..."

"You are indeed very talented."

Mr. Frost praised: "Dr. Wolfe is also very discerning. Although this kind of practice is rare, strange people must have strange things, right?"

"Can you tell me what kind of person Dr. Wolfe is?"

asked Mrs. Frost.


Chandler laughed at himself: "Before coming, I already had expectations."

As he said that, he took out a large photo from his pocket, put it directly in front of his face, and said seriously: "I am Chuck now. If you want to know anything, just ask."

This is what he heard from Monica. A genius in a mental hospital asked someone to help him attend events and let the person wear his face to replace him.

Others think it's weird. Although Chandler also thinks it's weird, most people still think it's funny. No, now there's an opportunity to imitate and learn from it.


Mr. and Mrs. Frost were speechless for a moment.

"You are you and he is him."

Amazing Amy reached out and took away the large photo of Chuck and looked at Chandler sincerely: "I just want to know what kind of person the person who saved me is. Don't get me wrong, I just, I just..."

After saying this, Amazing Amy trembled slightly, turned her head and shed tears behind her.

"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter."

Seeing this, Chandler immediately put away the funny photos of Chuck and explained repeatedly: "I've been used to it for a long time. I really don't think there's any problem. If you want to ask anything, you can ask me. I can't There is no misunderstanding.”


Amazing Amy wiped the corners of her eyes, with tears in her eyes, and tried to smile strongly towards Chandler.

"It really can't be true anymore!"

Chandler nodded affirmatively.

While the two were talking, Mr. and Mrs. Frost looked at each other and walked away quietly, leaving the space for the two young people.

Study downstairs.

Frost sat at the table with writing paper and pen, and Mrs. Frost came over with a baby monitor.

That’s right!

It is a baby monitor that American couples keep in order to take care of their baby but are unwilling to bring the baby to sleep together, which would affect their daily life. It is similar to a walkie-talkie, but it is only one-way. One is placed in the baby's room and the other is placed in the master bedroom. There is nothing in the baby's room. The sound can be heard from the master bedroom, but the sound from the master bedroom will not be transmitted to the baby room.

"It's a pity that Dr. Wolfe is unwilling to come, otherwise what we will get from him will be first-hand information."

Frost complained.

"It doesn't matter. He will always meet us again in the future. It's not bad to get some information from Nola's son first."

Mr. Frost smiled and said: "What do you think of hyping up the relationship between Chandler and Amy first? Nora is famous enough."

"It's no use."

Mrs. Frost shook her head: "This Chandler is gay at first glance, no one will believe it."


Mr. Frost thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "But you can give Chandler the status of a gay best friend, and it's the same."

“We need to discuss this with Nora, she is not a good person.”

Mrs. Frost frowned and said, "If we promote this without her consent, she will say anything."

Mr. Frost suddenly smiled knowingly.

A person who dares to say in a TV interview, "I especially like to eat Kung Pao Chicken afterwards", once offends her, I'm afraid she will ignore any industry signing rules and dare to say anything, which will have a negative impact on their image and The continued promotion of the Miraculous Amy IP is quite disadvantageous.


At least not now.

Things are looking great now.

In the series of books, Amazing Amy has just grown up and is about to go to college. She can add plots such as love as appropriate, but she still focuses on pure love and has not yet reached the time of transformation.

When Amazing Amy gets older and the innocent love setting comes to an end, as long as Nora Bing's fame is still there, they can even take the initiative to provoke and jointly promote it.

No one doesn't like the gossipy plot of falling in love and killing each other.

The baby monitor sounded the conversation between Amazing Amy and Chandler. When he heard about Chuck's extravagant love affair, Mr. Frost frowned: "What I want to create is a silent super genius who has a secret crush on the guardian Amazing Amy." Mi, he is..."

"This is good, this is good!"

Mrs. Frost smiled: "A silent super genius, who has been secretly in love with the guardian Magic Amy, but because he can't get the love of Magic Amy, he can only hide his true feelings by being romantic and unrestrained. Such a character can It’s more three-dimensional, and we can even describe more about the excellence of this super-genius romantic partner. The better these women are, the better they support our magical Amy in disguise!”

The writer couple, while listening to Chandler on the baby monitor talking about the Chuck they knew, directly created the plot they needed based on these things.

Amazing Amy's coming of age, adventures, billionaire's robbery, media, police, FBI, BAU, rescue by super genius detectives... they know every selling point.

Soon, the first draft of "The Coming of Age Adventures of Amazing Amy" was basically finalized. They were the most professional in writing it. With a little polish, they could take advantage of the popularity and publish it directly.

A few days passed by in a blink of an eye.

Tuesday, March 17.

Monica's apartment.

"Why is the court scheduled to start today?"

Monica complained.

Today is Peggy's surprise birthday party.

"No effect."

Chuck said bluntly: "We will show up on time. As for the preparations, you won't let others interfere, right?"


Monica hesitated and said with a guilty conscience: "Not everyone. If you want to intervene, I am willing to cooperate with you."

As a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, competitiveness and a strong desire to control, Monica likes everything to be under her control. Because of this, she forced her roommate and best friend Phoebe away, and she had a fight with her new roommate and best friend Rachel because of this. After all, she hosted a surprise birthday party for Peggy. Everyone else had to cooperate obediently and no one dared to say anything.

"Are you ready?"

Chandler walked in looking cool in a suit.

"Are you going too?"

Monica frowned.

"Of course I'm going."

Chandler laughed at himself: "I'm Detective Chuck's assistant and Amazing Amy's gay best friend!"

After some people's intentional or unintentional publicity, Detective Chuck's name was finally made public. Chandler was originally worried that getting along so well with Amazing Amy would lead to unnecessary scandals, but then he discovered, No one thought about the scandal at all...

The reason is that he has known and got used to it for a long time. He has that kind of temperament!

"Let's go!"

Chuck takes Chandler to the courthouse.

"Dr. Wolfe, you're here."

JJ and Gideon have already arrived. As witnesses when the case was originally solved, they will all testify in court.

Chuck nodded.

"Hello, I'm Chandler, Chuck's assistant."

Chandler smiled and introduced himself.

JJ smiled at him, and then whispered to Chuck with a solemn face: "The situation is not good. Although all kinds of evidence can prove that Andy Walton is the mastermind, there is news that the judge may allow him to be released on bail. .”

"It's not surprising."

Chuck said calmly.

The laws of the United States are designed for the rich, and the bail system is naturally the same. As long as you have money, you can pay a high bail and be released on bail pending trial without having to stay in jail.

Rich people can continue to live their wealthy lives. It is common for them to continue committing crimes as soon as they are released on bail. They will even flee the country when the evidence is conclusive and irrefutable. The so-called American rule of law spirit of global law enforcement has nothing to do with this. Criminals have always been extremely incompetent.

As for the courts, they are also inclined to this, because once these rich people abscond or even slightly violate the bail system, the high deposits paid will be directly confiscated. These are all money!

Make money, don’t be shabby!

"What should we do?"

JJ looked at Chuck subconsciously. She had already discussed this matter with her colleagues, but apart from strengthening monitoring, no one had any other choice. She felt that Chuck might have some unexpected but very useful method.

"we'll see."

Chuck said nothing.

There was a noise outside, and Amazing Amy's family of three walked in under the escort of the NYPD.

"Hello, Dr. Wolfe, I'm Amy."

Amazing Amy walked up to Chuck, and under the introduction of her parents, she extended her hand to Chuck.

Chuck shook back.

Everyone chatted for a while and entered the court.

Andy Wharton wore his own custom-made high-end suit and walked in under the escort of the bailiff. He first glanced at Amazing Amy, then looked at Chuck and the others, showing a playful smile.

His lawyer has changed. It is no longer Harvey from Suits, nor the law firm Pierson Hardman where Harvey works. I don’t know because Pierson Hardman is a law firm that specializes in commercial disputes. Even though he didn't focus on criminal cases, Harvey was fired because he took the blame.

As soon as the trial began, the lawyer began to subpoena the most critical witness, the security captain, and proved from all angles that the security captain was just a villain whose words and deeds were inconsistent, and his testimony as a witness was not trustworthy.

JJ is anxious. Once the opposing lawyer succeeds, they will lose the most favorable and direct evidence that Andy Walton is the mastermind.

Andy Wharton could have said that he had just come back and was unaware of the matter. This 'misunderstanding' occurred before he could rescue the magical Amy who was imprisoned in his secret room by the security captain.

As the imprisoned party, it is impossible for Amazing Amy to unilaterally prove that he has malicious intentions, and in that environment, the frightened Amazing Amy may have mental problems and misjudge his intentions.

As for Chuck and the other three investigators, they did not see the whole process and may have misunderstood him.

They just did bad things with good intentions, and he would forgive them.

However, this security captain who could be entrusted by the billionaire to do dirty work as his confidant was indeed a piece of shit. The other party's lawyer investigated everything and found out everything. The security captain said everything one by one except that he agreed as the other party wanted. Speechless.

"Judgment, bail pending trial, bail 5 million!"

The judge made the final decision.

After it was over, everyone in the jury box left. Andy Wharton came over and smiled at everyone: "I forgive you."

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with money! We will definitely bring you to justice!"

JJ looked at him angrily.

Andy Wharton and the barrister he hired at a high price looked at each other and smiled, then looked at JJ and said with a proud smile: "Sorry, you can really do whatever you want if you have money!"

After saying that, JJ ignored him and turned pale with anger. He looked at Chuck and sneered: "Detective Chuck?"

In prison, given his conditions, the news would not be completely blocked. He had always been very concerned about Chuck who ruined his plan and caught him with his own hands. Naturally, he also knew that Chuck had the nickname of Detective.

Just when they were about to leave, an assistant hurried over and whispered something to the barrister. Then the barrister's expression changed and he lost his voice: "Really?"

"What's wrong?"

Andy Wharton frowned and looked over.

"Mr. Wharton, there is something wrong with your funds."

The barrister hesitated and said: "If I can't pay the 5 million bail, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for the time being."


Andy Wharton was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

How could he, a billionaire, not even be able to spend a mere 5 million?

He had only been in jail for a few days, and he was not isolated from the world.

"it is true!"

The barrister's face changed and he said: "I heard that a large amount of money shorted your company's stock, causing the collapse... Do you have other sources of funds?"

Andy Wharton's expression changed drastically.

Chuck looked at him calmly: "What did you say?"

"He said that if you have money, you can really do whatever you want~"

Chandler gave a funny compliment: "I think what you said makes sense, but it's a pity that the most crucial sentence is missing...I'm rich~"

Andy Wharton: "..."

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