American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 175: Carrying on the family lineage of Wolf, searching for bones and tracing the goddess det

"Then let's go and invite him immediately!"

The middle-aged white woman said excitedly: "It's been two years and I finally have hope."


The middle-aged African-American man was also moved by his wife's emotions. Thinking of his boss's reliable character, he was full of expectations for Chuck: "My dear, I will go and prepare first, and we will set off immediately."


The middle-aged white woman nodded in agreement.

The middle-aged African-American man glanced at his wife who was crying again, suppressed the urge to comfort him, got up and went to the study. After closing the door, he took a deep breath and dialed a number: "General, it's me..."

New Jersey.

Princeton University.

"Dr. Wolfe."

"Mr. Cooper."

Chuck comes over and meets little Sheldon again, greeting him with the customary social greeting.

"She lied to me!"

Little Sheldon endured it again and said to Chuck.

"Used to it."

Chuck was indifferent and didn't even ask who she was.

"Amazing Amy lied to me."

Young Sheldon was unconvinced and said seriously: "That night, she said she was going back to her home in New Jersey, but obviously she wasn't."


Chuck stopped and looked at him.


Little Sheldon froze there. In the past, he advocated speaking honestly and not lying, but a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. It would be better to lie to him than to directly ignore his feelings like Chuck, right?

"Hi, Chuck."

At this time, the three Cheryl girls came over and greeted Chuck with a smile, but there was something strange in their smiles.

"Hi, Sheldon."


Little Sheldon came back to his senses, shook his head, said hello, turned around and left. Every time he warned himself to stay away from Chuck, but every time he seemed to be unable to escape, it became a habit. Even if he didn't want to, now he would always take the initiative to say hello to Chuck whenever they met.

"Hi, Chuck."

Trish greeted Chuck with a forced smile: "Congratulations on saving another girl who needs you to save."

"It's the girl who deserves congratulations."

Chuck said bluntly.


Trish murmured, "It's the girl who deserves to be congratulated."

"So, you and Amazing Amyha?"

Seeing that her sister was in a difficult position, Cheryl was afraid of making some jokes, so she quickly took over the topic and asked tentatively.

"What happened to her and me?"

Chuck looked at her.

"Have you not confirmed your relationship yet?"

Cheryl's eyes lit up.

"Why do we need to confirm our relationship?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"It's all said on the news..."

Trish looked at Chuck expectantly: "So it's fake news again?"

"Like other news, most of it is false."

Chuck said.

"Where is the truth?"

Cheryl pressed.

“It’s true to do experiments.”

Chuck said calmly.


Sisters Cheryl and Tracy’s smiles froze.

This is the last thing they want to hear.

Justine is as transparent as ever, and she doesn't want to get involved in Chuck's silly affairs with his best friends and sisters.

"Hi, Chuck."

At this time, Professor Alicia Harper walked over like a spring breeze, and greeted everyone with a smile: "You saved another innocent girl, well done! Cheryl, Tracy, you are getting more and more beautiful, And Justine, your temperament is getting better and better.”

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to respond, he confessed and walked away on high heels: "Class is about to start, hurry up."

Chuck stopped and looked at the back of Professor Alicia Harper.

"The professor is in a very good mood recently."

Seeing this, Cheryl explained: "I heard from Tracy that she made a pen pal who is proficient in art."


When Trish said this, she suppressed the sourness in her heart for a moment, and introduced what she knew with a smile: "The professor was originally in love with art, and that pen pal has extremely high attainments in art, and every word he said pointed directly at The core of art makes the professor very much look forward to communicating with each other.”

She also studied art at Princeton University. In addition, Cheryl had a teacher-student relationship with Professor Alicia Harper. Tracy had quite a lot of communication with Professor Alicia Harper, so she knew The latest on Professor Alicia Harper.

Chuck nodded and said nothing.

"The situation at the professor's house... is actually quite good."

Justine said quietly.

Cheryl and Tracy looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Professor John Harper, the husband of Professor Alicia Harper, is known to have problems. Many people lament that a flower is stuck on cow dung. Among them, there are many people who feel good about themselves and blatantly pursue it, but there is no way Ai Professor Licia Harper has always refused harshly, leaving no room for others to imagine.

As for some libertines who knew there was no room for imagination but still wanted to force interpretation, they soon understood that if they wanted to force interpretation, it also depended on whether they had the strength. After being beaten, they all calmed down, and finally formed the current understanding. He knew that the corner was very slanted and that the thief had a lot to do, but he did not interfere with the situation of the flower of Princeton.

Cheryl, Justine and other students, although they don’t understand why Professor Alicia Harper doesn’t get divorced, they also know that the professor is unhappy. Now that they see a pen pal and the professor is so cheerful, they naturally feel sorry for her. Happy.

Everyone went to the classroom, and Tracy also listened.

After class.

When Cheryl was about to take Chuck to continue chatting about some topics they were interested in, Chuck's phone rang. He nodded to Cheryl and the others, picked up the answer, and walked out.

"Amazing Amy."

Tracy sighed quietly.

"It doesn't have to be her."

Cheryl comforted her. Seeing that her sister had no intention of comforting her, she thought for a while and said, "I hope it's her. Chuck likes to be quiet. If she keeps pestering him, he will stay away from her."

Trish's eyes immediately lit up.

Since her fiancé was killed and she was almost imprisoned as a slave by FBI agents, her formerly cheerful personality has become somewhat melancholy and quiet.

She can wait quietly for a long time.

But Amazing Amy can't.


"what's the matter?"

Chuck asked calmly.

"I have a subordinate, Colonel Ted Eller."

On the other end of the phone, a stiff voice came over: "He will look for you. His daughter has been missing for two years. Please help him."

"How does he know about me?"

Chuck asked.

"He hugged you not long after you were born."

On the other end of the phone, the harsh voice softened: "You should call him Uncle Ted. You have been so popular recently. His wife saw you on TV and reminded him that he is not an outsider, so he naturally recognizes you."

Chuck was silent.

"That Amazing Amy looks great."

The stiff voice on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then rang again: "You are getting older, you can consider continuing the family lineage."

"That's not something you should think about."

Chuck said calmly: "If you really want to have a grandson, look at Frank more. You may have a chance to have a grandson in the future."

"...Take this case."

The person on the other end of the phone paused for a moment and stopped dwelling on the topic of marriage and grandchildren. He emphasized before hanging up the phone.


Chuck did not agree, but just asked the reason: "He is a US military colonel, and you are a US general. With your ability, you can help him if you want. Why are you looking for me? Who is involved in this?"

"You are indeed getting smarter."

On the other end of the phone, the stiff voice said with some relief: "Ted's daughter worked as an assistant to Senator Bethlehem before she disappeared."


Chuck nodded: "When a general encounters a senator, he can only retreat."

"Not retreating!"

On the other end of the phone, a stiff voice said displeasedly: "Unless there is no evidence, unnecessary conflicts will not occur. We are all the cornerstone of freedom and democracy."


Chuck said bluntly: "You are harming other people's wives and daughters abroad, and the senator is harming you at home. It is indeed very liberal and democratic."

"Christian Dunn!"

On the other end of the phone, a stiff voice shouted angrily.

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

Chuck said calmly.

"No matter what others have done...but I have a clear conscience!"

On the other end of the phone, the stiff voice took a deep breath: "I have a clear conscience for you and your mother!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

Chuck listened to the blind tone on the phone, paused, and put away the phone. The sarcasm just now was a complaint from his past life. The father in his previous life on the other end of the phone did have a clear conscience for his wife and children.

Not everyone would be like him who would not give up on his obviously abnormal son, nor would anyone be like him who would spend so much time personally cultivating his abnormal son instead of spending time with other women or men after his wife left.


Chuck received a strange phone call. Without saying a word, he agreed on a meeting place and went directly there.

"Detective Chuck!"

Upon meeting, the wife of Colonel Eller, a middle-aged white woman, shouted excitedly.

"Call me Dr. Chuck Wolfe!"

Chuck corrected and glanced at the middle-aged African man who opened his mouth.

"Dr. Wolfe, this is Colonel Ted Eller."

Seeing this, Ted Eller took the opportunity to call Chuck by his current name, without mentioning the real name he remembered.

Since he saw Chuck on TV and knew from his old boss that he was not wrong, he used his connections to find out about Chuck's current situation and learned that Chuck had been assassinated several times because of his investigation. For someone like Chuck, The act of concealing one's identity is both understandable and somewhat puzzling.

Because he felt that if the identity of Chuck's father was announced, others would take it into account, but then he thought about it, what about the general's father? As a colonel father, he couldn't help but listen to the rumors that "Senator Bethlehem harmed his daughter".

"Dr. Wolfe, my daughter Corioux has been missing for two years. She used to work as an assistant for Senator Bethlehem in the Capitol. There have been rumors that the senator killed my daughter."

Mrs. Eller said excitedly: "You have investigated the case of the female senator and her father, and you will definitely be able to help us find out the truth this time and save our daughter! Please!"


Colonel Ted Eller didn't say much, just looked at Chuck expectantly.


Chuck nodded: "I will take this case."


Mrs. Eller was stunned for a moment, looking at Chuck uncertainly.

Because although they have found countless 'super detectives' in the past two years, almost all of them are fake detectives with empty names. Some capable ones are also named as Senators from Bethlehem, and they dare not investigate further.

Now that Chuck was such a famous and capable real detective, she could not believe that he agreed so simply.

"You really want me to check?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"Hope, hope!"

After being pulled by her husband, Mrs. Eller responded and nodded quickly.

Washington DC.

The McGough family.

In the study.

"Tell me, when you asked me to use my connections to help you pay more attention to cases, it was not what I think of now."

The bald director looked at Chuck with a headache and helplessness.


Chuck shook his head.

"That's good, that's good."

The bald director laughed at himself: "As long as you are not deliberately targeting those big shots, I will be relieved."

I remember that before he moved from Texas to Washington, DC, he wanted to please his wife and ex-husband's children, so after knowing that Chuck liked interesting cases, he took the initiative to say that when he came here, he would help keep an eye on it, and if there was an opportunity, he would immediately Ask a friend to invite Chuck over to investigate the case, giving Chuck the opportunity to be exposed to more interesting cases.

After listening to what Chuck did in New York, including catching a female senator, a father and daughter of a congressman, and arresting a billionaire, he found that he had lost a lot of his scanty hair.

Damn it!

What he meant was that within the scope of his authority, his friends should give priority to asking Chuck to be a consultant to solve their friends' problems, rather than letting Chuck solve the problems of these big-shot friends.

Now that he heard it from Chuck himself, it wasn't the worst situation, but he didn't feel at ease at all, because whether intentionally or unintentionally, Chuck was offending one big shot after another.

He knew that those people were not good people.

In fact, he was very worried that a more dangerous assassination was coming towards Chuck.

"Do you think he was responsible for this case?"

The bald director touched his hair and couldn't help but ask.

"What do you think?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.


The bald director immediately paused and said with a wry smile: "Although I have only come to Washington DC not long ago, I have heard of his name. Everyone knows that Bethlehem is very dirty. Alas."

At the end, I couldn't help but sigh.

Because he felt that Senator Bethlehem did it, and Chuck chose to take the case, fearing that he would offend another big shot.

“If only Bethlehem was a Republican senator.”

The bald director complained.

Chuck knew what he meant.

Senators have a very important position in the United States, and the number of them will determine the final ownership of power. The female senator Chuck killed before was from the Democratic Party, and this time Senator Bethlehem is also from the Democratic Party. If he kills him again Well, Chuck really offended the Democratic Party.

And if Bethlehem is a Republican, and Chuck kills a Democrat and then a Republican, it will be considered a disguised balance.

The bald director had no choice but to naively hope that this would not offend everyone at once, but would balance everyone's anger so that he would not do evil to Chuck.


“Excuse me, has the flight to Guatemala arrived?”

A mixed-race young woman with Asian features asked anxiously at the airport front desk, but the other person was just busy with his own business. He raised a finger at her and signaled her to wait. Seeing this, the young woman opened her arms and immediately The young receptionist looked over dumbfounded, and then said with a proud smile: "Yes, that's it. Can you answer my question now?"

"This is not the Netherlands and this is not New York."

At this time, a joking female voice came from behind: "You should say excuse me first."

"Oh dear!"

When the young woman turned around and saw her best friend standing there with a smile on her face, she immediately put away her magical powers, abandoned the front desk, and quickly walked up to her, giving her a warm hug and gossiping endlessly: "Welcome back! Guatemala!" How is it? Is it very backward there?"

"Fortunately, at least we don't have to sell bears to get information."

My best friend teased me playfully.

"What a pity, otherwise you would have been unimpeded!"

The young woman glanced at her best friend's curves like a female driver: "Bones, you are so poor over there, but you haven't lost weight at all~"

"Angela, how are you doing? What's the news?"

My best friend nicknamed Bones asked as she walked towards the exit of the plane.

"That's too much."

Angela quickly followed up and introduced it to her best friend excitedly: "I'll tell you everything later, but it's a pity that your novel dropped one place on the bestseller list."


Best friend Bones continues to take the step of not recognizing her relatives.

"My dear, this is not because you are not strong enough, but because the other party is too good at hyping up."

Angela quickly gave her best friend a reason: "They used the idea that their daughter was imprisoned by a billionaire and rescued by Detective Chuck at lightning speed, and then they hyped up their daughter and Detective Chuck, and the scene where the hero saves the beauty and then the beauty sacrifices herself to the hero. They have repeatedly hyped it up. It’s normal for sales to explode.”

"Detective Chuck?"

Best friend Bones finally paused when she heard the name.

"Yes, his real name is Dr. Chuck Wolfe. Do you know him?"

Angela gossiped.

"When did Dr. Wolfe become a detective?"

My best friend Gu Gu was surprised: "He is the most famous mathematician today!"

"It doesn't matter."

Angela's eyes lit up: "Bones, you see you are also a scientist. Now you are preparing to get more involved in the progress of the case. You will definitely be a female detective in the future. If you have the opportunity, you may be able to talk to him. You will definitely have many friends. A common topic.”

After saying this, she smiled ambiguously and said: "And he is very handsome~"

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