American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 177 Xiaogu: I have a hormone that needs to be balanced

"Dr. Wolfe, is there anything else you can give us?"

Francis, who is known as "Xiamu" in the world, smiled and said: "If not, we need to go in and vote to point out... the country."


Chuck nodded: "Every step you take will leave traces."

After saying this, he looked at Senator Bethlehem's male assistant: "Mr. Thompson, you are Corio Eller's boyfriend, do you think so?"


The male assistant said reluctantly.

"There is a reason why Senator Bethlehem is a senator and you can only be an assistant."

Chuck looked at him expressionlessly: "You are not professional enough."

"I'm trying."

Facing Chuck's gaze that seemed to see through people's hearts, especially his boss' thoughtful expression of surprise, the male assistant forced a smile.

"Looking forward to our next meeting."

Chuck said something, turned and left the Capitol.

"This guy is so arrogant."

Senator Bethlehem chewed gum, looked at Chuck's leaving back, and said to Xiamu: "You are the whip, responsible for managing the gang, and you are indifferent to this guy who harms our interests?"

"Genius is always proud. He has enough capital to be arrogant."

Xiamu was also looking at Chuck's leaving back: "He is right. As long as we are not stupid enough to do certain things ourselves, he will never become a senator hunter, right?"

After saying this, he looked back at Senator Bethlehem meaningfully.

"Francis, you know me."

Senator Bethlehem knew what Shimogi meant and shrugged to express his innocence.

As the whip of the gang, Xiamu's duty is to find out the status of his own people and ensure that the will of the gang can be carried out.

"That's no problem."

Xiamu smiled and walked inside with Senator Bethlehem. After walking a few steps, he looked back at the male assistant who was secretly wiping his sweat on the spot. He smiled meaningfully and said: "Mr. Thompson, aren't you coming? As an assistant, the most important thing is One thing is knowing who to follow, isn’t it?”


The male assistant looked at Shang Xiamu's deep and playful eyes, his heart moved, and he quickly lowered his head and followed him quickly.

Chuck left the Capitol and got into the car. Colonel Ted Eller, who was waiting in the car, asked anxiously: "How was it?"

"Not sure if Senator Bethlehem was involved, but his male assistant Thompson definitely had something to do with your daughter's disappearance."

Chuck expressed his judgment.


Colonel Ted Eller was stunned: "He is Corio's boyfriend. The relationship between the two has always been very good. How could it be him?"

"Are you sure the two of you have a good relationship?"

Chuck glanced at Colonel Ted Eller: "First of all, there have always been rumors that Corio Eller and Senator Bethlehem had an affair. If they are groundless, there must be news. Senator Bethlehem is recognized as a dirty person. This possibility Very big.

And in this situation, the assistant to Senator Bethlehem and Corioux's boyfriend can really not mind?

What does this mean? "

"This shows that the rumors are false."

Colonel Ted Eller subconsciously expressed his previous stereotype: "Corio is not that kind of person. No man can endure that kind of situation."

"Normal men really can't stand it."

Chuck shook his head: "But the people in this building are not normal people. They are politicians and potential politicians. Negotiating and compromising to maximize their interests is their pursuit.

As long as life gets better and better, a little green on the head is just a bright embellishment after success. At that time, they can completely redefine the meaning of green.

In fact, in that circle, this kind of thing is just a common thing, and there are many more chaotic things than this. Don't tell me, you really don't know at all?

I know you don't want to think negatively about your daughter.

But is there a possibility that Corio, who grew up without you, chose to enter that circle, and indeed had an affair with their common boss in front of her boyfriend even though she had a boyfriend? "


Ted Eller immediately denied it, but then his expression became painful, because although this was the last thing he wanted to think about, thinking about it rationally, it was indeed a possibility.

After all, he is also a colonel in the US military. Even if he cannot enter the top circle at this level, he still knows some of the daily ecological life of that circle.

He knew what Chuck said was right. If nothing else, he said that Chuck's last case, in which a female senator and a congressman father had the same female assistant, challenged ordinary people's ethical and moral cognition more than this possibility.

People in the world of American TV series face various challenges all the time.

"This is normal."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "Women who grew up without their fathers generally have a special liking for older and mature men, and will give priority to mature and stable men when choosing a partner. In psychology, this is a typical daddy complex.

Coupled with the nature of worshiping the strong and the condition that this strong man is a vagabond, the possibility of this rumor is more than 90%. "

"So it was that Thompson who did it?"

Colonel Ted Eller couldn't stand hearing this kind of 'normal language' anymore, gritted his teeth and interrupted: "But why? Didn't you say that this kind of thing is insignificant to them?"

"This kind of thing is indeed insignificant to them, but the premise is that with future expectations of expected growth, this strange look from the social level can be offset."

Chuck explains: “But what if this future of predictable growth is disrupted?”

"What's the meaning?"

Colonel Ted Eller was confused.

He has no idea about the barbaric growth in the period of unlimited growth and the crazy involution in the period of slowing growth and competition for stock.

"To put it simply, can Thompson get a promotion in his position?"

Chuck said: "He and Corio are both assistants to Senator Bethlehem, and there is competition for promotion space. If Corio takes a shortcut, it will squeeze his promotion space. Although it is not ruled out that he also takes the back door, I just saw it. , Senator Bethlehem may not rule out the mentality of wanting it all, but he does not have the British gentlemanly tendency to persist in facing difficulties."

"So this bastard is doing this to my poor daughter for a promotion..."

Colonel Ted Eller didn't want to hear any more specific explanations, just the specific conclusions.


Chuck shook his head: "It may also be to keep his current position. His power and future are pinned on Senator Bethlehem. If Senator Bethlehem steps down due to a scandal, then he has given up his dignity and tolerated a lot of hardships and accumulated a lot of money." The capital was wasted.

Although it is possible to start over, but not to mention the discomfort of following this path again with a different boss, it is also a big problem whether others are willing to accept it. After all, the mark of the Bethlehem Senator on him is too heavy, and it is difficult to win over others. of trust. "

"What scandal?"

Ted Eller felt his head hurt.

"This is too much."

Chuck said: "For example, in order to intimidate Senator Bethlehem into giving her a promotion, or else she would sue Senator Bethlehem for sexual assault, for example, she wanted to become the new wife of the senator, for example, she was pregnant with Senator Bethlehem's child..."


Ted Eller was speechless, listening to Chuck's detailed analysis. Finally, with a face full of sad self-blame, he said sadly: "I, I should spend more time with her. It's because I didn't do a good job as a father..."

Because no matter what the reason is, there is a high possibility that his daughter Corioll did not learn well and went astray.

If anyone else dared to talk about his daughter like that, he would have already fought against him, but Chuck is the son of his old boss, he is his nephew and one of his own, and Chuck has so many auras, and when analyzed, he is so Reason makes people convinced.

So after much deliberation, in the end it was all his fault as a father.

"Don't think too much."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "The social environment is like this. Even if you spend more time with her, it won't necessarily be better."

Little Sheldon's aunt, whose father is a Las Vegas casino manager, is considered powerful and powerful at a young age. She raised her daughter to be gentle and kind, and did not go astray at all. However, she married Little Sheldon when she grew up. Dun's uncle ended up obeying her gambler husband's advice. In the end, not only was she treated as a bet, but her father who stood up for her was even murdered by her gambler husband.

Cheryl and Tracy, their father is a famous prosecutor in New York, with power and status, and their family has a lot of assets. Cheryl also went to Princeton to study physics. This is not an option for rich children to be gold-plated. It is really necessary. With enough intelligence and ability, Tracy never caused any trouble to her father, but even so, she was still almost captured by the frivolous FBI agent and imprisoned as a female slave.

Amazing Amy is so famous and influential, so it’s not just that she was robbed.

Not to mention ordinary people like Justine, who sits on campus and gets blamed from the sky. Just because she drove her best friend’s BMW out to buy something, she was targeted by an evil organization and wanted to be a follower of God, Kristy. Come hunt.

The social environment in the world of American TV series is like this. Even if Colonel Ted Eller goes back to the past and chooses to spend more time with his daughter, change her outlook on life, and embark on a different path, the outcome will not be that he will be targeted by an evil organization. , that is, being targeted by law enforcement officers who know the law and breaking the law, or being targeted by billionaires. There are too many hurdles to overcome.

Even if they escape in the end and get married smoothly, they still have to face a gambler husband, a drug addict husband, an alcoholic husband... This does not include the possibility of being randomly selected by a serial pervert.

Manpower is sometimes poor, and a powerful father is not enough to deter bad people with ulterior motives. After all, the social environment of American dramas has given birth to too many evil people.

Not to mention that Ted Eller was just a colonel, so what if Chuck's biological father was a general?

Those who should be bullied and bullied will still be bullied and bullied.

Chuck is still a son!

Coriolis is the daughter who is more vulnerable to bullying.

So Chuck was not much touched by Ted Eller's self-blame.

In his opinion, only his own strength is the only way to truly protect himself. This is why he is so indulgent to his sister Hailey, who is obviously abnormal in the eyes of ordinary people, and also to Justine, who works hard to improve herself to the point that she is somewhat abnormal in the eyes of ordinary people. More reasons to help.

In a chaotic world like the American drama world, you don’t have to experience the sadness of normal people being squeezed by all kinds of bullying. You can protect yourself and live according to your own wishes. Abnormality becomes normal.

"Now how to do?"

After hearing what Chuck said, Colonel Ted Eller was completely emotive, and an unprecedented sense of powerlessness enveloped his whole body.

"Look deeper into this Thompson."

Chuck said: "I am just a detective and have no law enforcement authority, so I need to find the person responsible for this case and let him come forward to coordinate."


Colonel Ted Eller nodded: "The person in charge was Agent Shirley Booth. He is an FBI special agent and a member of the DC Major Crime Team. He is a retired soldier and is trustworthy."

"It doesn't matter whether you are trustworthy or not."

Chuck said bluntly: "All I need is a legal process."

Jefferson Institution·Museum of Natural History.

"Dr. Goodman, I hope you don't hand me over to the FBI like this!"

Dr. Bones followed a middle-aged African-American man and made his own protest.

Originally, she was dissatisfied with the FBI's behavior of looking for them when they had something to do and kicking them aside when nothing happened. She had always wanted to gain full participation rights in the case.

Now there is another incident of "hero saving beauty" at the airport, which makes her even more dissatisfied and resistant to the FBI agent Booth who caused these things.

It's a pity that when she clearly refused and returned to her own territory, she was told that her curator Dr. Goodman had agreed to Agent Booth's request and seconded her to the FBI for a day without her approval. of consent.

"The federal funds system, where we have to demonstrate our value to our friends in Congress at every opportunity, is like leasing you out, and that seems like a good fit, especially for federal agencies."

Dr. Goodman, director of the Jeffersonian Institution and Museum of Natural History, explained.

"Lending means property, Dr. Goodman."

Dr. Bones dissatisfied: "The FBI never cares about property."

"I never viewed you as property. You are one of the most valuable assets of the Jeffersonian Institution."

Dr. Goodman laughed.

“…Wealth is by definition property.”

Dr. Bones corrected: "Dr. Goodman, if you do this, the FBI will never learn to respect us scientists. We are no worse than them. In fact, we are far better than them. There are some complex problems that they cannot solve." But we can solve the case in a way that they can't understand. They don't want to use their brains, and even if they want to, they don't have the brains to use it. But they are unwilling to admit it. They look at us sideways, but laugh at us for being so-called "squint eyes". Take this The insulting title is used to replace those of us with high IQ talents who have strict logical deduction ability."

"Dr. Boonereiner, you are too sensitive."

Dr. Goodman frowned: "And I said that the Jeffersonian Institution needs enough funds to operate, and we must prove our worth!"

"Am I really too sensitive?"

Dr. Bones looked at the curator: "You are also a scientist, you can judge for yourself. As for proving our value, this is what we should do, but it does not need to be in this undignified way!"

"I am listening."

Dr. Goodman looked at Dr. Bones who seemed to have an idea.

As a scientist, he actually doesn't like being discriminated against as "slant-eyed", but he is no longer a pure scientist, so he has a certain tolerance for this kind of thing.

Academic politicians are politicians too and need to compromise.

"There's always a really good example."

Dr. Bones said: "Dr. Chuck Wolf! He is a top scientist and now a detective. No one will think that the cases he handles are due to the FBI. Everyone knows that he is the most valuable one. "

"But there's only one Dr. Wolfe."

Dr. Goodman was a little moved, and looked at Dr. Bones hesitantly: "No disrespect, but I don't think you can do it to his level."

"I know."

Dr. Bones was not angry, and nodded in agreement: "It is true that I cannot reach the level of Dr. Wolfe, but I also have my advantages. I am the most professional in identifying corpses, and I also write books. We can promote this neglected profession of ours, and when it comes to major cases, I can invite Dr. Wolfe to investigate together. In that case, the FBI is only responsible for assisting, and we are the ones who really take the lead. Isn’t this right? Isn’t that more dignified and valuable than being ordered around by the FBI?”


Dr. Goodman's eyes lit up.

He only cares about whether he can prove the value of the Jeffersonian Society, and does not care about the method used. If it can be more dignified, who would refuse?

"But can you ask Dr. Wolfe?"

Dr. Goodman looked at Dr. Bones expectantly.

"I can give it a try."

Dr. Bones thought about what her best friend said to her at the airport. After breaking up with her ex-boyfriend Pete, she spent several months in a cemetery in Guatemala with countless corpses. The plump woman said that she had a hormone that needed to be balanced.

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