American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 179 Best Friend: Something’s wrong with you! Xiaogu: Children of science, don’t stick to tri

"How long will it take to identify the remains?"

Chuck didn't continue the topic of why he was laughing, because he really didn't know, it was just that the soul of the previous life suddenly completely controlled the body's unconscious reaction for no reason.

This is also normal.

With the injection of two drops of water of life, the defects of the body he inherited from his predecessor have been alleviated a lot. At a certain moment, the soul of the previous life suddenly took full control of the body, and there should be more and more cases in the future.

This is a good thing!

It can indeed make people subconsciously happy and want to laugh.

After all, the situation of the predecessor was worse than that of the most professionally trained person. Unless he couldn't help it, he would not laugh at all.

"The victim's skull was hit with a heavy object and died. We have compared 22 similarities that match Corio Eller, and we are basically certain that this is Corio Eller."

Dr. Bones said: "DNA testing is in progress."

"Do you think it's Senator Bethlehem?"

Dr. Jack Huggins, who believed in conspiracy theories, looked at Chuck immediately.

"I went to the Capitol and asked him."

Chuck said: "It's impossible to say for sure whether he was involved, but his assistant, Corio Eller's boyfriend Thompson, was definitely involved, and the rest is simple."

After saying this, he looked at Agent Booth with a dark face: "You are the detective in charge of this case. Apply for a search warrant, search Thompson's residence, and capture Thompson. The case will basically be closed."

"You are just a consultant, not a supervisor!"

Agent Booth disliked Chuck's direct tone of order: "And you're not sure!"

"No, I'm pretty sure."

Chuck said bluntly: "Thompson is definitely involved. If it weren't for the fact that I don't have the power to enforce the law, there would be no need for your participation."


Agent Booth's mouth twitched and his face turned darker.

"Who said before that if he arrested the female senator and her congressman's father, he would also enforce the law and send them in?"

Dr. Jack Huggins touched his chest where he was caught, and mocked: "Now the evidence is basically conclusive, and we are just going to search the residence of the senator's assistant in accordance with the law. This is all based on pushback, haha."

Agent Booth broke through the defense again and stared at Dr. Huggins.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he didn't agree to Chuck immediately, not only because Chuck's tone made him unhappy, but also because the matter involved Senator Bethlehem. He was a little timid and needed to ask his superiors for instructions before he could consider the next step. Do.

He thinks this is human nature!

But when it comes to Dr. Jack Huggins, the taste completely changes. To a certain extent, whether what the other person says is irrational or not depends solely on where you sit and how you choose to look at it.

"has a problem?"

Chuck looked calmly at Agent Booth, who had a fierce look in his eyes.

"I need to ask for permission, sir."

Agent Booth took a deep breath, looked away from Dr. Jack Huggins, and looked at Chuck: "Your affirmation cannot be used as conclusive evidence. In addition to Senator Bethlehem and Assistant Thompson, Corio Eller and A fan who stalks her all the time, it could also be him.”

"not him."

Chuck shook his head.


Agent Booth was unconvinced and said, "Have you investigated it?"

"No need to investigate."

Chuck said: "First, I am very sure that Assistant Thompson is involved in the case, and I will give priority to investigating Thompson. No matter whether this fan is involved or not, it will not affect the overall situation. Second, I know what kind of person a fan is (Barney Huang: Are you polite?), and if this person is really involved in the case, you would have investigated him long ago. This is not a trust in your ability, but a trust in the power of Senator Bethlehem.

You are just a fanatic fan who is an ordinary person. If you can eliminate the suspicion on Senator Bethlehem, you will definitely do your best. Only if there is not even a trace of evidence found on this fanatic fan can the current situation be caused. "


Agent Booth was speechless.

After the incident, he indeed took the lead on the case and then conducted a comprehensive investigation on the fanatic fans. There was indeed no evidence that this was done by the fanatic fans.

In fact, a colleague suggested that something could be done, but he sternly refused.

He may not dare to investigate Senator Bethlehem without evidence, but he will never frame an innocent person just to please Senator Bethlehem.

"see it?"

Dr. Bones answered straightforwardly: "This is what you call 'Squint Eyes'. He has a high IQ with strict logical deduction ability. He can easily find the real breakthrough point based on clues alone."

"I'll apply!"

Agent Booth was so embarrassed that he said nothing, turned around and left.

"so cool!"

Angela clenched her hands into fists and placed them on her chin, looking at Chuck with bright eyes: "You are indeed the detective Chuck!"

"You're good too."

Chuck looked at the three-dimensional projection of the human body in mid-air.

"Angela independently developed this and is about to apply for a patent."

Dr. Bones introduced it to his best friend.

"It can be improved."

Chuck pointed to the three-dimensional human body projection and gave his suggestion.

"You also know about art and computers?"

Angela was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but glance at her best friend's bones.

"What's wrong?"

Dr. Bones asked confused.

"Nothing, nothing."

Angela's eyes flickered, and she withdrew her gaze with a wry smile.

"Understand a little bit."

Chuck told the truth.


Angela hesitated.

Just from the fact that Chuck could casually make very practical suggestions for modifications to her carefully crafted three-dimensional human body projection software, she could tell that Chuck had very high attainments in the fields of art and computers.

If he only understands it a little bit, who would dare to claim to understand it?

Chuck didn't explain that his best friend, Anna, knew no one better than her in the fields of art and computers.

Compared with her, Chuck indeed only has a vague understanding of art and computers.

While Angela was struggling with whether she should give up such a good man with such common interests and hobbies for her best friend, the topic had turned to her best friend and Chuck becoming more and more interested in talking.

She immediately smiled bitterly in relief.

Because she found that after having a brief understanding of art and computers, which she was good at, Chuck also "somewhat understood" the questions raised by his best friend Bones and exchanged professional knowledge in depth with his best friend who was a top forensic anthropologist.


Co-author Chuck knows a little bit about everything. Her best friend cooperates with her to repair the damaged skeleton and build a three-dimensional human body projection based on the repaired skeleton. Chuck can complete these by himself.

The thought that had crossed her mind just now, 'Chuck seems to be a better match for her, why don't she feel sorry for her best friend?' was purely nonsense.

"Do you understand this a little bit?"

Angela put aside these thoughts and couldn't help but make a little complaint.

"As a detective, it is necessary to have some understanding of forensic science."

Chuck did not hesitate to explain this: "As for anthropology, I have a friend whose father is an anthropologist, so he also knows something about it."

"Which anthropologist?"

Dr. Bones asked with interest.

"Dr. Alfred Hofstadter."

Chuck named little Leonard's father.

"It's Dr. Hofstadter!"

Dr. Bones nodded and said: "He is indeed a very famous anthropologist. He once worked with the famous archaeologist Louis Reacher. The two series of papers "The Impact of Holidays on Human Beings" and "Annual Summary of Couple Life" are very popular in the industry. It is well-received and written with great depth from an anthropological perspective.”

"My friend's middle name is Reacher after Louis Reacher."

Chuck nodded.

"Dr. Wolfe, Agent Booth..."

Dr. Jack Huggins answered and told what he had said before about Agent Booth's ancestry and why he became an FBI agent in the capital: "What do you think is the reason?"

"Isn't the conclusion obvious?"

Chuck said bluntly.

Being in a key position, no matter whether he usually publishes anonymous information, or he is dumbfounded at critical moments, he fights hard, grabs the steering wheel with the commander, and is more thoughtful, and directly changes the world with his imagination. People who have inherited the blood of John Booth are better than others. The average person is much more reliable.

"I'll just say it!"

Dr. Jack Huggins laughed excitedly.

Few people are willing to listen to his conspiracy theories, but now that a powerful person like Chuck is here, he actually coincides with him. This feeling is really great.

"You don't really believe what he said, do you?"

Angela was speechless.

"His information sources are countless times richer than yours."

Chuck looked at her: "So the perspective is more comprehensive, and you can see the truth of the world better than you in the cocoon room who only accept information."

"How come his information sources are countless times richer than mine?"

Angela was a little unconvinced.

Chuck glanced at Dr. Jack Huggins, saw him looking at him in surprise, and then shook his head slightly. Without revealing Dr. Jack Huggins' true identity, he directly ignored the topic and left the Jeffersonian Institution.

At this point in the case, it doesn't depend on how quickly Chuck handles the case, but on when Agent Booth can get the search warrant.

He didn't doubt whether the search warrant could be obtained. The conclusion was certain. With a lot of obvious evidence, if he couldn't even get a search warrant from a senator's assistant, then these people would be useless. No more.

And this is the comprehensive world of American dramas. What's better than reality is that these people face the audience outside the fourth wall. No matter how they are in private, they still have to show some face on the surface.

After Chuck left, Dr. Bones also yawned and left with his backpack.

Ever since the airport was designed by Agent Booth and then seconded by the curator Dr. Goodman, who discovered the corpses and pieced them together overnight to repair them, she had no time to rest at all.

As soon as she returned to her home, she washed herself, lay down on the bed and fell asleep. She didn't know how long it took, but a sound woke her up from her deep sleep. She immediately got up, picked up the baseball bat that was always in the bedroom, and walked toward the sound. Go to the source.

She has been specially trained to capture even agents from the Department of Homeland Security. She holds a baseball bat, a practical weapon. She does not have the excessive fear of ordinary women alone at home, but chooses to go directly to them.

Hiding in the corner, when she heard footsteps approaching, she hit him with a baseball bat first, hitting him twice in a row, knocking him to the ground. When she got closer, she was surprised to find that the person lying on the ground wailing was her ex-boyfriend. Pete.

"It's not logical to pick up the TV on my first day back."

Dr. Bones waited for him to stand up and then raised his own doubts.

As a live-in ex-boyfriend, Pete had the keys to their own home and had been broken up for several months, giving him plenty of time to take everything he had while she was in Guatemala.

"I thought a lot during this time about why we broke up."

Pete bared his teeth and started talking.

"We fought a lot and just didn't like each other anymore."

Dr. Bones said how he felt.

"We quarreled because you were emotionally cold, but from a heart point of view, I still think you are very hot..."

Peter couldn't take his eyes away when he looked at his ex-girlfriend who was wearing cool clothes and revealing her ferocious curves.


Dr. Bones sneered: "You are not here to get the TV, but to break up the bubble, ha! Man! You can go!"

With that said, he directly dragged Peter out.

"The reason why you don't want to have a long-term relationship is because you lost your parents when you were young. Do you really want to die alone?"

Pete does psychological analysis.

"I hate psychoanalysis, don't do this to me."

Dr. Bones pushed Peter out directly: "I don't know about the rest of my life, but I don't want to see you now, bye!"

After closing the door, she returned to the bedroom, closed her eyes and lay on the bed, wanting to continue sleeping, but she couldn't fall asleep. She turned over several times, then simply got up, walked to her backpack, found a business card, picked up her phone, and dialed passed.

The next day.

Jefferson Institution, Laboratory.

"My dear, you are here..."

When Angela saw her best friend coming over, she said hello out of habit. Then her eyes lit up and she kept staring at her best friend, muttering: "Something's wrong, there's something wrong with you."

Dr. Bones ignored his best friend's gossip and walked into his office in high spirits.

Angela followed directly in, closed the door smoothly, and then walked to her best friend, as if she wanted to have a good chat.

"Tell me quickly, what happened?"

"Pete came over last night..."

When Dr. Bones saw this, he was not going to hide it from his best friend, so he wanted to explain the whole story.

"You and Pete are back together?"

When Angela heard this, she immediately screamed, "Great!" before her best friend could continue.

"Didn't you originally agree with me and Pete breaking up?"

Dr. Bones frowned.

"That was before."

Angela did not hide her thoughts at all: "But after meeting Chuck yesterday, I think it would be good for you and Pete to get back together. In that case, I can try to ask out Chuck. After all, this is the first time I have met the right person. A handsome man who understands both art and computers so well.”

"So that's it."

Dr. Bones was stunned, and then shook his head: "But it's a pity that I didn't get back together with Pete. He came here to get the TV in name, but in fact he wanted to break up or get back together, but I drove him away."

"Haha, all men are like this."

Angela suddenly smiled knowingly: "Hey, no, since it's not Pete, then who makes you so radiant?"


Dr. Bones tells the truth.


Angela was stunned.


Dr. Bones looked at his best friend apologetically: "Didn't you ask me to take the initiative to date him?"

"But, but, are you going too fast?"

Angela, who had been very active in encouraging her best friend to "go up, go up, go up," was at a loss for words: "We just met yesterday, and we were together last night?"

"We are scientists."

Dr. Bones said frankly, with a casual expression on his face.


Angela was speechless, and after a while, she complained: "You are indeed all scientists. I am very curious about how you do it?"

"It's very simple."

Seeing that his best friend was no longer angry, Dr. Bones told her without any secrets about how scientists date scientists: "After Pete was driven away by me, I thought about what he and you said, and suddenly couldn't sleep, so I called I called Chuck and told him directly that I wanted to launch an experiment that combined my expertise in neurochemistry to explore the impact of biological social interaction on humans..."

"Etc., etc."

Angela was confused when she heard this: "What is this?"

"To put it simply, I asked him out."

Dr. Bones explains.

"Then what?"

Angela was puzzled: "Even if the date should be arranged tonight, why did you just initiate the date last night?"

"listen to me."

Dr. Bones said: "He asked me how I planned to conduct this experiment. I was originally going to follow the normal approach as you said, first make an appointment at a restaurant, have dinner, watch a movie, and then let nature take its course.

And he asked me whether I agreed that the success or failure of the experiment was based on the chemical neural reaction during the final biological interaction.

As a scientist, I naturally fully agree with this point of view. "

"Then the next moment, he came over to do experiments with you?"

Angela was stunned.

"of course not."

Dr. Bones shook his head: "He sent me a cleaning list and asked me to eliminate all sources of interference that might affect the experiment. After I completed the list and received his confirmation, he came over to do the experiment."


Angela didn't know what to say at all. Sure enough, she was only qualified to be an artist, not a scientist.

"I want to hear the details!"

Seeing that she had no chance, the sad and angry Angela spoke out her gossip appeal: "Very fine details~"

"There are no details, just normal biological interaction..."

Dr. Bones began to describe.

In her eyes, because the subject was a top scientist, and the whole process was carried out in accordance with scientific experimental procedures and the terminology was professional, she really regarded it all as a scientific experiment and forgot about some of the distracting thoughts she had at the beginning as the initiator.


Angela burst out laughing after hearing all the details, staring at her best friend's face with strange eyes: "Oh, dear, you don't really believe what he said, do you?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

Dr. Bones didn't like the look in his best friend's eyes, and subconsciously closed his eyes and frowned: "Although I don't like what he did, what he said is completely scientific. The safety measures cannot guarantee 100% safety, and he made it clear that he doesn't want to Children, especially these days, cannot even have accidents.”

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