American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 182 Little Sheldon: This must be Zhuang Zhou Mengdie’s nightmare again, the big devil has re

After Angela went back, she talked with her best friend Bones again, but it didn't make Bones decide whether to ask Chuck to find his parents who left without saying goodbye many years ago.

After being alerted by Anna, Chuck found the disguised eavesdropper, frightened away the secret Father Bones, and returned directly.

New Jersey.

Princeton University.

"Chuck, you're back."

Cheryl looked at Chuck walking on campus happily.


Chuck nodded.

"Is everything going well?"

Twin sister Tracy looked at Chuck with a complicated expression.


From the look in his eyes, Chuck knew that the cooperation with Dr. Bones in handling cases in Washington DC was already widely known, so he responded with a moderate response.

This is not surprising.

Although this case did not involve Senator Bethlehem in the end, it was deeply related to Senator Bethlehem. There are many conspiracy theorists who believe that the reason why Assistant Thompson did not speak out was because he was coerced and induced by Senator Bethlehem.

After all, the body of the victim Corio Eller was found to be pregnant with a child, and it was not Thompson's.

But because the murderer had been arrested and there was no clear evidence that the child was the Bethlehem Senator's, the application for DNA testing was directly rejected by the Bethlehem Senator.

Therefore, this child is the son of Schrödinger. Even if everyone knows that it belongs to Senator Bethlehem, Senator Bethlehem can deny it without changing his face as long as he does not identify it.

The matter was in a commotion, and everyone knew about it, and also knew about the case solved by Detective Chuck and the famous female forensic doctor Dr. Bones.

This made Trish, who had been feeling a little sad and self-pitying because of Amazing Amy not long ago, even more depressed.

It was obviously her first!

Why do they come one after another, endlessly!

But all of them are beautiful, capable and famous!

She didn't even know what to argue with them about!

Cheryl looked at Chuck on the left, and on the right at her younger sister who had recently become depressed, her eyes struggling.

Justine was transparent throughout the whole process. She could see the thoughts of her best friends and sisters most clearly, so she could only lament that this would be a complete mess.

The four of them walked on campus one after another. First they heard a rush of footsteps, and then heard Professor Alicia Harper calling: "Dr. Wolfe!"

Everyone paused and saw Professor Alicia Harper walking quickly, followed by Little Sheldon who shouted dissatisfiedly: "Professor Alicia Harper, slow down!"

A hint of smile flashed in Justine's eyes.

"Dr. Wolfe, are you free lately?"

Professor Alicia Harper walked up to Chuck, took a breath, glanced at Little Sheldon who was following him in zombie steps, and said to Chuck: "I am conducting an experiment and need an experimental assistant. Are you interested?"


Little Sheldon, who was about to approach the zombies, heard it and immediately shouted dissatisfied: "Professor Alicia Harper, I am your laboratory assistant! Not him!"

"But you're not a doctor."

Professor Alicia Harper walked to a position a little behind Chuck and said to the angry little Sheldon: "I think Dr. Wolfe is more suitable."

"He doesn't have time to be a lab assistant."

Little Sheldon glanced at Chuck, stopped moving forward, and curled his lips and said, "He is so busy."

"You became Professor Alicia Harper's lab assistant?"

Chuck looked at young Sheldon.


Young Sheldon said proudly: "My mother has always been worried that I won't be able to make friends in college. Although I said Beverly was my best friend, my mother strongly disagreed and insisted that I make friends again in college. Find a friend who isn’t Beverly.”

Speaking of which, he glanced at Chuck.

In his mother's original words and his sister Missy's interjection, the best candidates were Peggy and Chuck, but they were ignored by him.

The big devil Chuck proposed by his sister Missy is full of malice, while the little devil Peggy proposed by her mother is not malicious, but too stupid, so she is deceived by Peggy's appearance and thinks she can become his friend. .

As for Leonard Jr., whom his dad proposed?

Although she is about the same age as him, she is only in middle school, so childish!

The key is that I adore Chuck!

He hates this!

He, Sheldon Lee Cooper, even if he had no friends in his life, would never choose Leonard Leach Hofstadter as his friend!

"So I started looking for her, and obviously, most people are not qualified to be my friends, but Professor Alicia Harper is a very good choice."

"I'm your professor, not your friend."

Professor Alicia Harper had an unbearable expression on her face: "Also, you are not my laboratory assistant. You just went to my laboratory unilaterally and then announced that you became my laboratory assistant."

"But I'm a great lab assistant!"

Young Sheldon retorts, "I can give you the best scientific inspiration, and I'm funny."

"Your scientific inspiration is your own."

Professor Alicia Harper shook her head: "I can't use your scientific inspiration."

There is still a sentence left, and you can't let me use it. As for the fun, I can only laugh.

"That's true."

Little Sheldon nodded and said: "But as my professor, you have the responsibility to provide me with all necessary help to improve my scientific theory, such as my 'key to the smoothness of matter in the universe, which is composed of stars and galaxies. The universe is like a polymer in soapy water' scientific theory."


Professor Alicia Harper was speechless and could only look at Chuck for help.

Recently, she had been happy for the first time in a long time. After being heartbroken by her husband, she chose to ignore her husband's existence. She also had a close pen pal. She often talked about art, and her scientific research had made some progress. Everything seemed to be okay. Towards a better direction.

Then little Sheldon came over and seriously wanted to make friends with her, regardless of her polite or explicit refusal.

Compared to her husband who says, "If you ignore him, he won't get close to you", little Sheldon is simply a troublemaker. He doesn't care about her polite or explicit refusal, and insists on following his own way. Come and pester her in every way.

If it were any other man, she would have asked the school to solve the problem long ago, but little Sheldon was still just a child, and he was a genius boy assigned to her by the principal.

She couldn't stand being pestered by him anymore. After seeing Chuck's figure just now, she gritted her teeth and took the initiative to call Chuck.

"He's not suitable!"

Little Sheldon quit immediately.

"This is my lab assistant and I feel qualified to pick it myself."

Professor Alicia Harper looked at Little Sheldon, who no longer had the stinky fart that he had taken for granted before, but had a look of fear on his face. Although he knew that this was not good, he had been harassed by this little troublemaker for many days. She suppressed a somewhat unkind and somewhat unpleasant smile, and said seriously: "And who said there can only be one laboratory assistant? You can all become my laboratory long as you are willing~"

"He's not available."

Little Sheldon emphasized again with a troubled expression.

"I'm available."

Chuck finally spoke: "In the future, whenever Cooper is involved, Professor Alicia Harper, please remember to notify me."


Little Sheldon listened to Chuck's Schrödinger free speech that was obviously aimed at him. The corners of his mouth twitched and the corners of his eyes spasmed. He looked at his arms left and right and muttered: "This must be Zhuang Zhou Mengdie again. Wake up quickly and get out of the nightmare." Wake up, the big devil retreats!"

Ps: There is only one chapter at noon and another chapter at night, sorry!

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