American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 184 The mini-devil Little Sheldon, the bad seed emerges and the genius Peggy

"Any question?"

Chuck looked at the aggrieved little Sheldon, but what he was focused on was the double harvest of yin and yang points on the system panel.

I have to say that Little Sheldon is really a very special existence for him, and it is so useful.

I hope Sheldon will have this effect when he grows up.

If not, I hope little Sheldon never grows up.


Little Sheldon opened his mouth, hesitated several times, and finally when Chuck turned around to leave, he said to Chuck's back: "Batman is not like this..."

He was extremely disgusted with Chuck saying "I am Batman" before, and refuted it every time. He was not willing to admit Peggy and Leonard Jr.'s ridiculous view that Chuck was actually quite suitable to be Batman.

But after such a long time, he felt frustrated every time. When he faced Chuck again, although he didn't want to admit it, he would rather face Chuck the Batman than Chuck the Big Devil. .

"You think you know, but you have absolutely no idea."

Chuck paused for silence, then switched to Batman's voice: "This is the real Batman."


Although Little Sheldon is no longer disgusted with philosophy, he is still disgusted with the philosophy professor's words, "Professor, you think you know, but in fact you don't know at all" because he feels that he understands it very well, and as long as he is given time to understand, no one can Will know better than him.

"Batman is not the devil!"

"Batman is the big devil! The most powerful one in heaven!"

Chuck turned back and looked at Little Sheldon: "When one day you truly understand this, you will laugh out loud and turn into a clown."

"Is he so average?"

Cui Xi looked at the two people who seemed to be in a drama, and her depressed mood suddenly improved, and she couldn't help but bite her ears with her sister.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

Cheryl stared at Chuck, biting her ears back a little bit infatuatedly.

Justine looked at her best friends and sisters whispering like this, twitching the corners of her mouth, and complained in her heart: "Am I the only one who thinks that Chuck is not being a middle schooler, but telling the truth?"

Chuck walked into the teaching building first.

Sisters Cheryl and Tracy followed closely behind. Justine glanced at Little Sheldon who was standing there motionless and followed.

"Sheldon, are you okay?"

Professor Alicia Harper looked at the aggrieved little Sheldon and expressed some guilty concern.

If she didn't have any other choice, she really couldn't bear to find Chuck to deal with such a young child.

"Tan said that once he turns dark, I will be the big devil!"

Little Sheldon waited until Chuck was no longer visible, and then he cried out in grievance.

In high school, Tan, a Vietnamese classmate, was Little Sheldon's only friend. During a science class, Little Sheldon's science teacher invited his fellow NASA scientists to give a lecture to Little Sheldon and the others.

Faced with Little Sheldon's serious questions, the NASA scientist simply treated Little Sheldon as an ordinary child, gave him a NASA badge sticker, and was about to send Little Sheldon away.

This made little Sheldon so angry that he immediately wanted to give this NASA scientist a good look and used his spare time to complete the mathematical calculations of the recyclable rocket.

Classmate Tan saw that little Sheldon was so engaged in skipping class that he still had to complete calculations. When he asked about the reason and found out the reason, he sighed with emotion: "You really look like a devil when you want to take revenge on others."

Little Sheldon, like Chuck, said the classic line of the villain in the tone of the villain on TV: "Silence!"

After listening to Little Sheldon's aggrieved explanation, "Tan said that once he turns dark, I will be the big devil!" 'After the context of this sentence, Professor Alicia Harper opened her mouth and wanted to say something: "Is there a possibility that the reason why you and Chuck are at odds with each other is because you are actually him, but Chuck Ke is so much better than you that you feel how others feel when they face you?"

But when faced with Little Sheldon's pitiful little face, Professor Alicia Harper, who has a high IQ and high EQ, did not say this outright, but comforted: "If you can't be a big devil, then just be a devil." Little devil, after all, you are younger than Chuck, so it’s not bad to be a little devil.”

"The little devil is Peggy!"

Little Sheldon said with a little cry.

"Then how about winning the second devil?"

Professor Alicia Harper was dumbfounded.

"Peggy wouldn't agree to that."

Little Sheldon cried with a little fear.

Geniuses all need to be strong. Before Chuck appeared, Peggy was very competitive with him, fighting over who was the smallest genius and who was smarter.

Now that she has Chuck, Peggy seems to have been affected. Not only is she still competitive, but her style has become a bit darker. The corner of her left lip curls up and makes him feel scared.

He felt that if he dared to recognize the middle devil today, sandwiched between the big devil Chuck and the little devil Peggy, he would definitely not get any good juice!

"What about the mini-devil?"

Professor Alicia Harper almost couldn't hold back her laughter, so she could only hold back and talk nonsense seriously.


Little Sheldon muttered something, thought about it, and agreed reluctantly.

Just like the MINI Cooper is also a Cooper, the Mini Devil is also a devil.

Although he hates Chuck and is afraid of Peggy, he deeply agrees with the fact that they are on the same level as him.

Everyone is the devil, that's enough!

"Okay, Mini Demon Cooper, it's time to go in and go to class. You don't want the Big Demon to get mad at you because you didn't go to class on time, right?"

Professor Alicia Harper couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

Little Sheldon, the mini-devil, was startled and walked quickly inside with zombie steps. He definitely didn't want to face the big devil's outburst.

after class.

Chuck did not leave as usual, but walked to Professor Alicia Harper's podium and looked at her.

"Dr. Wolfe, is something wrong?"

Professor Alicia Harper looked at the mini devil Little Sheldon walking around, and smiled at the big devil Chuck.

"How are things arranged for the lab assistant?"

Chuck asked.


Professor Alicia Harper was stunned.

The reason why she invited Chuck was because she was ill and sought medical treatment, and she planned to use Chuck's reputation as the big devil to intimidate the mini-devil Little Sheldon. In fact, she didn't really want to ask Chuck to be her laboratory assistant.

She knew very well that although she was Chuck's physics professor, she was not qualified to let him be his assistant.

There seem to be few people in this world who have this qualification.

Now that I saw Chuck actually mentioning this, I was actually a little confused.

"Won't it hinder you?"

Professor Alicia Harper hesitated and said: "I know you are very busy, but actually I just said it casually..."

Speaking of this, she still frankly told the real reason.

"I know."

Chuck said calmly: "So what's Cooper's schedule? Send me a copy."

"Are you really ready to be with him?"

Professor Alicia Harper said in surprise.


Chuck nodded.

"Isn't this a little too cruel?"

Professor Alicia Harper smiled bitterly.

She already said that she just wanted to scare the mini-devil Little Sheldon, but she didn't really mean to treat him like this.

"He's just a kid."

Chuck said bluntly.


Professor Alicia Harper was dumbfounded. She saw Chuck saying what he should say without thinking and acting as if it was natural. She completely understood why Chuck was a big devil in the eyes of Little Sheldon.

With this brain circuit and execution ability, the mini devil can only cry when he sees it.

Chuck ignored the expressive Professor Alicia Harper, enjoyed the changes in his eyes, got the laboratory assistant schedule that Professor Alicia Harper made for Little Sheldon, and left.

What Chuck didn't say after "He's just a kid" was that just because he was just a kid, there was room for education, otherwise it would be too late when he was older.

It's just that in a world like the world of American dramas where extreme correctness prevails, the following words cannot be said.

Nothing should be taken to extremes!

Correctness is not enough, and children's education is also not good. At the age when the concept of right and wrong is established, if your child makes a mistake, if you can't use physics to reason at all and can only rely on words to explain the truth, the final result will be that bad seeds are rampant.

Physics is the most basic principle of this world.

The simplest proverb: A small tree will not grow straight unless it is cultivated!

Little Sheldon, the mini devil, now has the suppression of the big devil. His original high-demand bottom line of having to do everything according to his own ideas will become more and more flexible, and he will become more and more adaptable to getting along with others in the future.

New York.

Monica's apartment.

"Are you okay?"

Ross looked at his sister busy cleaning the house, and couldn't help but yell at her: "He's like this, why don't you give up?"

"Why should I give up?"

While cleaning, Monica asked: "Why am I the one who wants to give up?"


The corner of Rose's mouth twitched: "Hello? He has one woman after another, and he is almost becoming a playboy among playboys."

"I can prove it."

Chandler raised his hand and said, "None of the cover girls I saw in the Playboy magazine that Ross hid was as discerning as the ones Chuck chose."

Ross immediately glared at Chandler, his good friend who had long rebelled in his heart.

"What happened to you?"

Rose really couldn't understand: "In the past, when you encountered this kind of situation, you would definitely break up with him. Why do you feel like you are possessed by this guy and are unwilling to give up when you get to this guy?"

"True love is something you have to endure!"

Monica clenched her fists to cheer herself up, looking like a energetic girl: "I believe I will be the final winner!"

"Rachel, Phoebe, tell me about her!"

Rose had no choice but to look to her sister's two best friends for help.

"What do we know?"

Rachel and Phoebe didn't dare to accept the offer. They had talked privately with Monica's best friend night and night, but the result was not ideal. They also felt that Monica was a little too involved, but they didn't feel that this was the case. The status makes no sense.

If it were them, if they met a very good and very agreeable man, I'm afraid he wouldn't be any better than Monica.

As for those gossips and scandals, they are indeed very uncomfortable, but from a certain perspective, they also verify Monica's vision. I have never seen that even the famous Amazing Amy and the well-known author Dr. Bones are competing for it. .

With these outstanding women competing on the same stage, Chuck's charm is further deepened!

People will only fight for good things.

People always throw away garbage.

And what Monica said was right, why was she the one who gave up?

"Crazy, all crazy!"

Ross said angrily: "What happened to this world?"

"Is there a possibility that the world has no problems, but you have problems?"

Chandler joked: "If you were Chuck, would you think Monica and the others are crazy?"


Ross was speechless.

If it were Chuck... Bah! He's not Chuck!

And even if he really has Chuck's conditions, he will only love one person for the rest of his life!


That's it!

"You should leave quickly."

Monica began to push her jealous brother out: "Chuck is coming soon, you don't want to feel uncomfortable, right?"

"I want to tell my parents!"

Ross couldn't bear it any longer. He resisted and didn't want to leave, and shouted, "I must tell my parents this time, you are crazy, you must be crazy!"

"It doesn't matter."

Monica continued to push her clamoring brother out: "In their eyes, I have never been able to get married. With a partner like Chuck, no matter how bad it is, it is better than dying alone, right?"


Rose was pushed out in shock, looking at the closed door, unable to recover for a while.

Since Chuck appeared, his status in the circle of friends has been getting lower and lower, becoming more and more marginalized. Now it has been reduced to the point where he will be kicked out by his sister as soon as he gets together with Chuck.

This made him regret for the nth time. If he had known that this day would come, he should not have gone to the farm to see his friend Qiqi from many years ago!

Compared with the current terrible situation, Qiqi is just a dead dog!

He was out of his mind, why did he have to visit it.

If he hadn't gone, none of this might have happened.

At this moment, Chuck came over, stopped there, and looked at Ross, who had an angry look on his face at the door: "You're blocking my way."

Ross walked around Chuck bitterly.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Monica was overjoyed and was about to go over and open the door when she saw Chandler walking to the door quickly and opened the door: "Partner, you are finally here."

"I am coming."

Chuck said in the tone of a senior brother as always.

"This case is so interesting, why didn't you tell me?"

Chandler complained: "I have seen the scenery of Washington DC!"


Chuck said: "First, business travel affects your normal work."

"anything else?"

When Chandler saw that Chuck had stopped talking, he immediately opened his hands grandiosely, reminding Chuck to continue talking.

"Also, some people say you are too noisy."

Chuck told the truth.

"It's noisy?"

Chandler looked at Chuck on his left and his friends who were watching the show on his right, with an expression of "You must be joking", but he smiled and saw that Chuck was not joking at all, and he stopped laughing immediately. came out: "Who said that?"

Having said this, he couldn't help but tease: "Partner, anyway, I know it's not me who said this! You are good at math, tell me, who else is there?"

The only partners he knew were him and Chuck. Chuck said someone said that, but it was not him. So who is this person?

Chuck didn't speak, just pointed to the sky.


Chandler looked up, then drawled in the same accent as his ex-girlfriend Janice, "I'm Janice!"

His ex-girlfriend, Janice, used this classic accent that left a deep impression on people, and was also the most disgusting at the same time.

Now that Chuck said this, he immediately felt how his ex-girlfriend Janice felt when she was disliked.

"Did God say that?"

Rachel was puzzled.

"If there are cases in New York in the future, you can go there if you have time. Cases in other places are pending."

Chuck still didn't explain who this person was, but just stated his tentative plan.

To a certain extent, Rachel was right.

God indeed said that taking Chandler to handle the case was too noisy and affected the atmosphere of handling the case. Although it is funny, comedy has a threshold. Not everyone likes those jokes and Chandler, the future king of comedy who tells jokes. Le Bin.

Although Chandler was unhappy, seeing what Chuck said, he could only laugh at himself a few times before choosing to accept it.

Everyone gossiped for a while, mainly Rachel and Phoebe gossiping about Amazing Amy and Dr. Bones.

Then under Monica's threatening gaze, they reluctantly stopped gossiping and each found very perfunctory reasons to hide out, leaving space for Chuck and Monica.

A delightful experiment was held as scheduled.

"Who is your favorite person?"

When Monica, who transformed into a strong and energetic girl, looked down at Chuck, she suddenly asked a question: "Is it Amazing Amy? Dr. Bones? Agent Jane Banner? Professor Alicia Harper? Or me? Or? Peggy?”

Chuck frowned and looked at her, who was suddenly far and near, and took the initiative to switch modes. Soon after, he laid her sleeping soundly down on her back, went to the bathroom, washed up, and left the apartment.

Columbia University, Professor's Apartment.

Peggy's apartment is not the same as that of ordinary college students, but the same treatment as professors who do not have housing. She lives in a professor's apartment specially prepared for professors at Columbia University.

In front of the desk, Peggy, who was wearing cute pajamas, was reading a book under the desk lamp. She read intently for a long time, then she suddenly became lazy and turned her head to look into the dark corner: "I have been hearing from Sheldon that you are elusive. I don't know when." You can come out of the shadows. He didn't want to describe you in the same way as Batman, but that's what he meant. Now it seems that what he said is true. If you hadn't sent the reminder, when did you come? How I got in, I really don’t know at all.”

Having said that, not only was she not afraid of someone suddenly appearing in the room, but she was actually excited.

In the dark shadow, there was a figure sitting, and Chuck's voice slowly came out: "You have crossed the line."

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