American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 187 A girl’s feelings are always poetry, and her money-worshiping and true love can be seen

"You want to resign?"

In the office, Chuck received a call from Jane.

"Hmm...what do you think?"

When things came to a close, Jane's impulse aroused by seeing such a cruel and domineering photo dissipated a lot in an instant, and she hesitated a little.

"I don't want what I feel, I want you to feel."

Chuck said: "This is your own business, of course it is up to you to make the decision."

"Then give me some advice."

Jane said with some anxiety and irritation: "I believe in your vision. I don't want what I think, I want you to think. I will do whatever you tell me to do. Anyway, you saved this life!"

Chuck was silent for a moment: "Let me say hello to your boss. Come over and help me handle some cases. Get a feel for it first. If you feel you can bear it, then become my detective assistant. If you feel you can't bear it, go back. It doesn't matter if you continue to be an FBI or choose another job."


Jane immediately agreed happily.

This is the attitude she actually wants.

As for whether it can be tolerated?

She had been paying attention to Chuck's news and had been tipped off by her aunt Helen. She was no stranger to Chuck's situation and was mentally prepared for it.

After hanging up the phone, Chuck called Jane's boss. Naturally, it turned out that there was no problem. Jane's boss didn't even ask about the case and just agreed.

"Helen, discuss with Jane and book a flight for her."

Chuck ordered his secretary Helen.


Secretary Helen agreed to the call and happily called her niece who was forced to wake up: "Hurry and pack up and come here, I will book you the nearest flight, first class!"

"Is this appropriate?"

Jane was a little hesitant. She had not flown in first class yet.

"There's nothing inappropriate!"

Secretary Helen didn't take it seriously: "Chuck told me to book a flight for you just to book a first-class cabin for you. Otherwise, you can just buy the flight yourself."

"That's what he meant."

Jian Qing couldn't help but smile. It wasn't because she wanted to fly first class. For her who often had to go into dangerous and dirty environments when choosing the FBI, there wasn't that big a difference between first class and business class. She was pleased with this attitude.

"Come here quickly."

Aunt Helen joked: "No matter what I said before, you didn't feel it. Now you understand that aunt didn't lie to you. Not to mention the women Chuck will meet outside Ping'an Town, even in Ping'an Town, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps." , you are still playing reserved and spiritually in love, and don’t listen to your aunt, there will be times when you cry in the future!”

"I'll go back and clean up right away."

Jane was a little embarrassed to admit that she was shocked by the brutal and domineering figure of Beth Bolander posted by her aunt, so she could only agree and hang up the phone.

In her impression, whether it was Monica, Professor Alicia Harper, or Amazing Amy, they were all safe to her.

Even with Dr. Bones and Susan, she still holds her own and is not weaker than others.

But this Beth Boland really made her unable to compare, she was too overbearing!

And from what my aunt said, this is not an isolated case in Ping An Town...

Secretary Helen put down the phone and was in a good mood. Although the boss's treatment of Dean Bolander was questionable, it was a gain and a loss to be able to use this to force her inexperienced niece to become enlightened.

She believed that her niece's strength may not be as good as some of the overly flamboyant people in Ping'an Town in terms of cruelty and domineering, but in terms of overall appearance and figure, she was definitely not weaker than anyone.

And it’s the FBI!

In the past, the FBI was a minus in her eyes, but the FBI that resigned now is a plus in her eyes, because it means that her niece not only has the ability to protect herself, but also has a certain ability to do things. This is different from those cruel and domineering housewives. A comparison is a big bonus.

Chuck spent a day playing chess with Anna while sorting out the things accumulated in Ping An Town.

"Jane's plane is arriving."

Secretary Helen came over to remind: "Should I pick her up, or should I?"

"I'll pick her up."

Chuck stood up.

"Hey, good!"

Secretary Helen smiled and said: "It's getting late. After you pick her up, you don't need to contact me. I'll see her again tomorrow."


Chuck nodded.

He had no intention of contacting his secretary Helen.

"Hello, it's me again!"

As soon as he went out, he saw the playful and smiling Phil Dunphy driving to the door, hurriedly got out of the car and waved to Chuck.

Chuck just nodded to him and walked to his car.


In the passenger seat of Phil Dunphy, a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old wearing glasses was sitting nervously looking at Chuck outside the window. When she saw Chuck leaving, she immediately called her father for help.

"Alix, don't be nervous, come down quickly."

Phil Dunphy understood his daughter's state, and hurriedly stepped forward. While helping his daughter out of the car, he shouted to Chuck: "Chuck, wait a minute, this is my daughter Alex Dunphy. She Is your idol."


With the help of her father, Alex Dunphy finally got out of the passenger seat. When she heard that her father had made such a big mistake in front of her idol, she immediately screamed in anger and worry.

"Sorry, baby."

Phil Dunphy quickly apologized, then looked at Chuck: "I made a mistake, you are her fan."

Alex Dunphy was made more and more nervous by her father's gaffe, and she glanced at Chuck from time to time with anxiety and expectation.

"Chuck Wolf."

Seeing this, Chuck changed direction, walked over, and took the initiative to shake hands with the girl.

At first glance, the girl in front of him looked like an academic girl who was incompatible with the mainstream in the world of American dramas. A girl's feelings were always poetic, so Chuck didn't mind delaying some time and giving her some positive feedback.

"Alix Dunphy."

The girl wearing glasses blushed and shook hands with Chuck: "Dr. Wolfe, it's such an honor to meet you."

"Alix has always admired you very much, saying that you are the top mathematician and a true genius. In fact, she is also a genius. You must have a lot in common."

Phil Dunphy answered: "Alix, I've always said I knew Chuck, and now you believe it, huh?"

"Dad, how can I be considered a genius?"

Alex sheepishly called out to her father and glanced at Chuck: "No one is considered a genius in front of Dr. Wolfe."

"Of course you are a genius!"

Phil Dunphy quit: "We all know you are a genius, everyone knows it!"

Although their family has always been worried about their second daughter Alex’s precocious maturation, and sometimes they worry that their second daughter’s academic prowess will not make many friends, their second daughter’s genius is something they are very proud of and cannot be questioned by anyone. Even the second daughter herself!

Chuck nodded to the father and daughter, turned and left.

The positive feedback that needs to be given has been given, no more is necessary.

"Chuck, can you say a word to Alex?"

Phil Dunphy couldn't help shouting: "Encourage her?"

Chuck walked to his car, stood by the car window and looked at the expectant father and daughter, and said: "The only goal in student days is to study. Don't forget this in order to fit into the so-called school atmosphere. Nowadays, the mainstream of campus The atmosphere is not healthy, and trying to blend in will only slow down your growth and make you flow into the world."

After saying this, he ended with one sentence, got in the car and left: "Study hard and make progress every day."

"Study hard and make progress every day. How well said."

As an old father, Phil Dunphy really liked what Chuck said. He hugged his second daughter and muttered this sentence with a smile on his face: "It's so classic!"

"Don't deliberately blend in and flow into the world..."

The girl Alex's focus is different from her father Phil. As she murmured these words, her eyes under her glasses became brighter and brighter.

In her heart, she is actually very proud of her IQ, but she is inevitably a little confused in her daily life and study.

Her eldest sister, Hailey, who is a little older than her, in her eyes is simply an idiot who spends time thinking carefully about how many times 1+1 equals and still doesn’t know the right answer. But this kind of sister is a heartthrob and has all kinds of fashions around her. My best friend and handsome boyfriend changed one after another.

My younger brother Luke is also silly.

As the only sober and intelligent child in the family, she received not favor from her parents, but rather a different view. She often expressed worries about her precocious maturity and disapproval of her high IQ and hard work in studies. She was very sure that they regarded her eldest sister Hailey. She often uses "weird" to describe her state, and I agree with it in my heart.

This is true even for her parents and siblings, not to mention the various discriminations faced by a diligent and hard-working academic like her in school.

In this environment, although she still talked about the stupidity of her elder sister Hailey and the others, she subconsciously had to compromise and move closer to the values ​​​​in this environment, and began to yearn for her sister's silly but free and happy girl life. I even thought about whether she would be happier if she wasn't so smart.

Now when she was confused, she suddenly heard her idol say this. It was like a wake-up call and an enlightenment effect. She instantly realized that this kind of compromise was meaningless. The truth was in the hands of a few people. Deliberately blending in meant flowing into the world. What a wise man would not do!

She, Alyx Dunphy, is not Haley Dunphy, and she doesn’t even bother to be Haley Dunphy!

Her wonderful life in the future is definitely not something that current and future Hailey Dunphy can imagine!

"Alix, do you think it's classic?"

Phil Dunphy didn't know that his second daughter would be heartbroken because of Chuck's words. He kept mumbling: "If I had known this, I should have brought Hailey and Luke with me, so that they could also Hear it with your own ears.”


Alex raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you think that with the IQs of Hailey and Luke, they can understand the truly classic nature of these words?"

"What don't you understand?"

Old father Phil was a little confused: "Isn't it just to encourage students to learn?"


Alex chuckled lightly and looked at the back of the car where Chuck left, her eyes shining.

As a fan, the first thing she knew was Chuck's identity as a top mathematician, and she has been paying attention silently. After Detective Chuck became famous, she knew more about Chuck than her old father through various details found through those gossips.

She knew that Chuck must have seen through her at a glance. These words were actually meant for her to clear her confusion and point her in the right direction.

When my stupid eldest sister Hailey came over, she didn't understand the connotation at all, and she wouldn't pay attention to it. The other party's nympho must only have Dr. Wolfe's handsome appearance and figure in her mind, and Detective Chuck's. fame.


Phil, the old father, disliked his second daughter's attitude very much. This hehe always felt that he was not only mocking his eldest daughter Hailey, but also including him. Moreover, he felt that the second daughter was a little different, but in what specific ways was it different? , and he couldn’t tell.

The two returned to Dunphy's house.


The eldest daughter, Hailey, was the last to come back and had been playing with her mobile phone. When she heard Phil talk about today's experience and heard the name Chuck Wolf, she was stunned and screamed: "You brought me You took Alyx to see Detective Chuck, but you didn’t think of taking me with you? Am I still your favorite daughter?!”

"Hailey, you never said you liked Chuck."

Phil Dunphy immediately explained with a headache: "Of course you are one of daddy's favorite daughters..."

When he said one, his voice was very low, and he looked at his second daughter, Alex, worriedly.

"Do not bother me."

Alex smiled and said: "Only children would be childishly entangled in what they love most or not."

"Of course I like Chuck!"

Hailey shouted: "He is so famous recently and has an affair with Amazing Amy. He is so handsome and cool. All the girls in our school are obsessed with him recently! Don't you know? You really don't care about me at all!"


The old father Phil Dunphy looked at his wife Claire with a helpless and pitiful look.

Thinking that he usually wanted to care about his eldest daughter Haili, but she complained that she was too old and didn't need her father's excessive care, but now she was like this.

"Actually, Chuck has a close connection with our family."

Claire smiled and said: "When he came to Ping'an Town, your father worked as a real estate agent for him in the office and the mountainside villa. Later, he worked as an accountant for your grandfather."


Hailey was immediately pleasantly surprised: "I still have this relationship with Detective Chuck, so hurry up and ask him to come over and introduce us to us. This is so cool!"

"It depends on your father's ability."

Claire looked at her troubled husband jokingly: "Chuck only worked as an accountant for your grandpa for a while, and we have lost contact with him a long time ago."


The younger son Luke was puzzled: "Why doesn't Chuck continue to work as an accountant for grandpa?"

"Idiot, because grandpa can't afford him."

Alex hit the nail on the head: "Although grandpa has a small amount of assets, he can only afford to hire Dr. Wolfe, who has just debuted. As his reputation grows, grandpa soon becomes reluctant to hire Dr. Wolfe, and he can no longer afford it."

"is that so?"

The youngest son Luke looked at his mother in surprise: "Isn't grandpa very rich?"

In his impression, his grandfather was very rich, otherwise he would not have been so young. At the age of 63, he still married a sexy wife Gloria, who was about the same age as his daughter and had a great figure.

Grandpa always said they were true love, but he always heard his mother Claire complain at home that Gloria was a gold digger.

He believed in his mother, and since the gold-worshiping female digger chose his grandfather, it meant that his grandfather was really rich.

"If you have money, it depends on who you compare with!"

Haili had read the gossip and said very clearly about the question of whether people have money or not: "Detective Chuck is a multi-millionaire himself. He is no worse than grandpa. Do you think grandpa is willing to hire a millionaire of the same level to be his pawn?" Accountant?"


The younger son Luke nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the second sister Alix: "It seems that geniuses can also make money."

"Are you thinking about hugging your thighs now?"

Alex teased in a good mood.

"May I?"

Younger son Luke said with a smile.


Although she borrowed the spotlight from Chuck, Alex said she was still pleased.


The eldest daughter Hailey sneered: "You still want to hug her thigh? You can definitely make a lot of money by studying well? Don't be ridiculous, there is only one Detective Chuck! But there are thousands of Glorias, you If you really want to hug your thigh, you might as well hug mine. You don’t think I’m any worse than Gloria because of my natural beauty, do you?”


As a mother, Claire couldn't listen anymore and quickly interrupted: "Gloria and your grandpa are true love. If you want to imitate her, you only imitate this one thing!"


Hailey rolled her eyes: "Who always says Gloria is a gold digger?"


Claire was speechless, she was both regretful and angry at the moment.

What I regret is that I shouldn’t have said this in front of my children. The speaker has no intention but the listener has intention.

What makes me angry is that my father, who is 63 years old, still insists on marrying this young and hot wife, which has a very negative impact on his children and husband!

That’s right!

Not only her daughter Hailey, but also her husband Phil. Every time they have a family dinner, her husband Phil's eyes can't help but glance at her hot and busty stepmother Gloria. She knows that her husband is lustful but has no courage to do so. It’s just that you see through it and don’t tell it.

Now her daughter Hailey actually said that she wants to imitate Gloria and become a female gold digger, which makes her very angry.

"Do not worry."

Hailey waved her hands indifferently: "Even if I learn from Gloria, I will definitely learn from her and only look for true love, but the hard condition for true love is that you have money."

"You are really smart."

Alix mockingly gave her eldest sister Hailey a thumbs up.

These words were both sarcastic and somewhat sincere, because in her opinion, the eldest sister Hailey's smart head, if she wanted to live on her own without her parents, she would have to engage in the oldest profession inherited by mankind in order to survive, so she could just abandon it. Those useless fantasies, planning to find a rich man to become a rich wife, are indeed an example of how a fool will succeed after all his considerations.

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