American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 200 Detective Chuck and Detective Amon

"He's so awesome."

After the little Leonard swept away the gloom in his heart, he grinned and said: "I was invited by the president of Princeton University to attend a dinner and had a meal with a donor to talk about science. He despised the other person. As a result, not only did he not The donation was made pornographic, but the school received more donations. The reason turned out to be that the other party thought Sheldon was very upright. In the end, he got the latest anti-static chair, which is fine... It gave me the feeling that he is the one The protagonists of this world are the same.”

"You are."

Chuck said.


Little Leonard was stunned and said with a wry smile: "Don't be ridiculous, if we really want to talk about the protagonist, you are the protagonist of the world. My ability to become an important supporting role depends entirely on your favor for me."

Chuck glanced at him without explaining.

Just like receiving a call from Amazing Amy and learning that there is Penny, a slugger from Omaha who can top cattle, and little Leonard being scared to death by a look from his father, it may be a cross-time attack from his future father-in-law.

Chuck also did not explain that in The Big Bang Theory, he, Leonard, was the real protagonist, and Sheldon was just a supporting actor at the beginning, but in the end the supporting actor became the absolute protagonist, while he, the protagonist, became Got the male supporting role.

The reason is that everyone likes to have fun, and it is easier to bring in Sheldon, who takes everything and makes everyone accommodate himself, instead of Leonard, a good old guy who lives a miserable life and always accommodates troublemakers without any bottom line.

"Don't compare yourself to him."

"I know!"

Little Leonard grinned and said: "Originally I was a little depressed and couldn't think about it, but since I got to know you, I have a deep understanding that there is no need to compete with him.

He may be a super genius that is beyond my reach, but above him, there is you, a super genius that is beyond his reach.

I am depressed for him, and he must be more depressed facing you than I am facing him!

But I can be friends with you...that's enough.

The comparisons are endless!

In fact, I knew this truth when I was five years old. At that time, I liked to look at the sky. Although I was not proficient in astrology, I still had a general idea.

But I saw a report saying that a child in India who was about the same age as me made an astonishing discovery of a celestial body. However, it was not a new planet. Instead, he pointed at the moon and said that he had discovered it, and he was actually regarded as a celestial body. The discovery of India made international news.

It is said that this child is the future star of science in India!

Thinking about it now, my mentality when I saw this news was probably the same as yours when I saw Sheldon. "

"I know him."

Chuck nodded and said, "His name is Rajesh Kusapally."

"you know?"

Little Leonard opened his eyes, and then showed a look of realization: "Yes, I remember that you have been to India, and it is normal to meet him, the future star of science in India."

Having said this, he could no longer help but be curious: "What do you think of him? If you hadn't seen him pointing at the moon and talking about discovery, in the report, he was immersed in reading late at night, with an astronomical telescope and a rocket model on the table. , I feel like we are the same kind of people.”

"That was staged."

Chuck said: "Actually, the servants standing behind him waiting to serve him were not photographed."


Little Leonard was stunned: "His family is very rich? Doesn't it mean that he is a silly boy from New Delhi who overcame poverty and discrimination and relied on intelligence and hard work to pursue his dream of science..."

After saying this, he couldn't speak anymore under Chuck's gaze, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Okay, I understand."

Even the moon could be pointed at and said to be discovered by this silly boy from New Delhi, and it was reported by many media in India and finally spread to the world. You can only imagine how much fake news there is in it.

"You should know it just by looking at his name."

Chuck reminded.


Although little Leonard didn't quite understand it, he pretended to understand it and planned to catch up on Indian surname culture when he went back.

At this time, Little Sheldon finally finished squeezing the bubble, and with a look of satisfaction on his face, he was urgently taken back by Beverly to have his brain waves tested.

Two days later.

Princeton University.

"Chuck, you know, Nancy is dead."

The twin sisters Cheryl and Tracy came over and said to Chuck with a shocked look on their faces: "Nancy Gold! She is the wife of the famous New York sculpture artist Evan Gold, a graduate of the Tracy Art Institute. classmate!"

"I know."

Chuck nodded: "I received an invitation from the police to be the consultant on this case."

"Then you're not going now?"

Cheryl was surprised: "The case has just been discovered. Wouldn't it be easier to investigate the earlier we get there?"

"There are still classes."

Chuck said calmly: "That's usually the case, but it won't affect me much. It's not worth breaking the scheduled schedule. I've sent my assistants over to make preliminary preparations first."

"Chandler Bing?"

Cheryl subconsciously said: "Isn't he the one responsible for making fun of you?"

When she said this, she looked a little weird: "Did you send him there to laugh at Evan Gold?"

"It's the assistants."

Chuck explained: "In addition to the funny assistant Chandler Bing, there is also a detective assistant Jane Banner. She is responsible for the preliminary investigation. Chandler will finish the work after the case is solved."

"You think Evan Gold killed his wife?"

Justine understood immediately.

Cheryl and Tracy were reminded of this and understood what Chuck meant. Indeed, as Justine said, Chuck suspected that it was a case of murdering his wife, so they now arranged for the funny assistant Chandler to follow up and prepare for the aftermath. Have a good laugh at Evan Gold, who has a conflict with Chuck.

The two sisters knew this was not good, but they couldn't help but laugh, because it was so funny and so Chuck's style!

"What do you think?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.


Justine pondered attentively: "Most of the wife-killing cases themselves were committed by the husband, and judging from Evan Gold's unscrupulous playfulness, and the shrewd Nancy who pretended not to know about the secret indulgence, she was clearly preparing to do something for her. The divorce campaign, and I heard that Evan Gold had a public conflict with you over Professor Alicia Harper, now that I think about it, this is too abrupt and deliberate."

"Yeah, I feel weird too."

Cheryl couldn't help but glance at Chuck.

Although she knew the charm of Professor Alicia Harper, she didn't think there was any woman that Chuck could make jealous of other men, not even Professor Alicia Harper!

"I guess it's because of the name Detective Chuck!"

Justine expressed her conjecture: "Evan Gold knows that when encountering such a case involving celebrities, the police will most likely invite Chuck as a consultant to investigate, and once Chuck comes, his plan will No matter how sophisticated he is, he has no confidence in avoiding Chuck's investigation, so he very cleverly came up with a backing plan, that is, if he cannot avoid Chuck's investigation, then he will not be able to investigate, and the investigation needs to be fair."

"And he took the initiative to have a conflict with Chuck in public, so in theory Chuck needs to avoid suspicion."

Cheryl exclaimed: "It directly prevented Chuck from taking over his case... OMG! He is really too insidious!"

"But will this work?"

Tracy didn't understand the law, but she still had doubts: "If someone doesn't want to be investigated by someone and deliberately conflicts with the other party, then in theory, should he offend all the investigating detectives before committing the crime? Aren’t you able to commit crimes with peace of mind and no one can investigate and arrest you?”

"You have to ask Dad."

Cheryl worried.

Detective Chuck's reputation is getting louder and louder. If everyone does this in the future, then Chuck's part-time job as a detective will be useless.

"It's theoretically possible."

Chuck nodded.

In the future, large-scale zero-dollar shopping will not only target all of them in the entire police system, clamoring for the complete abolition of the police department.

Although this statement is correct to a certain extent, their purpose is not to eliminate discrimination and targeting for everyone, but just to make legal zero-dollar purchases.

The results are also gratifying.

"so what should I do now?"

Trish looked at Chuck worriedly.

"It doesn't matter."

Chuck said calmly: "Whether this wanton quarrel can be recognized depends on evidence and the judge's decision. And even if I can't personally investigate and testify in court afterwards, as long as I want to, my presence or absence will not affect the final result."

"So he was clever but was mistaken for his cleverness."

Cheryl looked at Chuck, who was obviously thinking, and couldn't help laughing.

"So I say whether he is pretending to be crazy or really crazy, he is really crazy."

Chuck repeated what he had said before.

After Professor Alicia Harper saw Chuck in the classroom, she paused slightly. After class as usual, she called out to Chuck: "Did you know that Evan Gold's wife was killed?"

"I'm going over there."

Chuck nodded.

"Is he really crazy?"

Professor Alicia Harper looked incredulous.

In her opinion, this was almost certainly a case of wife murder. How dare the other party really do such a thing when he showed his love to her in public and had a conflict with Chuck?

You know, this is Chi Guoguo’s motive for killing!

"He's so crazy."

Chuck said.

"Hurry over and investigate."

Professor Alicia Harper, who is also a wife, took a deep breath and took the initiative to look at Chuck: "Don't let his madness continue to hurt people."

"rest assured."

Chuck nodded to her and left the campus unhurriedly.

Suburban villa.

In the world of American TV series, because there are too many poor people and homeless people gathered in big cities, the cities are occupied in disguise. The result is that rich people leave the cities and gather in the suburbs. They need to drive back and forth, which is a disguised form of isolation. People who have no money cannot afford to drive. Cars and no public transportation for the poor.

Just like directly arresting homeless people and sending them to jail, it is another one of the many methods of the kind-hearted American rich people who "don't see the poor, and then drive the poor out of sight". Disguised isolation is just more inconspicuous.

Evan Gold, as a famous sculpture artist in New York, is also among the rich, so naturally he lives in a large suburban villa.

"Chuck, you're here."

Jane had arrived and was frowning. When she saw Chuck coming, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "This is Director Randy Tischer."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Wolfe."

A man under forty, thin and bearded reached out to Chuck: "Seeing you is like seeing an old friend of mine. Maybe you have heard his name, Adrian Monk!"


Chuck shook his head and nodded: "He is a very great detective."


Chief Randy Tischer lamented and missed him: "He was truly amazing, and it was a great honor for me to be his partner."

"How long have you been partners?"

Chuck asked.

"11 years."

Chief Randy Tischer lamented: "If Sharonna and I hadn't gotten married, I really wouldn't have been willing to leave him and leave San Francisco."

"The honor should be his."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "Anyone who can partner with him for a day is a good person, someone who can partner with him for a year is a great person, and anyone who can partner with him for 11 years is a saint!"


Director Randy Tischer burst out laughing: "You really know him! In fact, the real saints are not our work partners, but Monk's nurses and assistants."

Speaking of this, he said with a happy face: "My wife Sharona is Munch's nurse. It was she who brought the collapsed Munch back on track. She is the saint!"

Adrian Monk is the detective Amon sent by the Jianghu. Although he is an unparalleled detective, he is extremely eccentric. He has mysophobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and various fears. He can be simply understood as the Sheldon of the detective world.


Chandler shouted strangely, and seeing everyone's eyes falling on him, he pulled his clothes and said funnyly: "Then who am I?"


Chief Randy Tischer said subconsciously.


Chandler's mouth twitched: "What I mean is that Detective Chuck is very similar to Detective Amon. You and Detective Amon have worked together for 11 years and you are a saint. I have cooperated with Detective Chuck for less than one year. What does it count?" "

"A kind gay?"

Chief Randy Tischer's brain just doesn't follow Chandler's direction.

"...Can you please stop mentioning gay!"

Chandler spat.

"Feel sorry."

Chief Randy Tischer seemed to finally react and looked at Chandler with an apologetic look: "I forgot that this is not the West Coast. I thought you guys were very open to this kind of thing. It turns out it's still under secrecy." Undeclarable status...I'm really sorry, I just came here not long ago, but I also play in a band and am a cool boy, so you don't have to mind."

After saying this, he bumped Chandler with his shoulder, with an expression like "I'm cool and I can understand you who agree with the non-mainstream."


Chandler was completely speechless.

"How is it going?"

Chuck ignored the two-person show, which was incompatible with their brain circuits but seemed to be quite amused, and looked at Jane.

"Nancy Gold, 28 years old, a biological organism, was found dead at home. The glass of the front door was smashed. It seemed that someone broke in and hit her on the back of the head with an iron bar. She was beaten to death with one blow. Got her."

Jane introduces what she knows.

"What do you think?"

Chuck asked.

"My first reaction was the murder of my wife."

Jane whispered: "But after questioning, the deceased's husband, Evan Gold, seems to have alibi."


Chuck looked at her.


Chief Randy Tischer took his notebook and looked through the records: "At the time of the incident, he was carving his new goddess statue in the studio. I heard from him that he didn't have time to commit the crime because it took 2 hours to drive there and back. , and it will take more than 12 hours to carve the new goddess statue."

"I've consulted some people, and everyone in the industry says it does take that much time."

Jane said with a headache: "After he signed and sold the 2-ton stone, he started carving it. Now that it has been completed, it is indeed proof of alibi, but I feel that it was him who did it, not some burglary or murder. "

"Where's the evidence?"

Chuck asked.


Jane was speechless. She knew this was training her, but she still felt very uncomfortable, especially today when there was another assistant, Chandler, who was also her love rival and Monica's best friend. She had already said this before Chuck came over. I racked my brains, if I found something, I would have told it already.

"Look at that broken window."

Chuck reminded.


Jane immediately looked at the hole made by the iron rod and suddenly realized: "No, it's too small. If you want to reach in through this small hole and open the door, it will be impossible unless you are a child. "

"Let me try!"

When Chief Randy Tischer saw it, he immediately walked over and put his hand into the gap, trying to test whether an adult's hand could pass through: "Oh, oh, oh, oh."

The breach was not smooth and was filled with broken glass. When he forced his way in, blood immediately flowed from the puncture.

"You are too dedicated!"

Chandler complained: "You can obviously see with your eyes, but you have to do it!"


Chief Randy Tischer didn't seem to grasp the ridicule in Chandler's words. He endured the pain and took back his bleeding hand, smiling happily: "This is what we police officers should do!"

After saying that, he stretched out his other hand.

"what are you doing?"

Chandler was stunned.

"Make sure you try it on both hands to confirm."

Director Randy Tischer endured the pain and said seriously.


Chandler looked at Chief Randy Tischer, who had bleeding hands and a face of pain, but was extremely serious and was not joking. He was stunned and could only give two thumbs up.

If the other person is funny, then he is really convinced.

If not, then he has to be convinced, after all, he can't mess with such a cruel and heartless person.

"Don't worry, my wife is the best nurse."

Director Randy Tischer saw everyone's expressions and reassured them with pride.

"Is your wife here now?"

Jane reminded.

Director Randy Tischer was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Yes, she is still at work, not here."

Everyone: "..."

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