American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 214 Detective Chuck: You can’t be that stupid, can you? No way? No way?

"Where is your mother now?"

Patrick Kloster suddenly smiled: "I'm curious why she said that?"

Beth Harmon was stunned for a moment, as the images of her mother before her death kept flashing through her mind.

"You've gone too far!"

Jane said angrily.

She didn't believe that Patrick Kloster didn't know that Beth Harmon was a genius discovered by the guidance teacher from the orphanage, and who would enter the orphanage?

The other party knew clearly but still used this to hurt a nine-year-old girl. It really had no bottom line.

"Where did I go too far?"

Patrick Kloster pretended to be ignorant and confident. He might have been more patient with this kind of new chess star before, but after Beth Harmon said those words, she has become his opponent, and the chessboard As long as you can win against your opponent, you can use any means.

"Mr. Kloster..."

The instructor could only smooth things over and quietly went over to remind the world champion grandmaster about Beth Harmon’s life experience.

"Oh, so that's it."

Patrick Kloster suddenly understood and looked at the stunned Beth Harmon with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, I don't know... I believe your mother is a very wise person, and I respect her statement. .”

"Okay, everyone, let's go back."

The instructor noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, so he could only disperse the onlookers and leave the venue to the parties involved.


Seeing that everyone else had left, but little Leonard was still lingering, the instructor frowned and reminded him.

"I'm waiting for Chuck."

Little Leonard said with a smile.

"You leave first."

Chuck spoke.


Upon hearing this, little Leonard immediately agreed with a grimace and left obediently.

"Beth, I'll take you back."

The instructor woke up Beth Harmon, who was still dazed, and prepared to send her back with a gift.

Beth Harmon glanced at Chuck and left with the instructor.


When only Chuck and four others were left in the classroom, the plump woman Linda looked at her husband with a complicated expression.

"Linda, why are you here?"

Patrick Kloster smiled half-heartedly: "Didn't you say you went to a regular meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous?"


Linda, a plump woman, suddenly felt embarrassed.

As an alcoholic, I am often torn between drinking and not drinking. Especially due to pressure from the outside world, I often attend Alcoholics Anonymous.

But when you are already addicted, how much help can talking through talking help you to overcome the addiction?

All I can say is that I will drink what I should drink!

This has nothing to do with joining an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Drinking is yours, while joining an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is for others to see.

She came out to see Chuck this time, and it was indeed in the name of attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

"You know she never stopped drinking, but you still pretend you don't know."

Chuck said: "Why? Don't tell me that you are going to use this to cause her to have an accident?"

"How to create an accident?"

Jane stared at Patrick Kloster and asked.

"Finding the place where she usually secretly hides her wine, and timing her drugging into the wine can provide a very favorable alibi. If the drug is selected more accurately, it can create the illusion of an accidental death due to alcoholism, even if there is no evidence that it is murder. , the judge will not issue a full autopsy order."

Chuck said calmly: "This is the simplest and stupidest!"


Patrick Kloster's eyes shrank, and he said with a smile: "I would like to hear the details."

"No matter how sophisticated the design of poisoning one's wife is, there are still big flaws."

Chuck also did not hesitate to give advice: "Your motive is too obvious. You bought a 10 million accident insurance policy for your wife. You won't treat the police and the insurance company's investigators as fools, right? And whether this method will succeed in the end depends on it." Whether the police and judges are willing to push forward, your bet is that they don't have the motivation to push forward forcefully.

However, you keep increasing the probability of failure. Talking in your wife's ears in advance that you are going to kill her does not show your strength, but just stupidity.

You may be able to tell the police that she had a brain problem due to drinking and was hallucinating, but if she recorded a video of you trying to kill her in advance and it was exposed after her death, even if she was mentally ill, this would be enough for the police and the judge to do their best. This investigation is moving forward.

Once you fail, the murder method will be completely exposed under a comprehensive autopsy and drug test. When poisoning a wife, before the murder method is exposed, it is an advantage to be able to freely control the time. But after the murder method is exposed, you can design The so-called alibi is completely useless.

Now that you have the motive, method, and time, it is not difficult to find evidence to testify. If you poison, you must also use poison that is difficult to detect through a rough examination by a forensic doctor. It is not that easy to obtain. You have a comprehensive search warrant approved by a judge. Tracing this line is easy.

This kind of murder method cannot be called an 'accident' at all. The success or failure depends entirely on God's will and the stupidity of the opponent. It is crude and clumsy. Its only advantage is that it is simple and does not require much thinking. It is very suitable for those artists with a romantic temperament. I don't think the 'genius idea' that comes up in your head is the kind of move you, the world chess champion, a grandmaster who likes to play with your wisdom would make on the chessboard of life, right? "

"of course not."

Patrick Kloster smiled: "I don't even know what you are talking about."

Having said this, he moved his eyes away from the expressionless Chuck's face and fell on his wife Linda: "Dear, do you know?"

Linda, the plump woman, turned pale.

Because this stupid romantic idea from Chuck's mouth was as shocking as a bolt from the blue to her ears.

If her husband used this method to kill her, it would be too easy and simple.

And the more she thought about it, the more she became afraid.

Because she openly told everyone that she had quit drinking, she did succeed for a short time, but just when she was about to continue her efforts, her husband began to whisper in her ears that he wanted to kill her and she didn't have much time left. Now that she is under great pressure, she easily starts to hide the wine and drink secretly.

Before that, she had been lucky that no one had noticed her little move.

But now that Chuck said this, she suddenly remembered that the reason why she didn't avoid her husband who wanted to kill her or divorce him was not only the real reason why she didn't want to leave, but also the apparent excuse. The inability to hide from her husband, who is extremely smart and can see through her, is also one of the reasons.

But it was impossible for her husband, who was so smart to see through her, not to discover that she had been secretly drinking!

And her husband has always been silent, and recently he suddenly seemed stupid and whispered in her ears that he wanted to kill her. This stimulated her to drink alcohol again. When she thought about it, her husband was going to Rejing to participate in the World Series next week. This was almost like a plan. A murder with a perfect alibi.

This kind of world competition is broadcast live throughout the whole process, which is equivalent to people all over the world witnessing his absence with their own eyes. It has super credibility. Before the judge has no conclusive evidence, or for the sake of absolute (more) justice, It is almost impossible to issue any search warrant until Li (Li) Yi (Benefit) has the consciousness to take the blame.

"That's what you're planning to do..."

Linda, who had always been regarded as a stupid drunkard by her husband, at this moment, her brain was as clear as ever. According to Chuck's reminder, she connected everything together with self-consistent logic. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this might be what her husband was planning. He couldn't help but murmured it.

"what are you saying?"

Patrick Kloster's smile remained unchanged: "Dear, are you hallucinating again?"

"NO, I have not."

Linda, a plump woman, has never been so afraid of being told, "You are hallucinating," and hurriedly denies it.

"Does that mean that in your eyes, I'm stupid?"

Patrick Kloster's smile flashed unnaturally and quickly disappeared.

"No, of course not."

Linda subconsciously denied this statement because of her husband's authoritative image over the years.

Her husband is a world champion grandmaster and is famous all over the world for his wisdom. Naturally, he cannot be a fool.

"Honey, it's time for us to go back."

Patrick Kloster waved to Linda.

"Linda, don't fall for his trick!"

Seeing that Linda had been bypassed by Patrick Kloster, Jian quickly reminded: "Whether he is stupid or not depends on who he compares with. The gap between people is really huge. In terms of intelligence, he and Cha The gap between you and him is bigger than the gap between you and him, so compared with Chuck, he looks very stupid, but Chuck aside, if he really had the idea to kill you, who would do it in his place? Is there any way to redress your grievance?"

After Linda was stunned for a moment, she looked astonished.

Although she didn't think the gap between Chuck and her husband was bigger than that between her and her husband, she also saw that Chuck might really be smarter than her husband!

Because she was still thinking about living in the future, she couldn't speak out, so she just voted with her feet. She didn't follow her husband's request and walked to Jane's side silently.

"Let me speak for Linda."

Jane smiled at Patrick Kloster, who had a bad look on his face: "She has already revealed the reasons why you wanted to kill her according to Chuck's request. Once you really do it, with this video tape, you can Let the judge sign the search warrant, and if you still want to take action, just think about it."

After saying this, she slapped her forehead and taunted in a weird way: "Oh, I forgot, you are the world champion grand master, the smartest person, and what you are best at is weighing every move you make~"

"Next game?"

Chuck walked to the chessboard, restored the chessboard, and then looked at Patrick Kloster: "You win, I will no longer care about this case."


Linda exclaimed when she heard this and looked at Jane with a pleading look.

"don’t worry."

Jane was also taken aback, but out of her absolute trust in Chuck, she held Linda's hand and comforted her: "Chuck never loses!"


Patrick Kloster's eyes flickered for a few times, and he chuckled: "You are a nobody now, and you are not qualified to play against me. If you want to play against me, you must first walk across from me."

After saying that, he took a deep look at Chuck and smiled at his panicked wife Linda: "My dear, come back when you want to go home. I'll wait for you."

Then he left.

"This bastard!"

Jane looked at his back and cursed, then looked at Chuck and said sadly, "What on earth does he mean? Why doesn't he want to sleep with you?"

In her opinion, if this arrogant guy just wanted to use this to play a big game with Chuck, then he shouldn't refuse Chuck's invitation.

Only those who are afraid of losing will refuse.

But since he was afraid of losing, why did he arrogantly provoke Chuck?

This makes absolutely no sense.

"I have no idea."

Chuck shook his head.

The other party has a very high IQ, a very sophisticated character, and obviously has an antisocial personality. It is impossible to read any useful information from his eyes.

"so what should I do now?"

Jane asked the key questions for Linda.

This kind of thing becomes more and more troublesome as it gets delayed, and no one has the energy or time to spend on it.

"Since he insists that I first obtain the qualifications to stand in front of him before he is willing to play with me, then that's what he wants."

Chuck said nonchalantly.

Jane immediately smiled with relief.

"Isn't this very blue?"

Compared with Jane, who has no common sense about chess, the plump woman Linda, as the wife of the world champion, still has some common sense and immediately realized the difficulty: "It is difficult to level up to become a world champion. It’s too big. Even if you have the wisdom and chess skills, you still need to spend a lot of time participating in various chess competitions to accumulate level points to upgrade. It’s impossible in just one or two years!”

"Ah, is that so?"

Jane was stunned and couldn't help but look at Chuck.

"That's normal."

Chuck nodded: "But the International Chess Association, like any Western association, values ​​practical interests the most and has a flexible bottom line of rules. If you really want to participate in the competition in a short time, it is not impossible to even directly participate in next week's Rejing Championship Challenge. It’s just a little more troublesome.”

"How to do it?"

Jane asked curiously.

“First make a name for yourself.”

Chuck said: "Participate in a regional competition, defeat the grand masters present, and then invite enough grand masters and chess federation masters to use the gimmick of 'who is smarter, the top mathematician or the chess grand master' to come A 1V24 match that is sensational enough. When the time comes, I will find the International Chess Association to run it. The International Chess Association, which seeks fame and fortune, will definitely be willing to break the rules and invite me to participate in the Rejing Championship Challenge. No accident, I will be able to do it next week. Go to Reking and stand in front of him at chess, his best game, and make him admit defeat."

"This is good!"

Jian's body became weak and her eyes wandered: "I really look forward to the moment when I stand in front of this bastard and see him break through his defenses!"

The plump woman Linda also looked expectant. The sooner she eliminates her husband's murderous intention, the sooner she can return to her family and live her life as a happy lady again.

"This is still too troublesome."

Chuck shook his head: "This should be one of the results he expected. He may feel that he can defeat me in front of everyone and prove something. You beat yours and I beat mine is the real wisdom!"

"Do you have any other ideas?"

Jane stretched out her hand to hold Chuck's shoulder and said strangely: "An easier way?"

"Of course."

Chuck glanced at Jane: "But it's not suitable to talk here now. Let's settle Mrs. Kloster first, and we can talk about these things later."

Although the plump woman Linda was unwilling and wanted to know immediately, after Chuck said this, Jane agreed and could only accept the result helplessly.

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