American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 217: Holding a knife at Monica, screaming Jane Banner

New Jersey.

Methuen Orphanage for Girls.

A math class test was going on. The female math teacher came down from the podium. She had no experience in future advanced high school entrance examinations. She started walking around to check the students' answers, and walked to the side of a black-haired girl with twin tails in the first row. At this moment, the black-haired girl with twin tails looked up and smiled sweetly at her, then lowered her head and continued to answer questions.

The female math teacher couldn't help but have a hint of an aunt's smile on her lips. Then she looked at the black-haired twintail girl's neatly curled face and her unerring answers, and sighed in her heart: "Esther, what a pity."

The black-haired twin-tailed girl Esther in front of her has always been her best student. She studies well, can play the piano, and draws very well. She is polite and good at communication, and has a maturity far beyond her appearance.

Such an outstanding Esther, not long after she came to Methuen, was noticed by a couple and went through the adoption procedures. But who could have imagined that she would encounter such a thing right after leaving.

Although this was an accident and had nothing to do with Esther, the key point was that the family who wanted to adopt her in the future would not think so.

Because this is not the first time.

Looking at Esther's file, it turns out that she was adopted from abroad by an American couple. Then while she was away, their home caught fire and killed the couple, causing Esther to live in the orphanage again.

So pathetic.

Although the orphanage will make some modifications to the families who come to adopt children, and teach the children to show their distressed fake smiles to potential future parents to increase the chance of successful adoption, but this kind of children will show off to their parents the day after tomorrow. 'How can a smile that shows kindness compare to the natural smile that is inherited from the DNA after coming out of the mother's womb in order to survive?

Moreover, the modification is not random editing. This kind of important resume information cannot be deleted, modified or concealed by the orphanage.

Esther, who has had two accidents, is already a disaster star in the eyes of some people. Even if there are couples who believe in science and are not superstitious and don't care about this, they may have to face better options and give up on accidents all the time. Esther.

Thinking of this, the female math teacher couldn't help but look away from her black-haired twintails and looked at the last row of the classroom. She saw that the little blond girl Beth Harmon was not immersed in answering questions, but looked up indifferently. Looking at her, after their eyes met, Beth Harmon raised her hand.

This is not the first time.

The female math teacher came over, picked up the written test paper that had just been handed out on the table, glanced at it, and found that everything was correct. She whispered as always: "Go take the blackboard eraser to the basement and clean it."

Beth Harmon stood up, walked to the blackboard, skillfully picked up the blackboard stained with chalk dust and erased it.

The female math teacher stood in the last row and watched Beth Harmon leave the classroom. The black-haired ponytail who had been immersed in the answer sheet raised her head and watched with her as Beth Harmon's back disappeared.

This is another point where the female math teacher sighs for Esther. Before Beth Harmon came over, Esther was indeed the best child in the Methuen orphanage.

But after Beth Harmon came over, even though she didn't argue for anything and was always quiet, always looking at everything indifferently with her big eyes open, her genius IQ inherited from her mother who has a doctorate in mathematics, how could she not It cannot be covered up.

In terms of learning, she is self-taught, which makes her, a math teacher, feel a lot of pressure. She prepares lessons more diligently than before, fearing that she will be looked down upon by a 9-year-old child.

In terms of hobbies, I fell in love with chess just because I went to the basement to clean blackboards and saw the old administrator playing chess alone. In just a few weeks, I attracted the chess club instructor from Bergen County High School to come to the hospital. The teacher discussed inviting her to the high school 1V12, where she won a great victory and met the world champion Grandmaster and the famous Detective Chuck.

This experience made her, an ordinary math teacher, envious, not to mention attractive to the couples who came to adopt her.

Also 9 years old, Esther looks no worse than Beth Harmon, but the real gap is still there. She really needs to explain that one is precocious and excellent, while the other is simply excellent in IQ.

outside the classroom.

Beth Harmon walked down the corridor with the blackboard eraser, turned the corner, came to a stairwell, walked down, opened a door, walked into the basement, came to the sink, and smacked the blackboard eraser hard. After a while, she started washing with water. She turned around and looked inside. A chess set was placed there as always, but the familiar old administrator was not sitting there. She frowned, walked over to look at the chess board, and casually After taking a step forward in the endgame, he walked to the corner and started looking through the various chess books and the latest chess magazines placed here.

The Methuen Girls' Orphanage implements a closed management system. There are no mobile phones or TVs. Apart from regular weekly movie screenings, there is little information exchange with the outside world.

For taciturn Beth Harmon, there's nothing unacceptable, and she has chess.

Of course, reading magazines recording major chess news events from the old administrator was one of her few pleasures.

Then she saw it published that grandmaster Patrick Kloster won the world championship title in the Rejing World Championship Challenge, and calmly began to read the magazine's review of the final game.

A bald old man came in with a tool box and a ladder, glanced at Beth, and remained silent.

"His confidence is a little low."

After a long time, Beth looked up at the bald old man: "What happened recently?"

The bald old man looked at Beth in surprise and said slowly: "I heard that Patrick Kloster lost to Detective Chuck in a game held on Long Island."

Having said this, the taciturn man couldn't help but add: "He lost completely. He must have been severely shaken. You are right, he is no match for Detective Chuck."

"I told you so."

It’s no surprise to Beth Harmon.

At first, the two only played chess and had almost no unnecessary dialogue. However, as Beth showed her superb chess talent and won honors under the old man's matchmaking, Beth came back and liked to tell the old man all her feelings.

Then she talked about her judgment: the world champion grandmaster is completely unable to compare with the top mathematician Chuck Wolf.

The old administrator, whose only hobby was playing chess, didn't believe it. He gave her popular science about what it means to be a world champion, but it still didn't change her opinion until she learned about the battle at Channing Manor from her friends in the chess club. Later, he realized that she was right.

"It's a pity that he is not married..."


Facing the old administrator's sudden sigh, 9-year-old Beth Harmon looked over in confusion.


The old administrator did not explain the rule that unmarried people cannot adopt children. He shook his head and then glanced at her: "It's time for you to go back. Someone will come over today. You should be well prepared."

"Nothing to prepare for."

Beth naturally knew what the old administrator meant by preparation, and said indifferently: "My life is very good now."

Every once in a while, couples who want to adopt children will come over. This day is almost like a festival in the orphanage. Everyone puts on their most beautiful clothes, dresses up beautifully, shows the neatest standard smile, and looks eagerly. He looked at the couple who walked in and wanted them to adopt him.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

The old administrator shook his head: "As time goes by, you will know. Now, get out of here!"

After saying this, he suddenly looked towards the stairs, vaguely feeling that someone was there, but he didn't see anyone.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Beth Harmon could only take the magazine and leave.

The exams have ended long ago, and there are no other classes scheduled today. The girls, big and small, are laughing and playing, showing off their youthful vitality that they usually don't have.


Today was a rare indulgence allowed to the Methuen Orphanage, mostly for the viewing of potential adopters and donors who were about to visit.

A car drives in.

The director of the orphanage stood at the door to receive him. When a couple got off the car, he immediately greeted them with a smile: "Mr. Kloster, Mrs. Kloster, welcome to Methuen!"

That’s right!

The visitors were none other than Linda and his wife.

Linda took the initiative to take charge of the greetings.

Patrick Kloster, on the other hand, stood reservedly with his hands behind his hands, looking at the building in Methuen. His eyes suddenly looked towards the attic room on the second floor. A petite shadow flashed away, and the corner of Patrick's mouth couldn't help but reveal a trace of laughter. A playful smile.

Under the guidance of the dean, the Klosters began to visit the Methuen Orphanage. Linda remembered her husband's reminder and asked proactively: "Dean, I heard that there is a child named Beth Harmon. She Why aren't you here?"

"Oh, Beth, she's in her room."

The dean glanced at the world champion, suddenly understood, and explained with a smile: "She likes to study chess records. I think she will be very happy to see Mr. Kloster again."

"I hope so."

Patrick Klose pointedly smiled and said: "If possible, I hope to personally train the next generation of American chess to truly have the power to dominate the world."

"That's everyone's hope."

The dean smiled flatteringly, and then led the two of them upstairs to Beth's dormitory, where they met Beth sitting there reading a chess magazine.

"Bess, come see Mr. and Mrs. Closter."

The dean greeted.

Under the gaze of the dean, Beth could only stand up and walk over, saying hello numbly, and then looked at Patrick Kloster strangely.

"meet again."

Patrick Kloster looked at Beth, then saw the chess magazine in her hand, and smiled: "You are watching my game in the finals, do you understand?"

"Still researching."

Beth looked at him: "But I know it was difficult for you to win. Is it because your confidence was shattered by Chuck Wolf?"


Patrick Kloster's smile faltered.


The dean was keenly aware of the unfriendly atmosphere and mood, and looked at Beth with a stern look: "Where are your manners?"

"Feel sorry."

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Being smart like Beth, she naturally understands this truth. So facing the stern gaze, Beth adjusted her expression and looked at Patrick with a flattering smile trained on the industrial assembly line standards of American orphanages. Kloster: "Mr. Kloster, why did it take you 44 moves to checkmate your opponent? Is it because of Chuck Wolf?"


Everyone looked at the standard smile, but there was not much change in the questions. Beth, who was still harsh, felt that this standard smile was very dazzling.

"You're sharp!"

Just when the dean had a headache and wanted to smooth things over, Patrick Kloster laughed: "It's very much like me."

With that said, he turned and left.

"Mr. Kloster!"

Dean gave Beth a hard look and quickly chased after her.

Patrick Kloster is not only a potential adopter, but also a potential large-dollar donor. After a successful adoption, he will become a business card for their orphanage in the future. Various factors add up to make it impossible for the director to fail. Heart.

At this moment, a beautiful piano sound sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Linda, who had been busy playing soy sauce, suddenly looked like she was listening attentively.

Patrick Kloster put his hand to his mouth to signal the dean to stop talking, and the three of them listened to the piano music quietly for a while.

"Who talked about the piano music?"

Patrick Kloster first asked the dean, and then looked at Linda: "My dear, this reminds me of the way you play the piano."

"This should be Esther playing the piano."

A strange look flashed in the dean's eyes, and he explained and quickly changed the subject: "Mrs. Kloster, do you also like to play the piano?"

"Just amateur flicking."

Linda smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, you're so unsure of yourself."

Patrick Kloster said: "My wife's piano skills are extremely profound. If it were not for her psychological barrier to playing on stage in public, she might become a famous pianist."

"I don't doubt that at all."

The dean smiled and echoed: "Mr. Kloster, you are so excellent. Since you have chosen Mrs. Kloster as your partner, it is natural that Mrs. Kloster is equally excellent."

"Let's go over and take a look."

Patrick Kloster suggested taking the lead in walking in the direction where the sound of the piano sounded again.

Linda and the dean followed and walked into the hall. They saw a girl with black hair in twin tails and a ribbon tied around her neck sitting in front of the piano, playing selflessly.

"It plays really well."

Linda was filled with admiration, and with a move in her heart, she took the initiative to talk to Esther. After leaving, she looked at her husband expectantly: "Patrick, can we adopt her?"

"Dean, what do you mean?"

Patrick Kloster did not answer, but looked at the dean.


The director was a little hesitant. As the director of a church orphanage, she was somewhat superstitious because of her devout faith. She could also feel that Esther was different, and she vaguely felt that something was wrong with Esther. In her heart, she did not recommend treating the orphanage. It was very important that the Klosters adopted Esther, but it was difficult to say this.

"We decided to adopt her."

When Patrick Kloster saw it, he became more and more convinced of some of his guesses and made a decision directly.

"That's great!"

Linda was overjoyed.

Compared to Beth Harmon, who both likes chess and speaks uprightly, and whom her husband has designated for adoption, if she had to adopt one, she would rather choose Esther, who shares the same hobbies with her.

"Dean, can we adopt her and Beth Harmon at the same time?"

Patrick Kloster looked at his happy wife and smiled meaningfully.

"Ah this."

The dean was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he did not refuse.

Under normal circumstances, a couple can only adopt one child at a time, but leaving aside Esther's special situation, there may be no chance if she is not adopted this time. Let's just say that Patrick Kloster has money and status, and she also An exception can be made in accordance with American tradition.

Beth Harmon was stunned when she heard the news, and the director didn't mean to explain. The children in the orphanage were always eager to be adopted by others but were rejected. There was never a child who refused to be adopted by an adoptive family.

Mountainside villa.

After the old friends remembered the fifty-fold, they went to their own houses and slept separately.

Jane, who slept until midnight and was dehydrated, was suddenly awakened by thirst. She got up in a daze, staggered out of the bedroom, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of ice water from it, and opened it with her eyes closed. He took a big sip into his mouth and opened his eyes with a jolt. After closing the refrigerator, he was startled and almost screamed. He covered his heaving chest and faced the sudden appearance of someone standing behind the refrigerator door. Monica yelled: "Monica, what are you doing? You scared me to death!"

Monica ignored her, walked to the kitchen, pulled out a kitchen knife and started washing and cutting.

"You're still making something at this time? Are you hungry? I happen to be a little hungry too. Make me something too."

Jane didn't care about this either. She had seen Monica's strange state so many times that she had subconsciously become accustomed to it. As she spoke, she frantically replenished water, slumped down on the sofa, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV. , flipping through it, stopped at a channel that played gonzo stories.

"Bianca, a female student at the University of Chicago, shot and killed her best friend Heather after she and her best friend Heather played 50% off old friends with her boyfriend. The police suspected that it was caused by jealousy..."


Jian, who was taking a big gulp of water, squirted out. She stared at the TV with wide eyes and watched it carefully. When she finished watching the gossip, she suddenly felt a little chill in her back. She slowly turned around to look, and saw Monica's face was expressionless. The expression holding a knife stood behind her.


Jane couldn't hold it in any longer and screamed.

In the master bedroom.

Chuck wasn't sleeping either and was answering a phone call: "Dr. Wolfe, or should I call you Detective Chuck?"

"What's the matter, Kelinda?"

Chuck ignored the teasing and went straight to the point.

"Okay, we need your help."

Kelinda, an investigator from Chicago's Lockhart \u0026 Gardner law firm, stopped beating around the bush and told the reason: "Did you hear the news about the female college student at the University of Chicago who shot her best friend to death?"


Just when Kelinda was introducing the case, the frightened Jane rushed in from the living room while screaming and rolling, followed by Monica, who was holding a knife with an expressionless face.

"Are you okay over there?"

The movement here made Kelinda stop and start gossiping.


Chuck glanced at it and said calmly: "Continue."

"Heather's mother found our law firm and wanted to hire us as her daughter's defense lawyer. We need to know whether Heather is innocent..."

On the other end of the phone, Kelinda was thinking about Chuck's gossip while continuing to introduce the case. She looked up and saw her female boss extending her hand to signal, so she added and handed the phone to the female boss: "Diane wants to talk to you. .”

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