American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 230 Shocked, he is the murderer! Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Monica laughed out loud, but then realized that it was inappropriate to laugh in this situation, so she forced herself to hold it back and apologized again and again: "Sorry, sorry."

"Is this why you came to me?"

Chandler looked at Director Randy Tischer with twitching lips.


Director Randy Tischer thought that everyone still didn't understand, so he looked around, leaned next to Chandler, and explained in a low voice: "I remember you said that your mother is Nora Bing, and this Joanna "Under the Bed, Joanna's Story" is a similar book that your mother is good at writing."

"So you think my family has a long history?"

Chandler almost jumped up and laughed at himself: "Then let me tell you... you really found the right person! My mother is Nora Bing, and no one knows the things under the quilt better than her! And my father now Even when it comes to dancing in Las Vegas, no one understands the mentality of a Las Vegas dancer better than him.”


Director Randy Tischer, who was naturally stupid, didn't hear Chandler's almost explosive self-deprecation and complaints at all, and said happily: "I really didn't know that your father was so similar to Joanna. It seems that I'm looking for you." You really came to the right place!”


Chandler was speechless. Faced with this strange existence that naturally restrained his own humor shield, he was really at his wits end.

Monica, who knew the inside story, almost laughed out loud, and finally understood why Jane called Chandler and Director Randy Tischer a "little girl".

It's so funny!

"Why do you think this isn't suicide?"

Chandler asked tiredly.


Director Randy Tischer motioned for everyone to look at a check on the table: "This is a check from the New York Publishing House that has not yet been deposited into her account. It's a full $50,000."

Having said this, he lowered his voice again and looked at Chandler inquiringly: "For a former Las Vegas dancer and current newcomer to Liu Bei's novel, this should be a lot, right?"

"Holy shit!"

Monica exclaimed: "Is it so profitable to write Liu Bei's novel? I got a signing fee of US$50,000 before it was published, which is enough for an A-level wedding..."

"What kind of A-level wedding?"

Director Randy Tischer looked over in surprise.


Monica stole a glance at Chuck, who had been sizing up the scene, and when she saw that he wasn't paying attention, she shook her head in relief and a little disappointed.

Of course, she can't say that every girl has a dream of a grand wedding. In her vision, a grand and perfect wedding would cost about $50,000.

This year, Mei Dao is still very strong, and her family is better off than hers. Her father is a well-known surgeon. Rachel, who comes from a wealthy middle-class family, only spent 40,000 U.S. dollars on her wedding to a very profitable dentist.

So $50,000 is really a lot.


Something seems wrong.

Her dream grand wedding is just the signing fee for a newcomer Liu Bei's novel... This is not a good sign.

"$50,000 is actually not as much as you think. It can last for an A-level wedding."

Chandler knew what Monica meant by an A-level wedding, so he couldn't help but joke: "But a woman, well, here specifically refers to the female writer of Liu Bei's novels, how many A-level weddings will she have in her lifetime?" ?50,000 US dollars is just water. Isn’t my mother very good at making money? She is one of the richest female writers in the world, but how many times have she been married? Even my son can’t remember. I spent countless money on marriage and divorce. , all I remember is that one day she stopped writing, and there was no money left for me."

"Like this?"

Director Randy Tischer was shocked and patted Chandler on the shoulder: "Sure enough, I made the right decision to find you. You gave me a lot of experience, so even though the $50,000 signing fee was not deposited into the account, It doesn’t mean she didn’t commit suicide.”

"...You really know the key points."

Chandler complained.

"Isn't that right?"

Director Randy Tischer was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead: "Oh, by the way, how much does your dad earn as a dancer?"


Chandler was also numb, and he didn't even think about complaining. He just shouted out to subdue this naturally stupid person.

"It's murder."

Chuck, who had been observing the scene, gave his own judgment.


When Director Randy Tischer heard that Chuck gave the same inference as him, he immediately clenched his fists happily and applauded. When he saw other people looking over, he suddenly said with a deep and proud smile: "I have been working with Monk for several times. Years ago, I also had some intuition for solving crimes, and now Chuck proves that my intuition is indeed right!"

"New Jersey is so lucky to have a police chief like you."

After a few seconds of recovery, Chandler regained his fighting spirit and mocked: "You actually have such a powerful intuition~"


Chief Randy Tischer accepted the 'compliment' wholeheartedly.

"Why is it murder and not suicide?"

Monica saw that the two living treasures, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, were always stuck in their funny ideas, so she acted as a tool to explain the plot without any teacher.

"Look at this hanging rope."

Chuck motioned for everyone to look at the hanging rope that was still hanging there: "There is also this stool for hanging. It is obvious that she did not hang herself."

Seeing everyone looking at him in confusion, he explained: "A simple mathematical problem. The hanging rope is 2 meters, the stool is 45cm, and the victim's body proportions are eight heads. How tall should the victim be?"


Monica tried hard to regain this simple mathematical calculation, but Director Randy Tischer thought for a moment and didn't want to work hard at all. His eyes lit up, he picked up the fallen stool and prepared to recreate the hanging scene, and then Using his own height to estimate the victim's supposed height.

"Hell! Just tell us the answer, or just say there's a problem here."

"We trust you," Chandler spits.

"The victim was only 1.65 meters tall, and the person who used this stool or hanging rope to hang himself should be about 1.77 meters tall."

Chuck said: "Even if she steps up, it's very difficult. It takes a lot of effort to put her neck into the sling. But she doesn't need to bother at all. She only needs to put the height of the sling at her neck, and the stool Once kicked off, the stool would be high enough to hang her."

"She is a former dancer in Las Vegas. Maybe it's a professional habit?"

Chandler questioned: "Is it because I habitually raise my toes high and then hang the rope so high to ensure that I can definitely hang myself?"

"There is a possibility."

Chuck nodded.

"Well done!"

Chief Randy Tischer slapped Chandler on the shoulder and said happily: "I knew you were the right one."

"Yes, because my family has a long history~"

Chandler rubbed the shoulder that was slapped by Randy and laughed at himself: "But believe me, no one wants to see their dad dancing on tiptoe. It's really hard to forget."

"Isn't that better?"

Chief Randy Tischer said with a longing look on his face: "I wish I had such memories of my father."


Chandler was speechless again.

When Chief Randy Tischer saw that Chandler was silent, he thought he didn't know, so he explained: "My dad passed away very early."

"No need to say it, I know!"

Chandler interrupted.

In fact, he really wanted to say that even if your father passed away very early, it would still be worse than him. If the two of them could switch lives, they would probably choose Randy Tischer.

"Although it is possible, the possibility is too low, right?"

Monica looked at Chuck and asked, "And you have other reasons why it was murder, right?"


Chuck nodded and pointed to the scene photos taken by the forensic department: "People who hang themselves to death will struggle violently at the last moment of their lives. The scars on the victim's neck and the lack of traces of the rope being grasped under the fingernails all contradict this. .”

"But the preliminary autopsy results are indeed that he died of suffocation by hanging five days ago."

Chief Randy Tischer said: "It was not hung up after death. How to explain this?"

"He was sedated and then passed out. He was hung up and suffocated to death."

Chuck gave the answer: "Didn't the forensic autopsy report say that tranquilizer ingredients were found?"

"But the forensic doctor said that many people who hang themselves try to commit suicide by overdose of sleeping pills and sedatives. After failure, they choose to hang themselves again. This is normal."

After Director Randy Tischer finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at Chandler.


Chandler's mouth twitched and he complained speechlessly: "Sorry, I'm really inexperienced in this. My parents are not the kind of people who will die if they don't agree with each other. They are much stronger than me, so there is no connection. My family education can be used as a reference, but I feel like dying right now. I’ll try it when I go back tonight and tell you the result.”

"I don't want to try this."

Director Randy Tischer quickly stopped him: "Besides, after you tried it, you died, how could you tell me?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you go even if I die."

Chandler imitated a ferocious smile.

Director Randy Tischer suddenly swallowed, a little scared.

no way.

He is superstitious.

"Don't worry, let my good friend Phoebe come and help you get rid of him when the time comes. She is the best at channeling."

Monica joked: "It's better to focus on the case now."

That’s right!

Even she, who was visiting a crime scene for the first time, could see that with Chandler and Chief Randy Tischer, two incompetent people, the investigation of the case would always go astray to who knows where. .

"This is indeed a possibility."

Chuck still did not deny this possibility and nodded: "But a dancer can first commit suicide by taking an overdose of tranquilizers. If she fails, she can also strenuously step on her feet and hang herself. However, she will not design a mechanical device specifically for suicide. Right?"

Everyone followed his reminder and saw four drill holes in the kitchen ceiling.

"These are newly drilled holes, not more than a week old."

Chuck then motioned for everyone to look at the ashes that fell on the ground: "You also said that the body was found by the cleaners. He died five days ago, and the cleaners come to clean it up once a week."

"That's true."

Monica nodded: "If the cleaners come, they will definitely clean up the ash from these drilling holes."

"These four drilled holes seem to be used to install some kind of base."

Chandler also nodded seriously and said something seriously, but the next second, when he caught a glimpse of Director Randy Tischer's eyes looking over after nodding in the same way, he still couldn't help but laugh at himself and complain: "Hell, I don't want to Any comments on this!”

"I wasn't prepared for you to comment?"

Director Randy Tischer looked at him strangely: "Is there anything special about this?"


Monica couldn't listen anymore and interrupted Chandler's antics with a frown.

If you keep talking about it, it will be a bit disgusting.

She didn't want to hear about the unspeakable weird quirks of Chandler's parents, or now moms.

"So she was sedated and a mechanical device was specially set up to hang her to give the illusion of suicide."

Monica puzzled: "But why bother?"

"Because the murderer wants to create alibi!"

Chandler and Chief Randy Tischer said in unison.


Chuck said: "There were no signs of forced entry, and the neighbors did not hear any movement. The murderer should be someone known to the victim, who was let in by her. After the two drank together, the murderer added a sedative to the wine. , enough to make her unconscious but not fatal. When the victim was unconscious, he designed such a device to hang the victim regularly to confuse the forensic doctor and the police so that he could have sufficient alibi to get rid of suspicion. Afterwards, You only need to sneak over at any time within five days, take away these devices, and clean up the scene. You can pretend that the victim committed suicide five days ago, and people will ignore that the victim was actually attacked six days ago. 7 days ago or seven days ago after the cleaners left after the last cleanup.”

"Who would go to such trouble to murder..."

Monica murmured to herself, and then looked at Chandler with Chuck and Director Randy Tischer.

"...ok, very humorous, ha~ha~"

Chandler was aroused by the three people's simultaneous movements, and the corners of his mouth twitched and he complained: "I know the answer, the man in the bed, I am really glad that you can think of me, it is really an honor for me~"

"Actually, I was thinking of your mother, Nora Bean."

Chief Randy Tischer is as natural as ever and tells the truth.

"I'll give you another chance to organize your words."

Chandler said with a dark face.

"Your mother Nora Bing is a queen-level figure in Liu Bei's novels. The people in the bed are all the leftovers written by her."

Chief Randy Tischer explained: "So when I mentioned the person under the covers, I thought of her and looked at you..."

"You said this is a memoir by a newcomer."

Monica changed the subject and said: "As for a person who used to be a dancer in Las Vegas, she was able to get a signing fee of US$50,000 before her debut. This memory must have impressed the publisher. 80% of it is. It’s about celebrities.”

“Just check who you talked to on the phone six days ago and seven days ago, and you’ll know which celebrities are involved.”

Chuck reminded.

Chief Randy Tischer immediately arranged for someone to investigate, and after locking in the time, it was easily found.

"Everyone, you will never guess who it will be..."

After Director Randy Tischer answered the phone, he said to everyone in disbelief.

"It can't be the commander-in-chief, right?"

Chandler complained: "If so, then I might run for commander-in-chief like Chuck said, because anyone can be in the position."

"It's even more shocking than being the commander-in-chief!"

Chief Randy Tischer slowly said a name: "Steven Wigner!"


Monica exclaimed: "Legendary astronaut, American hero, little Howard's could it be him?"

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