American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 232 Now tell Little Sheldon who is more worthy of fear, death or Chuck!

"Poor little thing."

Monica looked at little Sheldon like this, looked at Chuck reproachfully, and felt extremely pitiful in her heart.

For the absolute majority of Americans, only taxes can be synonymous with death, and only together. In real terms, death is everyone's fear.

But when Little Sheldon came here, he actually shouted, "You are only facing death, but I am facing Chuck Wolf"!

How desperate you must be to shout this!

"Dr. Wolfe's achievements have indeed made his opponents despair, but you are still young."

Steven Wigner comforted: "There will be opportunities in the future, and you have more choices than you think."

"you're right."

Little Sheldon wiped his tears, nodded, turned around and left: "When faced with challenges, I should have chosen the wisest approach."

"…The wisest thing to do is to run away?"

Steven Wigner frowned and said to Little Sheldon who was walking stiffly and quickly.

What he despises the most is people who run away and give up. His narrow escape four years ago made him an American hero, but it also made his path to success even more difficult, that is, never give up at any time!

"This is the best choice hidden in DNA since human evolution!"

Young Sheldon has no shame at all.

"I gonna go see."

Monica hurriedly followed, treating it as an early internship.

"Take pictures."

Chuck reminded.

"By the way, Mr. Wigner, can we take a photo with you?"

Little Howard immediately asked with a smile on his face.


Steven Wigner smiled understandingly, and then cooperated by asking little Howard and little Leonard to stand beside him, one on the left and one on the right. Naturally, a professional photographer came over and took a photo for them. open.

"I'll have the photos mailed to you."

Steven Wigner laughed.

"It's so lively."

Little Howard looked at the well-dressed men and women in the backyard with bright eyes.

"It's tradition."

Steven Wigner smiled and said: "Every time I successfully make a round trip, my friends will throw a party for me to celebrate, but this time it is particularly meaningful, Dr. Wolfe, you are here."

"It's not an accident."

Chuck looked at him.

"What a pun."

Chandler praised.

Steven Wigner smiled: "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Leonard, take Howard to find Monica."

Chuck said.


Little Howard quit immediately. He still wanted to enjoy the cool, white and tender scenery behind.

"Let's go."

Although little Leonard also thought about it, of course he would not go against Chuck's words, so he took his reluctant friend and left.

"I'm Police Chief Randy Tischer."

After watching the two children leave, Director Randy Tischer, under Chuck's gaze, took a step forward, introduced himself, and began to ask: "Mr. Wigner, do you know Joanna Kane?"

"Qionna, I know her."

Steven Wigner nodded: "I heard about her misfortune. It's such a shame."

"Six days ago, late at night, she called you, do you remember?"

Chief Randy Tischer asked, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing. She just heard that I was going to heaven again and wished me peace."

Steven Wigner explained without changing his expression, and then sighed: "I felt a little strange at the time. We haven't seen each other for many years. It was a little strange for her to call suddenly, although I heard it at the time. There was something wrong with her mood, but I didn't think much about it, I just thought she was feeling a little emotional for a moment. Who would have thought that a day later, on the day I went to heaven, she would choose another way to go to heaven."

"So you agree that she was also murdered?"

Chandler joked: "After all, you can't go to heaven if you commit suicide."

"She was murdered?"

Steven Wigner ignored Chandler's teasing, frowned and said in confusion: "Didn't you say he committed suicide?"

"She was murdered in an elaborate way."

Chuck said: "The time of the attack was right after you called her..."

"I have always heard from my colleagues at NASA that when they heard that Dr. Wolfe became Detective Chuck, they were not surprised at all, because you can even handle things in the sky, let alone things on the ground."

Steven Wigner looked at Chuck and sighed: "So although this inference is a bit unbelievable and too bizarre, I am willing to believe you. It's just that I have the method and the time, but I have no motive."

"You have."

Chandler joked: "You are the 'man in bed'~"

Chief Randy Tischer explained the book Joanna Kane was going to write to a confused-looking Steven Wigner.

"So that's it."

Steven Wigner looked astonished, shook his head and sighed: "I asked why she suddenly called me after so many years. It turned out that she was writing about our past and reminded her of the past, but this was not a motive."

Having said this, he showed a calm demeanor to everyone, turned to the backyard and called out in a loud voice: "My dear, can you come over here?"


A beautiful woman with a good figure came over and said gracefully: "My dear, who are they? Hey, Detective Chuck, my dear, were you the one who invited me?"

"No, Dr. Wolf comes here not as a NASA consultant colleague, but as a consultant to the police department."

Steven Wigner explains: "Joanna Kane hanged herself, and they were a little confused..."

"That Joanna."

Mrs. Wigner asked strangely: "I know the past between her and Steven. There is nothing to hide. How can it become the motive for murder?"

"you know?"

Chief Randy Tischer was stunned.


Mrs. Wigner smiled and said: "Steven has never concealed the past, and there is nothing to hide. Although he is a hero, he is also a human being! Who can pay back the past?"

"My wife is right."

Steven Wigner looked at everyone: "I am just a person. When I was young and vigorous, I also had the need to find happiness, light and fun. Although I am not proud of the things I once did, I don’t regret it either.”

"No man will regret it~"

Chandler winked, and when Chuck looked over, he looked at Steven Wigner seriously: "But many people regard you as a hero, such as the two children just now. You are a public figure after all, and It’s not a good experience to have your own dedicated operations team, and it will teach countless children bad things.”

"You can't say that. There are many public figures who are more chaotic than Steven in the past, and their influence is much greater than his. Today, the image is still very positive, and I don't think it will have any bad influence on children. .”

Mrs. Wigner hugged her husband, then looked at everyone, tilted her head and smiled: "And everyone, Steven's past is really nothing...believe me!"

"I trust you!"

Chandler swayed and smiled.

Steven Wigner's smile faded a lot, because even Chandler and the others could hear the meaning behind his wife's words of 'trust me', and he naturally understood it too.

The American sports world... understands everything.

“That’s not what the FBI’s violent crime big data says.”

Chuck said expressionlessly.

When a country promotes the values ​​​​that the rich and powerful can do whatever they want, and it is beautified as a matter of course and natural, this kind of values ​​​​has been distorted and will inevitably greatly affect the outlook of the next generation.

Children of rich people can learn from their parents to do whatever they want and vent their desires wantonly.

But most children of poor people also want to live like rich people, with endless access to money and beautiful women, but they don’t have the resources and conditions. Naturally, the result of the separation between dreams and reality is that they can only drink alcohol and watch TV The superiors proudly said, "We lie, we cheat, and we steal, and this is the glory of America." It's hard to think about the DNA in their bodies.

"Are we going to discuss the system?"

Steven Wigner was a little impatient: "Dr. Wolfe, is there anything else you need me to explain to you about motivation?"


Chuck nodded: "I heard that you are about to retire and prepare to run for the Senate?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came over: "Dr. Wolfe, we meet again, what is it for this time?"

Everyone looked for a voice, only to see a middle-aged man in a suit with a dangerous hairline and a smile walking from the backyard holding a wine glass and looking at Chuck with a half-smile.

"Francis, do you know Dr. Wolfe too?"

Steven Wigner was surprised.


The person who came was none other than Senator Francis Underwood, whose nickname was given to him by the Jianghu people. He smiled and said: "Steven, you are about to start a campaign, so naturally you should know something about the industry. This Chuck ·Dr. Wolfe is almost called the Senator Hunter, well, to be more precise, he is the Senator Hunter of our Party, so you have to be careful."


Chandler teased.


Francis looked at Chandler in surprise, with a smile on his face.

"Chuck said that he designed the murder of Joanna Kane, and he is about to run for the Senate. Let me guess, he must be running for the Senate of the Democratic Party~"

Chandler mocked: "Did Chuck help you clean up the house in disguise, or did Mr. Wigner not give you a chance? Otherwise, after he succeeds in the election, if this happens again, Chuck will really become a senator." A hunter."


Francis narrowed his eyes and glanced at the somewhat silent Danzhi Xinxing: "Is there any evidence?"

"They are too fanciful..."

Sensing something amiss, Mrs. Wigner, the prospective senator's wife, quickly told everything she knew: "Francis, tell me, what is known to everyone, what kind of motive is this for murder?"

"That's not really a good motive, even for a guy running for Senate."

Francis looked at Chuck.

"Director Fisher, call the publisher."

Chuck looked at Chief Randy Tischer.


Director Randy Tischer said in agreement, dialing the deceased's publisher's editor's phone number, and at Chuck's signal, he turned on the external voice.

“What is it about Joanna Kane’s new book that impresses you?”

Chuck asked after introducing the situation.


The editor in charge of Joanna hesitated.

"If necessary, you can go to court to discuss it."

Chuck reminded.

"All right."

The editor heard what she said and said truthfully: "I only agreed to meet her and sign her new book after hearing her tell me about the explosive inside story about aerospace hero Steven Wigner. She said that he had been a domestic abuser. Pass her..."

Before he finished speaking, Steven Wigner, who had been silent all this time, said, "These are all rumors and slander!"

The editor on the other end of the phone recognized that the voice was that of the aerospace hero who was very popular on TV recently and was also the protagonist of his new book. He also thought that Joanna, who was originally very excited that she could change her career and make a lot of money, suddenly hanged herself and was about to be exposed. The ruthless male protagonist was suspected by the police to be the murderer. His back was so cold that he dared not say anything more.

"You know these are all verifiable, right?"

Chuck looked at Steven Wigner, who was a little out of sorts: "Such a serious injury, the hospital has records of treatment. You once had a romantic affair in Las Vegas, which is really nothing, but once you have domestic violence, If the news gets out, it will be a devastating blow to your campaign. Do you think this will be considered a motive for the murder by the jury?"

In the United States, those who run for Congress can turn around without paying for it, but not all prodigals can turn back. If some extremely politically incorrect behavior is exposed, it will be over.

Of course, the premise is that it must be exposed on a large scale and let people know.

A man who is about to retire, surrounded by a team and has ambitions and unlimited future, suddenly hears that his ex-girlfriend is going to reveal his domestic violence and chooses to commit murder. The jury will agree with this motive.

"That's not necessarily Steven's doing."

Francis spoke up: "As for the dancer in Las Vegas, Dr. Wolfe, do you have any conclusive evidence?"

"We are looking. No one is perfect. Crimes will leave traces."

Chuck looked at Steven Wigner: "Coming out and confessing now will save everyone a lot of trouble."

Steven Wigner said silently: "I am not guilty."

"Did you hear that too?"

Francis looked at Chuck.

"Do you feel like you're back to four years ago?"

Chandler looked at the tense Steven Wigner and couldn't help joking: "At that time, the space shuttle suddenly had an accident and was about to crash. You were extremely scared, but you could only hold on to the end, and then Are you lucky enough to survive and become a hero? Do me a favor. After this incident is over, tell Little Sheldon how to persevere in the face of fear? Persuade him to give up that thing you are facing. The only thing that is right is death, but what I am facing is Chuck Wolf!' How could anyone regard Chuck as more terrifying than death! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"You must be Chandler."

Lower Wood Councilor Francis looked at Chandler who was mocking the little expert and said with a smile.

"Let me guess, you must know my mother~"

Chandler complained with a twitching mouth.


This is not the first time or twice, and as the queen of Liu Bei's novels, his mother naturally supports the Danzi Party.

After all, it is well known that the Danzhuang likes the emperor to gamble.

His mother comes first (proud funny face)!

"That's not true."

Councilor Francis from Xiamu glanced at Chuck and said something meaningful. Then he looked at Chandler carefully again and asked curiously: "Who is your mother?"

"Here's a hint, my name is Chandler Bing."

Chandler was a little surprised that the other person didn't know him because he knew his mother.

"Oh, you are Nora's son."

Councilor Francis's eyes lit up, and he looked at Chandler more and more playfully, with a somewhat unclear meaning.


Chandler was speechless. Even though he had been mentally prepared, he was still upset by the other party's natural attitude and tone. However, under the strange gaze of the other party, he felt uncomfortable all over, and he was full of dirty words. I couldn't speak for a moment.

ps: The new book "The Black Myth that Begins in the Red Mansion" is launched. If you are interested, you can read it.

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