American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 235 Dante’s Questionnaire! Beverly: Dr. Wolfe, let’s do an experiment together!

While Chuck was looking at Representative Shimogi expressing his emotions, the phone rang. When he took it over, he saw it was little Leonard.

"Chuck, my mom asked me to invite you over for dinner tomorrow night."

Little Leonard's happy voice mixed with sourness and worry came from the other end of the phone. Without Chuck asking, little Leonard had already explained himself: "I didn't dare to ask the reason, but I'm afraid it's for Sheldon."

Inviting Chuck to our house for dinner is a happy event.

But for Little Sheldon, it means making his real son jealous and uncomfortable, and worried that his mother will anger his good friend and idol, not to mention how complicated his mood is at the moment.


Chuck didn't take no for an answer.

He didn't think Beverly would stand up for Little Sheldon, and even if she did, he wouldn't care.

There was no words to say that night.

The next night.

Chuck drove Monica and Howard Jr. to Hofstadter's house on time.

"Monica, can you talk to my mother and let me stay here for a longer time, or simply move the school here?"

Little Howard was sitting in the back seat, muttering a request to his cousin in the passenger seat.

"I already said, I won't care about this."

Monica had a headache and said, "It's not like you don't know about my aunt. If I told her, she would definitely blame me. Who doesn't know that you are her butt cheek?"

"No butt face!"

Little Howard was embarrassed for a moment, and when he saw Monica giving her a look that said, "You can figure it out for yourself," he quickly changed the topic and continued to beg, "But I can't bear to leave Leonard. I don't have any friends. After all, after your introduction, I met Leonard, and as you know, my father has left me now..."

"What the hell!"

Monica couldn't hear this and interrupted angrily: "I will mention it to my aunt, but I can't guarantee the outcome. Don't hold too much hope."

"This is enough!"

Howard Jr. happily said: "I will agree with you when the time comes. I am already 12 years old. That stinky Sheldon has already gone to college at the age of 12. I am about to leave her."

"You dare to compete with Little Sheldon?"

Monica scoffed.

"Why don't you dare?"

Little Howard laughed and said, "You didn't see what he looked like yesterday. How does it matter how awesome he is? He's still crying even though he's not even a child!"

Monica couldn't help but look at Chuck who was driving, her eyes full of: "Poor baby, look at the good things you did!"

"It's so funny, you actually think you can leave your mother?"

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Why can't I?"

Young Howard's smile faltered and he said unconvinced: "When I go to college, I can leave completely. Even as long as Monica persuades my mother, I can leave my mother in middle school, and then I can make a big difference. Use your skills to chase girls, after all, no girl likes a mama’s boy.”

"It's so funny. You actually think that your biggest obstacle to chasing girls is your aunt?"

When Monica heard this, she couldn't help laughing, imitating Chuck's tone and mocking her little cousin.

"...My mother is indeed the biggest obstacle, well, why doesn't it count?"

Little Howard was a little unhappy when he was laughed at. He puffed out his ribs and chest and thought: "I am versatile. Girls actually like this one thing. Even if they don't like this one thing, I have one after another. I cast a wide net to catch more." There is always someone who takes the bait."

"Keep this good attitude."

Monica sarcastically said: "Your cousin Ross also thought he was a lover at the beginning~"

"Rose is pretty cool too. Not only did he marry a lesbian, he also let her conceive a child for him."

Little Howard smiled obscenely and said, "The only failure is that I couldn't get that one to join the family~"

Monica suddenly looked at little Howard with a look of disgust.

Little Howard still wanted something from her, so he immediately stopped talking with a smile on his face.

Arrive at Hofstadter's house.

Little Howard immediately went to play with little Leonard.

"Dr. Wolfe, thank you for coming."

Beverly made mechanical greetings.

"Sorry, how is Sheldon doing now?"

Monica immediately said embarrassedly: "Chuck doesn't want to either. He has never wanted to hurt Sheldon. Maybe this is just the way they get along..."

"Sheldon is very good. His recent changes in mood have given me a great breakthrough in my research."

Beverly nodded.


Monica was stunned: "Didn't you invite Chuck over this time just to stand up for Sheldon?"

"of course not."

Beverly pushed up her glasses and said calmly: "I have always felt that Dr. Wolf has a good relationship with him and can provide the greatest push for Sheldon's growth."

After saying this, she nodded to Chuck: "Here, on behalf of Sheldon and myself, I would like to thank Dr. Wolf for your contribution!"

"You're welcome."

Chuck accepted the thanks calmly.


Monica looked at one who dared to thank and the other who dared to accept, and was completely speechless: "Then the purpose of your invitation this time is to thank Chuck for his 'contribution'?"

"of course not."

Beverly shook her head: "I know Dr. Wolf is not interested in these customs. This is just incidental. I invited Dr. Wolf here this time because I have something to ask for."

"whats the matter?"

Chuck asked.

"Leonard should have told you that I am a neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and psychologist at Princeton."

Beverly started to get down to business: "My sister Diane is a well-known lawyer in Chicago, so I have always had a strong interest in criminal mental patients and have been actively doing research in this area over the years.

I work as a neuropsychological consultant in the New York Prosecutor's Office and have been exposed to a large number of cases. I have gradually come up with an idea and am advancing it. I need the assistance of a real expert. I want to do experiments with you. "


When Monica heard this, she squirted out the water in her mouth.

The words "experiment" now sounded completely different to her ears. She glanced at Beverly, and even though she knew that Chuck couldn't do the same kind of scientific experiment with Beverly, he still looked weird.


Chuck nodded.

"You can also participate."

Seeing Monica looking at her strangely, Beverly added calmly: "The more people, the better."


Monica only felt that her throat, which was choked with water just now, felt even more uncomfortable. She coughed more and more violently, but it was hard for her to express her complaints.

"Wait a mininute."

Beverly stretched out her hand to signal, then stood up to get ready.

"She's also a consultant?"

Monica asked curiously: "What can she advise?"

"She interviews the person being prosecuted, confirms his or her competency to stand trial, and then testifies as an expert witness to help jurors understand the statutory burden of the insanity defense."

Chuck explained. Seeing that Monica was a little confused, he said in words she could understand: "It is to help identify whether the prisoner is mentally ill, such as a serial killer. As long as he knows that it is wrong, it means they are not mentally ill." To not be crazy is, in a legal sense, to be sane.”

"It sounds like it's easy to give bad guys excuses and reasons to escape the law..."

Monica hesitated.

"Your feeling is correct."

Chuck nodded.

"That's it..."

Monica looked around and saw that Beverly hadn't come over yet, so she leaned in front of Chuck and whispered: "Then isn't she a bad person?"

"Legally, no."

Chuck shook his head: "From a moral perspective, she is not either, because compared to the general neuropsychologists who have interests, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter is just a simple and upright scholar, and has a very high IQ. According to the records of the New York Prosecutor's Office, when she testified in court, she always sided with the prosecutor and determined that the other party was sane and had full criminal ability."


When Monica heard this, she was immediately delighted.

No one wants to be friends with someone who specializes in exonerating others, even if the other person is fine with the law.

Then she discovered the problem: "In this case, will there be a problem? It's not possible that all criminals are pretending to be mentally ill, right?"

"She did not attend all the testimonies, only those she was sure of."

"She chose to avoid those that she couldn't confirm were true or false," Chuck explained.

"Wow! She's so awesome!"

Monica praised.

"Just a smart move."

Chuck nodded.

At this time, Beverly came over with a box, and Monica noticed that she had put on gloves.

"This is?"

Monica asked curiously.

"Experimental equipment."

Beverly said, carefully opened the box, and then carefully took out a dark object with gloved hands and placed it on the prepared mat on the table: "This is moldy crabapple fruit. I asked Leonard to pick it up on the street."

Then he took out three more things one by one: "Hair from the drain, dirty socks covered in mud, and dead cockroaches."

Monica leaned back away from the table and looked at Beverly in disbelief: "What kind of experiment are you doing?"

She knew that Beverly, like Chuck and Little Sheldon, had mysophobia. These were things that ordinary people would avoid, let alone Beverly and the others.

"I want to know, which of these things would you like to eat?"

Beverly asked.

"Choose none of course."

Monica covered her nose and shook her head.

"Please respect science and imagine if you had to choose one to eat, what would you choose?"

Beverly reminded: "Dr. Wolfe?"

"Cockroaches, crab apples, hair, dirty socks."

Chuck gave his answer with a normal expression.

"Very good, it seems you have guessed the purpose of my experiment."

Beverly nodded, then looked at Monica: "Now I hope you, like Dr. Wolfe, rank them according to your willingness to eat and trust your intuition."

"My gut tells me not to eat any of them."

Monica complained and saw Beverly looking at her sideways, so she glanced at the four things on the table: "I chose the same as Chuck. Now can you tell me what the use of this experiment is?"

"Imagine if you were a judge."

Beverly put these things away one by one, and then said: "One day you are going to sentence a China Unicom Liu Bei photographer, and a man who imprisoned women in the basement. Both defendants are disgusting, but the sentence for a certain person Does a longer sentence mean the other person is less deserving?"

"Of course China Unicom deserves the worst!"

cried Monica.

"Don't get excited, we are explaining a fact, that is, how to quantitatively determine crimes?"

Beverly said calmly: "The current legal sentencing, the jury convicts, and the judge imposes the sentence, and the judge's discretion is too great, and the maneuverability is too strong. This is very harmful. You should know that there has been a lot of pressure recently. The hilarious news about judges colluding with private prisons to send thousands of underage kids to jail, right?”

"Of course I have."

Monica complained: "One of them was only eight years old. He was put in jail just because he scolded the principal. He didn't even let the child hug his parents goodbye. Later it was discovered that it was the judge who was trying to make money by taking kickbacks from private prisons. It was simply Outrageous!”

"This kind of thing is not an isolated case, there is an increasingly complete ecological chain of interests."

Beverly raised her glasses: "The judge's discretion is a very critical part of it. Imagine if the crimes were quantified and the judge's discretion was compressed as much as possible, then there would be much fewer such things in the future?"

"Does your experiment have this effect?"

When Monica heard this, she immediately became interested in this experiment and no longer rejected it.


Beverly raised her chin: "Through questionnaires and using big data, let everyone in the United States jointly decide which crimes should be sentenced more severely, and take away the judge's discretion. In this way, after the jury convicts, the sentencing result will be for everyone. With a common will, that result will definitely be fairer!”


Monica was stunned, then gave a thumbs up.

She really didn't expect that Beverly, who was very similar to Little Sheldon, was not an elitist who was purely intellectual, but actually had a side that was willing to trust the general public.

"Chuck, what do you think?"

"The idea is good, but there are many problems."

Chuck said calmly: "First of all, this idea of ​​quantified criminalization is reducing the rights of judges, and it is also hurting the 'freedom to do whatever you want' rights of other powerful people. It is directly in line with the founding of the United States. This is contrary to the concept of the minority obeying the majority but preventing the majority from harming the minority, and it is impossible to pass.

Secondly, this questionnaire has great risks. "

"What's the risk?"

Beverly frowned.

She admitted that the first point that Chuck said made sense, and she had thought about it, but she felt that "achieving something that seemed impossible" was very tempting in itself. If anyone could do it, then why should she do it?

"Have you tried this questionnaire?"

Chuck didn't answer the question.

"Tried it."

Beverly nodded: "The depravity and cruelty measurement test is called the Dante Questionnaire after the acronym."

Chuck took out his phone and searched. Monica came over to take a look and read out some questions: "Is it understandable to kill someone to protect the one you love, even if it was premeditated? Taking pleasure in torture is worse than murder. Oops?"

Seeing this, she couldn't stand it anymore and complained: "These questions are indeed enough for Dante!"

Dante wrote the Divine Comedy trilogy, including the Inferno. Monica felt that it was really appropriate to name these hell issues after Dante.

"Today, tens of thousands of people have participated in the survey in more than a dozen countries. In fact, this number has been increasing exponentially recently."

Beverly said proudly: "I think it's because of the word-of-mouth effect and it has social attributes."

"Close it!"

Chuck said.


Beverly frowned: "What are the problems and risks?"

"If I'm not wrong, there will be many serial killers among these tens of thousands of people."

Chuck reminded.


Monica was stunned.

"Are you saying that someone will use this questionnaire to recruit perverts?"

After being stunned for a moment, Beverly immediately figured it out, frowned and said, "Are you worrying too much?"

"Am I worrying too much?"

Chuck looked at her calmly: "If I guess correctly, the largest number of people participated in the online questionnaire, and the fastest growing ones are Ami, Aying, Australia, Island Country, and Canada..."

Beverly: "..."

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