American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 237 Calm Chuck: Didn’t hit me!

A week later.

Chuck went to Princeton University for a routine physics class, which made little Sheldon so depressed that he would wake up laughing even in his dreams, so he returned to the mountainside villa.

Jane is following Director Kate of the FBI's New York branch. She has been very busy recently and has almost no time to come over.

At the begging of her little cousin Howard, Monica helped her aunt tell her aunt that Howard wanted to stay in New Jersey, which immediately made her aunt, Mrs. Wolowitz, cry and fuss, which really made the family restless, and Monica also I can only laugh and comfort him, but I don’t have time to come over.

This is Chuck's bedtime.

Fortunately, Chuck was used to being alone, so he didn't feel any discomfort. He attended classes, handled cases, and played chess, and managed his time very orderly.

While playing chess with Anna, Chuck drove the car into the villa. After parking the car, he got out of the car and walked into the villa with his mobile phone.

Suddenly, he looked towards the mountain in one direction, and then turned his head slightly.


A bullet almost missed him and hit the wall behind him, blasting a small hole in the wall.

High in the mountains in dense forests.

A man was lying there with a heavy sniper in his hand, facing this way from a distance. Chuck was in his sights the whole time he drove into the villa.

When Chuck got out of the car, he aimed the center of the cross in the scope at Chuck's head. His finger was already on the trigger. When he was about to pull the trigger, he saw the unconscious Chuck in the scope. Ke, suddenly turned his head and looked over, as if he saw him.

He was also killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Although he was frightened, he directly pressed the trigger of the heavy sniper.

No matter how Chuck noticed it, he still didn't believe that Chuck couldn't be killed!

Then he discovered an incredible thing, that is, Chuck turned his head to avoid the bombardment.

“what the fk?!!!”

The sniper cursed in shock.

Then something even more incredible and angry happened. In the scope, Chuck, who was almost hit, looked at this side calmly and moved his mouth. Naturally, the sniper couldn't hear what Chuck said, but It didn't prevent him from reading this simple lip language.

"Didn't hit me."

A sentence that can be understood by elementary school students, but placed at this moment, it is full of strong black humor and ridicule.

Because snipers know this trick!

Not only the United States, but almost the whole world knows this meme!

It was ten years ago that when the American leader who had been assassinated many times was delivering a speech, a balloon suddenly burst and it sounded like a gunshot.

Because Americans commit evil all over the world and there are gun battles in the United States of America every day, they have almost developed a good habit. Whenever they hear anything suspicious of gunshots, the first thing they do is run away or find a bunker.

Not to mention that it was Berlin at the forefront of the Cold War!

The then commander-in-chief had already been assassinated. His normal reaction would be to get short and be surrounded by Secret Service agents and quickly flee the scene.

But the commander-in-chief calmly said after the balloon burst and made a sound similar to a gunshot: "It didn't hit me!"

Then he calmly continued his speech.

Not to mention other things, just saying that this courage is really commendable, a thumbs up means you are awesome!

The sniper was also convinced by this, and felt that this was the majestic appearance that a great leader of his country should have. But now that the target he wanted to assassinate stood there and looked at him carelessly after he shot him. What a feeling. It's completely different.

So he moved the muzzle of the gun, preparing to change the sniper target from Chuck's head to a larger chest.

This time, he vowed to kill Chuck!

See if he can hit it!

However, at this moment, Chuck's figure had been lost in the scope.


The sniper felt like he was going crazy. He kept moving the scope and tried to re-lock Chuck's figure, but there was no shadow anywhere. After thinking for a few seconds, he immediately put away his sniper rifle and prepared to leave temporarily.

Sniping is about killing with one hit.

Now that the fatal blow was dodged by Chuck, no one could be found. Chuck's incredible behavior made him quite afraid. The wise choice was to leave first and then find an opportunity.

However, it was already too late.

When Chuck sensed the danger coming, he immediately dodged the incoming bullets. After a moment of humor, he locked the precise position of the sniper. He immediately opened up his speed and escaped into the forest, rushing towards the sniper. Come.

At such a small distance, without the sniper being able to react, the magic weapon descended from the sky and appeared in the sniper's blind spot. He just watched quietly as the opponent put away the sniper rifle and packed up to leave.

The moment the sniper turned back, the expressionless and astonished sniper looked at each other, and before the sniper could resist, he knocked the sniper unconscious with the butt of his rifle.

He took out his mobile phone from the sniper's pocket, raised his decorative glasses, and the locked mobile phone unlocked automatically.

Chuck looked through the communication records inside, found a phone number, and dialed it.

"How about it?"

The other end of the phone rang a few times, and then a middle-aged male voice with a British accent came through.

"Didn't hit me."

Chuck said calmly.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after a few seconds, the call was hung up.

Chuck didn't think much of it either. He remembered the voice and would definitely recognize it when he encountered it in the future!

After cleaning up the scene, carrying the unconscious sniper in one hand and the packed heavy sniper in the other, he leisurely returned to his mountainside villa and locked the sniper in a secret room.

"Can it be traced?"

Chuck asked as he cleaned and repaired the wall that had been blasted by the sniper rifle.

The watch on my wrist vibrated twice unnoticeably.

Chuck wasn't surprised either.

Anna is not omnipotent. There are disposable mobile phones that can be bought and used in the United States without registration. If the call time is too short, it is difficult to be locked.

Aren't there still snipers?

As for adults, there are too many messages on them.

So Chuck continued to clean up the wall in an orderly manner. No matter who sent the sniper, Chuck would make it seem as if he had never appeared.

It is impossible to call the police!

It is impossible to call the police in this life.

Although he is a police consultant, once this kind of thing is reported, the subsequent progress will be difficult to control. If he is greeted by the big shots he has offended, he is likely to call the police, but will become the subject of investigation. One side.

It is reasonable and legal to investigate Chuck's past and find the suspect!

And Chuck didn't want to be investigated.

Otherwise, if you actually find the Gatling Bodhisattva enshrined in Chuck’s home, you won’t be able to get through it with just “I am a Texan.”

At some point, the stunned sniper woke up and found darkness around him, without any light at all.

He remained silent, trying hard to digest the current situation in order to escape or even fight back to complete the unfinished mission.

Then there was a snapping sound, the door and window were opened, and a faint light came in.

The sniper stretched out his hand to cover it with some discomfort, and then he was shocked to find that it was a small window similar to that used by sinners to pray to the priest in a church.

Chuck's expressionless face appeared on the other side of the window: "Who sent you?"

"You should know."

The sniper said vaguely.

"Don't tell me it's the CIA."

Chuck had seen the ID he was carrying: "Agent Babbage."

"Since you know my identity, you should know that I have no grudges against you."

The sniper was the Babbage agent who had received the order. He looked at Chuck: "I only acted according to the orders of my superiors. It has nothing to do with personal grudges. Once you attack me, you are committing treason."

"So you can only kill me and I can't fight back?"

Chuck looked at him calmly.

“While that may not seem right, it’s true.”

Agent Babbage said calmly: "Who asked us to represent the United States?"

"Tell me the identity of your superior, and I'll go and talk to him about who represents the United States."

Chuck said.

"You know this is impossible."

Agent Babbage said: "In our line of work, ability comes first, but loyalty is more important. When we enter this line of work, we are already prepared to sacrifice."


Chuck said bluntly: "Isn't it a high-paying profession? Are you sure you are prepared to sacrifice, rather than to enjoy wanton killing and high-paying rewards?"

"It seems that there is a reason why your superiors want to kill you."

Agent Babbage narrowed his eyes: "Your thoughts are dangerous!"

"It depends on who is right."

Chuck said, "Have you read the Batman comic?"

"Of course I have."

Agent Babbage smiled and said, "You're not going to tell me that you are the real Batman, are you?"

"of course not."

Chuck shook his head: "Do you think Batman is dangerous?"

Agent Babbage fell silent.

According to ordinary people's opinions, Batman is naturally not dangerous, and even maintains the principle of not killing. For a killer who walks in the dark and loves killing most, this behavior seems silly.

The most effective way to eliminate a person's sins is of course to eliminate the body in a physical sense. There is no such infinite cycle of matryoshka dolls like arresting, imprisoning and escaping, and then escaping and arresting again.

If he were a criminal, he would definitely not be afraid of Batman, and would even treat this as an interesting game.

But when Chuck mentioned Batman at this moment, he obviously wasn't referring to Batman being incompetent and stupid. He felt that what Chuck was probably referring to was that although Batman didn't kill, he didn't resist the explosive criminals. Too much.

Although he is not afraid of death, why should he answer the question and get beaten up if he can avoid being beaten up?

However, the facts are not subject to his will.

The light disappeared, and in the darkness, he began to be beaten repeatedly by fists that came out of nowhere, all at the vital points with the densest pain-sensing nerves. Wails and roars continued to sound in the darkness.

His nightmare has officially begun.

As long as you can't be beaten to death, then fight to death!

In the end, he was not as strong as he thought, and began to confess what he knew: "I don't know who my superior is, and I have never met him. I have only contacted him by phone..."

"Very good! Continue later!"

Seeing what he said, Chuck nodded and let him take a breath.

After an unknown amount of time in the darkness, the wailing voice started again: "I've told you everything I know... you believe me!"

"Sorry, you are a very experienced anti-social personality. My ability is limited and I cannot confirm the authenticity of what you said."

Chuck said bluntly.


Agent Babbage forgot about the physical pain for a moment. Is this the reason why you keep repeating the blaster?

He didn't believe that at this time, the detective Chuck, who was famous for his ability to read people's hearts, really couldn't see that he had really confessed completely.

Then he understood why Chuck asked him about Batman. Not only did Chuck want to practice Batman's behavior of "beat him to death as long as he can't be beaten to death," but he also wanted to tell him that he could do something like the Joker. There are many crazy people in Gotham who come and go. According to the Joker, Batman is actually the craziest lunatic in Gotham.

What do you expect a madman to do to you?

"I can't get out."

Agent Babbage had a realization and murmured to himself.

"You don't have to go alone."

Chuck was also honest: "I told you I'm not Batman."

"……how did you do it?"

Agent Babbage, who was completely conscious of his death, was silent for a moment, and then asked the question he wanted to ask the most. The more he spoke, the more excited he became: "How did you realize in advance that I was targeting you, and how could you avoid me? Bullets?! This is completely unscientific!"

Chuck was silent for a moment facing Agent Babbage who was staring at him for the answer. Just when Agent Babbage thought he would make him look like a fool, a deep voice sounded: "Because I am Batman." ~!"


Agent Babbage would rather be a fool than be laughed at to death!

One moment he is not Batman, and the next moment he is Batman. Isn’t this crazy?

When it's appropriate to wear it, just wear that layer of skin, right?

That is to say, he is not in the mood to pay attention to the connotation in it now, otherwise he will definitely doubt what Chuck has in mind!

New Hampshire.

The underground chamber of the shelter.

Anna, the girl in white, watched all this. When she heard Agent Babbage mention why Chuck could sense danger and dodge sniper bullets, Anna's blank eyes focused visibly.

After Chuck and Agent Babbage happily ended their conversation, the cell phone rang. Chuck took it out, looked at it, and nodded: "I have danger intuition and am not afraid of assassination."

Anna, the girl in white clothes in the shelter, her eyes that had just been focused suddenly flashed, and a bright smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth.

At the beginning, the reason why she took the initiative to contact her sister was because she discovered her sister's person and pointed a sniper rifle at Chuck. Without knowing that Chuck could detect danger in advance, she could only do it for Chuck. For safety, I asked my sister for the first time.

This was something she had never thought about.

Because she knew that once she spoke, her sister would know how much Chuck meant to her, and from then on use Chuck's safety to manipulate her and make her obey her sister's orders.

Her idea was later verified.

Her sister came to her immediately.

Although she also took the opportunity to integrate into her sister's criminal empire and borrowed her sister's resources to eliminate the assassination and threat to Chuck in advance, she still had no idea.

Now I find this was a beautiful misunderstanding.

Without her opening her mouth to her sister, Chuck would still be fine...which was great.

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