American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 262 The willful Fuchak, the attacking suit man

While brothers Chuck and Frank were talking, their third sister Hailey's joy of discovering a new world could be heard from time to time.

Chuck was calm.

And Frank's lips twitched and he complained again: "It seems that my babysit is officially over..."

Judging from the current situation, this third sister Haili, who is supposed to be the most normal, doesn't look like she is debuting for the first time. She is just a veteran.

Not only was there no initial discomfort at all.

Instead, I enjoyed it.

Even his second brother, who has been walking in darkness, felt extremely uncomfortable hearing this!

Why do we need him to be a babysitter?

"She will always be your babysister, so you always have to babysit her!"

Chuck bluntly pointed out the reality that Frank was unwilling to admit: "Just like I will always babysister you."


Frank's face darkened instantly.

Chuck was obviously referring to the bad experience they had when they reunited, and he regarded him as his second sister!

He is already a mature superhero, okay!

The three brothers and sisters communicated in this special way through earphones until Chuck asked Frank for something and ended the call on his own initiative.

New York.

Chuck's car had already driven into the downstairs of Monica's apartment, and he met Director Randy Tischer who was also coming.

As Chandler's extremely close friend who has not met for a long time, Chandler has been in such a big spotlight this time, so he naturally wants to come over to celebrate Chandler.

"Chuck, are you really going to sue Mad Max?"

After Randy said hello and went upstairs with Chuck, he couldn't help but gossip.

"It's Tim and Shelly's family who are suing him!"

Chuck corrected.

"Can we reconcile?"

Randy said with a confused look.


Chuck said as he walked upstairs: "If you meet Tim and Shelly's family's requirements, you can reconcile."

"You mean your request will be met."

Randy complained: "I heard that he was stared at because he offended you."

At this time, they had arrived at the door of Monica's apartment. The door was not closed. Chandler stood at the door and saw the two people approaching, and smiled: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about prosecuting Max Henson, Randy likes him."

Chuck said something and went in first, giving the place to the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks.

"You like Max Henson?"

When Chandler heard this, he immediately began to mock: "Tell me, what you like is the fact that his biological sex is male~"


Phoebe had already joined in, immediately teasing Chandler with his now-classic catchphrase.


Randy didn't react at all, just smiled and explained: "I just like his humor..."

As he said that, seeing that Chandler still looked disdainful, he immediately added very sincerely: "As much as I like you."


When Phoebe heard this, she immediately shouted with her hands in her heart.


Chandler glanced angrily at Phoebe, who was not taking it too seriously, and then complained to Randy, who was very upright: "You can be louder, it's best to reach Sharona's ears~"

"She knows!"

Randy, who was naturally stupid, restrained Chandler as always, directly ignoring the connotation of Chandler's words and only taking them literally.


Phoebe was overjoyed when she heard this: "Chandler, aren't you going to have your own exclusive show soon? Why don't you invite Randy to go with you? I think it will be funnier if you two have a conversation."


Chandler laughed at himself: "If you really invite him up, are you sure it's two people talking? Not him talking alone?"

Anyway, he was choked by Randy and had nothing to say.

"You have your own show?"

Randy was stunned for a moment, then shouted in great surprise.


Chandler answered Randy with the classic slogan he had already used, but his expression was too exaggerated, and it was full of complaints at first glance.

"It's all thanks to Chuck, who not only took Chandler with him, but also gave Chandler a chance to perform at the press conference."

Phoebe smiled and said: "Nowadays, the funny and smart bingo Chandler has become popular. Many radio and television stations have sent invitations for cooperation. Chandler will soon have his own show."

“It’s not just a radio show!”

Randy said in surprise: "Then you are better than Mad Max!"

"no way!"

Chandler laughed at himself casually: "They all said that even if I don't speak, just standing there, my face is full of comedy.

So not showing my face on the radio is simply a humiliation. My mouth and my face are the most correct way to open a comedy talk show. "

As he spoke, he made all kinds of funny expressions.

"Sure enough, they are the most professional!"

Randy gave a thumbs up with conviction.


Chandler didn't want to talk again.

Phoebe looked on and laughed even louder.

"How's the prosecution going?"

In the living room, Rachel looked at Chuck with a gossipy face.

Just as Chuck was about to speak, his cell phone rang. He signaled Rachel to wait, then took out his cell phone and answered the call.

On the other end of the phone, Suits lawyer Harvey's voice came: "Max Henson's lawyer will come over to negotiate with us again later. Are you sure you don't want to change the compensation amount?"

"Don't forget to apologize in public!"

Chuck was concise and to the point.


The suit lawyer on the other end of the phone said speechlessly: "As a lawyer, I must remind you that they are willing to compensate 500,000. I can increase the number to 1.5 million, but you can just add a zero after 500,000 to make it 5 million.

This amount is basically impossible to achieve. Let me tell you the truth, Shelly did not commit suicide after all, and even if she committed suicide for this, the compensation amount would only be 2.5 million to 3 million.

They say human life is priceless, but the fact is that human life is not only valuable, but also very cheap. "

"Does it hurt if he has 500,000 yuan?"

Chuck just asked.

"No pain."

On the other end of the phone, the suit lawyer was silent for a moment: "I understand what you mean, the 5 million compensation, even for him, is not only painful, but also painful to the bone.

But there are pros and cons.

On the plus side, he can feel extreme pain.

The downside is that he will not compromise easily. "

"Only extreme pain can make him remember."

"Your job is to get him to compromise," Chuck said.

"I'll do it."

On the other end of the phone, Suits lawyer Harvey said: “But I have to tell you one thing, you are not my client, Tim and Shelly’s family are.

So even if I understand what you mean, I have to tell Tim and Shelly whether they will always stick to your bottom line, regarding the other party's offer or whatever, I can't guarantee. "

"Just tell them and let them make their own decision."

Chuck said calmly.

He knew what Harvey meant. Faced with litigation, even the prosecution was not without trouble.

Once the case is delayed for a long time, not only will you have to pay high legal fees and various prosecution fees, but you will also waste a lot of time and analyze the gradually healing scars in public.

And even if I have the advantage, I may still be overturned and lose the case.

At that time, the winner takes all and the loser takes all. Not only will they not get compensation, but they will also have to pay the other party’s lawyer’s high legal fees, otherwise they will have to wait for the defendant.

This kind of legal system is the key to ensuring that wealthy people can do whatever they want.

Therefore, as the parties involved, Tim and Shelly's family are faced with the prospect of receiving a large amount of compensation to end this nightmare life.

On the other hand, if you continue to fight with uncertainty and the outcome is unknown, you may live an even more nightmare life. You will probably make a choice that most people will make: compromise!

Suits lawyer Harvey must fully convey the other party's offer and compromise plan to the real parties.

"What did you promise them?"

On the other end of the phone, Harvey Suits guessed something.

"I just asked them, do you want Max Henson to feel your pain?"

Chuck said: "They gritted their teeth and said they wanted to, and I said that would be fine, and just leave the rest to Suits and me."


Suits lawyer Harvey twitched his lips when he heard Chuck refer to him as "suit" in a serious manner.

After all, Suits is the translator of high emotional intelligence, while those with low emotional intelligence can be translated as smart suits who wear suits and leather shoes all day long but do nothing.

If it came from Chandler, it would definitely be a man in a suit full of sarcasm.

And from what Chuck said, it was Schrödinger’s cat.

"You've saved them from worries, haven't you?"

Harvey the Suit Master reveals the key: "Is it worth it?"

"What do I have to lose?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"Money...ok, I understand!"

Harvey the Suit Guy totally gets it.

As a barrister, he is used to the "I'm rich, don't like money, and willful" attitude of rich people.

And obviously, Chuck is also one of them. For the sake of fighting spirit, he can cover all the expenses after failure.

You know, this includes not only the fees of their barristers and other litigation expenses, but also the expected compensation of 1.5 million yuan that they initially accepted the other party's compromise. The total cost is not more than 2 million yuan, which is simply unaffordable.

Even though he was used to seeing rich people not taking money as money, he was still refreshed by Chuck's rich and willful behavior.

After all, in his opinion, Chuck is just an outsider. As a public figure, he has not been ridiculed in public.

Even among those who are rich, few are willing to spend so much money just for this kind of thing.

Of course, as lawyers, they all like Chuck's behavior and wish all rich people were like this, then they would really make a fortune.

Pearson Hardman LLP.

In a spacious office in a skyscraper.

Harvey, a man in a suit, shook his head and hung up the phone with a smile.

"Detective Chuck is really domineering."

On the secretary's desk outside, the elegant female secretary turned to her boss and smiled: "Better than you."


Harvey, a man in a suit, glanced dissatisfied at his closest female secretary.

"What's wrong?"

The female secretary Donna is not afraid of him at all. She can eavesdrop on all her boss's calls openly and dare to directly attack him.

"Lawyers serve rich people. You are not as rich as him, so when you serve him, you are not as domineering as him. It is normal."

"Are you done with anything?"

Harvey, the suit guy, was helpless.

"All that needs to be done is done."

Female secretary Donna smiled and said, "By the way, Max Henson's new lawyer is here. Guess who it is?"

"Don't tell me it's Emily?"

Harvey, a smart suit guy, has already gotten the answer from the eyes of his female secretary, Donna.

"Yes, that's her."

Female secretary Donna smiled ambiguously and said: "This time you have another chance to discuss her tattoo together. I just don't know where her tattoo is now. Remember to tell me."

Harvey, a man in suits, followed the gaze of female secretary Donna and saw a familiar figure leading a group of people to the conference room. He also got up and walked over.



Harvey, who is smart in suits, greeted the female lawyer who was wearing a professional suit, glasses and a shrewd face: "How did you become Max Henson's lawyer?"

"Let me guess, you will definitely feel that I am doing this because of you."

Female lawyer Emily smiled charmingly: "Great Harvey Spector, everything is because of you!"

"Isn't it?"

Harvey, the man in the suit, smiled confidently: "Otherwise, I can't understand why you took on such a case that is destined to fail. This is not good for your resume. Or do you like Max Henson's poisonous tongue?"

"I don't know if Max Henson is venomous or not, but I deeply understand your venomous tongue, as always, but I must say I enjoy it."

Female lawyer Emily didn't mind flirting with the opposing lawyer in public at all: "Let me explain, Max Henson is not my client, the radio station is! The radio station does not want a lengthy trial, we want to end this matter."

"Because the truth has been verified by Detective Chuck, and the two-year-old girl Jamie, who your client said was killed by her mother, was rescued."

Suit Harvey reminded: "Now your radio station's sponsors are constantly abandoning you, far faster than your radio station is abandoned by the times."

"Like I just said, I enjoy your venomous tongue."

Female lawyer Emily raised her glasses: "But our radio station may not like it, so pay attention to your tone, you can save your poisonous tongue for later.

Now let's talk about the conditions. We are willing to pay 500,000 yuan in compensation to settle this matter. "


Harvey, a man in suit, smiled and said: "That was mentioned by the lawyer before, but now it's you. Are you no different from him?"

"Okay, 1 million! This compensation is already very high."

Female lawyer Emily said: "I believe your client should be satisfied."

Harvey, the man in the suit, crossed his arms and looked at her with an expression that clearly didn't show anything.

The female lawyer Emily and her assistant and others looked at each other, and then looked firmly at Harvey, the suit man.

"1.5 million, this is the final offer. Sign the settlement agreement now. It's just this one chance. Otherwise, we would rather go to court."

"Unfortunately, my client will only accept the original quote... followed by a zero."

Harvey, the man in suits, tested out the other party's offer and found out that it was as expected, so he was no longer interested in teasing him any more and told Chuck's request directly.


The female lawyer Emily was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Are you serious?"

She knew that Harvey, the man in a suit, would definitely open his mouth like a lion, but she still didn't expect it to be such an exaggerated number.

She had heard her previous lawyer say it before, but she didn't believe it at all.

5 million compensation, what a joke!

When the US dollar is not US dollars? !

"We are very serious. The 5 million compensation is only one part. We also need Max Henson to apologize in public. Both of these two are indispensable."

Harvey, the man in suit, looked at the female lawyer Emily seriously and clearly communicated the finalized conditions again.

"Then there's nothing more to say!"

The female lawyer Emily stood up directly: "See you all in court!"

"I suggest you persuade your client to accept this condition."

Harvey, a man in a suit, looked at Emily, the female lawyer who got up, and said leisurely: "Otherwise, the result will definitely be even worse."

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