American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 275 Mia: It’s hard to find a three-legged toad!

"right here."

Little Howard pointed to a dormitory and said to Chuck.

"Knock on the door."

Chuck reminded.

Little Howard went up and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, revealing Elliot's teasing face: "You're here, just in time, we are watching a video, are you together?"

Little Howard looked at Chuck with a changed expression.

"watch together."

Chuck pushed the door open completely and walked in.

Little Howard also followed in, looking around, searching for himself.

"Elliot, you've gone too far!"

Mia couldn't help but accuse: "How could you do something like that!"

"What did I do?"

Elliot didn't admit it at all, shrugged and said with a smile: "Can't you even watch a movie?"

Mia took a closer look and found that what was playing on the screen was not the scene of little Howard fighting alien robots, but just the latest movie.

"Hand over Howard's video."

Chuck looked at him.

"What video?"

Elliot mocked: "Don't think that just because you are some kind of detective, you can frame me!"

"You were the one who secretly filmed me!"

Little Howard finally dared to speak.

"The sound is so loud, are you trying to scare me?"

Elliot narrowed his eyes and stared at little Howard: "What evidence do you have that I secretly photographed you?"

"If you don't cooperate, I'll have your room searched!"

Mia said angrily.

"You have no right!"

Elliot said disdainfully: "You are not the principal! And I heard that the principal is not here right now."


Little Howard said anxiously.

Chuck raised his decorative eye sockets and gestured to little Howard.

Little Howard understood immediately, ran to the bed and pulled out a hard drive from under the bed.

"you wanna die!"

Elliot was furious and rushed directly towards Howard Jr., waving his fist and going to hit Howard Jr., and then his hand was caught.

"It's wrong to hit someone!"

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Let me go, he's taking my stuff!"

Elliot struggled hard for a few times, but found that he couldn't break free at all, and immediately shouted: "Someone is coming! The detective is beating someone!"

There were already other boys outside the door, three floors inside and three floors outside, watching.

At Chuck's signal, little Howard threw the hard drive on the ground and stepped on it, trying to completely erase his shameful history from the physical level.

"Do you think this will be enough?"

Elliot saw that Chuck ignored his shouts and that little Howard continued to destroy his collection, and he immediately threatened viciously: "I have uploaded those videos of yours to the Internet a long time ago. Just wait for people to watch you." !”

"You know this is illegal, right?"

Seeing that he was no longer struggling, Chuck let go of his hand.

"I'm not yet a minor, what can you do?"

Elliot became even more arrogant after the showdown.

"So you knew it was illegal, but you still did it because you thought the judge and jury would be manipulated by you in court?"

Chuck stated calmly.

"Of course not."

Elliot changed his appearance, looking weak and pitiful: "The judge and jury are the kindest and fairest. I always believe in any verdict they make!"

He said this, but his eyes clearly said: "I am the originator of candid photography, what do you want to do to catch me? I am a minor, and I went to court. If I behave a little pitifully, the judge and jury will definitely not give a heavy sentence!" I’m not afraid anyway!”

"What are you doing here?"

At this moment, a man's voice sounded.

The onlookers immediately moved out of the way in silence.

Mia was trembling all over, covering her chest as she watched a man in a suit and leather shoes walk in from the outside. He was not tall, but his stern face was quite intimidating.

Even the arrogant Elliot subconsciously put away his arrogant attitude, stood up and said hello: "Principal Balan!"

That’s right!

The person who came was none other than Mia's husband, the principal Gale Baran who was supposed to die in the murder carefully planned by Mia and Nicole!

"It's all gone!"

Gale glanced around the dormitory, glanced at his trembling wife with half-smiling eyes, and then fell on Chuck.

"Gail Balan, the principal of this school, who are you?"

"Chuck Wolf."

Chuck said: "I was invited by Mia to investigate your disappearance."


Gale murmured with a half-smile, and then said with a smile: "I'm not missing, I'm just a little busy these two days. I have something to do when I go out, and my phone is broken, so I can't contact you. I'm fine now. Can you tell me what happened here? ?"


Seeing that everyone onlookers had left, and seeing that Mia didn't take the initiative to speak, little Howard couldn't help but tell the story over and over again.

"Is this happening?"

Gale lowered her face and looked at Elliot.

Elliot was silent for a moment, then nodded in acknowledgement.

"Confinement room, now!"

Gale said coldly.

Elliot glanced at him, lowered his head and left obediently.

"I'll correct his behavior later, twice as much!"

Gale smiled at Chuck and said, "Any more questions?"

This time, let alone Mia, who had been immersed in the thought that her husband who was supposed to be dead had actually come back from the dead and appeared in front of her, and was trembling in fear.

Even little Howard, who should have been happy that the school bully was punished, shuddered and looked at Chuck with pleading eyes.

He couldn't stay in this damn place any longer.


Chuck nodded: "I want to take him away!"


Principal Gale smiled and said: "I have already said that I will correct Elliot's behavior. This is the responsibility of our school.

Howard won't have to deal with this again, I'm telling you!

Until his behavior is corrected, and unless his mother comes here in person, I can't let him go with you. "

"I have contacted her and she is on her way here."

Chuck said something and looked at Mia: "In addition to asking me to investigate your disappearance, Mia also entrusted me to investigate the school's account books. This is what I will be busy with next."

"I'm afraid I can't agree!"

Principal Gale's smile faded: "I am the principal of the school!"

"The school was originally inherited by Mia, and she has the right to intervene in accounting issues."

Chuck said calmly.

"Mia, are you sure?"

Principal Gale walked around Chuck and stared at Mia.


Mia shuddered, raised her eyes to look at her husband, opened her mouth, and subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when she met Chuck's calm gaze, she paused again, covering her chest for a while, and then with difficulty Said: "Gail, as long as you give up school, I will not investigate..."

"Your heart is really much stronger than the doctor said."

Principal Gale said in a sinister tone: "Courage is the same! I believe time will change your mind."

After saying that, he looked at Chuck: "If you want to check the accounts, just follow the formal procedures!"

Mia watched her husband leave, her body softened and she almost stopped standing, holding her chest and gasping for air.

This simple exchange of words was no less exciting than the previous time when her husband and his mistress teamed up to scare her.

"Go back and pack your things, and leave here with your mother later!"

Chuck looked at little Howard.


When little Howard saw that he not only solved the biggest problem, but also could leave immediately, he immediately ran to his dormitory in high spirits.

"He is really alive..."

Mia looked at Chuck sadly.


Chuck said calmly: "If you think more about the weirdness here, you won't think so."

Mia followed Chuck out of the dormitory and saw her husband Gale and lover Nicole at the other end of the corridor talking about something. She noticed the eyes here and looked over together.

Nicole's face was complicated and apologetic.

But Gale's face was gloomy and his eyes were cold.

"what do I do?"

Mia avoided their gazes and looked at Chuck.

"Like I said before, just check him out."

Chuck looked at her: "As long as you make up your mind, this kind of thing is not difficult. He is not as powerful as you think."

"What about Nicole?"

Mia asked again.

"It's up to you!"

Chuck said: "When you get it back to school, you can deal with her how you want. My suggestion is to expel her and stay away from her. You are no match for her!"

"I don't dare to stay here anymore."

Mia glanced at the pair of adulterers and adulterers at the end of the corridor again, covered her chest and said.

"We'll leave together when Mrs. Wolowitz comes to take away little Howard."

Chuck glanced at her: "If you don't have the courage to face them, I can find a lawyer for you, and then you can entrust these matters to him and find a safe place to stay.

"Where is the safety? What if Gale comes to me?"

Mia reached out and grabbed Chuck's arm.

At the end of the corridor, Gail and his mistress Nicole exchanged failed plans.

Gail heard the doctor say that his wife Mia had a bad heart and was very likely to die of a heart attack, so she got the idea, and then encouraged her lover Nicole, who was close to his wife, and the two collaborated to design this reversal. murder.

Unfortunately, Mia's heart is much stronger than everyone imagined.

He was frightened again and again, and at most he fainted from fear, but his heartbeat did not really stop.

In the past two days, he had actually been hiding in the castle, ready to scare his wife at any time.

But when Chuck accompanied his wife in, he was alienated from Nicole, and after hearing Nicole say that she might be exposed, he simply came out.

After all, he himself suffered a lot in order to scare Mia.

Just soaking in the water and breathing through a tube was enough to make him catch a cold.

Seeing that what the doctor said was bullshit, that he couldn't scare his wife who had a heart disease, and that there were other unexpected changes, he was too lazy to continue the plan that was originally brilliant and now seemed extremely stupid.

Then he saw Mia grabbing Chuck's arm, which was very similar to the distance between him and his lover Nicole now. This time he couldn't help it anymore and walked over.


Gale slapped him skillfully.

Chuck stopped him immediately.

Gale tried, but found that he couldn't break away at all. He could only stare at Mia with a cold face and said: "Come back now, and we can have a good discussion, otherwise, you will regret it..."

Speaking of this, as usual, he was not tough, and his attitude became softer: "You know you can't live without me. You enjoy my company, don't you?"


Mia lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Gale at first, but when she heard Gale say this at this time, she raised her head and glanced at Chuck. She couldn't help it anymore and retorted loudly: "I don't enjoy it at all. !”

Who wants to be pinched by the neck and enjoy the feeling of almost suffocation at that time?

Even if it's shaking, it's not this kind of shaking!

"No! You lied!"

Gale said confidently: "I know you enjoy it very much! You can't live without me for one night!"

"No, she didn't lie!"

Chuck blocked his view: "You are the one who lied, you know mentally that you are not a charming person at all.

The torture methods inflicted only satisfy your perverted desires. To say this is just to deceive yourself and others.

You don’t really think she has the same heart as you, do you?

Just because you punch her every now and then, she is completely smitten with you and willing to accompany you to commit serious crimes?

If not, then why is she so cooperative with you?

Have you ever thought about it?

And if so, then you should think about it, would a person with such a twisted mentality surrender to your fist?

What if one day you can no longer pump your fist, what will be your result? "

Gale was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked back at Nicole who didn't come over at the end of the corridor, who seemed to be guilty of not being able to face Mia directly. Then she realized that she couldn't weaken her momentum, forcibly suppressed this trace of surprise, and sneered: "You don't need to provoke, this is it's useless."

Then he looked at Mia: "It's still what we said in the hotel the day before yesterday, if you give up school, I will let you go and divorce you.

Otherwise, let's just waste it. I can only tell you that your heart may be able to withstand a moment of fright, but it will never be able to withstand endless frights! "

"If this is the so-called enjoyment you want to bring me, then I will really enjoy it this time."

Mia glanced at Nicole at the end of the corridor, grabbed Chuck's arm, plucked up the courage, and looked directly at Gale: "I won't stop all night long! There's no need to stop either!"


Gale heard the meaning of Mia's words, "Three-legged toads are hard to find, but two-legged men are plentiful." He was furious again, but unfortunately this kind of rage had no effect in front of Chuck.

That is to say, Dr. House is not here, otherwise he would definitely say: "You are lucky. It is difficult to find a three-legged toad, but you caught a three-legged man~"

Mia hid behind Chuck, not feeling the usual violent storm, and her violent heartbeat gradually calmed down. She held Chuck's arm with one hand and the cross on his chest with the other, praying secretly.

The tall Chuck completely blocked the short and violent husband from sight.

"God, you must have heard my prayer and given me an angel..."

At this time, a conversation that was incompatible with this atmosphere came from a distance.

"Again, why are you leaving?"

"I told you everything, let Chuck tell you!"

"I don't need him to say it, I know that you must have done something embarrassing again, and even the correctional school can't correct you.

God, because I love you, I tell others every time that your dad left because of me, but in fact we both know that it is definitely not just because of me, right? "

"It's all because of me, are you satisfied?!!!"

"Why are you yelling at me? That's what I said... It's not all, at most five points. I'm the same as you, five points. The other ninety points are all to blame on your ruthless father! But now I think it's okay Modify it, seven to three points, what do you think?"


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