American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 279 Peggy: I agree to this marriage, it’s up to you!

Chuck drove back to the mountainside house.

Monica is not here.

Only Mia sat there with a confused expression. When she saw Chuck coming back, her refocused eyes were a little complicated. When Chuck looked over, she lowered her head.

"Is something wrong?"

Chuck asked.


Mia shook her head: "How's it going?"

"Don't worry."

Chuck didn't show anything unusual.

Mia nodded.

As Chuck watched her, his phone rang.

It's Monica's.


"Chuck, come on, Joey is in the hospital."

Monica's anxious voice came from the phone.

"Then what?"

Chuck asked calmly.


Monica hesitated: "Shouldn't you come over and take a look?"

"All right."

Chuck did not continue to ask questions and agreed.

On the other end of the phone.

New York Hospital.

In the ward.

Joey, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at Monica longingly: "How is it?"

"He promised to come."

Monica put away the phone and said with a helpless expression: "But don't expect him to help you. You also listened..."

"Does he know something?"

Phoebe said with a smile.

"Is this weird?"

Monica complained: "I don't need to tell you at all, he is so awesome, he can guess any trouble."

"So it's not that he doesn't care about me."

Joey's lips curled up and he said optimistically: "That's good, that's good."

"It's all your fault!"

Monica glared at Joey and said, "It's not good for you to date anyone. Why do you have to date Linda? She's 10 years older than you!"

"Age has never been a problem."

Joey smiled and said: "Linda is the most charming now, okay!"

"But she's Peggy's mother!"

Monica sneered: "Don't forget where you are now? Why do you want to see Chuck!"


Joey's smile suddenly froze, looking at his left leg hanging in the air, he shuddered, and said with a dry smile: "We just suspect it is not, and it may not be Peggy. I feel more like an accident."


As Peggy's guardian, Monica has always been by Peggy's side, and she has cooperated with Chuck in scientific research for so many times. She has already gained a great understanding of the mental state of super geniuses. Regarding Joey's luck, she sneered: "You should be lucky that you could suspect her. I'm sure she reminded you on purpose, otherwise you wouldn't have to know who it was."

"She said she wished us well."

Joey said unconvinced.

"That was in front of her mother, Linda."

Monica reminded: "And be obedient and listen to the sound. You only heard her say this, but didn't you see the way she looked at you when she said this to you?"

"I'm not bad either."

Joey was unhappy.

"Not good enough!"

Phoebe laughed and said: "If you can be as good as Chuck, I don't think Peggy will have any objection at all!"

"It's not all my fault."

Joey looked at Monica: "If you hadn't let me meet Linda, I wouldn't have fallen in love with her."

"……My fault."

The corners of Monica's mouth twitched: "I never expected that you would be with Linda. What is this?"

"When Chuck comes, you must help me."

Joey looked at Monica pitifully: "If it's really Peggy, then only Chuck can help me."

"I try my best."

Monica said helplessly.

"Are you planning to cosplay Doctor House?"

Chandler walked in at this time. Seeing Joey like this, he immediately joked: "Dr. Derek Lamorie?"

"Hey! What a great idea!"

Joey was still worried at first, but when he heard what Chandler said, his qualities as a professional actor immediately took over, and his eyes lit up as he began to assume the role of Derek Lars, the character he plays in the popular "Days of Our Lives" series. Dr. Murray's role.

“Dr. House is a very charismatic guy, and I felt like I could sway Dr. Derek Lamorie more in the direction of Dr. House.

That would definitely liven up the episode.


This is also very reasonable. Dr. Derek Lamorie is a very good doctor in his own right. The only thing that changed him into Dr. House was a car accident.

A famous doctor who was originally cheerful and personable became a patient after suffering a car accident. He suffered a lot and turned into a doctor with an eccentric personality... Very creative! "

As he spoke, he was about to get up.

"what are you doing?"

Monica quickly held him down.

"I called the screenwriter and asked them to think about it."

Joey said excitedly: "I think the plot can be changed like this!"

"Don't worry!"

Monica said angrily: "As long as you think about it, this role must be yours, because if you don't cultivate yourself well, you will really be able to act as your true self in the future, and there is no need to pretend to be lame."

"No one can compete with you for this role except Dr. House."

Chandler teased.

"Don't tell him!"

Joey was startled.

He has met Dr. House and knows that he likes this bubble medical drama. If he learns about his brilliant idea, it is hard to say that he will not give up his promising career as a famous doctor and come to compete with him for this role. .

You know, everyone likes acting, and there are many people who cross over to become actors!

After everyone chatted for a long time.

Chuck opened the door and came in.


Everyone greeted him one after another.

"How about it?"

Chuck glanced at Joey on the hospital bed.

"It's nothing serious."

Joey laughed.

Chuck looked at him without speaking.

"Don't you ask what's going on?"

Joey sneered.

"Is it important?"

Chuck asked expressionlessly.


Joey's smile became more awkward.

He was sure Chuck definitely knew.

He wasn't surprised by this, and he didn't think it could be hidden from Chuck at all, let alone that he really needed Chuck's advice and help now.

"It's really not my fault."

Joey said sincerely: "You believe me!"

"Yeah, it's because Peggy's mother Linda is so beautiful."

Chandler said angrily: "Why does this sound so familiar?"

"You'd better tell Chuck the truth."

Monica reminded.


Joey immediately agreed obediently.

It turns out that because of Monica, Peggy's mother Linda came over to see her daughter one time, and happened to meet Joey who had something to do with Monica.

Linda immediately recognized the famous Dr. Derek Lamorey!

After all, the character played by Joey is now the dream lover of many housewives addicted to soap operas.

Joey was fine at first.

But under Linda's enthusiastic inquiry, Joey, who was reserved for a while, began to take a serious look at Linda.

Linda looks ordinary on the outside, but she is Peggy's mother and she is quite attractive.

Joey was a little more enthusiastic.

Monica didn't think about it at all at the time. After all, she was 10 years older and still Peggy's mother, so she didn't warn Joey.

Monica was stunned when Joey showed up at the apartment with Linda.

The first reaction at that time was that it was not good.

The result was as expected. When Peggy learned the news, she was very calm and even had a sweet smile.

But as Monica, who had a deeper understanding of Peggy, she immediately saw the turbulent undercurrent hidden under this sweet smile.

If Joey is a normal person, such as Chandler... Ross... well, Chandler and Ross are not normal people either. It seems that there is really no normal person around her.

If so, then that's okay.

But Joey is just a playboy, with no definite character at all. Now his career is on the rise and he is still a small star.

What’s more important is Peggy!

This is simply terrible!

Monica has been worried about this.

Then the 'accident' happened without any surprise. Joey broke his leg for no apparent reason and went to the hospital.

With Monica's reminder, he recalled the way Peggy looked at him when Linda didn't notice when he met Peggy in the past, and finally came back to his senses.

But now we are in a dilemma.

"What do you think?"

After hearing the story, Chuck asked calmly: "Do you plan to marry Linda, put your mind at ease, and live in peace?"

Joey immediately became uncomfortable and looked at Chuck with a sneer, waiting for another choice.

But unfortunately, Chuck didn't speak again and just looked at him.

"Or are you planning to put your mind at ease right away, get married to Linda, and live in peace?"

Chandler immediately mocked with understanding, briefly adjusted Chuck's words, repeated them with emphasis, hit the blackboard to highlight the key points, and made peace.

"I have no plans to get married yet."

Joey immediately looked at Chuck begging for mercy: "Is there no other option?"

"what are you guys saying?"

At this moment, a female voice sounded outside the ward.

Everyone looked over and saw Peggy's mother Linda walking in with a worried look on her face: "Joy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Joey's eyes couldn't help but fall on Peggy who was following Linda.

"Chuck, you're here too."

Peggy only had Chuck in her eyes and smiled sweetly.

Chuck nodded.

Joey winked at Chuck frequently.

Chuck didn't react.

Peggy didn't look at Chuck anymore, but focused her eyes on Joey, especially the hanging left leg, with a smile in her eyes.

But Joey, who has already discovered that Peggy is not an ordinary girl, can no longer appreciate the sweet smile of the girl Peggy. He only feels a chill in his back and is not even paying attention to the intimate greetings of the mature Linda.

"Chuck, Peggy has a math problem that she wants to ask you. Why don't we all go out?"

Monica finally had no choice but to smooth things over: "The doctor said the patient needs more rest."

Everyone looked at Peggy.

Peggy didn't speak, but still looked at Joey with a smile.

"Let's go."

Chuck was pulled a few times by Monica, and he felt that it was almost done. He was too lazy to waste time here anymore, nodded and looked at Peggy.


Peggy smiled and nodded.

Everyone went out, leaving only Linda with Joey.

Phoebe and the others also wisely walked away, leaving space for Chuck and the others.

Peggy looked at Monica, who stayed until the end.

"I'll buy you a drink."

Monica also walked away.

"What have you been busy with lately?"

Peggy said unhappily: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Something's wrong."

Chuck was concise and to the point.

"Can you spare some time now?"

Peggy smiled and said: "It seems that Dr. Derek Lamorie's injury is quite valuable."

"what do you think?"

Chuck saw that Peggy meant to keep Joey hurt and asked directly.

"I've already told him."

Peggy glanced in the direction of the ward: "As long as my mother is happy, I can do it...I am confident that I can do this.

But I promised you to get your permission in advance, so I just reminded him a little.

Now it seems that this is the right thing to do. "

Chuck knew what she meant.

If something happened to Joey this time and he didn't come, then Joey would definitely not be Chuck's friend, and there would be no need to continue to ask for Chuck's permission.

And now that Chuck is here, whether it's because of Monica or something else, it means that Joey belongs to the category of friends defined by Chuck before.

Of course she can't do whatever she wants.

"They broke up peacefully, can you accept it?"

Chuck asked the key question.

"Then it depends on how to make peace."

Peggy's eyes became more serious: "I don't want my mother to be sad again, especially for a man who doesn't deserve it."


Chuck nodded: "I will tell him. I believe he can do it. If he can't do it, as long as it's not irreversible, you can do whatever you want!"


Peggy nodded sweetly, tilted her head and looked at Chuck: "What are you busy with recently?"

"They are all cases."

Chuck looked at her: "Aren't you quite busy too?"

"you know?"

Peggy's eyes lit up and her smile became sweeter: "The person who plays chess with me can't be you, right?"

As he said that, he shook his head: "No, the chess style is not the same! She should be a girl like me! She is also a genius girl!"

"Of course the one who can beat you is the super genius girl."

Chuck said.

"Do you know who she is?"

Peggy looked at Chuck: "right?"

"You want to know?"

Chuck looked at her: "Didn't I hear that if you win her, you can know her identity?"

"You think I can't win her?"

Peggy's eyes were wrong.

"Did you win?"

Chuck said bluntly.


Peggy's eyes were sharp, her smile disappeared, she stared at Chuck, and said word by word: "I will definitely beat her!"

"I look forward to that day!"

Chuck said calmly.

This is the truth.

Because it was Anna who played chess with Peggy on the Internet. Ever since she learned that Peggy also had Adler blood and was a relative of Anna, Anna, who observed the world through Chuck's eyes, noticed that Peggy was a relative of this genius girl.

Then the two became chess friends on the Internet.

Originally, this kind of game wouldn't arouse much interest in Peggy, but the opponent was Anna. Peggy's genius IQ surpassed that of Little Sheldon, and she didn't win a single game.

This immediately aroused Peggy's strong competitive spirit.

Not to mention such a young Peggy, even Chuck has never won against Anna after having sex with her for so many years!

That’s right!

Chuck never beat Anna!

Even after Chuck used two drops of water of life and improved all his attributes twice, he still never defeated Anna once.

It can be safely said that in the field of IQ, Anna is the strongest person Chuck has ever met.

In addition, playing chess is also a psychological test. Anna, who is almost completely focused, can be called a real supercomputer.

Or the artificial intelligence version!

System wizard, truly worthy of the name.

He really expected that one day in the future, Peggy would be able to defeat Anna once with her own intelligence. Anna would be very happy then.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Peggy can't do it.

Because Chuck will definitely be able to do it in the future.

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